




1、The Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone哈利波特與魔法石HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONEDUMBLEDOREI should've known you would have beenhere Professor McGonagall.MCGONAGALLGood evening Professor Dumbledore. Arethe rumors true Albus?DUMBLEDOREI'm afraid so Professor. The good andthe bad.
2、MCGONAGALLAnd the boy?DUMBLEDOREHagrid is bringing him.MCGONAGALLDo you think it wise to trust Hagridw/ something as important as this?DUMBLEDOREAh, Prof. I would trust Hagrid w/ mylifeHAGRIDProfessor. Dumbledore, sir. ProfessorMcGonagall.DUMBLEDORENo problems I trust Hagrid?HAGRIDNo, sir. Little ty
3、ke fell asleep aswe were flying over Bristol. Try notto wake him. There you go.MCAlbus, do really think it's safe leavinghim with these people? I've watchedthem all day. There're the worst sortof Muggles imaginable. They really are-DUMBLEDOREThe only family he has.MCGONAGALLThis boy will
4、 be famous. There won'tbe a child in our world who doesn'tknow his name.DUMBLEDOREExactly. He's far better off growingup away from all of that. Until he isready. There, there Hagrid. It's notreally goodbye after all. Good Luck,Harry Potter.AUNT PETUNIAUp. Get up! Now!DUDLEYWake up co
5、usin! We're going to the zoo!AUNT PETUNIAHere he comes the birthday boy!UNCLE VERNONhappy birthday son.AUNT PETUNIAWhy don't you just cook the breakfastand try not to burn anything.HARRYYes Aunt Petunia.AUNT PETUNIAI want everything to be perfect formy Dudley's special day!UNCLE VERNONHu
6、rry up! Bring my coffee boy!HARRYyes Uncle Vernon.AUNT PETUNIAAren't they wonderful darling?DUDLEYHow many are there?VOLDEMORT36, Counted them myself.DUDLEY36?! BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR I HAD 37!VOLDEMORTYes, but some of them are a bit biggerthan last year's!DUDLEYI don't care how big the
7、y are!AUNT PETUNIANow, now, now, this is what we're goingto do. Is that when we go out we'regoing to buy you 2 new presents. How'sthat pumpkin?AUNT PETUNIAIt should be a lovely day at the zoo.I'm really looking forward to it.VOLDEMORTI'm warning you now boy. Any funny business,an
8、y at all and you won't have any mealsfor a week. Get in.DUDLEYMake it move.VOLDEMORTMove.DUDLEYMOVE!HARRYHe's asleep.DUDLEYHe's boring.HARRYSorry about him he doesn't understandwhat it's like, lying there day afterday watching people press their uglyfaces in on you. Can you hear
9、me? It'sjust I've never talked to a snake before.Do you. Do you talk to people often?You're from Burma, aren't you? Was itnice there? Did you miss your family?I see. That's me as well. I never knewmy parents either.DUDLEYMummy, Dad, come here you won't believewhat this snake
10、is doing! Woah! Woah!Ah!SNAKEThanks.HARRYAny time.OTHSnake! Ahh!DUDLEYMum! Mummy! Help me!PERCYMy darling boy! How did you get in there!Who did this? How did you get in there?Is there a snake?PERCYIt's all right sweetheart. We'll getyou out of these terrible clothes.VOLDEMORTWhat happened?HA
11、RRYI swear, I don't know! One minute theglass was there then it was gone, itwas like magic!VOLDEMORTThere's no such thing as magic.VOLDEMORTOh Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk.DUDLEYDad! Look! Harry's got a letter!HARRYHey give it back! It's mine!VOLDEMORTYours? Who'd be writing t
12、o you?VOLDEMORTNo more mail through this letterbox.AUNT PETUNIAHave a lovely day at the office, dear.VOLDEMORTShoo! Go on!VOLDEMORTFine day Sunday. In my opinion bestday of the week. And why is that Dudley?HARRYBecause there's no post on Sundays.VOLDEMORTRight you are Harry. No post on Sunday.Ha
13、! No blasted letters today! No, sir!Not one single bloody letter! Not one!No sir, not one blasted, miserable-DUDLEYMake it stop, please!VOLDEMORTStop it!DUDLEYMummy what's happening?VOLDEMORTGive me that! Give me that letter!HARRYGet off! They're my letters! Let goof me!VOLDEMORTThat's i
14、t! We're going away, far away!Where they can't find us!DUDLEYDaddy's gone mad hasn't he?HARRYMake a wish, Harry.VOLDEMORTWho's there?HAGRIDSorry 'bout that.VOLDEMORTI demand that you leave at once. Youare breaking and entering.HAGRIDDry up Dursley you great prune. Well,I have
