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1、實(shí)用文檔人教版高中英語必修 6內(nèi)容全解ArtUnit 1.板就話題111晨讀積f累話題素材藝術(shù)好詞1.appreciation n.欣賞2.1 nspiration n.靈感;啟發(fā)3.vivid adj.栩栩如生的;鮮艷的4.works n.著作;作品5.typical adj.典型的;有代表性的6.on exhibition 在展示中7.sense of beauty 美感8 .work of art藝術(shù)作品9 .under the influence of 受的影響10 .break away (from)脫離;放棄11 .enrich one's life 豐富某人的生活12 .

2、for sale 待售13 .show one's talent for.展現(xiàn)對(duì)的天賦14 .shape one's characte塑造某人的品格15 .ori_gaUery畫廊;美術(shù)館佳句16 Both his paintings and his passion for art have_given_me_endless_inspiration.他的畫作和他對(duì)藝術(shù)的熱愛都給了我無盡的靈感。2 .The exhibition gives local artists an_opportunity_to_display_their_works.這次展覽為當(dāng)?shù)厮囆g(shù)家提供了展示自己作

3、品的機(jī)會(huì)。3 .As_for art, there are so many great artists that_I_just_admire.實(shí)用文檔關(guān)于藝術(shù),有那么多我崇拜的藝術(shù)家。精美語篇Dear John,I have good news to tell you. A famous Shaoxing OperaB utter fly Lovers, will be put on in Tianjin Grand Theater at 2 00 p. m. on August the fifth. I know you take a great fancy to Chinese cultu

4、re, especially the local operas. I hope this opportunity will not only make you happy, but also satisfy your interest in Chinese operas. If you can come, suggest we have a look athe Museum of the Traditional Opera near the theater after the performance. There, I believe, you can know the history of

5、many Chinese operaswhich can increaseour knowledge about Chinese culture.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua板塊二 基礎(chǔ)l叫自成檢測(cè)高頻單詞II1. faith (n.)信任;信心;信念faithful (adj.)忠實(shí)的ffaithfully ( adv.)忠實(shí)地2. typical (adj.)典型的;有代表性的 ftype (n.)種類;類型 (v.)打字3. consequently adv.)所以;因而fconsequent adj.)作為結(jié)果的; 隨之發(fā)生的fc

6、onsequencen.) 結(jié)果;影響4. ajm (n.)目標(biāo);目的(vi.&vt.)瞄準(zhǔn);(向某方向)努力反義詞)aimless (adj.)無目的的5. evident (adj.)明顯的;明白的 fevidence (n.)證據(jù)6. possessvt.)擁有;具有;支配 fpossession n.)(尤作復(fù)數(shù))所有;財(cái)產(chǎn)7. predict (vt.)預(yù)言;預(yù)告;預(yù)測(cè) fprediction (n.)預(yù)言;預(yù)測(cè)fpredictable (adj.)可預(yù)見的 f predictor (n.)預(yù)言者8. exhibition (n.)展覽;陳列;展覽會(huì) -exhibit (vt

7、.&vi.)陳列;展覽9. civilization (n.) 文明;文化;文明社會(huì)civilize (vt.) 使文明; 使開化civilized (adj.) 文明的; 開化的10. preference。.)喜愛; 偏愛 prefer (vt.) 寧愿; 更喜歡11. visual (adj.)視覺的;看得見的fvision (n.)視力;視覺;洞察力visually (adv.)視覺上地; 真實(shí)地12. contemporary (adj.)當(dāng)代的;同時(shí)代的 (n.)同輩人;同代人13. technique n.)技術(shù);方法;技能 -technical(adj.)技術(shù)的;工藝的

8、;與技術(shù)有關(guān)的14. coincidence (n.)巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合fcoincident (adj.)巧合的15. adopt (vt.)采用;采納;收養(yǎng) fadoption (n.)收養(yǎng);采取fadopted (adj.)收養(yǎng)的,領(lǐng)養(yǎng)的16. attempt (n.)努力;嘗試;企圖 (vt.)嘗試;企圖-attempted (adj.)未遂的17. appeal Vi.)有感染力;呼吁;求助(vt.)將上訴(n.)呼吁;懇求fappealing (adj.)有吸引力的重點(diǎn)短語|I1. concentrate 9n 集中2. as well as 也; 還; 而且

