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1、九年級 Units 1-15 綜合測試題Part I(共60 分 )I. 單項(xiàng)選擇。(每小題1 分,共 15分)( ) 1. Do you know the lady is interviewing Guo Jingjing? Yes, she is a reporter from CCTV .A. whichB. whoC. whomD. whose( ) 2. A lot of students have tried, but have passed the exam.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little( ) 3. How do you like the

2、concert given by the“ Foxy Ladies ”? Exciting, one piece of the music wasn t played quite well.A. soB. thoughC. becauseD. and( ) 4. Do you think should be allowed to drive? I don t think so.A. sixteen-years-oldsB. sixteenth-year-oldC. sixteen-year-oldsD. sixteen-year-old( ) 5. Who is the owner of th

3、e house? It my uncle but he does n t live here any more.A. belongs toB. haveC. belong toD. has( ) 6. I m not sure if it tomorrow. If it , we won t climb the Mountain Tai.A. will snow; snowsB. will snow; will snowC. snows; snowsD. snows; will snow( ) 7. Did Bob take part in the contest? No. On arrivi

4、ng at school, he learned that the contest had been .A. put onB. put upC. put offD. put down( ) 8. Which do you prefer, pop songs folk songs( 民歌 )? Pop songs. I prefer pop songs folk songs.A. or; toB. to; toC. to; orD. or; than( ) 9. Why didn t you watch the show yesterday? Because I it before.A. had

5、 watchedB. have seenC. have watchedD. had seen( ) 10. Why don t you have a bus card with you? I ve it at home.A. lostB. forgottenC. leftD. found( ) 11. I don t believe the young man could run fast 20 kilometers an hour.A. as; asB. as; likeC. much; asD. so; like( ) 12. Do you know Liu Xiang?- The win

6、ner of the men' s 110 meter hurdles (跨欄).All the Chinesehim.A. get along withB. are worried aboutC. stay away fromD. are proud of( ) 13. Which is bad for our environment?A. Turning off the lights when you leave the room.B. Riding your bike instead of taking a bus or driving your car.C. Using the

7、 wood chopsticks only once when you have meals in the restaurant.D. Turning off the shower when you re not using it.( ) 14. I want to trek the jungle this summer vacation.your parents don t agree?A. to; Even ifB. through; What ifC. across; Even thoughD. into; How about( ) 15. What do you think of th

8、e T-shirt, Jimmy? I don t like it. I think it makes me fat.A. lookB. seeC. lookedD. seeingII. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,補(bǔ)全句子。(每小題1 分,共 10 分 )16. Kangaroos are (play) andchimpanzees are noisy.17. I was (surprise) to find hardly anyone in the zoo.18. Zoos are like (live) textbooks for young people.19. He used to be

9、 (call)“ Little Tiger ”.20. Yao Ming s success is an (inspire) to us all.21. Here are some things they have learned from (scientist) studies.22. Sunglasses are used for (keep) out the sun.23. The students are (confuse) about the confusing problem.24. I m considering (study) in Beijing next year.25.

10、I felt (embarrass) when everyone looked at me.111. 根據(jù)要求完成句子。(每小題1 分,共 5分)26. The little girl was afraid of the dark. (改為同義句) The little girl was the dark.27. I used to walk to school. (改為否定句) I to walk to school.28. Mary seems to have changed a lot .(改為同義句) that Mary has changed a lot.29. Mike faile

11、d the math test again.(改為同義句)Mike the math test again.30. The magazine cost me 20 yuan.(改為同義句)I 20 yuan the magazine.IV.根據(jù)上下文內(nèi)容把對話補(bǔ)充完整。(每小題2分,共10分)A: Hi, Bill! You ' re reading the novel again.B: Yes, Marc. I ' m so interested in it.A: (31)?B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can always

12、learn something new.A: Really? (32)?B: Charles Dickens. I think he was a great English writer. Do you agree?A: (33). He is also my favorite foreign writer. Please let me have a look at it.B: OK. Here you are! . (After a moment.) What do you think of the novel?A: (34). Where did you buy it?B: In the

13、Sea Bookshop.A: I don ' t know where it is. (35)?B: No. Only 10 minutes ' walk from here, next to the Central Park.A: Oh, I see. I ' m going there to get one, too. Thank you!B: You ' re welcome.V.完形填空。(每小題1分,共10分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后每小題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。Do you have a pet dog? Now lots of people

14、in the Western countrieshave pets at home. If you are in a town in a western country, you' 3l6oftentlsee peopletheir dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful animal in the world, but why do people 37 dogs? Different people have different reasons.Once a man met a dog and wanted it to

