



1、海洲九年一貫制學(xué)校中學(xué)部·密·封·線·內(nèi)·不·要·答·題·學(xué)校年級(jí)姓名考 號(hào)20142015學(xué)年度(上)第二次月考七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)試卷時(shí)間:120分鐘 滿分:120分題號(hào)一二三四五總分得分.單項(xiàng)選擇(15分)( )1. There are different animals _ Earth. A. on Bin C. with D. to ( )2.Forests_houses _birds. A.provides ,for B. provides,with C.offer,with D. offer ,for

2、( )3.There _ a book and two pens on the desk. A.is B.are C.be D./( )4.It's important _ us to study hard. A.to B.for C.of D.with ( )5. Winter is often cold and _. A.snow B.snowy C.to snow D.snows ( )6. It is exciting to make snowmen and spend time _ in the snow with my friends. A.play B.playing C

3、.plays D.to play ( )7. Don't _ your fingers _ your mouth. It's bad for your health. A. put; up B. throw; into C. put; into D. put; aside. ( )8 when it is _,the driver cant see anything_. A. sunny; clear B. cloudy;clearly C. foggy; clearly D.foggy; clear.( )9. Do you know the answer _the ques

4、tion? A. to B. of C. at D. in ( )10. Stop _ around and get on with the job. A. play B. to play C. plays D. playing ( )11.-Tommorow ill go to visit Beijing. - . _. A. Thats all right B. Thank you C.Goodbye D. Have a good time( )12.When you do the listening practice, please _ the important information

5、. A. catch B. know C. look D. make( )13. It is interesting _ snowmen. A.to make B.make C.making D.makes. ( )14.The _Sun shines _ . A.bright ,bright B. brightly,brightly C.bright ,brightly D. brightly,bright ( )15. Our teacher always asks us _ to bed late. A. going B. not going C. to go D. not to go

6、補(bǔ)全對(duì)話,將字母寫在題后橫線上(5分)A. what day is it today? B. No,I havent C. Today is Tree-planting day. . D. people have cut down too many trees.E. what about the park near our school?. F. Good idea!G.There are many trees. Sammy:Whats the date today? Tim: Its March 12.Oh! _16_ . Sammy: Oh yes have you ever plante

7、d trees? Tim: _17_But I think it is good to plant trees . Sammy: yes ._18_ Tim: Wed better stop doing that .Lets go to plant some trees today.Sammy :_19_But do you know where we can plant trees?. Tim:I have no idea. _20_Maybe we can plant trees there. Sammy: OK,lets go. 16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _20. _.

8、完形填空(10分)As we know, life today has many problems. One of the biggest is_21_, such as water pollution, air pollution, _22_ pollution and so on. Water pollution makes our rivers and lakes _23_. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Air pollution is the most serious(嚴(yán)重的)kind of pollution.

9、 _24_ bad for living things in the world. Noise pollution _25_ us talk louder and makes us become angry_26_ The Earth is_27_ home and we must save it. We can't _28_ waste here and there. We should go to work and school by bus_29_ with our friends in the same car. Everybody_30_ save the Earth.( )

10、 21. A. pollution B. problem C. protection D. pattern ( ) 22. A. sound B. noise C. factory D. land ( ) 23. A. old B. young C. clean D. dirty ( ) 24. A. It's B. That's C. This's D. They're ( ) 25. A. gives B. finds C. hopes D. makes ( ) 26. A. fast B. easily C. slowly D. quickly ( ) 2

11、7. A. your B. their C. our D. her ( ) 28. A. get B. throw C. grow D. bring ( ) 29. A. or B. and C. but D. as ( ) 30. A. have to B. may C. need D. should.閱讀理解(20分)(A)閱讀短文,然后根據(jù)其內(nèi)容從A、B、C、D中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。 One day, Bruce played in front of a house. A woman came up and asked Bruce, “Little boy, is your mother at

12、 home?” “Yes, she is.” answered the boy. Then the woman went over to ring the bell. The bell rang and rang, but no one came to open the door. the woman got angry and called out to him, “You told me your mother was at home, didnt you?” “Yes,” the boy answered. “My mother is at home, but this isnt my

