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1、Unit Two   Culture Shock .Fill in blanks a. In a formal western meal, youre offered a second helping but you have already had enough. You should say “_”.&#

2、160;  That was delicious but Ive already had plenty, thanks. b. Taboos are words, expressions, etc. that are considered as being _ or _. unpleasant, disgusting c.

3、60;_ is a culture that scores high on individualism. Individual culture d. Social distance refers to the degree of _ or _ between two cultures.  similarity, dissimil

4、arity e. Because of their _, individualists give little thought to the _ of others. But collectivists care very much what others in their groups think and do no

5、t like to be the targets of _ and _.   independence,  evaluations, scrutiny, criticism . Key Terms a. culture shock b. collectivist culture c. hospitality d. po

6、liteness e. privacy  在一個(gè)正式的西餐,你再提供一次幫助但你已經(jīng)有足夠的。你應(yīng)該說(shuō)“_”。那是美味的但我已經(jīng)有很多,謝謝。b. Taboos are words, expressions, etc. that are considered as being _ or _. unpleasant, disgusting c. _ is a culture that scores high on individualism. Individual culture B.禁忌詞,表達(dá),等,被視為_(kāi)或_。不愉快的,令人厭惡的C. _是一種文化,

7、分?jǐn)?shù)高的個(gè)人主義。個(gè)體文化d. Social distance refers to the degree of _ or _ between two cultures. similarity, dissimilarity e. Because of their _, individualists give little thought to the _ of others. But collectivists care very much what others in their groups think and do not like to be the targets of _ and _

8、. independence, evaluations, scrutiny, criticism . Key Terms D.社會(huì)距離指的是_或_程度在兩種文化之間。相似性,相異性E.因?yàn)樗麄僟,個(gè)人主義者不在乎別人的_。但集體主義者非常關(guān)心他們小組中其他人怎么想,不喜歡被_和_目標(biāo)。獨(dú)立性,評(píng)估,審查,批評(píng)。關(guān)鍵術(shù)語(yǔ)a. culture shockA.文化沖擊b. collectivist cultureB.集體主義文化c. hospitality C.酒店d. politeness D.禮貌e. privacyE.隱私. Short Answer a.

9、0;What are the five basic themes in individualist culture? b. Why is there a lack of concern at public displays of physical or sexual intimacy? c. Whatis the di

10、fference on tendency for foreigners to treat strangers between Individualism and Collectivism Theories? 。簡(jiǎn)短的回答a. What are the five basic themes in individualist culture? 在個(gè)人主義文化的五個(gè)基本主題是什么?b. Why is there a lack of concern at public dis

11、plays of physical or sexual intimacy? B為什么在身體或性親密公共顯示缺乏關(guān)注?c. Whatis the difference on tendency for foreigners to treat strangers between Individualism and Collectivism Theories?C.是外國(guó)人對(duì)待個(gè)人主義和集體主義傾向的不同理論之間的陌生人?. Case study (1) Analyze the case and try to

12、60;find the misunderstanding between the girl and the westerner. A westerner invited a Chinese girl to have lunch and take a tour around the British Parliament. In f

13、act, the girl didn't have the lunch just because when the westerner asked her "Are you hungry?" The girl answered no. Then they didn't have lunch togeth

14、er. (2) Can you find some differences in hospitality between a Chinese and English? What are the reasons? An English guest: Each time a new dish arrived his par

15、ents would lean over and load my plate with tasty morsels. As they had taken all the trouble to cook it I just had to polish it off. As soon as m

16、y plate was empty they would put more on. Of course, I felt duty-bound to ear that too.  A Chinese guest: Can you imagine how many dishes I had? One&#

17、160;one - a stew with meat and vegetables. The meat was over done and too hard to eat; green vegetables were no longer green. They never put food on your&#

18、160;plate but just ask you to help yourself. If you, as a guest, are shy or modest, waiting for the food to be put on your plate, you will remain half

19、-starved.。案例研究(1) Analyze the case and try to find the misunderstanding between the girl and the westerner. (1)的案例分析,試圖找到女孩與西方人之間的誤解。A westerner invited a Chinese girl to have lunch and take a tour around the British Parliament. In fact, the girl didn't have the lunch just because when the weste

20、rner asked her "Are you hungry?" The girl answered no. Then they didn't have lunch together一個(gè)西方人邀請(qǐng)一個(gè)中國(guó)女孩吃午餐,環(huán)游英國(guó)議會(huì)。事實(shí)上,女孩沒(méi)有午餐,因?yàn)楫?dāng)西方人問(wèn)她“你餓了嗎?”女孩回答,那他們不一起吃午飯. 。(2) Can you find some differences in hospitality between a Chinese and English? What are the reasons? (2)你能找到一個(gè)英語(yǔ)和漢語(yǔ)之間的一些差異在酒店?的

