已閱讀5頁,還剩40頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、7A Unit One This is me!1. Whats your name?2. This is3. an instruction book4. look after5. make friends with6. introduce oneself to each other7. a profile of oneself8. welcome to + n.9. at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School10. Good morning (afternoon, evening, night)!11. 12 years old=12-year-old12. li

2、ve in (a flat)13. be clever at (be good at = do well in)14. in the school basketball team15. in the Reading Club16. call sb. + name17. come from = be from18. be born in (on)19. at school (compare with: at the school)20. have hair in a ponytail (have hair in bunches)21. like doing sth. (love doing st

3、h, enjoy doing sth.)22. listen to (music, teacher)23. look at24. work hard (compare with: hard work)25. wear glasses26. play computer games27. want to do sth.28. make notes about29. know each other30. the Class 1, Grade 7 students =the students in Class 1, Grade 731. help sb. do sth.32. Its time for

4、 sth. =Its time to do sth.33. PE class34. football boots35. tennis racket36. football field37. tennis court38. swimming pool39. playwith sb.40. talk to sb.41. at lunchtime42. take sb. for a walk43. after school你叫什么名字?這是(用于介紹人或物)一本說明書照料,保管與交朋友相互間進(jìn)行自我介紹一份某人自己的檔案歡迎到來在北京陽光中學(xué)早上好!(下午好,晚上好,晚安)12歲住在(公寓里)在方面

5、聰明(在很擅長)在?;@球隊(duì)在閱讀俱樂部稱某人為來自,地方人出生于在校學(xué)習(xí)班(在學(xué)校里)將頭發(fā)扎成馬尾辮(扎辮子)喜歡做某事聽(音樂,老師講課)看努力工作(對(duì)比:艱苦的工作)戴眼鏡玩電腦游戲想要做某事做有關(guān)的記錄相互了解七年級(jí)一班的學(xué)生幫助某人做某事是該做某事的時(shí)候了。體育課足球鞋網(wǎng)球拍足球場網(wǎng)球場游泳池和某人一起玩和某人交談在午餐時(shí)間帶某人去散步放學(xué)后44. walk home = go home on foot45. take the bus46. a picture of ones family47. the best in the world48. a member of (the Re

6、ading Club)49. write to sb.50. at the weekend51. go running (shopping)52. watch games53. in a restaurant54. Write soon!55. a favourite football player56. a news article57. on the sheet58. Sports News59. the Huanghe Football Team60. score goals61. the World Cup62. look strong (nice, etc.)63. play foo

7、tball forTeam64. find out65. useas a model66. the underlined words (parts)67. leave sth. at home68. need to do sth.69. borrow sth. From sb.70. How do you say that in English?71. I dont understand.72. Ill start /begin now.73. I am sorry, I dont know.74. at the beginning of75. have to do76. lots of =

8、a lot of77. talk on the phone with sb.78. live with sb.79. look for sth. on the Internet80. a computer programmer81. grow up82. write down83. remember to do sth.84. want to be步行回家坐公共汽車一張全家福世界上最好的(閱讀俱樂部的)一個(gè)成員寫信給某人在周末去跑步(購物)看比賽在餐館請(qǐng)回信一個(gè)受歡迎的足球運(yùn)動(dòng)員一則新聞報(bào)道在紙上體育新聞黃河足球隊(duì)進(jìn)球世界杯看起來很強(qiáng)壯(很漂亮)效力于足球隊(duì)找出,發(fā)現(xiàn)將當(dāng)作范例來用劃線的詞(部

9、分)將丟在家里需要做某事向某人借某物這在英語里怎么說?我不懂。我就要開始了。對(duì)不起,我不知道。在的開始不得不做某事許多通過電話與某人交談(煲電話粥)和某人住在一起在因特網(wǎng)上查找電腦程序員長大寫下記住做某事想成為,想當(dāng)Unit Two My day1. wake up2. have fun3. its time for sth. (n.) = its time to do sth. 4. what are you going to do?5. after breakfast6. go to sleep/ go to bed7. have/ eat lunch8. keep a diary9. d

10、aily activities10. have assembly11. have lessons12. do after-school activities13. write to sb.14. it is called sb./ sth. is called15. more than/ less than16. in the playground17. play volleyball18. practise + n./ practise doing sth.e.g. I practise English/ practise playing football20. talk to each o

