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1、Lesson 11. A white lie is better than a black lie.一個無關緊要的謊言總比一個惡意的謊言要好。2. To upset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood.為了挫敗各種蓄意培植的低人一等的心態(tài),黑人必須直起腰來宣布自己高貴的人格。3. with a spirit straining toward true self-esteem, the Negro must throw off the mana

2、cles of self-abnegation黑人必須一種竭盡全力自尊自重的精神,大膽拋棄自我克制的枷鎖。4. What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.必須懂得沒有愛的權利是毫無節(jié)制的、易被濫用的,而沒有權利的愛則是多愁善感、脆弱無力的。5. It is precisely this collision of immoral power with powerless moral

3、ity which constitutes the major crisis of our times.正是這種邪惡的權利和沒有權勢的道義的沖突構成了我們時代的主要危機。6. Now early in this century this proposal would have been greeted with ridicule and denunciation, as destructive of initiative and responsibility.在本世紀之初,這種建議會受到嘲笑和譴責,認為它對主動性和責任感其負面作用。7. The fact is that the work wh

4、ich improves the condition of mankind, the work which extends knowledge and increases power and enriched literature and elevates thought, is not done to secure a living.事實上,人們從事改善人類出鏡的工作,從事傳播知識、增強實力、豐富文學財富以及升華思想的工作并不是為了謀生。8. it can spend billions of dollars to put Gods children on their own two feet

5、 right here on earth.它能夠花費幾十億美元幫助上帝的孩子自立于這個世界。9. Furthermore, few if any violent revolutions have been successful unless the violent minority had the sympathy and support of the nonresistant majority.除非主張暴力的少數(shù)人得到大多數(shù)人的同情與支持,不和他們對抗,否則,暴力革命很少或者說幾乎沒有成功的。10. Let us realize the arc of the moral universe i

6、s long but is bends towards justice.我們要懂得道義的蒼穹長又長,但它終將落向正義。Lesson 31. Today we are in the throes of a worldwide reformation of cultures, a tectonic shift of habits and dreams called, in the curious vocabulary of social scientists, “globalization”.今天我們正經(jīng)歷著一種世界范圍文化劇變的陣痛,一種習俗與追求的結構性變化,用社會科學家奇特的詞匯來稱呼這種變

7、化,就叫“全球化”。2. Whatever their backgrounds or agendas, these critics are convinced that Western often equated with American influences will flatten every cultural crease, producing, as one observer terms it, one big “McWorld”.不管他們的背景和綱領如何,這些對全球化持反對態(tài)度的人深信西方的影響往往等同于美國的影響會把所有文化上的差異一一壓平,就像一位觀察家所說的,最終產(chǎn)生一個麥當

8、勞世界,一個充斥美國貨和美國價值觀的世界。3. But I also discovered that cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.不過我也發(fā)現(xiàn)文化就如同構成文化的民族一樣,善于隨機應變,富有彈性而且不可預測。4. Its really hard to be original these days, so the easiest way to come up with new stuff is to mix things that already

9、exist.現(xiàn)今原創(chuàng)極為困難。因此,最容易的辦法就是把現(xiàn)存的東西組合在一起,拿出一個新玩意兒來。5. The Cosmopolitan, plunging necklines and all, is read by 260,000 Chinese women every month.26萬中國婦女每個月都在閱讀時尚雜志,那些開領低胸的畫頁及其他內(nèi)容。6. The lights went out, and for a moment the only sound in the darkness was the whirring of an expensive camera on auto-rewi

10、nd.燈光熄滅,有一陣子,黑暗中唯一的聲音就是一部價格按貴的照相機自動倒卷時發(fā)出的聲音。7. They received a lot from local cultures, but they also kept their own identity.他們從當?shù)匚幕樟瞬簧贃|西,但仍然保持了自己的本色。8. Linking humanitys natural impulse, its common destiny。相互聯(lián)系是人類自有的欲望,是其共同的命運。9. They are the powerful cords of the heart.這種連接靠的是強有力的心靈的紐帶Lesson 41

11、. It was she who used to come between me and my paper when I was writing reviews.就是她,在我寫評論時,總是在我和我的寫作之間制造麻煩。2. I now record the one act for which I take some credit to myself, though the credit rightly belongs to some excellent ancestors of mine who left me a certain sum of moneyshall we say five hu

12、ndred pounds a yearso that it was not necessary for me to depend solely on charm for my living.下面我要說說多少是我自己決定做的一件事情,當然做此事的功勞主要還應歸功于我的了不起的祖先,是他們給我留下了一筆財產(chǎn)比如說每年五百英鎊吧這樣我就不必完全靠女人的魅力去謀生了。3. I do not believe that anybody can know until she has expressed herself in all the arts and professions open to human

13、 skill.我相信,只有婦女在人類知識所設計的全部藝術和專業(yè)領域中用創(chuàng)造形式表達自己的情感后,她們才能知道什么是婦女。4. He wants to see the same facesso that nothing may disturb or disquiet the mysterious nosings about, feelings around, darts, dashes and sudden discoveries of that very shy and illusive spirit, the imagination.他希望在他寫作時,他每天見的人,讀的書,做的事都是相同的,

