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1、BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Pre-Listening - Listening PracticeWhat you are about to hear is an interview with Dr. Lee Hertz, the director of a scientific laboratory in Stanford University, California.Complete the following statements according to what you have heard.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Pre-Listening - Listening

2、 Practice1. According to Dr. Hertz, to his grandparents the American Dream first meant getting out of poverty; later it comes to mean the chance for their children to succeed.2. In Dr. Hertzs opinion, the American government wants people to believe in the American Dream because it tends to use the A

3、merican Dream to keep most of its population working and spending their money so as to support the capitalist system.3. Dr. Hertz says the American Dream is inones headbecause one wants to live as well as or better than others. It is inones pocketbecause one has to keep on spending money so as to ha

4、ve the things other people have.povertytheir children to succeedthe American governmentsupport the capitalist systemones headones pocketBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Text A - Comprehension1. One of you asks the first six questions and the other answers. Starting from question 7, change roles. When you have fini

5、shed, the teacher may want to put some of the questions to you for a check. BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Text A - Comprehension1. Where did Tony come from?From a rocky farm in Italy.2. How did Mr. Crawford get to know Tony?Tony came to his driveway to offer to mow the lawn.3. Why did Mr. Crawford feel unhappy

6、after he talked with Tony?The Depression Days were difficult, but he felt bad turning away a person who had come to him for help.4. What happened over the next few days?Mr. Crawford was busy at the factory, and Tony went on working in his garden.From a rocky farm in Italy.Tony came to his driveway t

7、o offer to mow the lawn.The Depression Days were difficult, but he felt bad turning away a person who had come to him for help.Mr. Crawford was busy at the factory, and Tony went on working in his garden.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Text A - Comprehension5. How did Tony get his job at the factory?He asked Mr.

8、Crawford for it.6. How did Tony become a skilled worker later? And how did Mr. and Mrs. Crawford feel about it?He was a good worker, and then took a pay cut to become an apprentice. Finally he learned a trade. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford thought it to be a satisfactory ending.Now switch roles.7. Why did T

9、ony come to see Mr. Crawford again a year or two later? He asked Mr. Crawford for it.He was a good worker, and then took a pay cut to become an apprentice. Finally he learned a trade. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford thought it to be a satisfactory ending.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Text A - ComprehensionWas Mr. Crawfor

10、d of help this time? How?Tony wanted to buy a house. Mr. Crawford helped him get a bank loan.8. How did Tony feel about selling his house? Why did he feel that way?He felt happy, because he earned $8,000 and bought a farm.9. Did Tony do a good job of running his farm? Give examples.Yes. He sponsored

11、 his childhood friend to move to America. The latter thought he was a millionaire.10. What was Tonys lifelong dream?Owning a farm.Tony wanted to buy a house. Mr. Crawford helped him get a bank loan.He felt happy, because he earned $8,000 and bought a farm.Yes. He sponsored his childhood friend to mo

12、ve to America. The latter thought he was a millionaire.Owning a farm.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Text A - Comprehension11. How did he make his dream come true?By such values and principles as vision, determination, self-control, optimism,and integrity.12. Why did Mr. Crawford compare Tony with the greatest Am

13、erican industrialists?Because they reached success by the same route and by the same values and principles.By such values and principles as vision, determination, self-control, optimism,and integrity.Because they reached success by the same route and by the same values and principles.BOOK 1 - Unit 4

14、 - Language Focus - Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary1) It was already a wreck when two weeks later the police found his stolen car and he had to buy a new one.2) With great patience, the cle

15、rk showed the elderly lady how to check the balance in her bank account on an ATM (自動出納機自動出納機). 3) If you look out of the window on the left side of the bus, youll see that were now approaching the Tower of London. 4) Therell certainly be some problems, but nothing that you cant handle.5) People who

16、 discard litter in the streets should be fined heavily.wreckbalanceapproachinghandlediscardBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary6) Successful businessmen today are likely to be young, aggressive (有進有進取心的取心的), and well-educated. Above all, they are willing to take risks to achieve success. 7)