11、ther21. spend +time +doing sth.e.g. I spend about an hour a day doing my homework. Spend + money + on sth. (n.)e.g. I spend 10 yuan on the book.22. a lot of things to do23. twice a weekonce/ twice/ three times/ four times/24. listen to the radio25. make model planes26. read newspapers27. watch films

12、28. take the dog for a walk = walk the dog29. go home together30. news/ information 不可數(shù)名詞31. win the first prize in the football match32. all the time33. be pleased with34. comic books35. meet up with sb.36. on Mondays = every Monday37. have much time to do sth.38. wake up 醒來,叫醒尋找樂趣是干某事的時(shí)候了是某人干某事的時(shí)候

13、了你打算干什么?早飯后上床睡覺吃中飯記日記日?;顒?dòng)進(jìn)行集會(huì)上課進(jìn)行課外活動(dòng)寫信給某人被稱作多于/少于在操場上打排球練習(xí)干某事相互交談花費(fèi)時(shí)間干某事我每天花一個(gè)小時(shí)做家庭作業(yè)。買東西花多少錢我買這本書花了十塊錢。有許多事要做一周兩次一次/兩次/三次/四次/聽收音機(jī)做飛機(jī)模型看報(bào)紙看電影帶狗去散步一起回家消息,新聞/信息在足球比賽中獲得第一名一直對(duì)感到滿意,高興喜劇書籍和某人約見每個(gè)星期一有許多時(shí)間干某事39. chat with sb和某人閑聊39.be busy doing sth.40. write back to sb.41. thanks for/ thank you for sth.

14、(n.)/ doing sth.42. like doing/ like to reade.g. like reading/ like to read43. get some information about44. next Monday45. would like to do sth.e.g. I would like to go to Beijing Zoo.46. look forward to + n./ +doing sth.e.g. Im looking forward to a great day out.Im looking forward to seeing you.47.

15、 turn on/ off lights48. the E-friendship Clubs website49. it is fun to do sth.50. finish doing sth.51. Im not tall enough (to do sth.)52. the answer to the question忙于干某事給某人回信謝謝你喜歡干某事收集有關(guān)的資料下周一樂于干某事,想干某事期待開燈/關(guān)燈網(wǎng)上友誼俱樂部的網(wǎng)址干感到有趣完成/結(jié)束干不夠高問題的答案Unit Three Lets celebrate!1.Lets celebrate!2.What are you doin

16、g?3.dress up as4.make a display5.different festivals around the world6.have to do sth.7.Chinese New Year8.Dragon Boat Festival9.Mid-Autumn festival10.at Halloween11.like to do sth.12.a list of13.get ready for14.a letter from sb. to sb.15.thank sb. for doing sth.16.tell sb. about sth.17.celebrate Chr

17、istmas18.have a party19.on October 31st20.do sth. for21.a game called “trick or treat”22.knock on/ at23.give sb. sth. as a treat24.play a trick on sb.25.special costumes with masks26.make pumpkin lanterns27.cut out28.on the evening of October, 31st29.hot drinks30.Happy Halloween!31.the meaning of32.

18、at the back33.look like35.want to do sth.36.New Years Day37.Childrens Day38.Teachers Day39.National Day40.at Easter41.rice dumplings42.at breakfast (lunch/ supper)43.start to do/ doing sth.讓我們來慶祝!你在干什么?裝扮成樣子展示,展出世界各地不同的節(jié)日不得不做某事中國的新年(春節(jié))端午節(jié)中秋節(jié)在萬圣節(jié)喜歡做某事一張的清單為做準(zhǔn)備一封由某人寄給某人的信感謝某人做某事告訴某人有關(guān)某事慶祝圣誕節(jié)舉行晚會(huì)在十月三十

19、一日為做某事一個(gè)叫“不招待就使壞”的游戲敲(門或窗)以招待某人對(duì)某人使惡作劇帶面具的特別服裝制作南瓜燈切、割在十月三十一日的晚上熱飲萬圣節(jié)快樂!的意義在后面看起來像想要做某事元旦兒童節(jié)教師節(jié)國慶節(jié)在復(fù)活節(jié)粽子在吃早餐(午餐/晚餐)的時(shí)候開始做某事44.in Canada在加拿大45.on Monday46.in winter47.tade sb. for a walk48.have a long holiday49.go to see the doctor50.during the first week51.in the pencil case52.love to do/ doing sth.

