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1、邢唷? ?ln?k欹? q餜? LbjbjqPqP8P : :?JJJJJJJ?8?4 N?zz?www+M-M-M-M-M-M-M騈hZQ-M?J,ww,-MJJ?篗 ,?J?J?+M ,+M ?汣?JJ?n +?顧?(?kE47L?蠱0N烢篞?篞h篞J?w?A? ?tE?www-M-M?wwwN,?JJJJJJ-N 齎體 S 茤釼 lQ 鳶 2 0 1 0 t貧+TYe 坈鸑 LD?h Y 韹 諎諎wS駛韹鼅T1 2 0 R 煍匭孾 b槝鱏N孨N; R12121 - 3梍 R桘?t 銐桘嬳 w 噀(u 駛韹亯轛 T顣槝qQ2 5 R韜噀 11 2 . 5 RY o u n gp e o p

2、 l ei nB r i t a i nt e ndt os t a yw i t ht h e i rf a m i l yl o n ge rt h e s ed a y sa sa c c o m m o d a t i o nise x p e n s i v eb u t ,w h e nt h e ym o veaway to a job or college, they rent a room in someone 抯 house. They can also get abed-sitting room. They can share a rented flat or house

3、 with a group of young people.When young people get married or have a steady income, they often buy a house. Theydo this by taking out a mortgage with a building society or bank. They are the officialowners and the mortgage is a financial loan for anything up to 100% of the value ofthe house, repaya

4、ble over twenty to forty years. People can find it difficult to repaytheir mortgage, but at least they know that in the end the house will be theirs.If people cannot afford to buy their own house, they can rent property from aprivate landlord. In city areas the problem has been made worse by the bad

5、 conditionthat a lot of council property is in. High-rise flats, for example, have developedstructural faults.Unfortunately, homelessness is an increasingly serious problem all over Britain.It affects all ages; single people, couples with children, even old-age pensioners.In 1984, 83190 households,

6、a term that covers families and single people, wereofficially listed as homeless. In one year, 170190 households applied to be put on thelist, but thousands were turned down although they were probably living in overcrowdedconditions or in housing that badly needed repairing and improving.Questions:

7、What conditions are new blocks of council flats in?What does the number, 83190 listed in 1984, show?Whatdoyoungpeoplethesedaysoftendoinordertohaveaplacet ol i v ei n ?I fo n eh a sam o r t g a g e ,w h a td o e st h ec o m p a n yh eb o r r o w e dm o n e yfr o md ot oh i m ?W h yd o e st h ea u t h

8、 o rt h i n kh o m e l es s n e s si sa ni n c r e a s i n g l ys e r i o usp r o b l e ma l lo v e rB r i t a i n ?韜噀 21 2 . 5 RT h eu l t i m a t eg o a lo fe c o no m i cd e v e l o p m e n t si st oi m p rovethewell-being of people. The building of factories, the terracing of land and the traini

9、ngof engineers are but means toward that end; enhancing the reputation or wealth ofpolitical leaders and increasing the prestige or power of nation states are irrelevant.Improving the health of people is fundamental to improving their well-beiechnology newresources may be found and the present ones

10、can be preserved effectively. Second,measures should be taken to restrain the increase of water consumption. For example,we can advocate the recycling of water in industry.Being one of those whose life has been threatened by the crisis, I would like todo something helpful, such as not wasting water

11、in daily life and spreading the ideaof protecting environment. As long as we take it seriously, we will definitely overcomethis difficulty.韜噀 22 5 RT h eM i c r o s o f tl a bi sm u c hm o r eth a nas h o w c a s ef o rh o wf a rC h i n ah a sc o m ei nc o m p u t e rt e c h n o l o g y.I ta l s oi

12、l l u s t r a t e sh o wi n n o v at i o ni sa ni n c r e a s i n g l yg l o b a lga m e .I tc a ni n v o l v eaw o r l d w i d er e s e a r c ha n dd e v e l o p m e n to p e r a t io nl i k et h a to fM i c r o s o ft, or IBM, which hasmajor labs in China, Israel, Switzerland, Japan, and India. Or