15、n't seen you since you was a babyHarry. But you're a bit more along thenI would have expected; particularlyaround the middle.DUDLEYI'm not. I'm not Harry.HARRYI am.HAGRIDWell of course you are! Got somethingfor you. Afraid I might have sat onit at some point but I imagine it'llta
16、ste fine just the same. Baked it myself,words and all.HARRYThank you!HAGRIDIt's not everyday your young man turns11 now it is?HARRYExcuse me, but who are you?HAGRIDRubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Groundsat Hogwarts. Of course you know allabout HogwartsHARRYSorry, no.HAGRIDNo? Blimey Harry didn
17、't you ever wonderdidn't you ever wonder how your mumand dad learned it all?HARRYLearned what?HAGRIDYou're a wizard Harry.HARRYI'm a what?HAGRIDA wizard. And a thumpin' good one I'dwager once you've trained up a bit.HARRYNo, you've made a mistake. I mean Ican't be
18、 a wizard. I mean I'm Harry,Just Harry.HAGRIDWell, "Just Harry" did you ever makeanything happen? Anything you couldn'texplain, when you were angry or scared?Um Hum.HARRYDear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to informyou that you have been accepted at theHogwarts School of Witchcraft and
19、 Wizardry.VOLDEMORTHe will not be going! We swore whenwe took him in that we would put a stopto all of this rubbish!HARRYYou knew? We knew all along and younever told me?AUNT PETUNIAOf course we knew. How could you notbe? My perfect being who she was. OhI remember the day she got her letter.My paren
20、ts were so proud. We have awitch in the family. Isn't it wonderful?I was the only one who saw her for whatshe was. a freak. And then she metthat Potter, and then she had you andI knew you would be the same just asstrange just as abnormal. And then,if you please, she got herself blownup, and we g
21、ot landed with you.HARRYBlown up?! You told me my parents diedin a car crash!HAGRIDA car crash? A car crash killed Lilyand James Potter?PATWe had to say something!HAGRIDIt's an outrage. It's a scandal.VOLDEMORTHe will not be going.HAGRIDOh and I suppose a great Muggle likeyourself is gonna s
22、top him.HARRYMuggle?HAGRIDNon- magic folk. This boy's had hisname down since he were born. He's goingto the finest school of witchcraft andwizardry in the world. And he'll beunder the finest headmaster that Hogwartshas ever seen, Albus Dumbledore.VOLDEMORTI will not pay to have some crac
23、k potold fool teach him magic tricks!HAGRIDNever insult Albus Dumbledore in frontof me. I'd appreciate it if you didn'ttell anyone at Hogwarts about that.Strictly speaking I'm not supposed todo magic.HARRYOKHAGRIDWe're a bit behind schedule. Best beoff. Unless you'd rather stay,
24、of course.HARRYAll students must be equipped with aone standard size two pewter cauldron,and may bring, if they desire, eitheran owl, a cat, or a toad. Can we findall this in London?HAGRIDIf you know where to go.TOM (BARTENDER)Ah, Hagrid the usual I presume.HAGRIDNo thanks Tom, I'm on official H
25、ogwartsbusiness. Just helping young Harry buyhis school business.TOMBless my soul, it's Harry Potter.OTHERWelcome back Mr. Potter welcome back.DORISDoris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can'tbelieve I'm meeting you at last.QUIRRELLHarry P-p-potter. C-can't tell you howp-pleased I am to meet
26、 you.HAGRIDhello, professor I didn't see you there.Harry Professor Quirrell will be yourdefense Against the Dark Arts teacher.HARRYOh, nice to meet you,QUIRRELLA fearfully fascinating subject. N-notthat you need it, eh, P-potter?HAGRIDYes, well must be going now. Lots tobuy.HARRYGood bye.HAGRIDS
27、ee, Harry? You're famous.HARRYBut why am I famous Hagrid? All thosepeople back there how is it they knowwho I am?HAGRIDI'm not exactly sure I'm the right personto tell you that, Harry. Welcome Harry,to Diagon Alley. That's where you getyour quills and ink. Over there, allyour bits an
28、d bobs for doing wizardry.OTHIt's a world class racing broom.OTHWow! Look at it the new Nimbus 2000!It's the fastest model yet!HARRYBut Hagrid how am I to pay for all this?I haven't any money.HAGRIDWell there's your money Harry! Gringotts,the wizard bank! Ain't no safer place,not
