



1、Un it 1 My n ames Gi na授課類型新授課The 1st period ( Sectio n A 1a 1c)教學目標1. Get students to learn how to greet people, introduce themselves and make new frien ds.2. Teach students to say English names in the right way.3. Get stude nts to ask for and give teleph one nu mbers.教學內容New words: name, clock, am

2、, nice, meet, what, helloWhat your n ame?My name is Hello! I m Mary.Hi, Mary! I m Jim. Nice to meet you.whats = what is Im = I am n ames = n ame is the pers onal and possessive pronouns: I,you, my, your, his, her重點難點1.會拼讀生詞和問姓名的句型。2.注意中英文姓名的差別。教學方法任務型教學、分級評價法、直觀教學法、模仿示范法、情景教學和合作學習法學習方法課前預習、課堂內外練習、聽說

3、讀寫結合教學過程設計備注課題引入I. Warmin g-up and revisi on1.Play the tape, enjoy the ABC song or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together.2. Divide the class into Group A and B. Draw two fishes on the blackboard as theirsymbols, tell the students that each time they answer questions right, they can get oneor more

4、points for their group and draw one or more bubbles around their fish, at the endof the class, the group which gets more bubbles will be the winner today. Say, One, two,three! Get the whole class sit straight, thus announce the begi nning of the competition.3. Revise the three units in Starters. Sho

5、w some key sentences in Chinese on thescree n, have stude nts tran slate them into En glish, get a stude nt from each group tocome to the front and write dow n their an swers on the blackboard, the n check the answers, each correct sentence will earn a point for the group.教學步驟 及主要內容II. Prese ntatio

6、n1.Teacher says: , Hello! My name is Lily. Whatyour name?”Get the stude nts to answer, My n ame is”Then teacher says, Ita good / nice name. I like your name.”2.On the screen show a lovely mouse saying My nameGina. Underline My n ame”,tell the stude nts it means My n ame is/ I am/ I m”.3.Show the que

7、stion Whatyour name?Underline Whats”,tell the students that itmeans What is”.III. Liste ning drills (1)1.Do Section A, 1b, liste n and nu mber the con versati ons (1-3).2.Show the picture on page 1 on the scree n with no words on it. Get stude nt to listento the tape and try to repeat the sentences

8、in the conversations, each correctsentence will earn a point for the group.課堂練習IV. Pair-work.1.Get the students listen to the conversations again and repeat after the tape, the nwork in groups, practice the con versati ons with the partn ers.2.Have some stude nts come to the front and show their own

9、 con versatio n, the nmake a comme nt on it (praise the stude nts first) and give 2 to 4 points to theirgroup.3.Do Section A, 1a. First, have the stude nts work in groups, write dow n as manywords as possible on their students books in only 2 minutes; then get a stude ntfrom each group to write dow

10、n their words on the blackboard at the same time, theone who writes more can get more poi nts.V. Liste ning drills (2)1.Do Secti on A, 2a. Liste n to four con versati ons and nu mber the pictures (1-4).2. Do Secti on A, 2b. Liste n aga in, circle the n ames accord ing to the tape. Listen forthe last time, then fill in the blanks.小結與作業(yè)課堂小結Help the Ss to sum up what they have lear nt this class本課作業(yè)1.Liste n and read after the tape for thirty min


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