14、這樣任何事物都不會打破他生活的幻想,也不會攪亂他的四處探求以及對那令人難以捉摸的東西想象力的突然發(fā)現(xiàn)。5. Be that as it may, I want you to imagine me writing a novel in a state of trance.盡管如此,我請你想象我在迷睡的狀態(tài)中寫小說。6. The consciousness of what men will say of a woman who speaks the truth about her passions had roused her from her artists state of unconscio

15、usness.她意識到男人們會如何議論一個敢講有關激情真話的女人,這使她從藝術家的無意識狀態(tài)中驚醒了。7. Inwardly, I think, the case is very different; she has still many ghosts to fight, many prejudices to overcome.從內(nèi)心精神方面看,情況頗為不同。婦女還要與許多鬼怪展開斗爭,還有許多偏見需要去克服。8. To discuss and define them is I think of great value and importance; for thus only can the

16、 labor be shared, the difficulties be solved.議論和界定這些障礙是十分重要的, 因為只有如此我們才能共同努力克服困難。9. Those aims cannot be taken for granted; they must be perpetually questioned and examined.那些目的是什么,對這個問題我們不能想當然,而要不斷地提出疑問和進行審視。Lesson 81. He rarely spoke, but when he did, it was always with extraordinary precision and

17、 often with decastating effect.他很少說話,但一旦開口,他的話往往極為準確,而且常常具有壓倒一切的威力。2. At least my modern pieces shall be cheery/Like English bishops on the Quantum Theory.至少我現(xiàn)代風格的作品會給人帶來歡樂,就如英國的主教在論述量子力學。3. Spender also does not seem to have remarked on Oppenheimers eyes, which had a kind of wary luminescence. Siam

18、ese cats make a similar impression.他的眼睛帶有一種警覺而冷冷的目光。這種目光也可以在Siamese貓身上找到。4. Oppenheimer had been “tried” for disloyalty to this country and that his clearance had been taken away.奧本海默曾因被疑為對國家不忠而受到“審訊”,其接觸國家機密文件的權利被剝奪。5. But, like Einstein, he had no school or following and had produced very few stud

19、ents.跟愛因斯坦一樣,他沒有建立學派,沒有追隨者,也沒有培養(yǎng)出幾個學生。6. he remarked that “the really good ideas in physics are had by only one person.”他說,“物理學上真正有價值的見地,只屬于個人。”7. “But look, the morn in russet mantle clad/Walks oer the dew of you high eastward hill.”瞧,清晨披著金黃色的敞篷,踏著高山上的露珠從東方走來;瞧,陳披金色敞,腳踏東山露。8. Poor Stephen Spender,

20、poor Robert Oppenheimer, each limited, if not relegated, to the category of the merely very good, and each inevitably saddened by his knowledge o0f what was truly superior.可憐的斯蒂芬斯賓達,可憐的羅伯特奧本海默,每個人都被局限在,如果不是歸類到,不錯之列,而他們又清楚地知道什么叫做出類拔萃,這就使他們不可避免地感到悲哀。Lesson 101. The airspace over Yankee Stadium is clos

21、ed, a line of snipers positioned on the stadium rooftop.紐約揚基體育場上空的空域關閉,禁止飛機通過。在體育場的屋頂上,部署了一排狙擊手。2. The vice-presidents safekeepers whisk him from place to place, just as his arch-nemesis Osama bin Laden is presumably moved from cave to cave halfway across the world.副總統(tǒng)的保衛(wèi)人員匆匆地把他從一個地方轉移到另外一個地方能夠,就像他那

22、難以對付的死敵奧斯馬,本拉登可能在世界另一端從一個山洞轉移到另一個山洞一樣。3. We watch wistfully as the pre-9/11 world drifts away on its raft of memory, cast in Technicolor shades of nostalgia.帶著惆悵的心情,我們目送記憶的小筏載著9.11前的世界,在一種懷舊的黯淡色彩中漂流而去。4. Seeking solace, the country drapes itself in the America flag like a child in a superhero cape w

23、ho plays at being invincible.為了尋找安慰,整個國家都用國旗裹裝起來,就像一個小孩披上超人的斗篷,扮演一個無敵英雄。5. There are few places I the country where the Stars and Stripes has not found a purchase.沒有什么地方看不到星條旗。6. But many of us define our personal safety and our national character by the very civil liberties that are being compromis

24、ed in the name of state security.但我們中許多人是用這些個人權利來定義個人安全和民族性的。7. Each time it seems the crisis must generate a new paradigm in which such an atrocity will never be allowed to happen againand yet it does happen again .每次,危及似乎都肯定會產(chǎn)生一種新的模式,使這種暴行永遠不會再發(fā)生然而暴行又一次發(fā)生了。8. “A country is only as strong as the pe

