【公開課】七上Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A課件_第1頁
【公開課】七上Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A課件_第2頁
【公開課】七上Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A課件_第3頁
【公開課】七上Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A課件_第4頁
【公開課】七上Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A課件_第5頁
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1、Target guidance 目標(biāo)導(dǎo)學(xué)目標(biāo)導(dǎo)學(xué)1.能正確拼讀本課單詞: panda, rabbit, monkey, elephant, tiger,lion2.掌握重點句子:1)-Do you have any time tomorrow? -Yes, whats up? 2)-Can we see pandas there? -Yes, we can see monkeys, lions, tigers, and elephants, too.3)Lets meet at 9 oclock at my home.pandamonkeyliontigerelephantrabbit1.熊貓

2、熊貓2.猴子猴子3.獅子獅子4.老虎老虎5.5.象象6.6.兔子兔子/pnd/ n./mki/ n./lain/ n./taig(r)/ n. /elifnt/ n./rbit/ n. pandamonkeyliontigerelephantrabbit1.熊貓熊貓2.猴子猴子3.獅子獅子4.老虎老虎5.5.象象6.6.兔子兔子/pnd/ n./mki/ n./lain/ n./taig(r)/ n. /elifnt/ n./rbit/ n.A: What time can we see the Panda Show? B: We can see at one oclock/ We can s

3、ee at one.8:0910:52Listen and number the pictures.( 3 )( 4 )( 1 )( 2 ) (錄音(錄音P97-2-A)Listen and write down the time of animal shows.nine o five_ (錄音(錄音P97-2-B)ten oclockeleven fifteentwelve thirtyWhat can you see in the picture?1. Where do they want to go?2.When will they meet?The zoo.At 9 oclock.(錄

4、音錄音P97-1a)Task 1.Finish 1b.Task 2. Underline these sentences and translate them into Chinese.1)-Do you have any time tomorrow? -Yes, whats up?2)-Can we see pandas there? -Yes, we can see monkeys, lions, tigers, and elephants, too.3)Lets meet at 9 oclock at my home.Task 1.Check the answers in 1b.Task

5、 2. Translate these sentences into Chinese.1)-Do you have any time tomorrow? -Yes, whats up?2)-Can we see pandas there? -Yes, we can see monkeys, lions, tigers, and elephants, too.3)Lets meet at 9 oclock at my home.Task 1.Check the answers in 1b.Where to goWhen to goWhat to see When to Meet Where to

6、 meetthe zootomorrowpandas,monkeyslions,tigers,elephantsat nine oclockat Kangkangs homeTask 2.Finish 1b,and underline these sentences. translate into Chinese.1)-Do you have any time tomorrow? -Yes, whats up? 2)-Can we see pandas there? -Yes, we can see monkeys, lions, tigers, and elephants, too.3)Le

7、ts meet at 9 oclock at my home.Are you free tomorrow?我們能在那兒見到熊貓嗎?是的,我們也能看見猴子、獅子、老虎和大象。明天你有時間嗎?有的,什么事?我們九點鐘在我家見面吧。Task 3.Read again and practice in pairs.K: Do you tomorrow?M: Yes. ? K: We want to . Would you ?M: !Can we see pandas there?K: Yes. We can see and ,too. M: Oh, very nice.K: Lets . M: OK.K

8、: See you then.M: . Kangkang and Michael have _ tomorrow. They want to go to the _. They can see _, _, _, _ and _. They will meet at _ oclock at _ .timezoomonkeyslionselephantsninepandasKangkangs home tigers RetellChoose the best answers:( )1. What are your favorite animals? _ A. Coke. B. Tigers. C.

9、 Hamburgers.( )2. _ is it? Its six oclock. A. What B. What color C. What time( )3.“12: 45”reads _. A. a quarter past twelve B. a quarter to twelve C. twelve forty-five( )4. Mike often gets up _ 6:40 _ the morning. A. in; in B. on; on C. at; in( )5. _ eat meat but dont. A. Tigers; pandasB. Lions; dogs C. Rabbits; lions 課堂檢測BCCCAWords: panda, monkey, lion, elephant, tigerSentences:1)-Do you have any time tomorrow? -Yes, whats up?2)-Can we see pand


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