



1、UNIT 1 Topic 1 . Section A( ) 1.Would you like some bread? _, Im full. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, please. C. No, I dont like it. D. Yes, I would.( ) 2. Mike prefers to . A. to swim; skatingB. swimming; skating C. to swim; skateD. swimming; skate( ) 3. I see him basketball almost every day.A. playsB. to

2、playC. playD. playing( ) 4. Would you like us?Yes,Id like to.A. to joinsB. to joinC. to take part inD. take part in( ) 5. Where are you going ? I buy some fruit for my son . A .am going to B. go to C. will D. shall going to .隨堂練習(xí)Section B and Section C.根據(jù)句意及首字母提示,補(bǔ)全單詞。(5分)1. I hope our team will w_.

3、2. My d_ is to be a doctor.3. I am going to join the school c_.4. What do you want to be when you g_ up?5. You must eat more vegetables and fruit to keep h_.根據(jù)漢語提示,完成下列句子。(15分)1. I want to be a teacher _ _ _ (在將來).2. Japans team will _ _ Chinas national team (同比賽).3. They are going to _ _ their scho

4、ol team (加油).4. Walking is a good way to _ _ (保持健康).5. Playing soccer is popular _ _ _ _. (全世界).單項(xiàng)選擇。( ) 1. I arrived home at 11 oclock last night.A. to B. atC. inD. /( ) 2. There an English movie tomorrow.A. will haveB. is going to be C. is going to have D. will has( ) 3. Doing exercise can us heal

5、thy.A. makes B. to keepC. makingD. keep( ) 4. Kangkang is good running. He thinks it is good his health.A. for; at B. at; forC. at; toD. for; to( ) 5. How much does he on the new computer?A. payB. spendC. takeD. cost( ) 6. do you play sports? Three times a week.A. How longB. How soon C. How oftenD.

6、How many( ) 7. Ann spends one hour in the gym every day.A. at least B. at lastC. for leastD. for last( ) 8. Yao Ming is playing basketball the Houston Rockets the NBA.A. in; inB. in; forC. for; forD. for; in( )9.How often do you take exercise? _. A. sometimes B. Three hours C. At three oclock D. In

7、two hours( ) 10. The police stayed at home only yesterday.A. half a hour B. half hour C. a half hourD. half an hour隨堂練習(xí)Section D.單項(xiàng)選擇( ) 1. Tom Japan for a summer holiday.A. leaveB. will leaveC. is leaving forD. left for( ) 2. I really enjoy friends with you.A. to make B. madeC. makingD. to making.完

8、形填空。Everyone in our school loves sports. Every morning 1 we get up, we do morning exercises. After the second class we do exercises again. We have 2 classes twice a week, but we do physical training at five every afternoon. The most popular sports is basketball. The 3 enjoy playing it and many of th

9、e girls like it, too. 4 popular sports is football and in every class there 5 a lot of football fans. Volleyball is often played when the weather is 6 . We have school teams in basketball, football and volleyball. Our teams often 7 friendship matches with teams from other schools. When there is a ma

10、tch, 8 of us go to watch it and cheer our side on.Besides ball games, some of us like track-and-field events(田徑項(xiàng)目), 9 we often practice running, jumping and throwing. Every team we have tests in these events and once a year we hold a sports meeting.Sports help us to keep 10 .( ) 1. A. whileB. whenC.

11、 beforeD. after( ) 2. A. EnglishB. Chinese C. P.E. D. music( ) 3. A. teacherB. boys C. students D. people( ) 4. A. Some otherB. Other C. AnotherD. The other( ) 5. A. are B. is C. wereD. was( ) 6. A. shining B. rainy C. fine D. wet( ) 7. A. see B. have C. look at D. watch( ) 8. A. several B. few C. a

12、 few D. many( ) 9. A. because B. but C. or D. and( ) 10. A. thirsty and hungry B. healthy and happyC. fat and tired D. thin and weak.從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)木渥?,補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。A. I will be a basketball playerB. I get up early and do morningexercises every day.C. But you are not strong enough, I thinkD. when you grow upE. Nothing is to


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