9、3. by coincidence 巧合地4. in the late 19th century 在 19世紀(jì)晚期5. a great_deal 大量6. lead_to 導(dǎo)致7. scores of. 大量的8. on_the_other_hand (可是)另一方面9. intheflesh活著的;本人10. have_a preference for 偏愛11. appeal_to (對(duì)某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感興趣12. lje_in 在于;位于熱點(diǎn)句型II1. It is/was+ adj. + that.(主語從句)But it_was_evident_that (f艮顯然)ide

10、as were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic wa澈材 P2)2. without短語用于含蓄虛擬條件句Without the new paints 役有新的顏料)and the new technique, we would not be able to see(不 能看至U) the many great masterpieces for which this period is fam

11、ous.材 P2)3. 表語提前引起的倒裝句Among_the_painters (在刃B些畫 家中) who broke away from the traditional style of painting were_the_Impressionists 3印象派畫家), who lived and worked in Paris.徵材 P2)4. On the one hand.,. on the other hand.一方面,“另一方面 ”O(jiān)n_the_other_hand (另一方面),some paintings of modern art are so realistic tha

12、t they look like 文案大全實(shí)用文檔photographs.徵材 P3)5. would rather do. than do.寧愿干而不愿干”Many art lovers would rather visit (寧愿參觀)this small art gallery than (B不參觀)any other in New York.(教材 P6)鞏固訓(xùn)練|I在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個(gè)單詞)或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。1. A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols,created a feeling

13、of respect and love for God.答案:which2. Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones,(start) from the sixth century AD.答案:starting3. You can also explore Frick's beautiful home and garden which(be) well worth a visit. 答案:are4. The reputation of this museum lies the variety o

14、f its art collection.答案:in5. It is amazing that so many great works of art from the late 19th century to the 21st century (house) in the same museum.答案:are housed6. The Impressionists were the first painters(work) outdoors.答案:to work7. Today they are accepted as the beginning of we call.“modern art

15、”答案:what8. Some paintings of modern art are so realistic they look like photographs.答案:that9. It will appeal to those love Impressionist and Postmpressionist paintings.答案:who10. This covers more than 5,000 years of civilization from many parts of the world,(include) America, Europe, China, Egypt.答案:

16、including實(shí)用文檔腱弓遜喳以中關(guān)單詞沖關(guān)干1 aim n.目標(biāo);目的;瞄準(zhǔn) vt.& vi.瞄準(zhǔn);對(duì)準(zhǔn);旨在教材原句During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.(P2)在中世紀(jì),畫家們的主要目的是表現(xiàn)宗教主題。歸納拓展(1)aim at向瞄準(zhǔn);對(duì)準(zhǔn)aim at doing力爭(zhēng)做到;目的在于aim to do sth.旨在做某事be aimed a匕 be intended for 目的是; 旨在(2)achieve/realize one's aim

17、 達(dá)至 U 目 的with the aim of 帶著的目的take aim at.把目標(biāo)對(duì)準(zhǔn) (3)aimlessadj.沒有方向的;無目標(biāo)的;無計(jì)劃的語境助記This activity is aimed at improving the students' ability of listening and speaking.這項(xiàng)活動(dòng)的目的是提高學(xué)生們的聽說能力。牛津高階She went to London with the aim of finding a job.她去倫敦是為了找工作。Teamwork is required in order to achieve these a

18、ims.要達(dá)到這些目的需要團(tuán)隊(duì)協(xié)作。 It is evident that his life seems aimless.顯而易見他的生活似乎沒有目標(biāo)。2 adopt vt.采用;采納;收養(yǎng)教材原句People began to concentrate less on religious themes aadopt a more humanistic attitude to life.(P2)人們開始淡化宗教主題,并且采納更人性化的人生態(tài)度。歸納拓展文案大全實(shí)用文檔(1)adopt an idea 采納建議adopt an approach/a policy/an attitude采取方法 /

19、政策 /態(tài)度(2)adoptedadj.被收養(yǎng)的;被采用的adoption n.采納;采用;收養(yǎng)名師點(diǎn)睛adopt和adapt在拼寫上只有一個(gè)字母之差,應(yīng)特別注意其含義上的差別語境助記It is said that the headmaster has adopted our suggestion.據(jù)說校長已采納了我們的建議。Another peasant family adopted him_as their own son.另一戶農(nóng)民把他收養(yǎng)起來,作為自己的兒子。His adopted son went abroad last week.他的養(yǎng)子上周出國了。易混辨析adopt表示采納(意i

