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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上經(jīng)貿(mào)專題Additional knowledge relating to business interpretation 輪船steamship(縮寫S.S) 裝運、裝船shipment 租船charter(the chartered shep) 交貨時間 time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter; 裝運期限time of shipment 定期租船time charter 托運人(一般指出口商)shipper,consignor收貨人consignee 班輪regular shipping liner駁船lighter 艙位shippi

2、ng space 油輪tanker報關clearance of good 陸運收據(jù)cargo receipt 提貨to take delivery of goods 空運提單airway bill 正本提單original BL 選擇港(任意港)optional port 選港費optional charges 選港費由買方負擔 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers account一月份裝船 shipment during January 或 January shipment一月底裝船

3、shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份裝船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment在(時間)分兩批裝船 shipment during.in two lots在(時間)平均分兩批裝船 shipment during.in two equal lots分三個月裝運 in three monthly shipments 分三個月,每月平均裝運 in three equal monthly shipments立即裝運 immediate shipm

4、ents 即期裝運 prompt shipments收到信用證后30天內(nèi)裝運 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C允許分批裝船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable外貿(mào)常用詞匯出口信貸 export credit 出口津貼 export subsidy商品傾銷 dumping 外匯傾銷 exchange dumping優(yōu)惠關稅 special preferences 保稅倉庫 bonded w

5、arehouse貿(mào)易順差 favorable balance of trade 貿(mào)易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade進口配額制 import quotas 自由貿(mào)易區(qū) free trade zone對外貿(mào)易值 value of foreign trade 國際貿(mào)易值 value of international trade普遍優(yōu)惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠國待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT合同英語Well have the contract ready for si

6、gnature. 我們應準備好合同待簽字。 We signed a contract for medicines. 我們簽訂了一份藥品合同。 Mr. Zhang sings the contract on behalf of the China National Silk Import & Export Corporation. 張先生代表中國絲綢進出口總公司在合同上簽了字。 A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract. 中國化工進出口總公司已經(jīng)和日本一家公司簽訂了一份新合同。 It was because

7、of you that we landed the contract. 因為有了你,我們才簽了那份合同。 We offered a much lower price, so they got the contract. 由于我們報價低,他們和我們簽了合同。 Are we anywhere near a contract yet? 我們可以(接近于)簽合同了嗎? We sign a contract when we are acting as principals.(principals refers to the seller and the buyer) 當我們作為貨主時都要簽訂合同。(這里

8、的“貨主”指合同中的賣方和買方) I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it. 我們知道我們(賣方)應該擬出一份合同,買方必須簽署合同。 We should simultaneously sign two contracts, one sales contract for beef and mutton, and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton. 我們同時簽兩個合同,一是牛羊肉的銷售(出口)合同

9、,另一個是等額的棉花購買(進口)合同。 We both want to sign a contract, and we have to make some concessions to do it. 我們倆都想要簽署一份契約,而且我們必須作出做它的一些讓步。We are here to discuss a new contract with you. 我們來這里和您談談訂一份新合同的問題。 Our current contract is about to expire, and well need to discuss a new one. 歐文們現(xiàn)有合同快要期滿了,需要再談一個新合同。 We

10、 can repeat the contract on the same terms. 我們可以按同樣條件再訂一個合同。 A few problems with supply under the old contract must be quickly resolved. 老合同中的一些供貨問題必須盡快解決。 We ought to clear up problems arising from the old contract. 我們應該清理一下老合同中出現(xiàn)的問題。 Do you always make out a contract for every deal? 每筆交易都需要訂一份合同嗎?

11、 As per the contract, the construction of factory is now under way. 根據(jù)合同規(guī)定,工廠的建設正在進行中。 Words and Phrases contract 合同,訂立合同 contractor 訂約人,承包人 contractual 合同的,契約的 to make a contract 簽訂合同 to place a contract 訂合同 to enter into a contract 訂合同 to sign a contract 簽合同 to draw up a contract 擬訂合同 to draft a c

12、ontract 起草合同 to get a contract 得到合同 to land a contract 得到(擁有)合同 to countersign a contract 會簽合同 to repeat a contract 重復合同 an executory contract 尚待執(zhí)行的合同 a nice fat contract 一個很有利的合同 originals of the contract 合同正本 copies of the contract 合同副本 a written contract 書面合同 to make some concession 做某些讓步商品銷售Your

13、 T-shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country. 貴國的T恤在我國東部市場很暢銷。 We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price. 我們都知道中國拖鞋因價廉物美而暢銷于你方市場。 This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.

