已閱讀5頁,還剩25頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、酒吧日常英語的應(yīng)用1、可口可樂 Coca cola2、礦泉水 Mineral water3、橘子汁 orange Squash4、啤酒 Beer5、香檳酒 Champagne6、葡萄酒 Port7、威士忌 Whisky8、白蘭地 Brandy9、伏特加 Vodka10、味美思 Vermouth11、冰淇淋 Ice cream12、蘋果 Apple13、梨 Pear14、桃 Peach15、香蕉 Banana16、橘子 Oragne17、西瓜 Watermelon18、哈密瓜 Harmi Melon19、白蘭瓜 Lanchou melon20、葡萄 Grape21、荔枝 Lichee22、菠蘿

2、Pineapple23、面包 Bread24、巧克力 Chocolate25、蛋糕 Cake26、咖啡 Coffee27、紅茶 Black tea28、口布 A mouth Cloth29、香煙 Cigarette30、火柴 Match31、手紙 Toilet paper32、盤子 Plate33、叉子 Fork34、勺子 Spoon35、湯勺 Soup Spoon36、牙簽 Toothpick37、筷子 Chopsticks38、茶杯 Cup39、開水 Hot water40、涼開水 Cold water41、甜 Sweet42、酸 Sour43、咸 Salty44、辣 Hot45、苦 Bi

3、tter46、糖 Sugar47、味精 Monosodium Glutamate48、咖喱粉 Curry Powder49、辣椒粉 Chilli powder50、胡椒粉 Black Pepper51、方糖 Cubic sugar52、砂糖 Powdered sugar53、香腸 Sausage54、服務(wù)員(男性) Waiter55、您好 Hi!56、您好! Hello!57、您好嗎? How do you do?58、先生(女士),早上好。 Good morning, Sir(Ladies)59、先生們(女士們),下午好! Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentleme

4、n.60、先生們(女士們),晚上好! Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.61、您好,歡迎你們(女士們、先生們)到我們俱樂部Hello!Wolcome to our club.62、這里是接待處,可以為您效勞嗎? Heres the reception. What can I do for you?63、您早! How do you do!64、早上好! Good morning!65、下午好! Good afternoon!66、明天見! See you tommorow!67、歡迎您! You are welcome68、見到您很高興! Im very g

5、lad to meet you69、請這邊走! This way, please70、請里邊坐! Come in and sit down please71、請您休息一下! Take a rest, please72、請飲用一杯茶。 Have a cup of tea, please73、請飲用咖啡。 Have some coffee, please74、對不起。 Im sorry.75、沒關(guān)系。 Doesnt matter.76、請?jiān)彙?Excuse me, please77、好的(好吧)。 Thats all right.78、您需要點(diǎn)什么? What would you like to

6、 have?79、還要?jiǎng)e的嗎? Anything else?80、您還有別的要求嗎? Any more requests?81、我能幫您做點(diǎn)什么嗎? Can I help you?82、謝謝您的好意。 Thank you for your kind wishes.83、對不起,讓您久等了。 Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.84、好,馬上就來。 Yes, right away.85、好,請稍等。 Ok, just a minute.86、向左拐。 Turn left please87、向右拐。 Turn right please88、一直往前走

7、。 Straight on please89、再見。 See you later90、再會(huì)。 See you again91、祝您健康! I wish you good health!92、祝您生日快樂! Happy birthday!93、祝您在中國愉快! We wish youll have a pleasant time in china!94、請問廁所在哪里? Where is the toilet?95、先生,請問您預(yù)訂過座位嗎? Do you have a reservation, sir?96、夫人,請這邊走。 This way, please, Madam.97、先生,請跟我來

8、好嗎? Would you please follow me, Sir?98、夫人,這是您的座位。 This is your table, Madam.99、請坐。 Sit down, please100、請等一等,我馬上給您安排。Wait a moment, please, Ill be with you, right away.101、請問一共幾位? How many people in all, please?102、您喜歡坐這里嗎? Would you like to take this table?103、這里有一張空臺(tái),先生。 Here is a vacant table, Sir