20、53.go on holiday54.in the kitchen55.Christmas presents56.chat on the ICQ57.red packets58.Chinese New Year celebrations59.traditional Chinese food60.lion dance61.listen to the radio programme62.Chinese Community Centre63.plan to do sth.64.help sb. do sth.65.at night66.in Chinatown67.so much68.make fl

21、ash cards69.ask sb. to do sth.70.a piece of card71.on the other side of72.give sb. a hint73.10-minute study time74.try to do sth.75.writing plan76.do sth. in many ways77.in the library78.on the Internet79.dream about80.Dragon Boat race81.Easter chocolate eggs82.put upon the wall83.at the weekend84.m

22、ake a plan85.remember to do sth.在周一在冬天帶某人去散步度長假去看病在第一周在鉛筆盒里愛做某事去度假在廚房圣誕禮物在網(wǎng)上聊天室聊天紅包慶祝新年的活動(dòng)傳統(tǒng)的中國食品舞獅子聽廣播節(jié)目華人社區(qū)活動(dòng)中心計(jì)劃做某事幫助某人做某事在夜晚在唐人街如此(多),這么做卡片叫某人做某事一張卡片在另一邊提示某人,給某人以暗示十分鐘的學(xué)習(xí)時(shí)間努力做某事寫作計(jì)劃用許多方式做某事在圖書館在網(wǎng)上夢(mèng)到賽龍舟復(fù)活節(jié)彩蛋把掛在墻上在周末制定計(jì)劃記住做某事Unit Four Food1. Lets have a hamburger.2. be hungry/ be full3. a lot of e

23、nergy4. walk to = go toon foot5. many times a day6. What is your favourite food? =What food do you like?7. 12 years old = 12-year old8. want to do sth./ want to be9. get tired10.need sth. to do sth.11.It is + a. + for sb. to do sth.12.change the diet13.sweet snacks14.between meals15.be good for sb.1

24、6.eat/ have sth. for breakfast/ supper/ lunch17.notany more18.a top student19.after class20.chat with sb.21.on the Internet22.twice a week/ once a month23.fast food/ home cooking24.a healthy meal25.how often26.get energy form27.cook healthy food28.a spicy dish from Sichuan29.find out30.Get Fit Club3

25、1.give advice on32.go roller skating33.the differences between A and B34.eating habits35.help sb. do sth.plete the sentence37.refer to38.make a shopping liste for dinner40.of course41.countable nouns/ uncountable nouns42.start with讓我們來吃漢堡。饑餓/飽許多能量走到地方去一天多次你最喜歡的食品是什么?十二歲想要干某事/想成為感到疲勞需要做某事對(duì)某人來說做某事是改變飲

26、食習(xí)慣甜食兩餐之間對(duì)某人有好處早餐/午餐/晚餐吃一再最好的學(xué)生課后與某人交談在網(wǎng)上一周兩次/一月一次快餐/家常菜健康餐多久一次從獲取能量烹調(diào)健康食品四川辣菜找出,發(fā)現(xiàn)健身俱樂部對(duì)提出建議去滑冰A和B的不同飲食習(xí)慣幫助某人做某事完成句子指列一張購物單來吃晚餐當(dāng)然可數(shù)名詞/不可數(shù)名詞從開始43.in front of44.a glass of/ a bowl of/ a cup of/ a kilo of/ a packet of45.in the kitchen46.cook for sb.47.It takes sb. some time to do sth.48.would like to

27、do sth.49.keep fit50.log onto51.an online interview52.listen to53.notat all54.try to do sth.55.Congratulations!56.how long57.how much58.a report on sb./ sth.59.feel well/ healthy60.Good luck with sb.61.ask for62.at the end of63.go to the supermarket64.so many (bananas)65.healthy eating66.stay health