15、help him in the fight 38 other animals, and he found that the dog 39 him. Later people used dogs for hunting( 打獵)other animals, and the dogs didn' t eat what they got 40 their masters agreed, so dogs were used for driving sheep and guarding(看守)chickens.But now people in towns and cities do not 4

16、1 dogs to fight against other animals. Of course they keep them to frighten( 嚇唬)thieves, but the most important 42 is that people feel lonely in the city. For a child, a dog is the best friend43 he has no friends to play with. For ayoung wife, a dog is her child when she doesn44 ' ba byveor old

17、people, a dog is al so achild when their real children have grown up and 45 . Now people do not have to use a dog to fight or hunt, but they keep it as a friend, just like a member of the family.()36. A. sleepingB. walkingC. fighting( ) 37. A. keepC. grow( ) 38. A. inC. to( ) 39. A. heardC. listened

18、 to( ) 40. A. afterC. whenD. eatingB. buyD. makeB. onD. againstB. listenedD. heard ofB. untilD. if( ) 41. A. needB. makeC. letD. regard( ) 42. A. reasonB. questionC. excuseD. problem( ) 43. A. whyB. whatC. howD. when( ) 44. A. herselfB. own herC. her ownD. own( ) 45. A. forgotB. leftC. keptD. stayed

19、VI. 綜合填空。根據(jù)上下文及首字母提示填寫單詞,使短文完整、通順。10分 )(每小題1 分,共Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is g 46for us. It makes our hearts and bodies strong. Children who often exercise are smarter. This means they do b 47 in tests and schoolwork than tho se w 48 don t exe

20、rcise.There are many w 49 to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ballgames. Make sure you exercise in the f 50 ways: You have to like what you re doing.Exercise enough but not too much. Itto esxbeercsitse t 51 each week. Thirty minuteseach time is e 52. Try all kinds of things until yo

21、u find one, two or even three sports thatyou enjoy.You can exercise at fitness centers(健身中心).They have a lot of equipment there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other p 53 of your body to make you fit. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is very e 54.Exercising can

22、 be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center, or they can p sports together. How do you exercise?5546. 48. 50. 52. 54. (下轉(zhuǎn)B 3版)Part II (共 60 分 )I. 閱讀理解。(每小題47. 49. 51. 53. 55. 2 分,共40 分)InsectsFish and ReptilesBirdsMammalsB. Fish.D. Rabbits.Here is a page from a biology textbook which

23、shows how different animals can be.One of the largest groups of animals is the insect group. Many insects cause human problems. Some carry diseases(疾病).Others are a problem because they eat the food that farmers grow. But there are insects, like bees and butterflies, which we need because they help

24、flowers and fruit grow.Fish and reptiles are cold-blooded animals. Fish live in the ocean, but reptiles usually live on the land. Reptiles are probably the least popular animals. They include the long thin snakes that many people are afraid of. However, some people keep snakes in their homes as pets

25、.There are many different types of birds. Some eat fish and are happy living near rivers or the oceans. Others like to live in the countryside or near towns in groups and eat mostly insects. And there are birds which like to live alone high in the mountains.Like birds, mammals(哺孚L動物)are warm-blooded

26、. All mammals have hair on their bodies. There are several different groups of mammals. There are cats, which include lions and tigers; there are animals with large front teeth, which include mice and rats; there are sea mammals, which include whales, the largest animals in the world. Then there are

27、 animals which have two arms and can walk on two legs like monkeys and, of course, humans.根據(jù)表格內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。( )1. Why do we need such insects as bees and butterflies?A. Because they look beautiful.B. Because they can carry diseases.C. Because they can help flowers and fruit grow.D. Because they can eat

28、the food that farmers grow.( )2. What does the word“ reptiles " mean in Chinese?A.昆蟲B.魚類C.爬行類動物D.哺乳類動物 ( )3. What do the birds living near rivers or the oceans mainly eat?A. Flowers and fruits.C. Mice.( )4. Which kind of animals do whales belong to?A. Insects.B. Birds.C. Reptiles.D. Mammals.( )

29、5. How many kinds of animals are mentioned in this passage?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.BAustralia is in the south of the world. The seasons in Australia are the opposite of ours. When it is winter here, it is summer there. June, July and August are the winter months in Australia. Spring start

30、s in September, and goes on to November. Summer lasts from December to February, and autumn is in March, April and May.The north of the country is warmer than the south. The southern tropic ( 回歸線)cuts across Australia. Nearly half the country is within the tropic and has a tropical climate( 熱帶氣候).As

31、 you go further south, it gets cooler.Australia ' s main problem is water. A very large part of the country has no rain at all. Because there is no enough rain and the grass doesn ' t grow well, the farmers have to sell many of their sheep and many sheep die, too. It is a great disaster ( 災(zāi)難

32、)for Australian farmers. But the east coast has rain all the year. There are no dry months there. The southeast winds blow( 吹)all the year and they bring rain from the sea. In winter the west wind brings rain, too. In the north of Australia there is no rain in winter. But the northwest wind brings r

33、ain in summer. There are very wet winds from the Indian Ocean.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。( )6. In which month does winter start in Australia?A. March.B. June.C. September.D. December.( )7. Which part of the country is cooler? A. The south of the country.B. The north of the country.C. The east of the country. D.

