1、V1.2Safety culture安全文化安全文化Dr. Mark FlemingSaint Marys Universitymark.flemingsmu.caV1.2Outline 大綱大綱Introduction and overview 介紹和概述介紹和概述Safety culture 安全文化安全文化Characteristics of positive safety culture 積極的安全文化的特點積極的安全文化的特點Safety culture development 安全文化培育安全文化培育Conclusions 結論結論V1.2High Reliability Orga
2、nisations高可靠性組織高可靠性組織Why Do Injuries Happen ?職業(yè)傷害為什么會發(fā)生職業(yè)傷害為什么會發(fā)生?HUMAN UNRELIABILITYconcentration, memoryDESIGN BOOBY TRAPS: hardware, proceduresOPERATING ENVIRONMENTtraining, supervision, resources, cultureCOMMUNICATIONassumptions, misunderstandings人不可靠注意力,記憶力設計陷阱:硬件,程序經營環(huán)境培訓,監(jiān)督,資源,文化溝通假設,誤解V1.2Pi
3、per AlphaPiper Alpha鉆井平臺公眾對Piper Alpha鉆井平臺災難的質詢V1.2It wont happen to me.When anyone asks me how I can best describe my experiences of nearly forty years at sea, I merely say uneventful. I have never been in an accident of any sort worth speaking about.I never saw a wreck and have never been wrecked,
4、 nor was I ever in any predicament that threatened to end in disaster of any sort.“當有人問我怎樣才能最好地描述我在海上近當有人問我怎樣才能最好地描述我在海上近40年的經歷,我只是說平安無事年的經歷,我只是說平安無事。在我身上從未發(fā)生過任何事故。我從未見過一個沉船事件,自己。在我身上從未發(fā)生過任何事故。我從未見過一個沉船事件,自己的船也從未沉過,我也從未陷入任何讓我生命受到任何形式災難的威脅的船也從未沉過,我也從未陷入任何讓我生命受到任何形式災難的威脅的困境。的困境。Edward J. Smith (Captai
5、n of the Titanic 泰坦尼克號船長)V1.2Piper AlphaIt is essential to create a corporate atmosphere or culture in which safety is understood to be and accepted as, the number one priority”對企業(yè)來說,營造一種氛圍或文化是至關重要的對企業(yè)來說,營造一種氛圍或文化是至關重要的。在這種氛圍或文化中,安全被理解為,并且。在這種氛圍或文化中,安全被理解為,并且被接受為頭等重要的大事。被接受為頭等重要的大事。(Cullen, 1990)V1.
6、2Safety management system not effective unless accompanied by a “good” safety culture Wish to stay alert to potential risk factors that increase the risk of a major disasterPro-active approach involving self-assessment and feedback of less visible elements of safety management systemDesire to win “h
7、earts and minds” to improve safetyAlternative, leading safety performance indicator安全管理系統不會有效,除非安全管理系統不會有效,除非 有有“良好的良好的”安全文化相伴隨安全文化相伴隨對會提高重大災害的風險的潛在危險因素能一直保持警惕對會提高重大災害的風險的潛在危險因素能一直保持警惕前瞻式方法涉及到自我評估和對安全管理制度較少的不可見的元素的反饋前瞻式方法涉及到自我評估和對安全管理制度較少的不可見的元素的反饋贏得贏得“人心和智慧人心和智慧”的愿望推動安全改進的愿望推動安全改進可選擇的,引向安全績效的指標可選擇的
8、,引向安全績效的指標Why focus on culture?為什么要關注文化為什么要關注文化V1.2Culture has been defined as: 文化被定義為:文化被定義為:A pattern of basic assumptions 一個基本假設的模型一個基本假設的模型Invented, discovered or developed by a given group由指定的一個團隊發(fā)明、發(fā)現或開發(fā)由指定的一個團隊發(fā)明、發(fā)現或開發(fā)Learnt from coping with problems of external adaptation and internal integr
9、ation 從處理外部適應性問題和內部整合問題中學習從處理外部適應性問題和內部整合問題中學習That has worked well enough to be considered valid 運行良好,足以被認運行良好,足以被認為是有效的。為是有效的。Is taught to new members (as the) 傳授給新成員傳授給新成員Correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to problems 用正確的方法去感知、思考和感覺相關問題用正確的方法去感知、思考和感覺相關問題Schein 1990 p110Culture 文
10、化文化V1.2Elements of the culture 文化的要素文化的要素Basic assumptions: 基本假設基本假設Represent a system of shared meaning that is difficult to verbalize. Shared values that guide decision making.代表一個難以用語言表達的共享意義的系統。共享價值觀指導決策代表一個難以用語言表達的共享意義的系統。共享價值觀指導決策Espoused values 信奉的價值觀信奉的價值觀What people say is important express
11、ed through stories and myths人們通過故事和神話表達的內容是很重要的人們通過故事和神話表達的內容是很重要的Artefacts include: 人工制品包括人工制品包括Physical symbols e.g. status symbols, buildings, expected clothing, equipment and safety policies物理符號,如地位的象征,建筑物,預期著裝,設備和安全政策物理符號,如地位的象征,建筑物,預期著裝,設備和安全政策Behavioural norms e.g. greetings, gestures, ceremo