9、.104、請坐在那里,先生。 Sit there, Sir.105、對不起,您能跟這位先生(女士,小姐)合用一張臺(tái)嗎?Excuse me, would you like to share this with that gentleman?106、對不起,這里有空位嗎?Excuse me, Do you have a free table, Sir?107、已經(jīng)有人招呼您了嗎? Are you being served?108、茶上好了。 Tea is ready109、這里有點(diǎn)心。 Here are some cakes.110、請吸煙。 Help yourself to a cigarett

10、e.111、先生請問您這個(gè)團(tuán)共多少人?How many are there in your party, Sir?112、先生,對不起暫時(shí)沒有空位了。Im sorry, Sir. Theres no vacant table for the moment.113、您能否在酒吧喝點(diǎn)什么,等一會(huì)兒。May I suggest that you have a drink in bar while you wait?114、大約要等30分鐘。There will be a wait of about 30 minutes.115、先生,能告訴我您的名字嗎?Excuse me, May I have y

11、our name, Sir?116、我會(huì)盡快告訴您的。 Ill let you know as soon as.117、你喜歡哪種酒? What wine do you prefer, Sir?118、先生,來杯茅臺(tái)酒嗎? How about a cup of Maotai, Sir?119、我給您倒杯香檳酒好嗎?Shall I pour you out a glass of champagne?120、你要哪種? Which may I bring you?121、您吃點(diǎn)什么? What are you going to take?122、您喜歡喝什么酒? What wine would y

12、ou like, Sir?123、先生,請慢用。 Enjoy your dinner, Sir.124、這茶還很燙,請小心。The tea is still too hot, be careful, please.125、現(xiàn)在上菜好嗎? May I serve you now?126、抱歉,耽誤了您的時(shí)間。 Im sorry to have kept you waiting.127、實(shí)在對不起,我們馬上替您重做。Im very sorry. We will make another portion for you shortly.128、對不起,我馬上問清楚再告訴您。Im sorry. Ill

13、 make it clear and inform you as soon as possible.129、請隨意用 Help yourself.130、我再給您來瓶啤酒,好嗎? Can I offer you another bottle of beer?131、您干了嗎? Did you empty your glass?132、祝您順利! Good luck!133、大家喝吧 Cheers, everybody!134、要我給您上點(diǎn)新鮮的水果嗎? Shall I help you some fresh fruits?135、我很樂意。 I quite agree.136、干! Botto

14、m up!137、我可以撤掉這些盤子嗎? May I clear away the dishes, Please?138、我們可以清理臺(tái)面嗎? May I clear the table, Sir?139、現(xiàn)在可以為您結(jié)帳嗎? Sir,the bill please?140、這是您的找頭,謝謝。 Its your change. Thank you very much.141、請您簽字 Please sign your name, Sir.142、請付現(xiàn)款好嗎 Pay your bill by cash, Please.143、先生,這是您的賬單。 Heres your bill, Sir.1

15、44、您可以用現(xiàn)金或信用卡付賬。You can either pay in cash or in credit card.145、先生,一共是880元。That will be eight hundred and eighty yuan, Sir.146、先生,這是您的收據(jù)。 Heres your check, Sir.147、這是您們各自的收據(jù)和找頭。Your separate checks and the change, please.148、我要核實(shí)一下,請稍等。Ill have to check for an OK, Just a moment.149、帳單開在一起還是分開?Would

16、 you care to have separate bills or one common bill?150、謝謝,歡迎再來,謝謝。Thank you very much, Sir. Do come again, Please!151、(意外)請不要慌,請跟我來。 Dont hurry! Follow me, Please.152、本俱樂部通宵營業(yè) Open all night.153、離席時(shí)請?jiān)趲づ_(tái)會(huì)帳 Please pay at the cash desk on leaving.154、服務(wù)員,請拿帳單來! Waiter,bill,Please!155、請把我的帳單開好。 Please