28、y67.check for mistakes68.get fat69.different kinds of70.taste sour71.on the tree/ in the tree在前面一杯/一碗/一杯/一公斤/一包在廚房為某人燒花費(fèi)某人時(shí)間做某事想/愿意做某事保持健康進(jìn)入系統(tǒng)網(wǎng)上訪問聽一點(diǎn)也不努力做某事祝賀你多長時(shí)間多少/問價(jià)錢一份有關(guān)某人或某事的報(bào)告感覺好/健康祝某人好運(yùn)尋求,要求在的末尾/盡頭去超市如此多的(香蕉)健康飲食保持健康查找錯(cuò)誤變胖不同種類的/各種各樣的嘗起來很酸在樹上Unit Five Going shopping1.go shopping/ swimming/ ska

29、ting/ fishing2.want sb. to do sth.3.buy a lot of things4.be free/ be busy5.carry all the bags6.a shopping mall called Sunnyside Shopping Mall7.write an article about8.happy birthday9.be suitable for sb.10.the names of the presents11.football stickers12.fancy hair clips13.teddy bear14.look for15.just

30、 a minute/ wait a minute16.take a look (at)/ have a look (at)17.be expensive/ be cheap18.discount on sth.19.prefer to do sth.20.buy sth. for sb./ buy sb. sth.21.have enough money to buy have enough stationery to use22.never mind23.go well with/ match sth.24.their favourite presents25.show sb. around

31、 a place26.clothes shop27.electrical shop28.sports shop29.shoe shopic book31.school newsletter32.over here33.be pretty34.singular noun/ plural noun35.send an e-mail to sb.36.on the top floor37.cost a lot of money38.on the right/ on the left39.a computer games center40.pay for sth./ pay (money) for s

32、th.41.visit a poor area visit sb.去購物/游泳/滑冰/釣魚想要某人做某事買許多東西有空/忙拎所有的包一個(gè)叫藍(lán)天的大型購物中心寫有關(guān)的文章生日快樂適合某人禮物的名字足球貼紙別致的發(fā)夾玩具熊尋找稍等片刻看一看昂貴/便宜打折寧愿干,更喜歡干為某人買某物有足夠的錢買有足夠的文具用沒關(guān)系,不要緊與相配他們最喜歡的禮物帶領(lǐng)某人參觀某地服裝店家電商場體育用品商店鞋店連環(huán)漫畫書學(xué)校簡訊在這里漂亮的,美麗的單數(shù)名詞/復(fù)數(shù)名詞給發(fā)電子郵件在頂層值許多錢在右邊/在左邊電腦游戲中心付款探訪一個(gè)貧困地區(qū)拜訪某人42.shopping bag43.at the moment44.at pr

33、esent45.right now46.wait for ones turn wait for sb.47.talk to sb. on the phone48.stay late at school49.spend ones pocket money50.the children from the poor area51.an advertisement in the newspaper52.collect sth./ collect stamps53.in our country54.raise some money55.a new pair of football boots56.wor

34、k in groups of three57.what size58.try on59.fit well/ fit sb. well60.invite sb. to do sth.61.taxi rank62.bank card63.be easy to find64.near the bus stop65.need some more66.eat different kinds of food67.next door68.have a stomach ache69.police car70.one of the questions71.the same as72.a good place t

35、o meet friends73.a fun place to go74.the most popular presents75.borrow sth. from sb./ a place76.donate some money購物袋此刻,現(xiàn)在目前,現(xiàn)在此刻,立刻,馬上等著輪到某人等候某人和某人用電話交談在學(xué)校待晚一會(huì)兒花零用錢貧困區(qū)的孩子們報(bào)上的一條廣告收集某物/集郵在我們國家募集錢一雙新足球靴進(jìn)行3人小組操練什么尺寸試穿很合適邀請(qǐng)某人做某事出租車停靠站銀行卡很容易找到公共汽車站附近再需要一些吃不同種類食品在隔壁肚子疼/胃痛警車其中的一個(gè)問題和相同會(huì)見朋友的好地方一個(gè)有趣的好去處最喜愛的禮品

36、從某人處借某物/某地捐款Unit Six Fashion1. so + adj.e.g. so lazy2.give a fashion show3.raise money for4.Project Hope5.do a good job6.join in7.last Friday8.1960s9.clothes from different times10.in the 20th century11.look + adj. Colurful/ smart and modern/ cool12.sports clothes13.a pair ofe.g. a pair of colourful