12、nies行為規(guī)范,例如打招呼,手勢,儀式行為規(guī)范,例如打招呼,手勢,儀式Iceberg model 冰山模型冰山模型基本假設信奉的價值觀人工制品V1.2“The way we do things around here” CBI 我們做事情的方式我們做事情的方式“Safety culture is that assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and individuals which establishes that as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety
13、 issues receive the attention warranted by their significance” p1 INSAG-4. 1991安全文化是組織中特征和態(tài)度的集合,并且人們把它視為絕對優(yōu)先的事情。核電廠的安全安全文化是組織中特征和態(tài)度的集合,并且人們把它視為絕對優(yōu)先的事情。核電廠的安全問題由于其重要性得到重視。問題由于其重要性得到重視?!癘rganisations with a positive safety culture are characterised by communications founded on mutual trust, by shared
14、perceptions of the importance of safety and by the efficacy of preventive measures.” ACSNI擁有積極的安全文化的組織擁有如下特征:建立在相互信任基礎之上的溝通,對安全的重擁有積極的安全文化的組織擁有如下特征:建立在相互信任基礎之上的溝通,對安全的重要性有共同的看法,以及預防措施的有效性。要性有共同的看法,以及預防措施的有效性。Safety Culture: What Is It ?安全文化,它是什么?安全文化,它是什么?V1.2Safety culture and outcomes安全文化和結果安全文化和結
15、果Safety culture questionnaire responses have been linked with accident rates in the following industries:在下列行業(yè)中,安全文化問卷的回答與事故率相聯系在下列行業(yè)中,安全文化問卷的回答與事故率相聯系Nuclear power (Lee, 1998) 核電站核電站Offshore oil (Mearns, Flin, Fleming & Gordon 1997) 海上石油海上石油Chemical industry, (Donald & Canter, 1994) 化學工業(yè)化學工
16、業(yè)Manufacturing, (Brown & Holmes 1986), (Zohar, 2000) 制造業(yè)制造業(yè)Safety culture has been identified as a causal factor in:在下列事件中,安全文化已被確定為一個原因因素:在下列事件中,安全文化已被確定為一個原因因素:Chernobyl 切爾諾貝利切爾諾貝利Bhopal 博帕爾博帕爾Space shuttle Challenger and Columbia 挑戰(zhàn)者號和哥倫比亞號航天飛機挑戰(zhàn)者號和哥倫比亞號航天飛機V1.2Comparison of Chinese with US N
17、ationals 中國人與美國人的比較中國人與美國人的比較NationalityChineseExpatriatRules less importantImportance of heirarLanguage DifficultyJob clarityWork PressureReluctance to speakProductivity vs safeSupervisionRules & RegulationsSafety on rigRisk behaviour.中國人外國人規(guī)則沒有那么重要層級的重要性語言困難冒險行為裝備安全規(guī)章制度監(jiān)督效率與安全
18、工作明確工作壓力不愿意說話V1.2Main findings 主要發(fā)現主要發(fā)現No difference in self reported risk taking behaviour 在自我報告冒險在自我報告冒險行為方面沒有區(qū)別行為方面沒有區(qū)別Chinese staff valued hierarchy to a greater extent than expatriate staff與外籍員工相比,中國員工更加重視層級與外籍員工相比,中國員工更加重視層級Chinese staff indicated that rules were of less importance than gettin
19、g the job done中國員工指出,相對于把工作完成,規(guī)則沒有那么重要中國員工指出,相對于把工作完成,規(guī)則沒有那么重要Findings indicated that safety could be improved by using hierarchical structures to reinforce the importance of following rules結果表明,通過層級結構來強調遵守規(guī)則的重要性可以讓安全得到改進結果表明,通過層級結構來強調遵守規(guī)則的重要性可以讓安全得到改進Characteristics of a strong safety culture強有力安全文
20、化的特征強有力安全文化的特征Safety is learning driven 安全受學習驅動Safety is a clearly recognized value 安全是被清楚認識到的價值觀Accountability for safety is clear安全責任明確 Safety is integrated into all activities 安全被納入所有活動Leadership for safety is clear安全領導力明確 IAEA five characteristics of a strong safety culture 強有力安全文化的五個特店強有力安全文化的五
21、個特店V1.2Safety is a clearly recognised value 安全是一個被清楚地認識到的價值觀安全是一個被清楚地認識到的價值觀It is clear to everyone that safety is the top priority. 每個人都清楚,安全是首要任務每個人都清楚,安全是首要任務The importance of safety is demonstrated by 安安全的重要性從如下兩個方面得以展現全的重要性從如下兩個方面得以展現 the decisions managers make and 管理者所做的決策管理者所做的決策 how manager