17、make out my bill.156、一共多少錢? What will it be altogether?157、八百伍拾叁元人民幣,先生。Eight hundred and fifty-three RMB. Sir.158、請收錢。 There you are.159、謝謝,先生。 Thank you, Sir.160、找的錢請收下。 Keep the change please!161、先生,謝謝您,請下次再來。 Thank you, Sir. Do come again Please.162、對不起,先生,算錯(cuò)了帳 Sorry, Sir, theres mistake in the

18、bill.163、你多付了30元錢。 It should be 30(thirty) RMB yuan less.164、每位40元,酒水另計(jì) 40(Forty)yuan a plate, drink extra.165、再見 Good-bye166、再見 See you167、謝謝光臨,再見。 Thank you for your coming and good-bye.168、再見,祝您好運(yùn)。 Good-bye and good luck.169、祝您旅途平安。 Have a pleasant journey.170、希望再一次見到您。 Hope to see you again.171、

19、今晚我們要看的是什么節(jié)目?Whats the show were going to see tonight?172、唐朝最具代表性的樂舞霓裳羽衣舞Its“Rainbow Costume Dance”,a signature dance of the tang era.173、這是陜西省歌舞劇院表演的節(jié)日專場Its special holiday program performed by the Shaanxi Provincial Song and Dance Troupe.174、您喜歡這個(gè)舞蹈嗎? How did you like the dancing?175、您認(rèn)為這個(gè)舞蹈怎么樣? W

20、hat did you think of the dancing?176、好極了! I enjoyed every bit of it.177、這個(gè)節(jié)目從頭到尾我都很欣賞 I enjoyed every minute of it.178、我認(rèn)為布景服裝都精彩極了。 I find the sets and costumes splendid.179、我認(rèn)為全部表演從頭到尾都是一流的。I thought the whole thing was first-rate from beginning to end.180、燈光和配樂用得很好,舞臺(tái)布景非常漂亮Lighting and background

21、 music were used and the stage was very beautiful.181、非常有趣而動(dòng)人! I was very interesting and thrilling!182、場面多宏偉??!你一定會(huì)喜歡的。But what a magnificent spectacle! Im sure youll enjoy it.183、今晚我們?nèi)タ词裁垂?jié)目?Whats the show we re going to see tonight?184、看華夏樂舞,這是中國傳統(tǒng)的音樂舞蹈。Its Huaxia music and dance, Its Chnese tradit

22、ional music and dance.185、請領(lǐng)我到座位上去,好嗎? Will you show me to my seat?186、請這邊走。 This way, please.187、什么時(shí)候開演? When does the curtain rise?188、8點(diǎn)左右。 Its about 8 o clock.189、什么時(shí)候演完? When does the curtain fall?190、10點(diǎn)左右。 It should be 10 o clock.191、您覺得演得怎么樣? What do you think of it?192、精彩極了。 It was marvelou

23、s.193、沒關(guān)系。 Not at all.194、不用謝(別客氣) You are welcome195、您太客氣了。 You are most wlcome196、沒關(guān)系,好的。 That s all right.197、我很樂意做。 Its my pleasure.198、我很樂意。 My pleasure.199、我很樂意為您服務(wù)。 Im pleased to be at your service.200、您好告訴小費(fèi)大約給多少?Could you give me some idea of the amount of tipping?201、我得給多少小費(fèi)? How much do I

24、 have to give for a tip?202、謝謝,我們不收小費(fèi)。 No, thanks, we dont accept tips.203、先生,對不起。 Im sorry, Sir.204、夫人,很抱歉。 Im awfully sorry, Madam.205、對不起,我把酒灑在桌布上了。Im afraid I spilled wine on the tablecloth.206、對不起,給您上錯(cuò)了菜。Im sorry for giving you the wrong dish.207、對不起。 Sorry208、請?jiān)彙?Excuse me.209、請?jiān)?,請?jiān)僬f一遍。 I be

25、g your pardon.210、別介意。 Never mind.211、別介意。 Just forget it.212、請?jiān)?,打攪您了?Excuse me for interrupting you213、當(dāng)然,請說。 Certainly, Go ahead.214、希望您別介意。 Hope you dont mind.215、先生,可以走開一會(huì)兒嗎? May I be Excused, Sir?216、我馬上回來。 Ill be right back.217、對不起,我想去打一個(gè)電話。Im sorry, I want to make a phone call.218、請吧。 Thats