13、home.”( )31.One day, Bruce played_. A. in a park B. in the street C. in front of a shop D. in front of a house ( )32. The woman wanted to see _. A.Bruces mother B. Bruces father C. Bruce himself D. nobody ( )33. The woman went over to _ after she talked with Bruce. A.knock at the door of the house B

14、. ring the bell of the house C. give a call to his mother D. ask his mother some questions ( )34. The woman got _ because no one came to open the door. A. pleased. B. surprised C. angry D. afraid( )35. In the story the woman didnt find Bruces mother because_. A.she went to the wrong house B. she did

15、nt know Bruces C Bruce was not at home D. Bruce didnt have a mother B Dear Lily, Thank you for your letter. How are you? I like your pictures (照片)very much!Here are some pictures of my family. I hope you like them, too. In Picture One, Im eating lunch at home with my parents. In the next picture, my

16、 brother and I are at school. Were playing football. In Picture Three, my sister is reading a book. In picture Four, my mother and sister are shopping at a shop. In Picture Five, you can see my grandmother, grandfather and I. Were eating dinner at my grandparents home. My grandparents are really nic

17、e. I hope to hear from you soon. Sam( )36. There are _ picture of Sams family. A. four B. six C. five( )37. In Picture One, Sam is _. A. eating lunch B. eating dinner C. eating breakfast( )38. In Picture Two, Sam and his _ are at school. A. sister B. brother C. parents ( )39. In Picture Four, Sams m

18、other and sister are _. A. working B. playing C. shopping ( )40. In the last picture, they are _. A. on a bus B. at Sams grandparents home C. at school.閱讀回答問(wèn)題(20分)AutumnIn autumn,everything changes.leaves turn brown,red or yellow and start falling from the trees. It is nice to go on a picnic at this

19、 time of year because the weather is cool and dry.WinterWinter is often cold and snowy. Children love winter because they love to play in the snow. It is interesting to make snowmen. People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival. 41.What colour do leaves turn in autumn?_4

20、2.Why it is nice to go on a picnic at this time of year?_43.Whats the weather like in winter?_44.Do children love winter?_45.How do people spend time during the Spring Festival?_BBill likes fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to

21、 herself,"Good! Now I call ask my friends to have lunch, we can eat the fish. They like fish very much."So when Bill comes home in the evening, the fish is not there, and his wife always says, Oh, your cat eats it." And she gives Bill some bread for supper. Bill gets very angry. He ta

22、kes his wife and the cat to the shopnear his house and weighs (稱) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, "My fish weighs one kilo. This cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see. Then where is my fish?"46. Where does Bill often buy fish? _47. Who gets very angry? _48. How muc

23、h does the cat weigh? _49. Does Bill's cat eat the fish? _50. Who eat the fish? _綜合閱讀(20分)AIn the past ,about 14%of the Earth (A)被覆蓋rainforests,but today the number is about 6%.Why?Because people are cutting down large areas of trees.(B)If we do not protect the rainforests now,we will never them

24、 again.Rainforest are in the tropical regions(地帶) of the earth,r,the trees are usually very tall,(C)plenty of rainfall helps them grow and live,oh.these rainforest are important because half of the world's animals species(物種),(D)such as monkeys, elephants and tigers ,live in the rainforests.The

25、trees provide a home and food for many living things. After the trees are cut down, many of these animals have nowhere to live .Each day we're losing (F)上百species of animals and plants because their homes are.Disappearing(消失).Rainforest are an important part of the Earth ,so every one of us shou

26、ld try to protect (G)them.51. 在(A)和(F)處填入適當(dāng)?shù)亩陶Z(yǔ):_ _ 52. 寫出(B)處的同義句we will never them again ,_ we protect them.53. 講(C)和(D)處的同義單詞:_ _54. (E)處同義句: The tree_ many living things _a home and food for55. 寫出(G)處指代的內(nèi)容: _ BIn spring, the weather starts to get warm. The wind blows (A)_. It often rains. Plants start to grow. (B)萬(wàn)物變綠. (C)It is exciting to take a trip . The weather is hot in summer. The Sun shines(D)_. (E)Many people like to go to the beach and swim in the sea.(F) It is nice to e


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