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1、英語)英語副詞練習(xí)題及答案一、單項選擇副詞1 Last night Mr. Crook didn' t come back at the usual time. , he met some friends andstayed out until midnight.A Meanwhile B ThereforeC Instead D Somehow【答案】 C【解析】考查句意的理解和副詞的選用。題干前半句的意思是:昨晚 Crook 先生沒有像平 常一樣的時間回家;后半句的意思是:他與幾個朋友聚會并且直到午夜才回來。根據(jù)句 意,需要一個表解釋說明的詞, C表示“而是”,符合題意。 A是在此

2、期間, B是然而, D 是 仍然,顯然不符合題意。2 Where did you spendmoney buyinggifts?A so little, so smallBsuch little, so littleC so little, such littleD such little, such little【答案】 C【解析】【詳解】考查固定用法。句意:你在哪里花這么少的錢買這么小的禮物?so 修飾形容詞副詞, such修飾名詞。故第一空應(yīng)為 so little 如此“少的 ”,第二空應(yīng)為 such 修飾 gifts 。故選 C。 【點睛】so 與 such 用法辨析。一、so是副詞,

3、主要用來修飾形容詞和副詞; such 是形容詞,用來修飾名詞。他們后面接 單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞的用法如下: so+ 形容詞 +a(n)+ 名詞。如:She is so diligent a student. 她是個如此勤奮的學(xué)生。 such+a ( n) +形容詞 +名詞。如:She is such a diligent student. 她是個如此勤奮的學(xué)生。二、so和 such分別與“that連”用時,意思基本一樣,但句型結(jié)構(gòu)不同。在結(jié)果狀語從句中, so.that.和 such.that.的主要區(qū)別在于: so 用來修飾形容詞或副詞, 而 such 用來修飾名詞。但兩者都表示 “如此 . ,以至

4、于 . 如”: He was so ill that two nurses attended on him. ( 他病得那樣重,有兩個護(hù)士照顧他。 ) He is such a good egg that everyone likes him. ( 他是一個大好人,個個都喜歡他。 )三、特殊情況1、如果名詞前有表示數(shù)量多少的 many 、 much 、 few、 little 等修飾詞時,只能用 so。如: Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. ( 緊張可能是這許多優(yōu)秀選手失敗的 原因。 ) Don't make so m

5、uch fuss over losing a penny. ( 別為丟了一便士大驚小怪的。 )2、當(dāng) little 表示 “小 ”的意思用來修飾可數(shù)名詞時,近似于small,這時只能用 such。如:There were such little children that they couldn't clean the house. ( 這些孩子那么小,不能 打掃房間。 )3 I had wanted to rush outside and leave all the frustrating things behind but somethingtold me I had to sta

6、y and face the music.A gracefullyB reluctantlyC essentiallyDdesperately【答案】 D【解析】【詳解】 考查副詞詞意辨析。句意:我迫切地想要沖出去,把一切煩心事都拋在腦后,但我卻不得 不面對現(xiàn)實。 A. gracefully 優(yōu)雅地; B. reluctantly 不情愿地; C. essentially 本來; D. desperately 迫切地。根據(jù)后文 but something told me I had to stay and face the music. 可知, 此處應(yīng)為 “迫切想要做某事 ”。故選 D 項。4

7、 You know, people have different opinions about the construction of the project. We welcome any comments from them, favorable or .A soBotherwiseC elseD rather【答案】 B【解析】【詳解】 考查詞義辨析。句意: 你知道,人們對項目的建設(shè)有不同的看法。 我們歡迎他們 的任何意見,無論是贊成還是其他。 A. so這樣; B. otherwise 其他方面的; C. else其他的, 單個 else作“否則”講; D. rather 相當(dāng)。由 “

8、or可”知,前后兩個詞為選擇關(guān)系。所以 otherwise 其“他方面的 ”符合語境。故 B 選項正確。5 Credit cards are useful when traveling.True. They save us the trouble of taking too much cash.A particularlyB partlyC exactlyD gradually【答案】 A【解析】詞義辨析。 Particularly 特別,尤其; Partly 部分的; exactly 準(zhǔn)確的; gradually 逐漸的。信 用卡在旅游時特別有用。是的。給我們省去了帶大量現(xiàn)金的麻煩。所以選A