22、s allocate resources. 管理者如何分配資源管理者如何分配資源V1.2Leadership for safety is clear安全領導力是清晰的安全領導力是清晰的Managers take every opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to safety.Leaders across the organization are actively involved in safety and act as role models for others. Leadership skills are actively deve
23、loped 管理人員利用一切機會展示他們對安全的承諾。管理人員利用一切機會展示他們對安全的承諾。整個組織的領導們都積極參與安全活動,并成為其他人的榜樣。整個組織的領導們都積極參與安全活動,并成為其他人的榜樣。領導技能得到積極開發(fā)領導技能得到積極開發(fā)V1.2Accountability for safety is clear對安全的責任是清晰地對安全的責任是清晰地 There are clear lines of authority for safetyEveryone is aware of their specific tasks and responsibilities. Everyone
24、 feels ownership for safety within their span of control. The independent and distinct role of the regulator is understood and respected. 安全的權限很清晰安全的權限很清晰大家都知道他們的具體任務和責任。大家都知道他們的具體任務和責任。每個人都感到自己能要對其所控制范圍的安全負責每個人都感到自己能要對其所控制范圍的安全負責監(jiān)管者的獨立和獨特作用得到理解和尊重監(jiān)管者的獨立和獨特作用得到理解和尊重V1.2Safety is integrated into ever
25、ything 安全要納入到所有活動中安全要納入到所有活動中Safety is an approach to doing things rather than an activity; therefore it is part of all activities. An operation or task is only a success if completed safely. Factors that influence performance such as motivation are acknowledged to influence safety outcomes 與其說安全是一項
26、活動,不如說安全是一種做事的方法,因此它是所有與其說安全是一項活動,不如說安全是一種做事的方法,因此它是所有活動的一部分。活動的一部分。一個操作或任務只有在安全完成的情況下才是成功的一個操作或任務只有在安全完成的情況下才是成功的影響績效的要素,例如動機,被公認是影響安全結果的。影響績效的要素,例如動機,被公認是影響安全結果的。V1.2Safety is learning driven安全是學習驅動安全是學習驅動Striving for continuous improvement. Learning drives improvement. Actively seeking out lesson
27、s from operational experience and conducting self assessments. Seeking to understand both failure and success in order to improve. Encouraging reporting all failures追求持續(xù)改進。追求持續(xù)改進。學習驅動改進。學習驅動改進。積極從運行的經歷中找出教訓,并進行自我評估。積極從運行的經歷中找出教訓,并進行自我評估。為了改進,爭取對失敗和成功都進行了解為了改進,爭取對失敗和成功都進行了解鼓勵報告所有失敗鼓勵報告所有失敗V1.2Safety
28、culture maturity安全文化發(fā)展階段安全文化發(fā)展階段Safety culture development is broken down into five stages or levels of maturity, from poor to goodA number of similar models currently in use (e.g. hearts and minds, shell)Once the level has been established sites identify the actions required to move to the next lev
29、el安全文化的發(fā)展分為五個階段或成熟水平,從差到好安全文化的發(fā)展分為五個階段或成熟水平,從差到好目前有幾個類似的模型在使用目前有幾個類似的模型在使用一旦水平被確定下來,組織就需要確定要達到下一個水平所需要采一旦水平被確定下來,組織就需要確定要達到下一個水平所需要采取的措施取的措施Pathological Pathological 病態(tài)的病態(tài)的Level 1Reactive Reactive 反應式的反應式的 Level 2GenerativeGenerative內在的內在的 Level 5Bureaucratic Bureaucratic 官僚式的官僚式的 Level 3ProactivePr
30、oactive前瞻式的 Level 4改善安全文化改善安全文化計劃落實評估監(jiān)督V1.2Pathological 病態(tài)病態(tài)Why waste our time on safety? 為什么要在安全上為什么要在安全上浪費我們的時間?浪費我們的時間?Effort is focused on avoiding getting caught努力的重點是避免被抓到努力的重點是避免被抓到Loyalty and conformity is maintained through intimidation 通過恐嚇保持忠誠和一致性通過恐嚇保持忠誠和一致性Reaction to problems 對問題的反應對問題
31、的反應 Suppression 抑制抑制 Encapsulation 封裝封裝V1.2Reactive 反應式的反應式的We do something when we have an incidentInformation is controlled Information is manipulated to ensure we conform to organisational standards (e.g. target incident rate)We focus on finding who is at fault and using appropriate disciplineInc