37、 trainers a pair of blue jeans14.give a talk on15.young people in the 1990s16.be very comfortable17.long red boots18.a yellow silk blouse19.wear my hair in a 1990s style20.spill ones coffee over21.make some notes22.write an article about23.the colour of24.be ill25.would like to do sth.26.give a bath

38、27.help sb. with sth. (n.) help sb. do sth.28.visit sb.29.ask sb. about sth.30.at the football match/ the shopping mall/ the cinema31.on Saturday evening32.remember to do sth.33.dress up in34.choose what to wear35.need to do sth.36.be made of37.cut into38.sew onto如此,這么舉行一場時(shí)裝表演為籌錢希望工程做好事參加,加入上周五20世紀(jì)6

39、0年代來自不同時(shí)期(代)的服裝在20世紀(jì)看上去運(yùn)動(dòng)服一對(duì),一雙就發(fā)表演講20世紀(jì)90年代的年輕人非常舒服紅色的長統(tǒng)靴一件黃色的絲質(zhì)女式襯衫梳成20世紀(jì)90年代的發(fā)型咖啡灑在做一些記錄寫一篇有關(guān)的文章的顏色生病想干某事給洗澡幫助某人干某事拜訪某人問某人在足球比賽中/大型購物中心/電影院在星期六的晚上記住干某事穿著挑選要穿的衣服需要干某事由制成把分割成把縫到上39.pay attention to40.be late41.for a long time42.design sth.43.want to become/ be44.e-mail sb.注意遲到,晚了很長時(shí)間設(shè)計(jì)想成為給某人發(fā)電子郵件7

40、B Unit 1詞組精選 1. live next to a restaurant 住在一家餐館隔壁2. the capital of France 法國的首都3. look out at the beach and the sea 眺望海灘和海4. live with my family 和我的家人住在一起5. live in a wooden house 住在木屋里6. over a river 在河上7. climb a ladder to get into the house 爬梯子進(jìn)屋子8. the second child of my family 我家的第二個(gè)孩子9. a qui

41、et garden 一個(gè)寧靜的花園10. the biggest restaurant 最大的餐館11.on the ninth of June 在六月九日12. in the centre of Moscow 在莫斯科市中心13. live in a flat 住在公寓里14. live on the ground floor 住在底層 15. on a busy street 在一個(gè)繁忙的街道上16. share sth with sb 和.分享17. look out of the window 透過窗戶18. between you and me 在你和我之間19. opposite

42、the door 在門對(duì)面20. on the teachers desk 在講臺(tái)上21. in the teachers office 在辦公室里22. January the first 1月1日23. the second of February 2月2日24. March the third 3月3日25. the fifth of April 4月5日26. May the eighth 5月8日27. the ninth of June 6月9日28. July the twelfth 7月12日29. the twentieth of August 8月20日30 Septemb

43、er the twenty-first 9月21日31. the thirtieth of October 10月30日32. November the twenty-second 11月22日33. the twenty-third of December 12月23日34. the Great Wall 長城35. the Summer Palace 頤和園36. the Palace Museum 故宮37. my dream home 我的夢(mèng)想家園38. at least twenty rooms 至少20個(gè)房間39. fifty metres long 50米長40. at the

44、same time 同時(shí)41. two floors above me 比我高兩層42. three floors below him 比他低三層 43. be made of wood 木頭做的44. three million neighbours 三百萬個(gè)鄰居45. thousands of children 成千個(gè)孩子46. more than 超過,多于47. worry about me 為我擔(dān)心48. the Space Museum 航空博物館49. cant wait to see you 迫不及待地要見你50. be different from 和不同51. May I

45、speak to Daniel, please? 我可以和Daniel通話嗎?52. This is Daniel speaking. 我是Daniel. 53. Whos calling, please? 請(qǐng)問您是誰?54. What is your father like? 你父親是什么樣子?55. grow flowers 種花 56. an old man in his eighties 一個(gè)八十來歲的老人57. in twos and threes 三三兩兩58. the first day of a week 一周的第一天59. my second time to go to Beijing 我第二次去北京60. rain a lot 下大雨61. beside the printer 在打印機(jī)旁62. ninety balconies 90個(gè)陽臺(tái)63. at the tennis court 在網(wǎng)球場 64. on the top floor 在頂層 65. a football field 一個(gè)足球場 66. h


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