



1、安陽殷墟英文導(dǎo)游詞 5 篇導(dǎo)游詞是導(dǎo)游人員引導(dǎo)游客觀光游覽時(shí)的講解詞,是導(dǎo)游 員同游客交流思想,向游客傳播文化知識(shí)的工具,也是應(yīng)用寫作研究的文體之一。以下是整理的安陽殷墟英文導(dǎo)游詞5 篇,歡迎閱讀參考!安陽殷墟英文導(dǎo)游詞(1)In 1899, in Xiao Tun Village of Anyang City, He nan Provi nee,villagers found many tortoise(龜)shells and bones carved with letters andsymbols, which unveiled(顯露)to the world Yin Xu, an an

2、 cie nt city with along history and sple ndid culture. Si nee the n this place has become ofgreat in terest to worldwide archeologists, because those in scripti ons haveproved to be the earliest writte n characters of huma n bein gs, the Oracles.About 3,300 years ago, one emperor of the Shang Dyn as

3、ty (16th -11th cen tury BC)moved his capital city to Yin, which is todays Anyang city,and since the n Yin has bee n the capital city for more tha n 250 years.Today Yin Xu has proved to be the earliest remains of an ancient capital cityin written record. Covering a grand area of 24 square kilometers

4、(more tha n9 square miles), Yin Xu had a palaces district, civil reside nces district,tombs district and workshops district, divided into two parts by the Hengriver in the city. This rati on al layout clearly shows people a powerfulcountry and a well-equipped an cie nt city.The large-scale excavati

5、on in Yin Xu has bee n continued since thelast cen tury. Besides the 150, 000 pieces of oracles, abundant bronze warehas bee n excavated, and among them, Simuwu Ding, a 4-legged bronzecooki ng vessel 器皿) is the biggest and heaviest bronze ware ever foundworldwide. Apart from oracles and bronze ware,

6、 people have alsoexcavated much pottery ware and jade. The excavation is still in progressand great discoveries come forth from time to time. Like a famousarcheologist has said, in Yin Xu there are more treasures to be found.Because of its great value in not only the historical relics of Chin esecul

7、ture but also the huma n civilizatio n of the whole world, Yin Xu toppedthe 100 Greatest Archeological Discoveries of Chi na in the last century andit was listed in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List of Un ited Nations Educati on al, Scie ntific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Yin Xuis

8、 revealing its beauty to the world.Museum on Yin RuinsOK, everybody. Soon well get to the Museum on Yin Ruins, the bestmuseum for the study of the Yin Shang Culture. Now please listen to meand Id like to take this opportunity to give you a brief in troducti on on it.As you know, China is one of the

9、earliest coun tries to discovercharacters. As early as 4,000 years ago, people used bones or tortoiseshells to record events of their social life. It is the earliest written form ofIanguage in the world. Today we call them the oracle bone in scripti ons,which were first discovered in the Yin Rui ns.

10、Speak of the Yin Ruins, it is at Xiaotun Village of Anyang City. Inancient times, Xiaotun was called Yin and it was the capital of the ShangDynasty. So the period was also called Yin Shang. After the Yin had bee noverthrow n, the city decli ned and the remai ns of it was later called the YinRui ns.T

11、he Yin Rui ns is famous for three thin gs,i.e.the oracle in scripti ons,the bronze wares and the an cie nt capital of the Shang Dyn asty.Si nee the founding of new Chi na, the Yin Rui ns had bee n listed asthe first group of cultural relies under national proteetion. In order topreserve its culture

12、, the government built“ Gardenofthe Yin Ruins ” on the site. Today the garden is divided into several seetions with an eie nt objects on display.Next ,lets eome to the main hall where the oraele inseriptionsare exhibited. Ill talk someth ing more about the oraele boneinseriptions. The oraele bone in

13、seriptions were first diseovered during theyears of Emperor Guang Xu, in the Qing Dynasty. Then 15 importa ntarehaeologieal exeavatio ns were earried out with in 10 years, and more than 16,000 pieees of bones and shells were found.But in the Shang Dyn asty, they were used as div in ati on s(預(yù)言), whe

14、 npeople were very superstitious. The in seripti ons eover a wide range offields, sueh as saerifiee, wars, state affairs, weather, hun ti ng, ete. Today,they provide importa nt in formati on for the study of the Shang Dyn asty.And the study of the oraele bone inseriptions has beeome a new subjeetand