21、原因是什么?An English guest: Each time a new dish arrived his parents would lean over and load my plate with tasty morsels. As they had taken all the trouble to cook it I just had to polish it off. As soon as my plate was empty they would put more on. Of course, I felt duty-bound to ear that too. 一位英國(guó)客人:

22、每次一道新菜到他的父母會(huì)過(guò)來(lái)載我的板的美味佳肴。他們把所有的麻煩把我剛剛擦亮它。一旦我的盤(pán)子是空的他們會(huì)把更多的。當(dāng)然,我覺(jué)得有義務(wù)的耳朵太。A Chinese guest: Can you imagine how many dishes I had? One one - a stew with meat and vegetables. The meat was over done and too hard to eat; green vegetables were no longer green. They never put food on your plate but just ask

23、you to help yourself. If you, as a guest, are shy or modest, waiting for the food to be put on your plate, you will remain half-starved.中國(guó)客人:你能想象我有多少道菜?一一一個(gè)有肉和蔬菜燉。這肉熟透,太硬吃綠色蔬菜不再綠。他們從不把盤(pán)子里的食物只是問(wèn)你幫助你自己。如果你,作為一個(gè)客人,害羞和謙虛,等待食物被放在你的盤(pán)子上,你仍會(huì)餓死。Key to Unit Two .Fill in blanks

24、60;a. That was delicious but Ive already had plenty, thanks. b. unpleasant, disgusting c. Individual culture d. similarity, dissimilarity e. independence,  evaluations, scrutiny, c

25、riticism  .Key Terms a. culture shock: It is a psychological phenomenon that is experienced most often by those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in the process&

26、#160;of adjusting themselves to a new culture. b. collectivist culture: It is a culture that places little value on individual identity and great value on group identity.

27、 c. hospitality: It means cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests. d. politeness: It refers to consideration for others, tact, and observance of ac

28、cepted social usage. e. privacy: It could be understood as the right of an individual to self-determination as to the degree to which the individual is willing to

29、60;share with others information about himself that may be compromised byunauthorized exchange of such information among other individuals or organizations.  關(guān)鍵的第二單元.Fill in blanks 填空a. That was

30、delicious but Ive already had plenty, thanks. b. unpleasant, disgusting c. Individual culture d. similarity, dissimilarity 這很好吃,但我已經(jīng)有很多,謝謝。B.不愉快的,令人厭惡的C.個(gè)體文化D.相似,不同的e. independence, evaluations, scrutiny, criticism E.獨(dú)立性,評(píng)估,審查,批評(píng).Key Terms 關(guān)鍵術(shù)語(yǔ)a. culture shock: It is a psychological phenomenon that

31、is experienced most often by those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in the process of adjusting themselves to a new culture. A.文化沖擊:它是一種心理現(xiàn)象,是經(jīng)歷了最經(jīng)常被那些,無(wú)論是自覺(jué)或不自覺(jué)地,在適應(yīng)新文化的過(guò)程。b. collectivist culture: It is a culture that places little value on individual identity and great value on group ide

32、ntity. B.集體主義文化:這是一個(gè)地方的個(gè)人身份和大的群體認(rèn)同的價(jià)值文化價(jià)值點(diǎn)。c. hospitality: It means cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests. d. politeness: It refers to consideration for others, tact, and observance of accepted social usage. C.酒店:這意味著向客人親切大方的接待或安排。D.禮貌:它是指為他人考慮,機(jī)智,和遵守被接受的社會(huì)規(guī)范。e. privacy: It

33、could be understood as the right of an individual to self-determination as to the degree to which the individual is willing to share with others information about himself that may be compromised byunauthorized exchange of such information among other individuals or organizations.E.隱私:可以理解為一種個(gè)人自決權(quán)以何種

34、程度的個(gè)人愿意與他人分享自己的信息,可能會(huì)受到影響byunauthorized交換這種在其他人或組織間的信息。.Short Answer a. 1) There is a tendency for foreigners to treat strangers as equals, seen in the politeness with which foreigners treat

35、 out-group members and their willingness to follow public rules and laws that guarantee the rights of all. 2 ) There is a desire for independence and separateness,&#

36、160;found in foreigners' needs for their own privacy and autonomy and in the freedom they give to children. 3) There is a lack of inhibition on the part of&

37、#160;foreigners in terms of expressive behaviors, seen in their lack of concern about drawing attention to themselves and their willingness to disclose feelings and emotions. 