20、見、計(jì)劃、方法等),米用;收養(yǎng)”等adapt表示適應(yīng)”,常用 adapt oneself to表不 適應(yīng)言辨異The young couple had no children of their own and adopted an orphan. After a few months, the child came to adapt to his new life.這對(duì)年輕夫婦沒有自己的兒女,他們收養(yǎng)了一個(gè)孤兒。幾個(gè)月后,這個(gè)孩子逐漸適應(yīng)了新的生活。3 possession n.(尤作復(fù)數(shù))所有;財(cái)產(chǎn)They paid famous artists to paint pictures of t

21、hemselves, their house and possessionss well as their activities and achievements.(P2)他們出價(jià)聘請(qǐng)著名藝術(shù)家來為自己畫像,畫自己的房屋和財(cái)物,以及他們的活動(dòng)和成就。歸納拓展(1)in possession of 擁有; 占有in the possession of sb in one's possession為某人所有; 歸某人所有take/have possession o既有; 占有possessvt.擁有;具有;支配be possessed ofW; 擁有實(shí)用文檔名師點(diǎn)睛possessions用

22、復(fù)數(shù)表示 財(cái)產(chǎn);所有物;財(cái)富”。語境助記My most valuable possessions were my relationships with my neighbors.我最寶貴的財(cái)富就是和鄰居的關(guān)系。朗文高階She was found in_possession_of stolen goods.她被發(fā)現(xiàn)窩藏贓物。 Although he doesn't possess much money, he is possessed_of good health.雖然他沒有很多錢,但是他擁有健康的身體。We've already bought the house but we

23、won't take possession of it until May.我們已經(jīng)買了這座房子,但要到五月份才能拿到。2016 四川高考They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: thepower to make a difference in the lives of others.他們有一種不同于我們都具備的超能力:那種能對(duì)他人生活產(chǎn)生影響的能力。4 attempt n.努力;嘗試;企圖 vt.嘗試;企圖On the one hand, some modern art is abstract;

24、that is, the painter does notattempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes(P3)一方面,有些現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)是抽象的,也就是說,畫家并不打算把我們眼睛看到的東西如實(shí)地畫出來歸納拓展(1)attempt sth.嘗試某事attempt io_do/at doing.嘗試/試圖做(2)make an attempt to do/at doing.嘗試做al one's/the first attempt 第一次嘗試(3)attemptedadj.未遂的語境助記牛津高階I will attempt_to_an

25、swer all your questions.我將努力回答你的全部問題。I passed my driving test at_the_first_attempt.我考汽車駕駛執(zhí)照時(shí)一次就通過了。文案大全實(shí)用文檔I've made an attempt_to convince her of his honesty, but in vain.我試圖讓她相信他是誠實(shí)的,但是徒勞無果。5 figure n.數(shù)字;身材;畫像 v.計(jì)算;認(rèn)為;估計(jì)The art of making figures, objects, etc out of stone, wood, clay etc.(P4)從

26、石頭、木材、黏土等中制作模型、物件等的藝術(shù)。歸納拓展have a good figure 身材好keep one's figure 保持身材figure out算出;想出;理解語境助記2016 全國卷 n Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured_it all out.坐在去機(jī)場(chǎng)的車?yán)?,我想明白了一切?It didn't take the children long to figure out the correct answer.孩子們沒有花很長時(shí)間就算出了正確答案。She does exerc

27、ise every morning to keep her figure.她每天早上做運(yùn)動(dòng)以保持身材。2016 北京高考As for my_favorite figure in Chinese history, it must be Wei Yuan, a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty.關(guān)于中國歷史上我最喜歡的人物,那一定非魏源莫屬一個(gè)清末的偉大思想家。過關(guān)演練單句語法填空在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個(gè)單詞)或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。1. She refused to allow the(exhibit) of her husband's w

28、orks.答案:exhibition 考查詞性轉(zhuǎn)換。句意:她不允許展出她丈夫的作品。exhibition名詞 展覽;展出”。2. One reason for her(prefer) for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.答案:preference 考查詞性轉(zhuǎn)換。preference喜愛; 偏愛3. Dale took his mother's advice, tried desperately and after several(attempt) fina

29、lly made it.答案:attempts考查名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式。句意:戴爾采納了他母親的建議,不顧一切地嘗試,幾次努力之后終于成功了。由句意及空格前的several一詞可知,應(yīng)填attempts文案大全實(shí)用文檔4. The project(aim) to get kids to a stage called, 'Wdeeqe rtheyingin read tolearn.答案:aims考查固定短語。aim to do sth.旨在做某事,目的在于"。5. Nobody believed his(predict) then but later it turned out to