15、 is getting more popular among people.Apart from the oraele bone in seripti ons, bronze wares are anotherimportant part of the eultural relies diseovered from the Rui ns, whieh showthat the teeh no logy of bronze easti ng reaehed itspeak in the Shang Dyn asty. The bronze wares in elude vessels, weap

16、 ons,chariots and so on. Of all the un earthed wares, Ding ” is the largestbroezware in the world. It is elegant in appeara nee and in tricately carved inpatter ns, show ing the peak of bronze east ing tech no logy in the ShangDyn asty.Finally we come to the side of the imperial palaces and tombs. T

17、hesite of the imperial palaces lies on the north of the Xiaotun village, to thesouth bank of Henghe river. In 1976 near the site the the imperial palacesarchaeologists found the tomb of the first woma n gen eral in Chin esehistory.Tomb of Fu Hao.FuHao was Emperor Wu Dings wife,both in tellige ntand

18、courageous. She had bravely led the Yin army fighting in many warsand made great contributions to the protect ing of the coun try. After herdeath, Wu Ding built a large tomb near the palace to honor her merits.Buried together with her were many slaves and war pris oners as well as1,928 sacrificial o

19、bjects. Tomb of Fu Hao is the only well-preserved tomb unearthed so far in the Yin Rai ns. The large nu mbers of sacrificial objects arevaluable cultural relics in the treasure house of Chin ese art.Simuwwe are excavati ng a slavery society.The Yin (Sha ng) Culture ofMoreover, there are some other p

20、recious an cie nt articles displayed inthe museum, people who are in terested in the Yin Shang Culture will gain alot from our visit ing.Well, OK. So much for the in troducti on. Here we are, the Yin Ruins.Please get ready your stuff and the n dism ount the bus. Well beg in ourterrific visit in g. I

21、m sure youll enjoy a sple ndid experie nce here. Have agood time. Thank you .安陽殷墟英文導(dǎo)游詞(2)Located at the Xiaot un Village, Anyang city, Henan Prov ince, theruins of the capital city of the late Shang Dynasty are preserved in the YinRuins Museum where inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells weredisc

22、overed in 1899. It is also the birthplace of Chin ese archeology, one ofthe 100 patriotic educatio n cen ters of China, one of the superior n atio nalsce nery areas as well as one of the Natio nal Key Historic Relic Sites.The world famous Yin Rui ns Palace is of great importa nce in thehistory of hu

23、man civilization. Large amount of bones and tortoise shells within scripti ons, bronze wares, jade and stone wares and other rare culturalrelics were found on the ruins of more tha n 50 majestic palaces here. According to archeologists,three key factors of cities, characters and bronze wares gloriou

24、s an cie ntChin ese civilizati on”.The Yin Rui ns Museum, like an art palace of an cie nt Chi na culture,i nspires and refines our sen time nt on Chin ese an cie nt civilizati on.Lets first know something about the site of the Palace of Yin Ruins.The majestic Palace of Yin Ruins, one of the most fam

25、ous classic cities ofancient civilizations of the world, falls into three catalogues: palaces, templesand altars. Large amount of culture relics have bee n found here, i nclud ingthe rui ns of the cast brass, the bones and tortoise shells with in scripti ons,bronze wares, jade and stone wares and ot

26、hers, among which are the topones of China, or eve n the world. They are the mani festatio n of the unusual power of creati on, wisdom and tech niq ues of an cie nt Chin ese.Accord ing to archeologists,“ we are excavat ing a slavery societyThe Yin (Sha ng) Culture of“ three key factors of cities,cha

27、ractersand bronze wares ” is “ a glorious an cie nt Chin ese civilizati on Moruo, afamous Chin ese historia n, once wrote poems to show his admirati on andcomme nted that the Yin Ruins are the start ing point of Chinese civilizationon the central plain and touring here is more en lighte ning tha n r

28、ead ing ancie nt books.isNow, we have come to the site of the Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins. ChariotPits of Yin Ruins are the earliest chariots and road remains of an cie nt China. Ani mal-draw n carts were once the most importa nt means of tran sportin an cie nt Chi na, a vast land. Vehicles of the Yin

29、 (Shang) Dynasty, havingbeen found several times, are gen erally of the same structure, show ing along in terval betwee n the Yin Dyn asty and the time whe n they were invented. Vehicles are said to have bee n inven ted in the Xia Dyn asty accord ingto an cie nt docume nts. However, no such vehicles

30、 have bee n found yet.The Chariot Pits found on Yin Rui ns are the earliest ani mal-drive n carts inChin ese archeology, an evide nee of Chinas being one of the earliestancient civilizations inventing and using carts.The six Chariot Pits and road remains of Yin Ruins exhibited in theMuseum were exca