13、 innovation can be theproduct of a much more amorphous structure, something that consultants call globalinnovation networks. These often consist of in-house engineers, contract designers andmanufactures, university scientists, and dozens of technology suppliers big andsmall ?all pulled together for

14、a particular product.-*BFLNPfh?蹣 坌 塒 琿 琿 鹿 哀 灀 張 亃 乹h_hVhOh hE= 5丆 J h? 5丆 Jo( h 饁 L 5丆 Jo( hE= 5丆 Jo( h o? 5丆 Jo( h!a 5乷( h?5乷( h o? 5乷( h 踚 h o? 5丆JaJo( h o? 5丆J$ o( hJ ? 5丆J$ o( h饁L 5丆 J$ o( hN? 5丆 J$ o( h 錡 E h?5丆 JaJo( h?( 5丆 JaJo( h 錡 E hcs? 5丆 JaJ h錡E hcs? 5丆JaJo( hcs? 5丆JaJo(BPfhlptx|? $ d?

15、$Ifa$gd# $ d? $Ifa$gdtA $ d?a$gd# $? ?P d?a$gd!a $ d?a$gdJ ? $ d?a$gdcs?闑 L ?D8) $ d? $Ifa$gd# d? $Ifgd#?kd $ $IfT杔 4?謗 h?a ? U R R q?t? ? ? 6 ? ? ? ? ? ?4?4? l a?f4奣 ? d? $Ifgd# $ d? $Ifa$gd# ?-?kd? $ $IfT杔 4?譃h?8 a ? U ) ) ) ) qt? ? ? 6 ? ? ? ? ? ?4?4? l a?f4奣? d? $Ifgd# $ d? $Ifa$gdtA? d?gd#?kd?

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17、乷( hV h 饁 L CJ乷( h !z CJ乷( h? h?! 5丆 J乷( h !z 5丆 J乷( h? h !z 5丆 J乷( hV hV 5丆 J乷( h 耴? hV CJ乷( h 蘞 e h 耴? o( h 耴 ? CJo( h 蘞 e h 耴 ? CJo( hV hV CJ乷( .E0EJELE鐴闑頔餎鬍鯡鶨麰FLLLL L L L L? ?% 処 剛 &?$ +D7gd 圔刪 刪刪刪gd? 匄 ? &#$ gd ? d 匎gdV d4?gd 耴?b d 匎gd? d 匎gd? TE鍱鐴闑霦餎駿鯡鳨麰FLL LLLLLLL L L L L L L L L L躅廒眾

18、眾眾衷質(zhì)氖睦丹棨垽祕樂? h ? h? 0JCJaJo( hY#0JCJaJmH nH u h ? h? 0JCJaJ! j h ? h? 0JCJUaJ h? 0JCJaJo( h? h? 0J j h? 0JU U h 覲 j h 覲U hV h 薿? CJ乷( hV CJo( h 蘞 e h 耴? CJo( PAGE( PAGE 5 ) L L? d 匎gdV6 1?2P:p ?傲( 皷 9!皸 皸 #悹$悹%? 癝 班惄? $ $If栐!v h5? U 5? R5? R5? q 5? #vU #v R#v q #v:V 杔 4t? ? ? 6 ?+? +? ,?5? U 5? R5?

19、q 5? a?f4奣? $ $If栐!vh5? U 5? ) 5? ) 5? ) 5? ) 5? q 5?#vU #v) #v q #v:V杔?F?Fck 噀 $ 1$ a$CJKH_H mH nHsH tHRRh 槝1, $&F?d? ? dH?& ? ?CJ h 槝2 $ ? dH?&?CJ h 槝3 $ 刦 dH?& 刦CJV Vh 槝4/ $&F? 匋?dH?& ? 匋? CJ$ A? $貫祂=刉SOF i? Fnf 恏?h:V ?4?4? l a?k ?鄀 Rh?( B? (ck 噀噀,gCJ S2ck 噀噀,g)蹚3 刋 dH?刋 C

20、J CBck 噀噀,g)蹚 劻 d?劻CJ? . ?R.yb 鑜 Fh 噀,gCJaJN bN?u?w $? 9 r &dG$ P?a$CJaJ?P!(3468:ABCEGIKOPQSUVWXYZwx?TbMNY?fgr? ?-.EFSp?/01?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?

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