30、 be true.答案:prediction考查詞性轉(zhuǎn)換。句意:那時(shí)沒有人相信他的預(yù)測(cè),但是后來證實(shí)是正確的。 prediction名詞預(yù)測(cè);預(yù)計(jì)”。6. This is an animal that is specific this part of Africa.答案:to考查固定短語。句意:這種動(dòng)物是非洲這個(gè)地區(qū)特有的。be specific to是特有的”。7. Nowadays is typical of a young generation to take it for granted that parents should meetwhatever they desire.答案:i

31、t考查固定句型。It is typical of sb. to do sth.做某事是某人的特點(diǎn);某人一向如此(做某 事)?!?. We need to repair our(possess) instead of throwing them away.答案:possessions考查詞性轉(zhuǎn)換。possession意為 所有物”時(shí)常用復(fù)數(shù)形式。句意:我們需要維 修我們的東西而不是把它們?nèi)拥簟?. Though treated poorly, the dog remained(faith) to his master.答案:faithful考查詞性轉(zhuǎn)換。be faithful to.對(duì)忠誠的”。

32、10. It was(evidence)that she was greatly shocked by the scene before her.答案:evident考查詞性轉(zhuǎn)換。句意:很顯然,眼前的情景讓她極為震驚。It was evident that."是顯而易見的”。短語沖關(guān)¥1 a great deal 大量教材原句In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal, from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one.(P2)19世紀(jì)后

33、期,歐洲發(fā)生了巨大的變化,從以農(nóng)業(yè)為主的社會(huì)變成了以工業(yè)為主的社會(huì)。歸納拓展(1)a great deal名詞短語)大量,許多”,作主語、賓語。(2)a great deal副詞短語)大量地,非常多地”,修飾動(dòng)詞或比較級(jí)。文案大全實(shí)用文檔(3)a great deal of修飾不可數(shù)名詞表示 大量的,非常多的”。(4)修飾不可數(shù)名詞的還有:an amount of, large amounts。仔。語境助記 Joan passed the exam, which surprised me a great deal.瓊通過了考試,這讓我很驚訝。牛津高階I'm feeling a good

34、 deal better.我感覺好多了。 It took a great deal_of_ time and effort.那需要花費(fèi)大量時(shí)間和精力。Think about the things in life that require large amounts of money.考慮一下在生活中需要大量金錢的東西。2 on the other hand(可是)另一方面On the other hand, some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.(P3)而另一方面,有些現(xiàn)代派的

35、藝術(shù)作品卻是那么寫實(shí),看上去就像一張張照片。歸納拓展(1)on the one hand., on the_other hand:77方面, 另一方面for one thing. and for another.來;二來(常被用來列舉一些理由)(3)first(ly) . .second(ly).第一;第二語境助記On the one hand I want to sell the house, but on the other hand, I can't bear the thought of moving.一方面我想把房子賣掉,但另一方面我又不能忍受搬家。Onthe one han

36、d I admire his gifts, but on the other hand I distrust his judgement.一方面我羨慕他的才華,而另一方面我卻懷疑他的判斷力。I'm not going to buy it; for_one thing I don't like the color, and for_another it's far too expensive.我不打算買這件東西:一是我不喜歡這顏色,二是太貴了。3 appeal to (對(duì)某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感興趣;(向某人)呼吁It will appeal to those who

37、 love Impressionist and Postmpressionist paintings.(P6)它將會(huì)吸引那些喜愛印象派和后印象派作品的人。實(shí)用文檔歸納拓展(1)appeal _to sb.吸引某人;(對(duì)某人)有吸引力appeal to sb. to_do sth.呼吁某人做某事appeal (to sb.) for sth.懇求某事;呼吁某事(2)make an appeal!。sb.向某人呼吁(3)appealing adj.吸引人的語境助記This job rather appeals to me.這工作對(duì)我有吸引力。The government is appealing

38、to everyone to save water.政府呼吁人人都節(jié)約用水。The sinking ship appealed to the rescue team for help.正在下沉的船向救援隊(duì)求助。牛津高階Spending the holiday in Britain wasn't a prospect that I found particularly appealing.在英國度假對(duì)我并不特別有吸引力。過關(guān)演練選詞填空a great dea J figure out; in the flesh; appeal to;look through; break awayfro