29、 one! 'Cept perhaps Hogwarts.HARRYHagrid what exactly are these things?HAGRIDThey're goblins Harry. Clever as theycome the goblins, but not the most friendlyof beasts. Best stay close. Mr. HarryPotter wishes to make a withdrawalGOBLINAnd does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?HAGRIDWait a minute
30、. Got it here somewhere.Ha! There's the little devil. Oh, andthere's something else as well. ProfessorDumbledore gave me this. It's aboutYou- Know- What in vault you know which.GOBLINVery well.GRIPHOOKVault 687. Lamp please. Key, pleaseHAGRIDDidn't think your mum and dad wouldleave y
31、ou with nothing now did you?GRIPHOOKVault 713.HARRYWhat's in there Hagrid?HAGRIDCan't tell you Harry. Hogwarts business.Very secret.GRIPHOOKStand back.HAGRIDBest not to mention this to anyone Harry.HARRYI still need. a wand.HAGRIDA wand? Well, you want Ollivander's.There ain't no pla
32、ce better. Why don'tyou run along and wait. I got one morething to do. Won't be long.HARRYHello? Hello?OLLII wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr.Potter. It seems only yesterday thatyou mother and father were in here buyingtheir first wands. Here we are. Wellgive it a wave. Apparently not.
33、 Perhapsthis. NO, no definitely not. No matter.I wonder. Curious. very curiousHARRYSorry but what's curiousOLLII remember every wand that I've soldMr. Potter, every one. It so happensthat the phoenix whose tail featherresides in your wand, gave another feather.Just one other. It is curious t
34、hat youshould be destined for this wand whenits brother gave you that scar.HARRYAnd who owned that wand?OLLIWe do not speak his name. The wand choosesthe wizard Mr. Potter. It is not alwaysclear why. But I think it is clear thatwe can expect great things from you.After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Namedd
35、id great things. Terrible, yes, butgreat.HAGRIDHarry! Harry! Happy Birthday!HARRYWoah!HAGRIDYou all right Harry? You seem very quiet.HARRYHe killed my parents didn't he? Theone who gave me this. You know Hagrid.I know you do.HAGRIDFirst and understand this Harry becauseit's very important. N
36、ot all wizardsare good. Some of them go bad. A fewyears ago one of them went as bad asyou can go. His name was V-. His namewas V-.HARRYWell maybe if you wrote it down?HAGRIDNaw I can't spell it. All right, Voldemort.HARRYVoldemort?HAGRIDShh. It was dark times Harry, dark times.Voldemort started
37、to gather some followers.Brought them over to the Dark Side.Anyone who stood up to him ended updead. Your parents fought against him.Nobody lived once he decided to killthem. Nobody, not one. Except you.HARRYMe? Voldemort tried to kill me?HAGRIDYes. That ain't no ordinary cut on yourforehead Har
38、ry. A mark from that onlycomes from being touched by a curse,an evil curse at that.HARRYWhat happened to V-. To You-Know-Who?HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop inmy opinion. Nope, I reckon he's outthere still too tired to carry on. Butone thing's absolutely certain. Somethingabout you s
39、tumped him that night. That'swhy you're famous. That's why everybodyknows your name. You're the boy wholived.HAGRIDWell some say he died. Codswallop inmy opinion. Nope, I reckon he's outthere still too tired to carry on. Butone thing's absolutely certain. Somethingabout you s
40、tumped him that night. That'swhy you're famous. That's why everybodyknows your name. You're the boy wholived.HAGRIDWhat are you looking at? Blimey is thattime? Sorry Harry, but I'm gonna haveto leave you. Dumbledore would be wantinghis. Well, he'd be wanting to seeme. Now, yo
41、ur train leaves in 10 minutes.Here's your ticket. Stick to it Harry,that's very important. Stick to youticket.HARRYPlatform 9 ? But, Hagrid, there mustbe a mistake. This says Platform 9 ?.There's no such thing. Is there?OTHSorry.HARRYExcuse me! Excuse me!OTHOn your left.HARRYExcuse me si
42、r. Can you tell me whereI might find Platform 9 ?OTH9 ? Think you're being funny do you?MRS. WEASLEYIt's the same every year packed withMuggles of course. Come on!HARRYMuggles?MRS. WEASLEYPlatform 9 ? this way! All right Percyyou first. Fred you next.GEORGE WEASLEYHe's not Fred I am!FRED
