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1、介詞重點短語歸納1. down:put down 放下shut down 把關上 cut down 砍掉坐下come down 下來、落下 slow down 減緩、放慢 sit down write down 寫下 get down 下來,降落2. after :日復一日地after all 畢竟.終究 after that 于是.然后day after dayone after another相繼.挨次soon after 不久以后the day after tomorrow 后天3. up (with):come up with找至U、提出catch up with 趕上 wake up

2、 弄醒、醒來send up 發(fā)射 open up 開設、 開辦grow up 長大 pick up 拾起、撿起 hands up 舉手eat up 吃光 clean up 打掃干凈give up doing sth.=stop doing sth.放棄做某事4. 到達:arrive at/in + n.( 地方)=get to +n.(地方)=reach + n.( 地方)=arrive / get +adv.( 地方)5. back:get back 艮還,送回去.取回give back 歸還come back 回來 at the back of在的后面on the way (back)ho

3、me在 回 家路上6. at :at least 至少 at breakfast 早餐時at desk 在桌前 at once 立亥U,馬上at school 在上學at the doctor ,s在醫(yī)務室at work 在工彳at night 在晚上 at noon 中午be good at=do well in 善長 be bad at 不善長 laugh at 嘲笑 not 向all 一點也不at the age of在歲時 at first 起初at last=in the end=finally 最后、終于at the beginning of (the 21 st century)

4、 在 21 世紀初at the end of 在終點、結尾at Christmas 在圣誕節(jié)at the foot of在腳下at the moment= now 現(xiàn)在at any moment任何時彳戾at times(sometimes) 有時 /禹爾at the same time 同時7. for :for example 例如 for ever 永遠be good for對有益 be bad for 對有害for long=for a 10ng time 長期for short 簡稱 be short for 是的簡稱8. be with/ of :be pleased with對感

5、至U滿意be covered with 被 覆蓋be expected to do sth.被期望做某事be proud of以自豪be afraid of 害怕speak highly of 稱贊hear of 聽說 / (hear from sb.收至U某人的來信 )of cause=certainly 當然可以plenty of= a 10t of 許多9. by :by the way 順便說 by oneself 單獨,獨自by the end of 至卜為至 one by one 依次by the time( 引起時間狀語從句)到的時候by air/plane 乘飛機by bus/

6、train/car乘公共汽車/火車/轎車相關:catch a bus 趕公交車get on/off the bus 上 / 下車take a bus toi=go toby bus 乘車去10. to:make a contribution to貢獻給、 捐獻make a telephone call to sb.=ring sb. up=give sb. a call=phone sb. 給某人打電話connect A to B 把A與B連接起來be close to靠近(某地)give birth to 生(孩子)lose to sb 輸給 sb .11. about :talk abou

7、t 談論 worry about 擔心How / What about? 怎么樣?think about 考慮相關:think of 認為、想起、考慮、想到think over 仔細考慮think out 想出12. from :from door to door挨家挨戶from time to time時時from now on從今以后from then on從月B以后be different from 與不同learn from 向學習borrow from 從借:相關:lend to把一借給13. look :look for 尋找 wait for 等候100 k after=take

8、 care of照看100k like 看起來像100k the same看起來樣100k over 檢杳,復習 100k through 瀏唬look out 小心,從里向外看100k up 向上看,查單詞look around 環(huán)視 100k forward to 期望14. off :set off 出發(fā)、動身 put off 推識 turn off 關 take off 脫(衣),(飛機)起飛jump off 跳離keep off 避開、不靠近 drop off 放下(某物)20. away :an exercise book 練習本15. in :take part in 參力口 h

9、and in 上交in hospital 住院 in surprise 吃驚地in the sun 在陽光下 in trouble 處于困境in a minute/moment 馬上16. on :feed on 以為主食 live on 繼續(xù)活著base on 以為根據(jù)carry on 堅持、繼續(xù)下去and so on 等等 on the other hand 另一方面on foot 步行17. be 介詞:be famous for 以.著名 be born 出生be excited about +n./V-ing對感至 U興奮be interested in對感興趣be amazed a

10、t 對.感至原訝be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth. 忙于18. with sth.:help sb.(to)do sth.=help sb.with sth.幫助某人做某事with one ' s help 在某人的幫助下with pleasure 樂意19. into :step into 走避 pour into倒入wash away 沖走 run away 逃跑 take away 帶走21. 展覽:on show = on display22. 充滿:be filled with = be full of23. 由于:thank to =

11、because of24. 很,非常:nice and +adj. = very +adj.25. out :be worn out 穿舊,磨壞 check out 核實,檢查write out 寫出 take sth. out of 從拿出/取出某物26. in :in this way 用這種方法in space 在太空in a few year ' s time 幾年以后in and out of class在課內課外in the last fifteen minutes在最后十五分鐘里 ,in the second half在下半場later in one ' s life 在某人的后半生in the air 在空中 in th


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