9、。6 You can choose not to forgive. you can also choose to let it go.A AbsolutelyBConsequentlyC SubsequentlyD Alternatively【答案】 D【解析】【詳解】 考查副詞詞義辨析。句意:你可以選擇不原諒?;蛘吣阋部梢赃x擇放下。 A. Absolutely 絕 對地,完全地; B. Consequently 因此,結(jié)果,所以; C. Subsequently 隨后,其后; D. Alternatively 或者,非此即彼??崭袂昂缶渥右馑际窍喾搓P(guān)系,而ABC表達(dá)的意思都是一致關(guān)系, D

10、表達(dá)的意思是相反關(guān)系。故選 D。7 Two middle-aged passengers fell into the lake. , neither of them could swim.A particularlyB RarelyC UnfortunatelyD Unconsciously【答案】 C【解析】【詳解】 考查副詞辨析。句意:兩名中年乘客掉進(jìn)湖里。不幸的是,他們倆都不會游泳。 A. particularly 特別地; B. Rarely 罕見地; C.Unfortunately 不幸地; D. Unconsciously 沒意識地。 根據(jù)句意,他們掉進(jìn)湖里,但不會游泳,可知這是不

11、幸的。故選C 項。8 If you are invited to any special occasion such as a wedding or a celebration, you will have to be dressed.A attractively B controversiallyC conventionally D appropriately【答案】 D【解析】【詳解】 考查副詞辨析。 A. attractively 吸引人地; B. controversially 有爭議地; C. conventionally 傳統(tǒng) 地; D. appropriately 合適地。句意:

12、如果你被邀請參加婚禮或慶典等特殊場合,你必須穿 著得體。故 D 選項正確。9 With no shortage of gamers, China -sports' insd eustry needs to fill positions in rolessuch as management, coaching and broadcasting.A frequentlyB deliberatelyCdesperatelyD fundamentally【答案】 C【解析】【詳解】 考查副詞辨析。句意:由于不乏玩家,中國的電子競技行業(yè)迫切需要填補管理、教練和廣 播等職位的空缺。 A. freq

13、uently 頻繁地; B. deliberately 故意地; C. desperately 極度地; D. fundamentally 根本地;基礎(chǔ)地。根據(jù)句意故選 C。10As a doctor, I spend most of the time with my patients, and that's it is in my day.A how B when C why D where【答案】 A【解析】考查副詞。句意:作為醫(yī)生,我花費了多數(shù)時間和病人在一起,這就是我現(xiàn)在的 生活方式。表示我是如何生活的,故選A。11 Mary became homesick and criti

14、cal of the United States, so she fled from her homein West Bloomfield to her hometown in Austria.A completely B sincerelyC approximately D increasingly【答案】 D【解析】考查副詞辨析。句意: Mary 日漸思鄉(xiāng),同時也對美國感到不滿,于是她從她西布 盧姆菲爾德的家回到了奧地利的家鄉(xiāng)。A. completely 完全地,徹底地; B. sincerely 真誠地; C. absolutely 完全地,絕對地; D. increasingly 日益

15、增加地。 D 項符合語境。12He doesn 't work effectively, and he is innocent of anye snse of responsibility.Sooner or later he will be fired by the employer.A therefore B furthermoreC nevertheless D anyhow【答案】 B【解析】 A. therefore 因此; B. furthermore 而且,此外; C. nevertheless 不過,然而,盡管 如此; D. anyhow 不管怎樣,無論如何。句意:他工

16、作沒效率,而且沒有責(zé)任感。 他早晚被老板開除。根據(jù)句意可知選B。13 With only a small number of pandas left in the world , China is tryingto clone theanimal and save the endangered species.A steadily BdesperatelyC patiently D deliberately【答案】 B 【解析】句意:世界上僅剩下少量的大熊貓,所以中國正不惜一切克隆大熊貓以挽救這種 瀕臨滅絕的物種。 desperately 意為 “拼命地,不顧一切地 ”,符合語境。 stead