17、 During those difficult years, the family lived almost entirely on a diet of cabbages. 8) What are we going to do with the food left over from the party?9) We checked on Toms age by getting his birth record.10) Well go out as soon as Ive cleaned up the kitchen.Above alldietdo withchecked oncleaned u

18、pBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary11) For women lawyers in the United States, their weekly earnings are on the average much less than those of male lawyers.12) I wont get involved in a deal like this its against all my principles.weeklyprinciplesBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabul

19、ary2. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has been written for you.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary1) They gave up their efforts to look for survivors (幸存者幸存者) after determining that all the people in the sunken ship had di

20、ed. (abandon)Efforts to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been determined that all the people in the sunken ship had died / to look for survivors were abandoned after it was determined that all the people in the sunken ship had died.2) To my amazement, Bob left a well-paid job to travel

21、 around the world. (amaze)I was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job to travel around the world.3) As her business is small and she could provide no guarantee, many a bank has refused her request for a loan. (turn down)to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been determined that all the pe

22、ople in the sunken ship had died / to look for survivors were abandoned after it was determined that all the people in the sunken ship had diedwas amazed that Bob left a well-paid job to travel around the worldBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - VocabularyHer request for a loan has been turned down b

23、y many a bank as her business is small and she could provide no guarantee.4) People often misunderstand her because she is not precise in expressing her thoughts. (precision)She doesnt express her thoughts with precision, so people often misunderstand her. 5) We are firm in our decision to modernize

24、 our country in the shortest possible time. (determination, weaken)Nothing will weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible time.for a loan has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and she could provide no guaranteeexpress her thoughts with precisio

25、n, so people often misunderstand herwill weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible timeBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary3. Complete the following, using the words or phrases in brackets. Make additions or changes where necessary.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language

26、 Focus - Vocabulary1) You can spend hours wandering around the department stores, leisurely (悠閑地悠閑地) inspecting the items for sale, or hunting for some antiques along the sidewalks, where youll most likely be amazed by the variety of things on display. (hunt, for sale, amaze)2) The local government

27、encourages laid-off (下崗的下崗的) workers to learn another trade and become skilled workers. Besides, it has done a lot to help handle their financial troubles by creating re-employment opportunities and by providing business startup loans. (loan, skilled, handle)3) The farmer was a man of good moral cha

28、racter. For years, he had built up a reputation for kindness by calling onhis needy neighbors and for salehunting forbe amazed bybecome skilledhandle theirloanscharacterby calling onBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabularytrying to be helpful. He was very much respected in the neighborhood and

29、hundreds attended his funeral when he passed away. (call on, character, pass away)he passed awayBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Confusable WordsA wrong word is sometimes used because it looks similar to the right word, as in the sentence, He was appointed personal manager of the company, when the

30、 writer really means to say personnel. The following list of words that are sometimes confused in writing should be carefully studied. 1. personal: (a.) belonging or relating to a particular person e.g. He learned this lesson from his own personal experience. personnel: (n.) the people who work in a

31、 company or organization e.g. The new director of the TV station is likely to make major changes in personnel. 2. sometime: at a time in the past or future that is unknown or has not yet been fixed e.g. I saw her sometime last autumn. Why dont you come and see me sometime? Note that sometime can be

32、occasionally spelt as some time. some time: a certain amount of time e.g. We waited for some time before the bus came. sometimes: on particular occasions but not all e.g. Sometimes its best not to say anything.Now put into each gap in the following sentences the proper word from the above list.BOOK

33、1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Confusable Words1. personal personnel(1) Teachers find it important to encourage their pupils to read for personal discovery and growth.(2) The board of education is responsible for hiring teachers and other school personnel.2. sometime sometimes some time(1) Scientists

34、 put a message on two spacecraft to communicate with our unknown neighbors in space and to let them know that sometime, somewhere, our blue planet was the home of fairly intelligent people.(2) Sometimes I stay late in the library after school.(3) It will take quite some time before scientists find a

35、ny evidence of life in space. personalpersonnelsometimeSometimessome timeBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Confusable Words(4) We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details of the plan.sometimeBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises 1. Complete the following passage

36、with words chosen from the Words and Phrases to Drill box. Change the form where necessary.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises Few people in Italy thought that Tony Trivisonno would be able to create such a good life for himself. The friend he had sponsored (1) to join him was