43、 WEASLEYHonestly, woman you call yourself ourmother!MRS. WEASLEYI'm sorry George.FRED WEASLEYOnly joking! I am Fred.HARRYExcuse me! Could you tell me how to.MRS. WEASLEYHow to get on to the platform? Yes,not to worry dear, it's Ron's firsttime to Hogwarts as well. Now, all youhave to do
44、is walk straight at the wallbetween platforms 9 and 10. Best doit at a run if you're nervous.GINNYGood luck!RON WEASLEYExcuse me, do you mind? Every whereelse is full.HARRYNot at all.RON WEASLEYI'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley.HARRYI'm Harry. Harry Potter.RON WEASLEYSO it's true! DO y
45、ou really have the.the.HARRYThe what?RON WEASLEYThe scar?HARRYOh!RON WEASLEYWicked!OTHAnything off the trolley dears?RON WEASLEYNo, thanks, I'm all set.HARRYWe'll take the lot!RON WEASLEYWoah!HARRYBertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?RON WEASLEYThey mean every flavor! There's chocolate,p
46、eppermint and also, spinach liver,and tripe. George sweared he got boogieflavored one once.HARRYThese aren't real frogs are they?RON WEASLEYIt's just a spell. But it's the cardsyou want. Each pack's got a famous witchor wizard. I got about 500 me self.Watch it! That's rotten luck
47、. They'veonly got one good jump in them to beginwith.HARRYI've got Dumbledore!RON WEASLEYI've got about 6 of him.HARRYHey, he's gone!RON WEASLEYWell you can't expect him to hang aroundall day, can you? This is Scabbers bythe way. Pathetic isn't he?HARRYJust a little bit.RON W
48、EASLEYFred gave me a spell to turn him yellow.Want to see?HARRYYeah!RON WEASLEYAhem. Sunshine.HERMIONEhas anyone seen a toad? A boy namedNeville's has one.RON WEASLEYNo.HERMIONEOh are you doing magic? Let's see then.RON WEASLEYAhem. Sunshine Daisies Butter MellowTurn this stupid fat rat yell
49、ow.HERMIONEAre you sure that's a real spell? Well,it's not very good is it? Of course,I've only tried a few simple ones myselfbut they've all worked for me. For example:Oculus Reparo. That's better isn't it?Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I'mHermione Granger. And y
50、ou are.?RON WEASLEYI'm Ron Weasley.HERMIONEPleasure. You two better change intoyour robes. I expect we'll be arrivingsoon. You've dirt on your nose by theway. Just there.HAGRIDRight then. First years this way, please!First years, don't be shy. Come on now,hurry up! Hello Harry!HARRYH
51、i Hagrid!RON WEASLEYWoah!HAGRIDRight, then. This way to the boats.Come on now, follow me.RON WEASLEYWicked!MCGONAGALLWelcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few momentsyou will pass through these doors andjoin your classmates. But before youtake your seats, you must be sortedinto your houses. They are Gryffi
52、ndor,Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.Now while you're here your house willbe like your family. Your triumphs willearn you points. Any rule breaking andyou will loose points. At the end ofthe year, the houses with the most pointsis awarded the house cup.NEVILLETrevor! Sorry.MCGONAGALLThe Sor
53、ting Ceremony will begin momentarily.DRACO MALFOYIt's true then, what they're sayingon the train. Harry Potter has cometo Hogwarts.N & OTHHarry Potter?DRACO MALFOYThis is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy.Draco Malfoy. Think my name's funnydo you? No need to ask yours. Red hairand
54、 a hand-me-down robe? You must bea Weasley. You'll soon find out thatsome wizarding families are better thanothers, Potter. You don't want to makingfriends with the wrong sort. I can helpyou there.HARRYI think I can tell the wrong sort formy self thanks.MCGONAGALLWe're ready for you. Fol
55、low me.HERMIONEIt's not real the ceiling. It's justbewitched to look like the night outside.I read about it in Hogwarts, A History.MCGONAGALLWill you wait along here please. Nowbefore we begin, Professor Dumbledorewould like to say a few words.DUMBLEDOREI have a few start-of-term notices Iwish to announce. The first years pleasenote, that the Dark Forest
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