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1、語 900 句 ( 經(jīng) 典 )精品資料English 900英語九百句(美音版)第一冊(cè)一、 Greetings1. Hello!/ Hi!2. Good morning / afternoon / evening!3. I'm Kathy King.4. Are you Peter Smith?5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.6. How are you?7. Fine, thanks. And you?8. I'm fine, too.9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband?10. She is ver

2、y well, thank you.11. Good night, Jane.12. Good-bye, Mike.13. See you tomorrow.14. See you later.15. I have to go now.二、Expression In Class16. May I come in?17. Come in, please.18. Sit down, please.19. It's time for class.20. Open your books and turn to page 20.21. I'll call the roll before

3、class.22. Here!23. Has everybody got a sheet?24. Any different opinion?25. Are you with me?26. Have I made myself clear?27. Could you say it again?28. Any questions?29. That's all for today.30. Please turn in your paper before leaving.三、Identifying Objects31. What's this?32. It's a pen.3

4、3. Is this your handbag?34. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is.35. Whose pen is this?36. It's Kate's.。37. Is that a car?38. No, it isn't. It's a bus.39. What do you call this in English?英語九百句(美音版)第一冊(cè)問候語1. 你好!2. 早晨(下午/晚上)好!3. 我是凱西金。4. 你是彼得史密斯嗎?5. 是,我是。/不,我不是。6. 你好嗎?7. 很好,謝謝,你呢?8. 我也很好。9.

5、愛米好嗎?你妻子好嗎? /你丈夫好嗎?10. 她很好,謝謝。11. 晚安,簡。12. 再見,邁克。13. 明天見。14. 待會(huì)兒見。15. 我必須走了。二、課堂用語16. 我能進(jìn)來嗎?17. 請(qǐng)進(jìn)。18. 請(qǐng)坐。19. 上課時(shí)間到了。20. 打開書,翻到第20頁。21. 課前我要點(diǎn)名。22. 到!23. 每個(gè)人都拿到材料了嗎?24. 有不同意見嗎?25. 你們跟上我講的了嗎?26. 我講明白了嗎?27. 你能再說一遍嗎?28. 有什么問題嗎?29. 今天就講到這里。30. 請(qǐng)?jiān)陔x開前將論文交上。三、辨別物品31. 這是什么?32. 是支筆。33. 這是你的手提包嗎?34. 不,它不是。/是的,

6、它是35. 這是誰的筆?36. 是凱特的。37. 那是一輛小汽車嗎?38. 不,那是一輛公共汽車。39. 這個(gè)用英語怎么說?40. What is the color of your new book?41. How big is your house?42. How long is the street?43. What's the name of the cat?44. Where's the company?45. Which is the right size?四、About Belongings46. What's this?47. It's an a

7、ir-conditioner.48. Is this yours?49. Yes, it's mine.50. Where are my glasses?51. Do you know where I've put my glasses?52. Over there.53. On the desk.54. Is this your pen? I found it under the desk.55. No. Mine is blue.56. Which is your bag?57. The bigger one.58. The one on your right.59. Ar

8、e these books all yours?60. Some of them are mine.五、Identifying People61. Who are you?62. I'm Jim.63. Who is the guy over there?64. He's Bob.65. Is that girl a student?66. No, she isn't.僅供學(xué)習(xí)與交流,如有侵權(quán)請(qǐng)聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除 謝謝567. What do you do?68. I'm a farmer.69. What does he do?70. He's a mana

9、ger.71. She must be a model, isn't?72. I really don't known.73. I have no idea about it.74. Can she be a driver?75. Yes, I think so.六、About Introduction76. What's your name?77. May I have your name?78. My name is Thomas.79. Just call me Tom.80. What's your family name?40 .你的新書是什么顏色的?