25、ople who make it up and the country turns into what the people want it to become,” James Baldwin wrote. “We made the world were living in and we have to make it over.”“組成這個國家的人民有多強大,這個國家就多強大;人民希望國家如何發(fā)展,國家就會如何發(fā)展,”詹姆斯。鮑德溫寫道?!拔覀兪刮覀兙幼〉氖澜绯闪诉@個樣子,我們有必要重造這個世界?!?. He and his fellow passengers did not let wha

26、t must have been abject fear prevent them from actingthat is the true definition of courage.他和飛機上的其他乘客并沒有受卑劣的恐懼心理所左右而不敢行動這就是勇氣的真正的含義。10. Its a terrible irony that for a short time, while the condemned jet was aloft, the ideal of American democracy also reached its apex.當這架注定要摔下來的飛機還在高空飛翔時,恰恰就在這短暫的時間

27、里,美國的民主理想升至頂峰。兩者結合在一起真是一種可怕的諷刺。Lesson 111. .from the tiny tinkle of the individual bells on the shafts to the silvery ,leaping sound of the long strands hung over the harness. 從在馬車車轅上掛著的單個鈴鐺發(fā)出的細微的叮當聲,到在馬具上掛著的一長串鈴鐺發(fā)出的銀鈴般的、時高時低的鈴聲,應有盡有。2. .and the decent into snow with the christmas basket carried by

28、my mother. 媽媽提著裝滿圣誕節(jié)用的東西的籃子和大家一起走下馬車踏到雪中。3. .receiving a great trumpeting whinny in reply . 也被馬廄里的馬兒們回報以同樣熱烈響亮的嘶鳴。4. .and once I received a brilliantly polished cow horn with a cavalryman crudely but bravely carved on it. 曾經(jīng)有一次我還收到過一個磨的锃亮的牛角,上面刻著一名雖然做工粗糙卻看起來十分勇敢的騎兵。5. It was not many years before I

29、came to associate Bens remarkably fruity breath not only with the mince pie ,but with the jug I found sunk in the bottom of the cooling tank with a stone tied to its neck. 幾年之后我才聯(lián)想到本叔叔身上突出的水果氣息并不僅僅是因為吃了果肉餡兒餅,還跟我發(fā)現(xiàn)的一個瓶勁系著的一塊兒石頭沉在牛奶房冷卻水箱底部的酒罐有關。6. The long table, with its different levels where additi

30、ons had been made for the small fry ,ran the length of the kitchen. 廚房里的那張長桌子由于不斷為孩子們增加不同高度的桌面,幾乎已經(jīng)占據(jù)了整個廚房的高度。7. To see the giblet gravy made and pound into a gravy boat ,which had painted on its sides winter scenes of boys sliding and deer bounding over snow ,is the surest way to covereat its swimm

31、ing richness. 眼看著香噴噴的家禽內(nèi)臟汁被做好并倒入四周描繪著孩子們滑雪橇和小鹿在雪上跳躍的冬日景色的船型淺盤里,自然會引得人們難以自抑的吃得過量。8. What he took to the Lord for Him to make holy was the plain sustance that an Iowa farm could produce in average year wih decent rainfall and proper plowing and manure. 他帶給上帝的圣物都是一個愛荷華州農(nóng)場在雨水充足、耕作得當?shù)囊话隳昃袄锼粘傻淖顦銓嵉臇|西。9. W

32、e were there not only to cerebrate a fortunate event for mankind ,but also to recognize that suffering is the natural lot of men and to consume the length and breadth of that meal was to suffer !But wa all faced the ordeal with courage. 我們在那里不僅是為了慶祝全人類的一大幸事,還要認識到受苦受難是人類的天命吃掉如此一大桌子的美食的確是在遭罪!但我們都充滿勇氣的

33、面對這一折磨。Lesson 122. We read for opinion ,attitude spin .We read not for raw date ,not for Gragrinds facts, facts facts ,but to get a take on the news that we like . 我們讀報紙時要看到觀點、態(tài)度以及政見。我們不是為了讀那些沒有經(jīng)過分析的數(shù)據(jù),不是像狄更斯筆下的格拉德格林的那樣,一味的要看“事實、事實、事實”,我們要的是對我們覺得感興趣的新聞的闡釋。3. It is for the novelist s to create, commu

34、nicate and sustain over time a personal and coherent vision of the world that entertains, interests, stimulates ,provokes and nourishes his readers. 小說家就是要創(chuàng)造、傳達并在一段時間內(nèi)對世界保有一貫的個人看法,使讀者從中享受樂趣、獲取益處、受到激勵、有所感觸、得到滋養(yǎng)。4. And such is the power of the fiction that the flesh and blood royals have become more and more like their print personae; unable to escape the fiction of their imaginary lives. 而虛構的力量是如此之大,就是活生生的皇室成員們也與報道中的面貌越來越相像,而無法逃脫那富于想象力的對其生活的虛構。5. A noverlishs characters hope for immortality ;a pro


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