38、4) There is a lack of understanding if the reciprocal bonds and duties that regulate in-group members, found in foreigners' casual attitudes towards hospitality. 5) There&

39、#160;is a lack of concern at public displays of physical or sexual intimacy. b. The reason might be that even the freedom with which foreigners express love and 

40、;sexual desire can be seen as a valorization of the individual's pursuit of personal pleasure and happiness. That this is offensive to attention from the group and

41、60;focuses it on individual needs.  c. Individualists tend to believe in equality; their communication norms stress equal treatment of subordinate and superior, friend and str

42、anger. In contrast, collectivists communication norms often stress deference; a clear demarcation is made between ones treatment of those above and below one in the social

43、0;hierarchy. Clearly, to a collectivist, the way individualists treat strangers will seem unusual and unnecessarily polite.  短的回答a. 1) There is a tendency for foreigners to treat strangers as equals, seen in the pol

44、iteness with which foreigners treat out-group members and their willingness to follow public rules and laws that guarantee the rights of all. 2 ) There is a desire for independence and separateness, found in foreigners' needs for their own privacy and autonomy and in the freedom they give to chi

45、ldren. 3) There is a lack of inhibition on the part of foreigners in terms of expressive behaviors, seen in their lack of concern about drawing attention to themselves and their willingness to disclose feelings and emotions. 4) There is a lack of understanding if the reciprocal bonds and duties that

46、 regulate in-group members, found in foreigners' casual attitudes towards hospitality. 5) There is a lack of concern at public displays of physical or sexual intimacy. 答:1)有一個(gè)外國(guó)人對(duì)待陌生人是平等的趨勢(shì),看到在禮貌與外國(guó)人治療組成員,他們?cè)敢庾袷毓惨?guī)則和法律,保障所有人的權(quán)利。2)有一個(gè)獨(dú)立和分開(kāi)的欲望,發(fā)現(xiàn)在外國(guó)人的需要為自己的隱私權(quán)和自治權(quán),他們給孩子自由。3)有對(duì)外國(guó)人的部分表現(xiàn)行為缺乏抑制,在他們注意他

47、們自己和他們的意愿披露的感受和情緒的缺乏關(guān)注,見(jiàn)。4)有一個(gè)缺乏了解如果互惠債券和調(diào)節(jié)組成員的職責(zé),發(fā)現(xiàn)在外國(guó)人的休閑態(tài)度款待。5)在身體或性親密公共顯示缺乏關(guān)心。b. The reason might be that even the freedom with which foreigners express love and sexual desire can be seen as a valorization of the individual's pursuit of personal pleasure and happiness. That this is offensive

48、 to attention from the group and focuses it on individual needs. 這個(gè)原因可能是,即使與外國(guó)人自由表達(dá)愛(ài)和性的欲望可以被看作是一個(gè)穩(wěn)定的個(gè)人的追求個(gè)人的快樂(lè)和幸福。這是進(jìn)攻,團(tuán)體的注意和關(guān)注個(gè)人的需要。c. Individualists tend to believe in equality; their communication norms stress equal treatment of subordinate and superior, friend and stranger. In contrast, collecti

49、vists communication norms often stress deference; a clear demarcation is made between ones treatment of those above and below one in the social hierarchy. Clearly, to a collectivist, the way individualists treat strangers will seem unusual and unnecessarily polite.C.個(gè)人主義者傾向于相信平等;他們的交際規(guī)范應(yīng)力隸屬和優(yōu)越的待遇平等,

50、朋友和陌生人。相反,集體主義通信規(guī)范常應(yīng)力差;明確劃分是一的上述處理下一個(gè)在社會(huì)階層之間的。顯然,一個(gè)集體主義,個(gè)人主義者對(duì)待陌生人會(huì)顯得不尋常的和不必要的禮貌的方式。.Case study a. The mistake is that the westerner used his question as an invitation. The girl understood it only as&

51、#160;a question. According to the Chinese tradition, the man should have invited her to lunch since their appointment was to have lunch first.  b. Yes. The Chinese&#

52、160;student felt disappointed at British hospitality because she used the Chinese way of showing hospitality to judge the British one. In the story taking place in China,

53、 the westerner couldn't imagine that there should be sixteen dishes prepared for her. When she ate from the eight cold dishes, she couldn't eat anymore. It i

54、s because a Western meal normally severs one main course plus a starter and sweets or desserts. The fact is that different people in the world show their differ

55、ent hospitality in different waysA.錯(cuò)誤是西方人用他的問(wèn)題作為一個(gè)邀請(qǐng)。女孩明白這只是一個(gè)問(wèn)題。根據(jù)中國(guó)的傳統(tǒng),男人應(yīng)該邀請(qǐng)她共進(jìn)午餐,因?yàn)樗麄兊娜蚊窍瘸晕顼垺. Yes. The Chinese student felt disappointed at British hospitality because she used the Chinese way of showing hospitality to judge the British one. In the story taking place in Ch

56、ina, the westerner couldn't imagine that there should be sixteen dishes prepared for her. When she ate from the eight cold dishes, she couldn't eat anymore. It is because a Western meal normally severs one main course plus a starter and sweets or desserts. The fact is that different people i