10、41 .你的房子有多大?42 .這條街有多長?43 .這貓叫什么名字?44 .那個(gè)公司在哪兒?45 .哪個(gè)尺碼是對(duì)的?四、關(guān)于所有物46 .這是什么?47 .這是空調(diào)。48 .這是你的嗎?49 .是的,是我的。50 .我的眼鏡在哪兒?51 .你知道我把眼鏡擱哪兒了嗎?52 .在那邊。53 .在桌上。54 .這是你的筆嗎?我在桌下?lián)斓?5 .不是。我的是藍(lán)的。56 .哪個(gè)是你的包?57 .大些的那個(gè)。58 .你右邊的那個(gè)。59 .這些書全是你的嗎?60 .一部分是我的。五、辨別身份61 .你是誰?62 .我是吉姆。63 .那邊那個(gè)人是誰?64 .他是鮑勃。65 .那個(gè)女孩是學(xué)生嗎?66.不,她不

11、是。67. 你是做什么的?68. 我是個(gè)農(nóng)民。69. 他是干什么的?70. 他是個(gè)經(jīng)理。71. 她一定是個(gè)模特,不是嗎?72. 我真不知道。73. 我一點(diǎn)都不知道。74. 她可能是個(gè)司機(jī)嗎?75. 是的,我認(rèn)為是。六、關(guān)于介紹76. 你叫什么名字?77. 能告訴我你的名字嗎?78. 我叫湯姆斯。79. 就叫我湯姆吧。80. 你姓什么?81. My family name is Ayneswonth.82. How do you spell it?83. Who is the lady in white?84. Could you introduce me to her?85. Rose, le

12、t me introduce my friend to you.86. This is Tom. He's my classmate.87. Nice to meet you.88. Nice to meet you, too.89. Let me introduce myself.90. How do you do?七、Year, Month And Day91. What day is it today?92. It's Monday today.93. What's the date today?94. It's January the 15th, 199

13、9.95. What month is this?96. It's December.97. What year is this?98. It's the year of 1999.99. What will you do during this weekend?100. Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays?101. It opens at 8 am on weekdays, but at 9 at weekends.102. What will you do the day after on next?103. What did yo

14、u do the week before last?104. I'll work for the next 5 days.105. It's been 5 years since I last sawyou.八、Talking About Objects106. Do you have a computer?107. Yes, I do.108. He has that book, doesn't he?109. No, he doesn't.110. Do you have any brothers or sisters?111. No, I'm a

15、single son.112. Does your computer have a modem?113. Do you have shampoo here?114. What a beautiful garden you have!115. Any tickets left?116. Do you have glue? I need some here.117. I have some left.118. If you have more, please give me some.119. Do you have my pencil?120. Yes, I have your eraser,

16、too.81 .我姓安尼思華斯。82 .怎么拼?83 .穿白衣服的那位小姐是誰?84 .你能把我介紹給她嗎?85 .羅斯,讓我介紹一下我的朋友。86 .這是湯姆。我的同學(xué)。87 .很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你。88 .認(rèn)識(shí)你我也很高興。89 .讓我自我介紹一下。精品資料90.你好!108.他有那本書,是嗎?七、年、月、日109.不,他沒有。91.今天星期幾?110.你有兄弟或姐妹嗎?92.今天是星期一。111.沒有,我是獨(dú)生子。93.今天是幾號(hào)?112.你的電腦有調(diào)制解調(diào)器嗎?94.今天是1999年1月15日。113.這兒有香波賣嗎?95.現(xiàn)在是幾月?114.你的花園真漂鳧。96.現(xiàn)在是十二月。115.肩剩票

17、嗎?97.今年是哪一年?116.你有膠水嗎?我這里需要一點(diǎn)。98.今年是1999年。117.我剩下一些。99.這周末你干什么?118.如果你啟多的,請(qǐng)給我。100.這家店平日是早上9點(diǎn)開門嗎?119 .你拿了我的鉛筆嗎?120 .是的,我還拿了你的橡皮。101.平日上午8點(diǎn)開,但周末9點(diǎn)九、Talking About Time開。121. What time is it now?122. It's two o'clock.102.后天你干什么?123. It's a quarter past five.124. It's ten minutes to four.

18、103.上上星期你干了什么?125. It's half past nine.126. It's one o'clock sharp.104.我要工作5天(從明天算起)127. It's not four o'clock.。105.我已5年沒見你了。128. My watch says two o'clock.129. My watch is two minutes fast.八、談?wù)撌挛?30. What's the time by your watch?131. We must arrive there on time.106.你有計(jì)

19、算機(jī)嗎?132. There are only two minutes left.133. Can you finish your work ahead of107.是的,我有。time?134. The flight is delayed.僅供學(xué)習(xí)與交流,如有侵權(quán)請(qǐng)聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除謝謝7135. The meeting is put off. 十、About Dates136. What day is today?137. Today is Monday.。138. What's the date today?139. Today is May 21st.140. When were you born?141. I was born on September 1st, 1976.142. What time?143. You name th


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