31、vated by the Archeology Research In stitute of ChinaSocial Scie nee Academy in Anyang. These chariot pits are almost in tact,being of great value in academic study and exhibiti on. In each pit thereburied a chariot. Ano ther two horses were buried in each of the five pits. Ineach of the four pits is

32、 one person immolated. Based on statistics, most ofthe immolated people are male adults, except for one male youth. Studiesshow that chariots of the Yin Dyn asty were good-look ing, solid, light, fast,bala need and comfortable. Chariot Pits of Yin Ruins are the most vividhistory textbooks on the far

33、 ancient civilization of animal-driven carts as wellas the cruel institution of burying the living with the dead in the slaverysociety.Next, lets come to the place where the Oracle BoneIn scriptio ns are exhibited. Oracle bone in scripti ons, the orig in of Chin esecharacters and the earliest mature

34、 Chin ese characters, were records ofauguries in the Yin Dyn asty, known as the earliest“ archive ” in ancient China. The 4,500 single Chinese charactersrecorded on 150,000 bones and tortoise shells found reveal social practicesin volvi ng politics, military affairs, cultures, customs as well as sci

35、e nee andtech niq ues in clud ing astr ono my, cale ndar, medic ine and others. Judging from the 1500 sin gle Chin ese characters decoded, oracle boneinscriptions of the Yin Dynasty have learned to create characters by“ pictograph, associative compo unds,echoism, self-expla nati on, mutual expla nat

36、i on and phon etic loa n manifesti ng the unique charm of Chin ese characters.Apart from the oracle in scripti on, bronze wares are ano ther importantpart of the cultural relics unearthed from the ruins. China has a long history ofmanu facturi ng artistic bronze wares of unique artistic style and na

37、tionalcharacteristics. The various bronze wares in clud ing sacrificial vessels,musical in strume nts, weap ons, tools, applica nts, decoratio ns and artisticworks embody the climax of the bronze era in China prese nted by sacrificialvessels and weap ons, playi ng an importa nt role in Chin ese an c

38、ie ntculture. Bronze wares of Yin Ruins, with their baroque, mysterious styles,beautiful decorati on lin es, abstracted ani mal desig ns, refi ned geometrypatter ns and delicate embossme nts, are mani festati ons of the religiousand aesthetic views of Yin people in an exaggerative and mysterious sty

39、le,being cultured with primitive roughness and artistic attractio ns. The gloriousachieveme nts of bronze ware casting of Yin Ruins have made it one of thecenters of bronze civilization in the world.Simuwu Quadripod un earthed in the mausoleum area of the YinRuins, the largest and the most famous br

40、onze sacrificial vessel in the world,is 875 kg in weight, 133 cm in height with an ope ning as long as 79.2 cm.Standing on the ope n plaza in front of the great hall is an enl arged copy ofthe orig inal one for the convenience of touri ng and appreciati on, with theorig inal one cherished in the Mus

41、eum of Chin ese History. With its unu sualair of majesty, together with its delicate decorative patter ns, it is con sidereda treasure in the bronze culture of China as well as a glorious pearl shiningon the peak of the world art. The superior cast tech niq ues and scientificchoice ingredients have

42、even won the admiration of moder n metallurgyexperts. To cast such a sig nifica nt vessel carry ing such a great weight,adva need tech niq ues and experie nces in orga ni zati on of laborers are necessary. As many scholars have poin ted out, this huge bronze quadripodreflects the adva need slavery s

43、ystem of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty and theunusual power of creati on of the people.Fin ally, we come to the Fuhao Tomb. Fuhao was the Emperof WuDings wife, also the first Woman general in Chinese history. The FuhaoTomb excavated in 1976 ran ked high among the top ten achieveme nts inthe archeology of

44、that year. Lying on the southwest of the Foun datio n RuinsC, Fuhao Tomb is one of the most importa nt archeology discoveries in thetemple and palace areas of Yin Ruins since 1928. It is also the onlydiscovered and well-reserved tomb of Sha ng royal members since the scienee excavation of Yin Ruins.