32、idents appear to be random當有事故發(fā)生時,我們才做一些事情當有事故發(fā)生時,我們才做一些事情信息被控制信息被控制 信息被操縱,以確保我們符合組織標準(例如事故發(fā)生率目標)信息被操縱,以確保我們符合組織標準(例如事故發(fā)生率目標)我們關心的是發(fā)現是誰的錯,并且使用相應的懲罰措施我們關心的是發(fā)現是誰的錯,并且使用相應的懲罰措施事故的出現是隨機的事故的出現是隨機的V1.2Bureaucratic 官僚式的官僚式的We have systems in place to manage all likely risksInformation supports departmental
33、 interests, to make the department look good, to support departmental objectivesInformation flow is managedReaction to incidents Local fix: treats symptoms not root cause我們已建立各種制度來管理所有可能的風險我們已建立各種制度來管理所有可能的風險信息支持部門利益,信息支持部門利益, 使該部看上去不錯,支持部門目標使該部看上去不錯,支持部門目標信息流被管理信息流被管理對事故進行反應對事故進行反應局部整改:治標不治本局部整改:治標
34、不治本V1.2Proactive 前瞻式的前瞻式的We are always on the alert for risks that might emerge Information is important and we work hard to capture it and understand what is going on.Our outcomes are better that our industry averageStill surprised by some events我們對可能出現的風險總是很警惕我們對可能出現的風險總是很警惕信息是重要的,我們總是很努力掌握信息,并了解正
35、在發(fā)生的事情。信息是重要的,我們總是很努力掌握信息,并了解正在發(fā)生的事情。我們的結果比行業(yè)平均水平要好我們的結果比行業(yè)平均水平要好對一些事件仍感到吃驚對一些事件仍感到吃驚V1.2Generative 內在的內在的We know why we do not have incidentsInformation supports the missionInformation flows freely, honesty is valuedResponse to incidents: Global fix: try to fix every example of a problem, share inf
36、ormation with other stakeholders Inquiry: Get to the root cause of problem我們知道我們?yōu)槭裁礇]有事故我們知道我們?yōu)槭裁礇]有事故信息支持使命信息支持使命信息自由流通,誠實得到欣賞信息自由流通,誠實得到欣賞對事故的反應:對事故的反應:全方位整改:嘗試整改一個問題的每一個例子,與其他利益相關者共享信息全方位整改:嘗試整改一個問題的每一個例子,與其他利益相關者共享信息調查:尋找問題的根源調查:尋找問題的根源V1.2Norms andBehaviour規(guī)范和行為規(guī)范和行為Safety安全安全Safety Interventions
37、安全舉措安全舉措Safety Culture安全文化安全文化Enabler/Barrier促成要素促成要素/障礙要素障礙要素Culture and Safety 文化和安全文化和安全V1.2SafetymountainWhere are you? 你在哪里你在哪里Pathological病態(tài)的Reactive 反應的Bureaucratic 官僚的Proactive 先行一步的Generative內在的Improvement Orientated以改進為導向的Status Quo 現狀V1.2Review systems that drive culture審視驅動文化的制度審視驅動文化的制度
38、SCM Improvement Process (SCMIP) developed to assess culture without the need to survey workersSCM改進過程改進過程Rational for SCMIPEmployee perceptions are based in reality i.e. perceptions of management commitment reflect their interactions with managersOrganisations with different cultures have different
39、practicesSafety culture improvement involves system changee.g. perceptions of management commitment is improved through training and evaluating leadership practices 所開發(fā)的所開發(fā)的SCM改進程序可以評估文化,不需要對工人進行調查改進程序可以評估文化,不需要對工人進行調查 SCMIP 的合理性的合理性 -員工的認知是基于現實員工的認知是基于現實 例如對管理層承諾的認知例如對管理層承諾的認知 反映了反映了他們與管理者之間的互動關系他們
40、與管理者之間的互動關系-組織文化不同,做法就不同組織文化不同,做法就不同-安全文化的改善涉及制度安全文化的改善涉及制度變革變革 例如管理例如管理層承諾的理念層承諾的理念通過培訓通過培訓和和評價領導力評價領導力的的實踐實踐得到提升得到提升V1.2Sample: Commitment to safety范例:對安全的承諾范例:對安全的承諾Managers Visiting the WorksiteSelect level打分打分Managers do not visit worksite to specifically discuss safety0Managers visit worksite
41、regularly to discuss safety as specified by a formal policy/ program (e.g. STOP)1There is a formal manager worksite visit program that specifies the number of visits to be conducted by each manager and tracks completion.2There is a comprehensive program that specifies how to perform a worksite visit, trains managers how to conduct a visit, evaluates managers to ensure they are competent and tracks frequency of visits and close out of actions.3There is a comprehensive program described above plus the quality of the managers visits is evaluated by
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