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1、Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 4th EditionMartini / BartholomewPowerPoint Lecture Outlines prepared by Alan Magid, Duke UniversityThe Skeletal System6Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings骨骼系統(tǒng)骨骼系統(tǒng)The Skeletal SystemThe skeletal system includes: Bones 硬骨 Cartilag

2、es 軟骨 Joints 關(guān)節(jié) Ligaments 靭帶 Other connective tissuesCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsThe Skeletal SystemFunctions of the Skeletal System Support against gravity Storage Calcium, phosphorous Fat Blood cell production Protection of soft internal organs Leverage 幹

3、桿作用幹桿作用for muscle actionCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsThe Structure of BoneShapes of BonesFigure 6-1The Structure of BoneFeatures in a Long Bone Diaphysis (shaft)骨幹 Compact (dense) bone緻密骨 Marrow cavity Epiphyses (ends)骨骨后 Spongy (cancellous) bone海棉骨 Articula

4、r cartilage關(guān)節(jié)軟骨 Periosteum (covering) Endosteum (lining)Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings骨內(nèi)膜The Structure of BoneStructure of a Typical BoneFigure 6-3(a)The Structure of BoneFigure 6-3(b)The Structure of BoneMicroscopic Features of Spongy Bone No osteons Lamella

5、e as trabeculae Arches, rods, plates of bone Branching network of bony tissue Strong in many directions Red marrow (blood forming) spacesCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsThe Structure of BoneCells in Bone Osteocytes骨細胞 Mature bone cells between lamellae Osteocla

6、sts蝕骨細胞 Source of acid, enzymes for osteolysis Calcium homeostasis Osteoblasts造骨細胞 Responsible for osteogenesis (new bone) Source of collagen, calcium saltsCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsBone Formation and GrowthBone Formation in 16-Week-Old FetusFigure 6-4Bon

7、e Formation and GrowthIntramembranous Ossification膜內(nèi)骨化 Ossification骨化Process of converting other tissues to bone Forms flat bones of skull, mandible, clavicle Stem cells differentiate to osteoblasts Produces spongy bone, then compact boneCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin

8、 CummingsBone Formation and GrowthEndochondral Ossification軟骨內(nèi)骨化 Most bones formed this way Cartilage model replaced by bone Replacement begins in middle (diaphysis) Replacement follows in ends (epiphyses)Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsFigure 6-51 of 6Copyrigh

9、t 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsBone Formation and GrowthAppositional堆積 Bone GrowthFigure 6-6Bone Formation and GrowthRequirements for Normal Bone Growth Minerals Calcium, phosphate Vitamins Vitamin D3 Vitamin C Vitamin A Hormones Growth Hormone Sex hormones, thyroid h

10、ormone, others Epiphyseal line and epiphyseal closureCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsBone Remodeling/HomeostasisKey NoteWhat you dont use, you lose. The stresses applied to bones during exercise are essential to maintaining bone strength and bone massCopyright

11、2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsBone Remodeling/HomeostasisRole of Remodeling重塑 in Support RemodelingContinuous breakdown and reforming of bone tissue Shapes reflect applied loads Mineral turnover enables adapting to new stressesCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., pu

12、blishing as Benjamin CummingsBone Remodeling/HomeostasisHomeostasis and Mineral Storage Bones store calcium Contain 99% of body calcium Store up to two kg calcium Hormones control storage/release PTH副甲狀腺素, calcitriol release bone calcium Calcitonin抑鈣素 stores bone calcium Blood levels kept constantCo

13、pyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsBone Remodeling/HomeostasisInjury and Repair Fracture骨折A crack or break in a bone Steps in fracture repair Fracture hematoma血腫 Mitoses in periosteum, endosteum Internal callus骨內(nèi)痂 External callus骨外痂 Bone remodelingCopyright 2007 Pea

14、rson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsFigure 6-71 of 5Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsAging and the Skeletal SystemOsteopenia骨質(zhì)疏鬆Less than normal ossification (mineral content) in bone Osteopenia starts before age 40 Women lose 8% per decade Men

15、lose 3% per decade Spongy bone most affected Epiphyses Vertebrae JawsCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsAn Overview of the SkeletonSkeletal Divisions Axial skeleton中軸骨骼 Skull顱骨 Thoracic cage and sternum胸骨 Vertebral column脊椎骨 Appendicular skeleton附肢骨骼 Upper, lower

16、limbs Pectoral girdle胸帶 Pelvic girdle骨盆帶Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsAn Overview of the SkeletonFigure 6-8(a)An Overview of the SkeletonFigure 6-9The Axial Division: The SkullBones of the Cranium Frontal bone 額骨 Forehead, superior surface of orbits眼框 Parieta

17、l bones頂骨 Sides, roof Occipital bone枕骨 Foramen magnum枕骨大孔 Temporal bones顳骨 Sides, base Sphenoid bone 蝶骨 Bridge between cranial and facial bones Ethmoid bone篩骨 Cribriform plate篩板 Nasal septum鼻中隔The Axial Division: The SkullBones of the Face Maxillary bones 上頷骨 Zygomatic bones雚頁骨 Zygomatic arch (with