34、The west of the country. ( )8. Which of the following maps is right?B乩、河¥B旱區(qū)雨區(qū))( )9. Which picture shows the weather of Australia in summer?(Notes:風(fēng)向AUSTRALIA鈾西臉CRfl # H.D()10. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. In summer the west wind brings rain to the west coast.B. Th

35、e east coast of Australia has more rain than the west.C. There are no dry months in the west part of Australia.D. In winter there is much rain in the north of Australia.CI will never forget the accident that happened in my childhood. When I was a boy of twelve, something happened to me that made me

36、never put any birds in a cage.We lived near a forest in South Carolina, and every evening many mockingbirds( 嘲鴉)would come and rest in the trees and sing. There isn' t any sound that can be more beautiful than the song of the mockingbirds.I decided to catch a young bird and keep it in a cage so

37、that I could have my own musician.I finally caught one and put it in a cage. The bird was frightened and fluttered( 拍翅)about the cage, but finally it became quiet in its new home. I felt pleased and looked after my little musician carefully.On the second day, the bird' s mother flew to the cage

38、with food in her mouth. The baby birdate up everything she brought. I was pleased to see this. Certainly his mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.The following morning when I went to see how my little bird was, I found it on the floor of the cage, dead. I was very surprised! I had taken gr

39、eat care of the little bird, but it died.Arthur Wayne, a famous ornithologist happened to be in the forest at the time. Hearing me crying over the death of my bird, he told me what had happened."A mothermockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will bring it poisonous (有毒的)food. She thinks it b

40、etter for her young to die than to live in a cage.Since then I have never caught any birds or put them in a cage. All the birds have the right to fly in the sky.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。( ) 11. From the story we know that .A. the writer is twelve years old nowB. the writer lived in a city in South CanadaC. the

41、 writer still remembers the accident that happened many years ago D. the writer doesn t think the sound of a mockingbird is beautiful ( ) 12. The writer caught a mockingbird when he was a boy of twelve because .A. he liked playing with birdsB. he enjoyed watching beautiful birdsC. he wanted the bird

42、 to sing for him D. he needed a pet as a friend ( ) 13. The mockingbird died because .A. the bird suffered from missing his motherB. the bird s mother gave him poisonous food C. the writer s mother killed himD. the writer didn t give him anything to eat( )14. An ornithologist is probably a person wh

43、o. A. takes care of treesB. is interested in musicC. loves forests D. studies birds ( ) 15. Which of the following suggestions does the writer want to give us? A. Stop catching birds and let them fly.B. Be careful when you are catching birds.C. It s very difficult to catchrdbsi . D. One should not c

44、atch young birds. DAre you a lazybones(懶骨頭)? If you are, get everything ready because you have to treat your friends to sweets or cakes on Lazybones Day.In Holland, LazybonesDay is the day for lazy children. It is about seven weeks afterEaster(復(fù)活節(jié)).Early in the morning on Lazybones Day, children wal

45、k through the streets. They laugh, shout, and bang(敲擊)on plates and bowls to make as much noise as they can. They ring the doorbell or knock at the door when they pass a house. If they find a boy or a girl sleeping, they will shout loudly,“ Lazybones, lazybones! ” They try their best to wake up the

46、lazybones. Then thepoor lazybones has to take out lazybones cakes. The children help themselves to the cakes and then they go back to the street to find another lazybones. The first lazybones, of course, joins them and shouts as loudly as he or she can.When everyone is woken up, people go to the mar

47、kets. There are a lot of interesting things to see. But children are most interested in the animals. The animals have all been trained. They can play many games. The children eat bread, ice cream and lazybones cakes as they enjoy the games.Lazybones Day started long ago because of a man named Piet L

48、ak. There was once a war between Holland and its neighboring country. Piet Lak was a watchman ( 哨兵 ) then, but he fell asleep while enemies marched (行進(jìn))through Holland. After that people called him Lazy Lak,and they remembered the day as Lazybones Day.Now children celebrate La zybones Day for fun.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答下列各題。16. When is Lazybones Day?17. What do children do on LazybonesDay when they walk through the street?18. What do children eat on Lazybones19.


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