26、 all right.219、電話在哪兒? Where is the phone?220、在接待臺(tái)。 On the reception, please.221、您的英語很流利。 You speak fluent English.222、謝謝,我的英語還不夠好。Thank you. My English is not enough.223、您的英語說的確實(shí)很好。 You do speak pretty good English.224、謝謝,太好了。 Thank you. Thats very kind of you.225、希望您在中國過的愉快。 Have a good time in Chi

27、na酒吧常用英語一、基本用語1. Welcome to our bar. 歡迎光臨我們的酒吧。2. Nice to meet you again. 很高興再次見到您。3. Please wait a moment. 請稍等一下。4. Is there anything I can do for you? 還有什么事需要為您效勞嗎?5. Thank you for your coming,Good-bye. 謝謝您的光臨,再見。6. Thank you,We dont accept tips. 謝謝您,我們不收小費(fèi)。7. Would you like to have cocktail or wh

28、isky on the rocks? 您要雞尾酒還是要威士忌加冰?8. Would you mind filling in this inquiry form? 請?zhí)钜幌逻@張意見表好嗎?9. Leave it to me. 讓我來吧。10. Please bring me a pot of hot coffee. 請給我一壺?zé)峥Х?。Air conditioned 空調(diào)開放Daily specials 每日特色菜Soup of the Day今日特色湯Drinks purchased are for taken away only 飲料僅供外賣Eat in or take away 店內(nèi)吃或外賣

29、 Please ask to taste 歡迎品嘗Please wait here or take advantage until our hostess escorts to your table. 請稍等或自便,主人會(huì)領(lǐng)你入座。Superb cuisine and wide selection of drinks. 美味佳肴,各種飲料 Take away service available 提供外賣 Todays special/Todays specialties 今日特色菜 Try our summer range of food 品嘗夏季各種食品Wines & spirits 紅酒白

30、酒一、基本用語1. Welcome to our bar.歡迎光臨我們的酒吧。2. Nice to meet you again.很高興再次見到您。3. Please wait a moment.請稍等一下。4. Is there anything I can do for you?還有什么事需要為您效勞嗎?5. Thank you for your coming,Good-bye.謝謝您的光臨,再見。6. Thank you,We dont accept tips.謝謝您,我們不收小費(fèi)。7. Would you like to have cocktail or whisky on the r

31、ocks?您要雞尾酒還是要威士忌加冰?8. Would you mind filling in this inquiry form?請?zhí)钜幌逻@張意見表好嗎?9. Leave it to me.讓我來吧。10. Please bring me a pot of hot coffee.請給我一壺?zé)峥Х取?1. Can you act as my interpreter?你可以做我的翻譯嗎?12. Do you honor this credit card?你們接受這張信用卡嗎?13. Please give me a receipt.請給我一張發(fā)票。14. It is no sugar in th

32、e coffee.咖啡里沒有糖。15. Id like to see your manager.我要見你們的經(jīng)理。16. Please give me another drink.請給我另一份飲料。17. Please page Mr. I.i in the bar for me.請叫一下在酒吧里的李先生。18. Will you take charge of my baggage?你可以替我保管一下行李嗎?19. Would you care for a glass of sherry with your soup?在喝湯的時(shí)候是否要一杯雪利酒?20. Your friends will b

33、e back very soon你的朋友很快會(huì)回來。21. Have a nice trip home.歸途愉快。22. Wish you a pleasant journey.祝您旅途愉快。23. Would you like me to call a taxi for you?要我為您叫出租車嗎?24. Id suggest you take the one-day tour of Shanghai.我建議您參加上海一日游。25. May I take you order?我能為您點(diǎn)菜嗎?26. There is a floor show in our lobby bar. Would y

34、ou like to see it?大堂酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看嗎?27. Please feel free to tell us you have any request.請把您的要求告訴我們。28. Miss Li is regarded as one of the best barmaid in the hotel.李小姐被認(rèn)為是酒店里最好的女調(diào)酒師。29. Here is the drink list, sir. Please take your time.先生,這是酒單,請慢慢看。30. I do apologize. Is there any thing I can do for