39、m ; in possession of on the other hand lead to;scores of1. The thief managed to the policeman.答案:break away from2. I was a magazine in the bedroom when she called me.答案:looking through3. You can't be the house until all the papers have been signed.答案:in possession of4. On the one hand I valued h

40、is friendship, but I disliked his self-pride and selfishness.答案:on the other hand5. She looked very pale and seemed to have suffered.答案:a great deal6. I can't why my mother looks so angry.實(shí)用文檔答案:figure out7. To be honest, his singing doesn't me much.答案:appeal to8. I've got all her record

41、s but I've never seen her.答案:in the flesh9. What is known to us is that it's human's activities that global warming.答案:lead to10. There are different kinds of football shoes which can satisfy different players.答案:scores of句型沖關(guān)1 This is becausethe Impressionistsencouragedartists to look a

42、t their environment in newways. (P3)這是因?yàn)橛∠笈晒膭?lì)畫家用嶄新的視角看待他們的環(huán)境。歸納拓展This is because_.這是因?yàn)椋◤?qiáng)調(diào)原因,用來引導(dǎo)表語從句)That's why那就是為什么(強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)果)The reasonwhy.is that. 的原因是(why引導(dǎo)定語從句;that引導(dǎo)表語從句)語境助記From space, the earth looks blue. This_is because about sevenone percent of its surface is coveredby water.從太空看,地球是藍(lán)色的。這

43、是因?yàn)榈厍虮砻婕s71%的部分被水覆蓋著。 That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water.那就是為什么魚喜歡淺水勝過深水的原因。The_reason_why she must stay at home is that she has to look after her sick mother.她必須待在家里的原因是不得不照顧生病的母親。2 Without the new paints and 上he_new 上echnique,wwould not_be able to see the manygreat masterpieces for

44、 which this period is famous.沒有新的顏料和新的(繪畫)手法,我們就不能看到很多使這一時(shí)期著名的杰作。歸納拓展(1)句中介詞短語 without the new paints and the new techniques了 if引導(dǎo)的非真實(shí)條件狀語從句,主句使用了虛擬語氣、表示所說內(nèi)容與事實(shí)相反。文案大全實(shí)用文檔(2)除了 without之外,but for, otherwise, _but等也常用來表示暗含的非真實(shí)條件。語境助記©Without your ticket, I wouldn't be able to go to the concer

45、t tomorrow.要是沒有你的票的話,我明天就不能去聽音樂會(huì)了。I wish to thank Professor Smith, without whose help I would never have got this far.我想要感謝史密斯教授,沒有他的幫助我不會(huì)有這樣的成就。牛津高階Without air, man couldn't exist on the earth.沒有空氣的話,人類將不能在地球上生存。But for your help, we would have been in trouble that day.要不是你的幫助,我們那天就有麻煩了。He was

46、busy yesterday, or he would_have helped you with your experiment.昨天他很忙,要不然他就會(huì)幫助你做實(shí)驗(yàn)的。過關(guān)演練I .單句語法填空在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個(gè)單詞)或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。1. Volunteering gives you a chance(change) lives, including your own.答案:to change考查不定式作后置定語。句意:做志愿者工作給你一個(gè)改變生活的機(jī)會(huì),包括 你自己的生活。2. That was he had bought the papers with all his

47、money.答案:why 考查固定句式。That is why.那就是的原因3. There is no need(worry) about whether our traditional culture will be lost.答案:to worry 考查不定式作后置定語。句意:沒有必要擔(dān)心是否會(huì)失去我們的傳統(tǒng)文化。There is no need to do sth.沒有必要做某事4. Present at the evening party(be) our favorable English teacher.答案:was考查主謂一致。句意:出席晚會(huì)的有我們喜歡的英語老師。當(dāng)作表語的介詞

48、短語、形容詞、分詞位于句首時(shí),句子要全部倒裝。根據(jù)空格后的主語和句意可知應(yīng)填was。5. The reason I was late for class is I didn't catch the bus.答案:why; that 考查固定句式。The reason why.is that."的原因是H .完成句子1. I wish you any longer.我真希望你再也不要吸煙了文案大全實(shí)用文檔答案:wouldn't smoke2. In a lecture hall of a university in England.英國一所大學(xué)的演講大廳里坐著一位教授。

