福建題型一 福建真題剖析_第1頁(yè)
福建題型一 福建真題剖析_第2頁(yè)
福建題型一 福建真題剖析_第3頁(yè)
福建題型一 福建真題剖析_第4頁(yè)




1、福建真題剖析第一節(jié)聽句子聽下面五個(gè)句子 ,從每題所給的三幅圖中選出與句子內(nèi)容相符的選項(xiàng)。(每個(gè)句子讀兩遍)第二節(jié)聽對(duì)話聽下面七段對(duì)話 ,從每題所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出正確答案。(每段對(duì)話讀兩遍)聽第1段對(duì)話 ,答復(fù)第6小題。6How was the weather yesterday?AWarm. BCold. CHot.聽第2段對(duì)話 ,答復(fù)第7小題。7What are the speakers talking about?ANo littering. BNo parking. CNo smoking.聽第3段對(duì)話 ,答復(fù)第8小題。8Who made a speech

2、 at the ceremony?ASusan. BBob. CBetty.聽第4段對(duì)話 ,答復(fù)第9小題。9How long will the meeting last?ATwo hours. BThree hours. CFive hours.聽第5段對(duì)話 ,答復(fù)第10、11小題。10Where does the woman want to go?AA library. BA restaurant. CA supermarket.11Which bus will the woman take?ANo.3. BNo.5. CNo.7.聽第6段對(duì)話 ,答復(fù)第12、13小題。12When did

3、the woman come to China?AIn 2019. BIn 2019. CIn 2019.13How does the man study Chinese?ABy listening to tapes.BBy joining a Chinese club.CBy reading Chinese magazines.聽第7段對(duì)話 ,答復(fù)第14、15小題。14Why did the man go to Beijing?ATo do business.BTo have a holiday.CTo see his parents.15What did the man do in Bei

4、jing?AHe met his friends.BHe went to the Summer Palace.CHe watched Beijing Opera.第三節(jié)聽短文根據(jù)你所聽到的短文內(nèi)容 ,完成下面表格 ,每空填一詞。(短文讀三遍)An AnnouncementWhat happenedPeter hurt his right 16 during a soccer match and has to stay in hospital for the 17 two days.Where to goThe People's Hospital, Floor 9, Bed 18 What to doSome of us will 19 Peter.Sign the get­well card 20 you leave school.參考答案【答案】 1.B2.B3.A4.C5.A6.B7.C8.B9A10.A11.C12.A13.C


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