14、該貨成為暢銷貨已經(jīng)將近1年了。 There is a good market for these articles. 這些商品暢銷。 There is a poor market for these articles. 這些商品滯銷。 There is no market for these articles. 這些商品無銷路。 Your bicycles find a ready market here. 你們的自行車在此地銷路很好。 They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your

15、 products. 他們詳細地討論了怎樣增加你方產(chǎn)品的銷售。 Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery. 由于對此貨物的需求將不斷增加,請?zhí)崆把a充貨源。 They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet. 他們正在盡最大努力以打開銷路。 Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase. 我們對該產(chǎn)品的需求正在穩(wěn)步地增

16、長。 We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end. 根據(jù)你地的市場情況,我們確信今年你們有望銷得更好。 Packing has a close bearing on sales. 包裝對產(chǎn)品的銷路有很大關系。 We are trying to find a market for this article. 我們正在努力為此項商品找銷路。 We regret we cannot find any market for this article. 我們很

17、抱歉不能為此項商品找到銷路。 According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan. 根據(jù)我們的經(jīng)驗,這些手工藝品在日本銷路很好。 We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products. 等你們?nèi)媪私馕覀儺a(chǎn)品銷售可能性之后,我們再進一步細談。 According to your estimate, what is th

18、e maximum annual turnover you could fulfill? 據(jù)你估計,你能完成的最大年銷售量是多少呢? The market situation is not known to us. 我們還不了解市場情況。 Your market still has great potential. 你們的市場仍有很大潛力。 There are only a few unsold pieces. 只有幾件商品未售出。Words and Phrases salable 暢銷的 popular 有銷路的 find a market 銷售 selling line 銷路 trial

19、sale, test sale, test market 試銷 salable goods 暢銷貨 popular goods 快貨 the best selling line (the best seller) 熱門貨 to find (have) a ready market 有銷路,暢銷 to have a strong footing in a market 很有銷路 good market 暢銷 poor(no) market 滯銷 goods that sell well 暢銷貨 sell like wild fire 暢銷,銷得很快綜合國力:comprehensive/overa

20、ll national strength/power經(jīng)濟增長率:economic growth rate第一、二、三產(chǎn)業(yè):primary industry secondary industry tertiary industry service sector基礎設施:infrastructure共有、非共有成分:nonpublic sectors計劃經(jīng)濟體制:planned economic system 分配方式:forms of distribution 實行按勞分配的原則:practice the principle of distribution according to the wo

21、rk各盡所能,按需分配:to each according to his ability,to each according to his needs收入差距過大excessive income gap社會生產(chǎn)率;social productivity人民不斷增長的物質(zhì)文化需要同落后的社會生產(chǎn)力之間的矛盾:The contradiction between the increasing material and cultural demands of people and the backward social productive forces以公有制為主體,多種經(jīng)濟成分共同發(fā)展:paral

22、lel development of various economic sectors with the public ownership as the mainstay 企業(yè)自主權;autonomous right of enterprise 老師官方版本:decision-making power of enterprises 固定資產(chǎn)投資:investment in fixed assets原料消耗: consumptions of raw materials虧損企業(yè)脫困:to turn around money-losing enterprises 扭虧為盈:to turn a los

23、s into a profit老師官方版本:to reduce losses and increase profits 申請破產(chǎn);file for bankruptcy 或者 apply for bankruptcy國有控股企業(yè):state-holding enterprises 上市公司: listed company通貨膨脹、緊縮: inflation deflation增強國家宏觀調(diào)控能力: to strength the states macro-control and regulatory capabilities實施積極的財政政策和穩(wěn)健的貨幣政策:to adopt a pro-ac

24、tive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy擴大內(nèi)需: to expand domestic demand農(nóng)林牧副漁: farming, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline occupations and fishery社會發(fā)展“九五”計劃和2010年 遠景目標綱要:The outline of the 9th five-year plan for national economic and social development and long-term targets for the year 2010實

25、施西部大開發(fā),加快中西部地區(qū)的發(fā)展,是一項系統(tǒng)工程和長期任務:To implementation of the large-scale development strategy in western china to speed up the development of the central and western regions is a long-term systematic engineering project養(yǎng)老、失業(yè)、醫(yī)療保險金:old-age ,unemployment and medical insurance premiums 廉潔高效、公正規(guī)范的行政環(huán)境:A clea

26、n ,highly effective,fair and standard adiministrative environment設置貿(mào)易壁壘: to erect trade barriers提高關稅稅率:to raise tariff rates貿(mào)易保護主義:trade protectionism減少關稅和非關稅壁壘:to reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers加工廠;a processing factory/plant 外匯儲備: foreign exchange reserve浮動/固定匯率:floating/fixed exchange rate上門

27、服務:door-to-door service 上門快遞:door-to-door delivery 售后服務:after-sale service 供過于求: supply exceeds demand 進出口總值:the total value of import and export收支平衡:the balance of revenue and expenditure貿(mào)易順/逆差: un/favorable balance of trade 或者 trade surplus trade deficit 經(jīng)營范圍:scope of business非配額產(chǎn)品: Quota-free pro

28、ducts龍頭產(chǎn)品:Flagship product防偽標識:anti-fake labels條形碼:bar code 二維碼:QR code(abbreviated fromQuick Response Code) 或者 two-dimensional code 價格單:price list 折扣、傭金: discount commission 傭金就是中介費手續(xù)費:service charge凈利潤:net profit凈重:net weight 毛重:gross weight 付款方式:terms of payment 現(xiàn)金結算:cash settlement分期付款: payment by instalment 現(xiàn)


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