45、 As to the size, it is 5.6 meters long from north tosouth, 4 meters wide from east to west and 7.5 meters deep. On the tombwas built an an cestral temple described as“ Muxinzong ” by oracle inscriptions on shells and bones. Muxinzong isa memorial temple built by king Wuding to offer sacrifices after

46、 Fuhaos death.The establishment now we see is the scientific restore of the rema ins of Muxinzong.安陽殷墟英文導(dǎo)游詞(3)Good eve ning, every one. Welcome to Han gzhou! Its our great honor to beyour tour guide. Im Yan yan yin g, Im Wan xiaola n,today we will enjoy West Laketogether.First,let me in troduce West

47、 Lake briefly to you.As we all know, West LakeLying in Han gzhou City of Zhejiang Provinee, the West Lake is a world famoustourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of 5.6square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15 kilometers.The n ame of West Lake wasfixed as ear

48、ly as the Tang Dyn asty (618-907). Before the Tang Dyn asty, the lakehad various n ames such as Wuli n Water, Min gshe ng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchua n, Qianyuan, Qia nta ng Lake, and Sha ng Lake, etc. In the So ng Dyn asty(960-1279), the Chin ese renowned poet Su Don gpo wrote a poem to praise th

49、eWest Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chin ese lege ndary beauty. Si nee the n, theWest Lake has ano ther elega nt n ame Xizi Lake. Among its beautiful sights, themost famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in WestLake, which are known as the Double-Te n Sights in West L

50、ake.Ok, first letsappreciate the ten new sights. Bamboo-li ned Path at Yun qi-云棲竹 徑Lets first visit Bamboo-I ined Path at Yun qi, This attract on locates southwestto the West Lake, on the North Bank of Qia nta ng River and in Wuyun Hill YunqiVillage. Yunqi | means cloudslin geri ng. It is said that

51、some auspicious color clouds came flying from the n earbyColor Clouds Hill and lin gered on here, hence the n ame. Bamboo -Lined Path atYunqi is well known for its quiet ness and cooln ess. Walk ing along the path, soonyou will meet a pond called Mi nd Purify ing Pond which means pure mindDreami ng

52、of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley-虎跑夢泉You see that? Dream ing of Tiger Spring at HupaoValley. | Yes, here weare.It is situated at the foot of Daci Hill southwest to the WestLake, Tiger Spring ranks the third best in China. Drag on WellTeand Tiger Spring water | are rated as two uniqueness of the West

53、Lake. its wateris pure and clear. Tests show that the water is con tributive to peoples health.Walki ng along the path, you will see a tiger status at the foot of the LuxuriantGreen Cliff. From the left side of the cliff is the source of the spri ng. This place givesyou a very happ in ess to watch t

54、he spri ng. Then, you can have a seat in a tea housen ear the cliff to enjoy a cup of Drag on Well gree n tea brewed in Tiger Spri ng water.Im quite sure you all know the monk Jig ong and his classic figure, now Letsstep into the hall of Jigong Monk which is specially built to commemorate him. Havey

55、ou heard anything on Bell Tow ner? And this is it ,go and enjoy it please. Lord Ruans Moun d- 阮墩環(huán)碧N(yùn)ext, we would go to the youn gest of all manm ade isles on the west lake,Lord Ruans Mound, we will go there by boat and please pay atte nti on to safety.Lord Ruans Mound En circled by Gree nn ess: Duri

56、ng a major facelift in 1982,trees were planted and new settlers accommodated on Lord Ruans Mound. Today,as animitatio n an cie nt water - bound village, the mound is a favorite nightlifeparadise Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill-吳山天風(fēng)Stand at the bottom of Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill, You may no tice that th

57、echalle nge is coming forward to us, yes.Wu Hill situates at the end of hills around the lake, is made up of 10 or morepeaks. It stretches for several miles and exte nds into the dow ntow n. It is also aplace where you can enjoy differe nt scenes in different seasons for it is covered witha rich var

58、iety of trees and flowers. There are a lot of odd-shaped rocks andinscriptions on the hill. A strange cluster of rocks which is known as the TwelveAnimal Stones | appears like the twelve animals in the Chin ese lunar cale ndarsymboliz ing the differe nt years in which people are born. If you are in

59、terested in thebeautiful sce nery, you can climb to the top of Wu Hill, there is a pavilion where youcan have a view of both Qiantang River and West Lake as the hill locates betwee nQia ntang River and West Lake. Sweet Osma nthus Rain at Man Io ng Village-滿隴桂雨Do you see the words on that stone? Y es

60、, its SweetOsma nthus Rain at Manlong Village. It is famous for osma nthus blossoms, whosefragra nee drifts far and wide whe n the osma nthus are in bloo m. In October everyyear a mon th-l ong Osma nthus Festival is held here. If you are in terested in thisfestival, you can come here and enjoy it.In


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