49、答案:sits a professor3. The students are looking forward to having an opportunity society for real-ifeexperience.學(xué)生們期盼有一個(gè)探索社會(huì)以獲得現(xiàn)實(shí)經(jīng)驗(yàn)的機(jī)會(huì)。答案:to explore語法沖關(guān)V虛擬語氣(I),概念虛擬語氣是一種特殊的動(dòng)詞形式,一是用來表示說話人所說的話不是一個(gè)事實(shí),而是一種假設(shè)、猜測(cè)、懷疑等;二是表示說話人的愿望、要求、命令、建議等。虛擬語氣在條件狀語從句中的用法1 .與現(xiàn)在相反:從句用一般過去時(shí)(be用were),主句用“would/could/should/mig

50、h撲動(dòng)詞原形”If I won the lottery, I would buy an expensive car.2 .與過去相反:從句用過去完成時(shí),主句用“would/could/should/migh"have+動(dòng)詞過去分詞”If he had driven more carefully, he would not have hadthe car accident yesterday.3 .與將來相反:從句用一般過去時(shí)(be用 were)或 were to do或should do形式,主句用“ should/would/could/migh 動(dòng)詞原形”If he were t

51、o come,what shouldwe say to him?4 .混合條件句主從句的動(dòng)作發(fā)生在不同的時(shí)間,這時(shí)主從句中動(dòng)詞的虛擬語氣形式因時(shí)間不同而不同,這叫作混合條件句。If he had askedhim yesterday, youwould know what to do now.c虛擬語氣在賓語從句中的運(yùn)用1 . wish后的賓語從句(1)表示對(duì)現(xiàn)在情況的虛擬:從句用一般過去時(shí)或過去進(jìn)行時(shí)(be動(dòng)詞用were)I wish I were a bird and could fly in the sky.(2)表示對(duì)過去情況的虛擬:從句動(dòng)詞用“had過去分詞”I wish I had

52、n't eaten so much watermelon.(3)表示對(duì)將來的主觀愿望:從句動(dòng)詞用“would/could動(dòng)詞原形”I wish you would comesoon.2 . as if/though由as if/though引導(dǎo) 狀語從 句時(shí),謂語 動(dòng)詞用過 去式(be用were)或“had過 去分 詞”或 “would/could/might動(dòng)詞原形”He looks as if he were an artist.She talks about Rome as though shead beenthere herself before.He learns Engli

53、sh so hard as if hewould go to the USA.過關(guān)演練單句語法填空用括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式填空。1. 2016 全國卷 I If it(be) not for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today.答案:were考查if引導(dǎo)的虛擬語氣。句意:如果不是因?yàn)槔浊袪柨ㄉ?,現(xiàn)在的環(huán)保運(yùn)動(dòng)可能就不存在。2. They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation, or they (c

54、ome) to our help.答案:would have come考查對(duì)過去情況的虛擬。由前句中的 were一詞可知,此處是對(duì)過去情 況的虛擬,故主句謂語應(yīng)用 would have come3. If I(see) it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.答案:hadn't seen考查if條件句中對(duì)過去情況的虛擬。句意:如果不是親眼所見,我是不會(huì)相 信的。根據(jù)主句謂語可知,應(yīng)用過去完成時(shí),故填 hadn't seen4. It is lucky we booked a room, or we(have) n

55、owhere to stay now.答案:would have考查對(duì)現(xiàn)在情況的虛擬。句意:幸運(yùn)的是我們預(yù)訂了一間房,否則我們現(xiàn)在 就沒有待的地方了。or之前的句子是陳述語氣,表示一種客觀事實(shí);or之后的句子是虛擬語氣,與現(xiàn)在相反,故填would have。5. How I wish I(become) an astronaut in the future!答案:would/could become考查對(duì)將來情況的虛擬。句意:我多么希望將來我能夠成為一名宇 航員??! wish后的賓語從句中表示對(duì)將來的主觀愿望用would/could +動(dòng)詞原形板建:四7限時(shí).題茄liB曲訓(xùn)實(shí)用文檔I .完形填

56、空(建議用時(shí)17')25 years ago I got married; little did I know I would commit to lifelong household renovations ( 整修)!My wife likes _1_ , so for her, renovations are just part of life. I love _2_ around the house, and it becomes a project that we work on together and it's an incredible不可思議的)3 to look at your home and appreciate all the hard work and sweat that go into it. We really do get a sense of great 4.This past week I've been _5_ a new floor from our dining room into our kitchen. My daughter camein and said the floor looked 6 but added, “Why is it taking you so lorng


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