35、you?非常抱歉,還有什么可以為您效勞嗎?31. Mao Tai is much stronger than shaoxing rice wine.茅臺(tái)酒精度數(shù)要比黃酒高。32. Mr. Tom has caught a cold. He asks the bartender for some aspirin tablets.湯姆先生患了感冒,他向調(diào)酒師要一些阿司匹林藥片。33. Snack bar usually serve fast food.小吃吧通常供應(yīng)快餐。34. We like Shao Xing rice wine because it tastes good.我們喜歡紹興黃酒是

36、因?yàn)樗谖逗芎谩?5. We have a bottle of wine that has been preserved for twenty years.我們有一瓶保存了20年的葡萄酒。36. Yesterday he caught a cold,so he didnt go to work.昨天他得了感冒,所以他沒去上班。37. Hotel staff should handle guests complaint with patience.酒店員工必須耐心地對待客人的抱怨。38. Since you stay at our hotel,you may sign the bill.從你人住

37、我們的酒店后,你就可以簽單。39. Bourbon on the rocks is Bourbon whiskey on ice cubes.Bourbon on the rocks的意思是波本威士忌加冰塊。40. Ill return to take your order in a while.等一會(huì)我會(huì)回來為你點(diǎn)單。41. The minimum charge for a 200 people cocktail receptions is 6000 yuan,including drinks.200人的雞尾酒會(huì)最低價(jià)是6000元,包括酒水。42. The base of Old Fashi

38、oned cocktail is whiskey.古典雞尾酒的基酒是威士忌。43. Kahlua is a kind of liqueur:甘露咖啡酒是一種利口酒。44. I hope that we will be meeting again soon.我希望我們不久會(huì)再見面。45. What will you be doing at 7 tonight?今晚7點(diǎn)鐘你們千什么?46. He will be waiting for you in the lobby at seven.他今晚7點(diǎn)在大堂等您。47. What are you going to do tomorrow morning

39、?明天上午您打算干什么?48. Im not going to stay any longer. Its going to rain, isnt it?我不打算再多呆下去,天好像要下雨,是嗎?49. If you dont mind, we can take care of your baggage for you.如果您不介意,我們可以為您看管行李。50. Let me carry the suitcase for you; will you?讓我為您提這只皮箱好嗎?51. What would you like to drink after dinner, coffee or tea?晚飯

40、后您想喝咖啡還是喝茶?52. How shall we get to Yu Yuan Garden, by bus or by taxi?去豫園公園該乘公共汽車還是出租車?53. Your breakfast will be served in a short while.您的早餐要過一會(huì)兒才能送到。54. It takes about 10 minutes to drive from the airport to our hotel.從機(jī)場到我們賓館驅(qū)車大約要10分鐘時(shí)間。55. Please dont speak loudly in the lobby lounge,will you?請不

41、要在大堂酒吧大聲說話,好嗎?56. Theres something wrong with my watch. Could you tell me where I can get it repaired?我的手表壞了,請問上哪兒可以修理?57. The children are too young to drink wine.孩子太小還不能喝酒。58. 1 tried to remove the wine stain in my coat with soup, but in vain.我試著用肥皂洗去衣服上的酒潰,但是沒有成功。59. Would you like to have some M

42、ao Tai? It never goes to the head.您要喝點(diǎn)茅臺(tái)嗎?這酒從不上頭。60. A bartender should know what to do and how to do it.一個(gè)調(diào)酒師應(yīng)該知道做什么和怎么做。61. The bar is full now. Do you care to wait for about 20 minutes?酒吧現(xiàn)在客滿,請稍等約20分鐘好嗎?62. Would you mind if I smoke?你不介意我抽支煙吧?63. Would you please tell me the exchange rate today?請你告訴我今天的外匯兌換率好嗎?64. We serve many kinds of drinks. Please help yourself.我們供應(yīng)很多種飲料,請自便。65. Would you please show me how to us


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