18、temporal bones) Mandible 下頷骨 Palatine bones顎骨 The Vomer犁骨 Nasal bones鼻骨 Lacrimal bones淚骨 Inferior nasal conchae下鼻甲 Nasal complex鼻 Nasal septumThe Axial Division: The SkullThe Adult Skull (Part I)Figure 6-10The Axial Division: The SkullThe Adult Skull (Part II)Figure 6-11(a)The Axial Division: The Sk

19、ullThe Axial Division: The SkullThe Paranasal SinusesFigure 6-13The Axial Division: The SkullThe Hyoid Bone 舌骨Figure 6-14Axial Division: The SkullThe Skull of a NewbornVertebral Column/Thoracic CageVertebral Column (Spine) 26 Bones 7 Cervical 頸vertebrae (C1 to C7) 12 Thoracic胸 vertebrae (T1 to T12)

20、5 Lumbar腰 vertebrae (L1 to L5) Sacrum薦椎 Coccyx (tailbone)尾椎Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsVertebral Column/Thoracic CageFigure 6-16The Vertebral ColumnVertebral Column/Thoracic CageFigure 6-17(a)Vertebral Column/Thoracic CageThe Sacrum and CoccyxVertebral Colu

21、mn/Thoracic Cage Components of Thoracic Cage Thoracic vertebrae Ribs肋骨 Seven pairs of true ribs Cartilaginous joint with sternum Five pairs of false ribs Sternum胸骨Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsVertebral Column/Thoracic CageThe Thoracic CageFigure 6-20(a)Verte

22、bral Column/Thoracic CageThe Thoracic CageFigure 6-20(b)Appendicular DivisionPectoral Girdle (Shoulder Girdle) Components Scapulae (“shoulder blade”)肩甲骨 Clavicles (“collar bone”)鎖骨 Functions Shoulder, arm movement Articulation for armCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cum

23、mingsAppendicular DivisionUpper Limb Humerus肱骨 Head articulates with scapula Distal condyle articulates關(guān)節(jié)骨果 with forearmBones of the Forearm Radius橈骨 Lateral (thumb side) Head articulates with humerus Radial tuberosity attaches biceps brachii二頭肌 Participates in wrist joint Ulna尺骨 Trochlear滑車 notch切跡

24、 articulates with humerus Olecranon鷹嘴突 forms point of elbowAppendicular DivisionThe HumerusFigure 6-23Appendicular DivisionThe Radius and UlnaFigure 6-24Appendicular DivisionBones of the Wrist and Hand Two rows of carpal bones腕骨 Proximal articulation with radius Distal articulation with metacarpal b

25、ones掌骨 Proximal phalanges指骨 (finger bones) articulate with metacarpals Three phalanges/finger Two phalanges/thumb (pollex大拇指)Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsAppendicular DivisionBones of the Wrist and HandFigure 6-25Appendicular DivisionThe Pelvic Girdle Formed

26、 by two coxae (hipbones)髖骨 Coxa formed by fusion of: Ilium腸骨 Ischium坐骨 Pubis齒骨 Pubic symphysis齒骨聯(lián)合 limit movement Pelvis骨盆 formed by coxae, sacrum, coccyxCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsAppendicular DivisionCopyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as

27、Benjamin CummingsFigure 6-26(a)The PelvisAppendicular DivisionDifferences in the Anatomy of the Pelvis in Males and FemalesFigure 6-27Male and Female PelvisPLAYAppendicular DivisionBones of the Lower Limb Femur (thighbone) Patella (kneecap) Tibia (shinbone) Fibula Ankle bones Foot bonesCopyright 200

28、7 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsAppendicular DivisionBones of the Lower Limb Features of the tibia脛骨 Features of the fibula腓骨The Bones of the Ankle and Foot Ankle Seven tarsal bones Talus足付骨Joint with tibia, fibula Foot Calcaneus (heel bone) Major load-bearing bone Metatars

29、al bones足庶骨 Five phalanges (toes)Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsAppendicular DivisionThe Right Tibia and FibulaFigure 6-29Appendicular DivisionThe Bones of the Ankle and FootFigure 6-30(a)Appendicular DivisionFigure 6-30(b)The Bones of the Ankle and FootArticu

30、lationsClassification of Joints (Articulations)JointWhere two bones interact Three functional classes of joint Synarthroses Immovable Suture骨縫 Gomphosis嵌合關(guān)節(jié) Synchondrosis軟骨結(jié)合 Amphiarthroses Slightly movable Syndesmosis靭帶連結(jié) Symphysis聯(lián)合 Diarthroses Freely movable Synovial joints滑液關(guān)節(jié)ArticulationsFigure

31、 6-31(a)The Structure of Synovial JointsArticulationsSynovial Joints: Movements Flexion彎曲 Extension伸直 Hyperextension過度伸直 Abduction外展 Adduction內(nèi)收 Circumduction回旋 Rotation旋轉(zhuǎn) Pronation旋內(nèi), supination旋外Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin CummingsArticulationsAngular MovementsFigure 6-32(a)ArticulationsAngular MovementsFigure 6-32(b)ArticulationsAngular MovementsFigure 6-32(d)Angular MovementsPLAY回旋ArticulationsRotati


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