



1、Negotiations談判: A negotiation is a process of communication betweenparties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement,solve a problem or make arrangements.Conflicts沖突: A conflict is dispute, disagreement or argument betweentwo or more interdependent parties who have different and

2、commoninterests.Stakes利益: Stakes are the value of benefits that maybe gained or lost,and the costs that may be incurred or avoided.Information信息: Information is generally esteemed as a valuablecommodity in a sense that it has power to reduce uncertainty.Power能力:is a social phenomenon ,which endows p

3、eople with controlNegotiation power談判力:Negotiationpower is the ability thatone negotiator can make use of to control over and affect the other sidesdecision making and to resolve the dispute and attain the target ofnegotiation.Trust信任: trust means increasing your vulnerability to another personwhose

4、 behavior is not under your control in a situation in which the penalty,lose or deprivation you would suffer if the other person abuses or fails toprotect your vulnerability is substantially greater than the benefits, rewardor satisfaction you would gain if the other person fulfills or protect yourv

5、ulnerability.Distributive Negotiation兩分法談判: the most common kind in businessactivities, are also named as“zero - sum games”because the sum ofthe two partiesinterests are constant, which means A gain is at theexpenses of Bs interests. Coalition談判聯(lián)盟: A coalition is defined as twoor more parties from d

6、ifferent political, social or economic groupscoordinate their actions or combine their resources to achieve a particularaim because they believe that together they will have a better chance ofreaching their goals the separately. Culture文化: Culture is also defined asan integrated system of learned be

7、havior patterns that are characteristic ofthe members of any given society.Negotiation produce談判程序步驟1. introduction of team member2. negotiation agenda and its arrangement3. formal negotiation4. wrapping upnegotiation produce structure談判程序的結(jié)構(gòu)1. determine interests and issues2. design and offer optio

8、ns3. introduce criteria to evaluate options4. estimate reservation points5. explore alternative to agreement6. reach an agreementstructure of business negotiation貿(mào)易談判的機構(gòu)inquiry-offer-counterofferacceptancetarget level談判三種目標1. desirable target :is what negotiations wish to attain butin reality ralely

9、reach2. acceptable target :is what negotiation make all efforts to achieve3. bottom target :is what negotiations will defend safeguard which alltheir efforts信息的直接用途:problem solving信息的間接用途:strategic planningWhere to collect information信息的收集渠道1. international organization2. governments3. service organ

10、ization4. directories and newsletters5. online serviceFour cause of unwilling?不愿意做談判準備的原因?1. lack of sensitivity2. limited cognition3. lack of familiarty4. inactivity and gambling mindfour steps談判準備的步驟?1. target decision2. collecting information3. staffing negotiation teams4. choice of negotiation v

11、enueswhen is the third party desired?什么時候選擇第三方加入談判?1. power is relatively lower than other counterpart2. relationship deteriorates and communicate close in a deadlock3. negotiation goes impasse and no alternative availableand4. established norms and standards hinder the processWhen to choose third p

12、artys venue(何時選擇第三方談判地點):1) First, the two negotiating parties are hostile and antagonistic to eachother, or even engaged in a fighting against each other.2)Second, negotiation goes into an impasse and no sign ofrapprochement, impossible to carry on negotiation in neither partysplace.3)Third, a disp

13、ute is stirred up when both parties strongly demand to hostthe negotiation.Win-win model雙贏模式1. determine each partys own interest and needs2. find out the other partys interests and demands3. discuss the possibilities of making concession4. reach on agreement of compromising or declare failure winlo

14、semodel輸贏模式1. Determine each partys own interests and stance2. Defend ones own interests and stance3. Discuss the possibilities of making concession4. Reach on agreement of compromising or declare failure CollaborativePrincipled Negotiation four basic components(合 作原則談判的四個準則):1.people: separate the

15、peoplefrom problem 2.interests: focus on interests but not positions 3.gaining:invent options for mutual gain4.criteria: introduce objectivecriteria how to tell a criterion is objective如何客觀品評判標準1. independent of wills and free from sentimental influence2. valid and realistic3. at least theoretically

16、 accepted by both sideshow to standards for successful negotiation判定談判成功與否 的標準satisfy the both valid in terests, resolve the conflicts, protect in terests highly efficie ntimprove the relati on ship n eeds theory需求理論五種1. physiological needs2. safety needs3. love and belonging needs4. esteem needs5.

17、needs to for self-actualization6. needs to know and understand7. aesthetic needslaw of two level game雙層法規(guī)level 1 intern ati on al level :relati on ship of i nterests and cha nces ofsuccess of n egotiati on2.demonstrating attractiveness1.2.3.No cha nge success possible success in creas ingLevel 2 dom

18、estic level :winsets, the sets gain the necessary majorityamong the constituentsConclusion:the larger winsets makethe more likelyan agreement at level1the smaller winsetscountry at level哪些因素影響談判力:1.can be a bargainingadvantage for a2.motivati on: A partyof its motivations oris ,theweaker itspower is

19、 in creas ing with decreas ing thegreater a partys motivationpower is diminishing with increasingof its depe ndence on the other partysubstitutes:one partypower is strengthened available forcon siderati on How to stimulate motivation( 1.offeri ng in duceme nts3.s in depe ndence in crease and thus it

20、swhen there are more substitutes如何刺激對方的動機):3.getting external third party back4.placing a time limitHow to increase substitutes(如何增加擬方替代):1.has alternatives which allow operating without the other party2.absorb the escalating cost of conflict3.can continue despite the other partys discouraging effec

21、ts on itssupporters4.use expert counsel, persuasion,communication and legal, historial or moral precedents to gain access toalternative Determinants Affecting a persons trustful or mistrustfulbehavior(影響人的信任或不信任行為的決定因素):1.Unchangeable Elements: 1) childhood education; 2) professional orspecial train

22、ing2. Changeable Elements: 1) past credit reward; 2) competence of othersto perform a task 3) intentions of others; 4) reward systemEffect or trust信任的效應(yīng) 結(jié)論Trust stimulates intellevtualdevelopment and originality,andleads to greater emotional stability and self-control. trust facilitates acceptsand o

23、pen of expression for establishing sound relationship amongnegotiating team members as well as between negotiating parties.Negotiations based conversely, mistrust provokes rejection anddefensireness, damages vollaboration in a group with wish high level ofmistrust, members signal of mistrust and exp

24、ect mistrust from others, thusproduce law level of trust.AC Model:1.Competing: mono policing; not listening; exaggerating; attacking2. Collaborating : sharing information & understanding; enlict finding acreative solution; cooperation; during3. Compromising: rushing to settle; pragmatism; seekin

25、g middle ground;setting for less optional solution4. Avoiding : skipping meetings; avoid people; withholding information;delaying5. Accommodating: shading the truth; giving in; bending rules; appeasing結(jié)論:the more stakes and power, the more assertiveness depends onalignment of interest and relationsh

26、ip; the more mutual interests and themore mutual trust, the more cooperativeness一次囚徒和多次囚徒的結(jié)論-one- short prisons dilemma gamerarely leads to cooperation- iterated prisons dilemma gameslead to cooperation and high trust兩分法分類:reward system; relationship; tangible issues; assumptions;strategy usedHow to b


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