37、 certainly amazed when he saw the farm. Yet right from the start Trivisonno showed a determination (2) to get on. When Crawford turned (3) him away, he assumed (4) Trivisonno would not come back. But he did. Later, when Crawford gave him a job in his factory, he worked hard and showed he had the cap

38、acity (5) to take on skilled (6) work. With Crawfords help he managed to get a loan (7) for a house on the basis of character (8) alone, no down payment needed. Next he went for sale (9) for a farm. When he found one, he was able to send for (10) his family and his dreams were ready to come true.spo

39、nsoreddeterminationturnedassumedcapacityskilledloancharacterfor salesend forBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises 2. Read the following passage carefully until you have got its main idea, and then select one appropriate word for each gap from the box following the passage.BOOK 1

40、 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises The American Dream used to go something like this: arrive in this country for an unskilled job with small pay. Save and save (1) until you can open a small business in recent (2) years, a take-out restaurant or a dry cleaner. Buy a modest (3) hous

41、e in the suburbs. Send the children to college and hope they grow (4) up to be doctors. In the past decade, that dream (5) has changed. For many immigrants(6) today, the new version of the dream goes more like this: arrive in America for a high-tech job with good pay, invest and invest until you can

42、 open your own business (7). Buy a huge house in an exclusive (高級的高級的) suburb. And if you dont have a(n) engineering (8) degree? Work like crazy, get a tech-related job and invest (9) a large part of your wages into stocks until you dont wait for your kids are rich (10).saverecentmodestgrowdreamimmi

43、grantsbusinessengineeringinvestrichBOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises 3. As you may have noticed, an immigrant with little education, Tony in the story spoke non-standard English. Now pick out at least five ungrammatical sentences from the text and then write down your correc

44、tions.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises 1.Mr. Craw, snow pretty soon, Correction:Mr. Crawford, its going to snow pretty soon,2.When winter come, you give me job clearing snow at the factory. Correction:When winter comes, please give me the job of clearing snow at the factory

45、.3.I like a buy a house. Correction:Id like to buy a house.4.Mr. Craw, I sell my house! Correction:Mr. Crawford, Ive sold my house!Mr. Craw, snow pretty soon,Mr. Crawford, its going to snow pretty soon,When winter come, you give me job clearing snow at the factory.When winter comes, please give me t

46、he job of clearing snow at the factory.I like a buy a house.Id like to buy a house.Mr. Craw, I sell my house!Mr. Crawford, Ive sold my house!BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Comprehensive Exercises 5.Mr. Craw, I buy a farm. Correction:Mr. Crawford, Ive bought a farm.Mr. Craw, I buy a farm.Mr. Craw

47、ford, Ive bought a farm.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Translation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in brackets.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Translation1) 據(jù)報導,聯(lián)合國斡旋者(據(jù)報導,聯(lián)合國斡旋者(mediators)制定出了他們希望雙方都能接)制定出了他們希望雙方都能接受的方案。受的方案。(work out)It is report

48、ed that UN mediators have a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides.2) 多麗絲小心翼翼地在森林里行走,害怕遭到大蛇攻擊。多麗絲小心翼翼地在森林里行走,害怕遭到大蛇攻擊。(giant)Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by snakes.3) 地震、臺風和其他自然災(zāi)害(地震、臺風和其他自然災(zāi)害(disaster)無法防止,但可采取行動保)無法防止,但可采取行動保護生命財產(chǎn)。護生命財產(chǎn)。(property)E

49、arthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot be prevented, but action can be taken to protect life and property.It is reported that UN mediators have a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides.Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by snakes.Earthquak

50、es, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot be prevented, but action can be taken to protect life and property.BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Translation4) 我買了一期新的我最喜歡的體育雜志就趕緊回家,急著想讀之自娛。我買了一期新的我最喜歡的體育雜志就趕緊回家,急著想讀之自娛。(amuse)I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurried home, anxious to myself reading it.5) 海倫缺乏信心。我從未遇到過像她那樣沒有自信的(海倫缺乏信心。我從未遇到過像她那樣沒有自信的(unsure


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