57、n the world show their different hospitality in different waysB是的。中國(guó)學(xué)生感到失望因?yàn)樗糜?guó)殷勤待客的判斷,英國(guó)一個(gè)中國(guó)人的方式。在這個(gè)故事發(fā)生在中國(guó),西方人無(wú)法想象應(yīng)該有十六道菜為她準(zhǔn)備的。當(dāng)她吃了八個(gè)涼菜,她不能吃了。這是因?yàn)槲鞑屯ǔ?huì)一道主菜加起動(dòng)器、糖果或甜點(diǎn)。事實(shí)上,在世界的不同的人以不同的方式表現(xiàn)出不同的酒店 跨文化交際期末考試復(fù)習(xí)題 Define the following items:  1. culture :what&

58、#160;the behavior and customs mean to the people who are following them  2. communication :give or exchange information or ideas. 3. intercultural communication :communication 

59、;between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. 4. high-context culture :a culture in which meaning is not&

60、#160;necessarily contained in words. Information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence.  5. low-context culture :a culture in which the majority

61、0;of the information is vested in the explicit code.  6. relationship between culture and language :Culture influences language by way of symbols and rules for using 

62、;those symbols, as well as our perceptions of the universe (the meaning associated with the symbols).Language, on the other hand, would seem to have a major impact o

63、n the way an individual perceives and conceptualizes the world. 7. verbal communication :communication done both orally and in written language 8. analytical thinking patterns 

64、;(inductive)  :analyze and dissect things into elements in order to understand them properly.The emphasis is upon the parts rather than the whole of things. 9. synthetic&

65、#160;thinking patterns (deductive) : synthesize elements into a unit, with the emphasis on the “whole”. 10. nonverbal communication :involves all nonverbal stimuli in a communicati

66、on setting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver.  11.

67、 body language :refers to all nonverbal codes which are associated with body movements.It includes gestures, head movements, facial expressions, eye behaviors, postures and other&#

68、160;displays that can be used to communicate. 12. monochronic time (M Time) :It schedules one event at a time. In these cultures time is perceived as a linear s

69、tructure just like a ribbon stretching from the past into the future.  13. polychronic time (P Time) :schedules several activities at the same time. In these culture

70、 people emphasize the involvement of people more than schedules. They do not see appointments as ironclad commitments and often break them.  14. ethnocentrism :the view&#

71、160;of things in which ones own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it. 15. stereotypes :a form of generali

72、zation about some group of people, or a means of organizing images into fixed and simple categories that are used to stand for the entire collection of people. 

73、 16. prejudice :It refers to negative attitudes towards other people that are based on faulty and inflexible stereotypes. It is an unfair, biased, or intolerant attitude&

74、#160;towards another group of people.  17. discrimination :It refers to the behavioral manifestations of the prejudice, it can be thought of as prejudice “in action”. 

75、60;18. racism  :The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. 19. culture shock :Trou

76、blesome feelings such as depression, loneliness, confusion, inadequacy, hostility, frustration, and tension, caused by the loss of familiar cues from the home culture.  20. ac

77、culturation :It is culture change that results from continuous firsthand contact between two distinct cultural groups1。文化:什么行為和習(xí)俗意味著那些跟隨他們2. communication :give or exchange information or ideas. 2。通信:給予或交換信息或思想。3. intercultur

78、al communication :communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. 3??缥幕浑H:人的文化觀念和符號(hào)系統(tǒng)的不同足以改變交際事件之間的通信。4. high-context culture :a culture in which meaning is not necessarily contained in words. Information is provided th

79、rough gestures, the use of space, and even silence. 4。高語(yǔ)境文化:一個(gè)文化中的意義是不一定包含在的話。信息是通過(guò)手勢(shì),使用空間,甚至沉默。5. low-context culture :a culture in which the majority of the information is vested in the explicit code. 5。低語(yǔ)境文化:文化中的大部分信息是歸屬于顯式代碼。6. relationship between culture and language :Culture influences langua

80、ge by way of symbols and rules for using those symbols, as well as our perceptions of the universe (the meaning associated with the symbols).Language, on the other hand, would seem to have a major impact on the way an individual perceives and conceptualizes the world. 6。文化與語(yǔ)言的關(guān)系:文化的方式使用這些符號(hào)的符號(hào)和規(guī)則對(duì)語(yǔ)言的影響,以及我們對(duì)宇宙的看法(與符號(hào)相關(guān)聯(lián)的意思)。語(yǔ)言,另一方面,似乎有一個(gè)人的方式感知和概念化世界的重大影響。7. verbal communication :communication done both orally and in written language 8. analytical thinking patterns (inductive) :analyze and dissect things into elements in order to understand them properly.The e


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