17、ily 穩(wěn)定地; patiently 耐心地; deliberately 故意地。14 The task wasn 't easy, but we managed it .A anyhowB anywayC somehowD some way【答案】 C【解析】略15 Do you think that the 16 thAsian Games were a success?-Yes, !It couldn ' t be better.ArelativelyB approximatelyC absolutelyD fortunately【答案】 C【解析】詞義辨析。 Relat

18、ively 相對的; approximately 近似地,大約; absolutely 絕對的; fortunately 幸運的。你認(rèn)為第 16 屆亞運會成功嗎、絕對的,沒有比它更好的了。選C。16 All color fades, under the impact of direct sunlight.A especiallyB eventuallyC appropriatelyD merely【答案】 A【解析】【詳解】 考查副詞詞義辨析。句意:所有的顏色都會褪色,尤其是在陽光的直射下。A. especially 特別、尤其; B. eventually 最終; C. appropriat

19、ely 適當(dāng)?shù)兀?D. merely 僅僅。根據(jù) “ under the impact of direct sunlight. 可知,此處”表示 “尤其是 ”,故 A 項正確。17 To celebrate her birthday, she invited over 500 people her beautiful ship.A board B broad C abroad D aboard【答案】 D【解析】考查相似詞。 A. board 木板; B. broad 寬的; C. abroad 在國外; D. aboard 在船 上。句意:為了慶祝她的生日,她邀請了 500 多人乘坐她的美麗

20、的船。表示在船上,故選 D.18 , more Asian politicians are voicing support for clean power. In July, 2019, RodrigoDuterte, the Philippines ' president, also instructed his energy minister to reduce his country dependence on coal.A SurprisinglyB UnfortunatelyCHorriblyD Promisingly【答案】 D【解析】【詳解】 考查副詞詞義辨析。句意:有希

21、望的是,更多的亞洲領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人支持新能源。在 2019 年 7 月, 菲律賓總統(tǒng) Rodrigo Duterte 也指示他的能源部減少該國對煤的依賴。A. Surprisingly 令人吃驚地; B. Unfortunately 不幸地; C. Horribly 令人害怕地; D. Promisingly 有希望地。各國領(lǐng)導(dǎo) 人支持新能源,所以這里應(yīng)該需要褒義詞 Promisingly 表示 “有希望地 ”,故選 D 項。19 I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting A besidesB otherwi

22、seCneverthelessD moreover【答案】 C【解析】【詳解】考查副詞詞義辨析。句意:關(guān)于這個話題我已經(jīng)知道很多了,但是她的演講還是很有趣的A. besides 而且; B. otherwise 否則; C. nevertheless 然而,盡管如此; D. moreover 而且,此 外。根據(jù)句意, C項符合題意。故選 C 項。20 These natural parks are important for preserving animals, which would risk dyingout.A merelyB ratherC otherwiseD moreover【答

23、案】 C【解析】 本題副詞辨析。句意為:對于許多動物的保護(hù)來講,這些自然公園是很重要的,否則,這 些動物將面臨滅絕的危險。 C項表示 “否則”;B項表示 “相當(dāng)”;A項表示 “僅僅 ”;D項表示 “然而 ”。根據(jù)句意,應(yīng)選 C項。21 Studies show that people are more to suffer from back problems if they always sitbefore computer screens for a long time.A likelyB possibleC sureD probable【答案】 A【解析】【詳解】 考查形容詞。句意:研究表

24、明,如果人們總是坐在電腦屏幕面前很長時間會有背部的問題。 ABC都是“可能”,D項是 “確定 ”,根據(jù)句意, C項錯誤;這里使用的是句型: Sb./Sth. is likely to do ,其他兩個單詞不能用于這個句型,故選A。22 This sort of clothing material, which feels soft, .A catches fire easilyBis caught fire easilyC is easy caught fireD is easily to catch fire【答案】 A【解析】【詳解】 考查時態(tài)和副詞的用法。句意:這種衣料摸起來柔軟,很容易

25、著火。此處指一種客觀事 實,所以句子用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),且副詞修飾動詞,主動表示被動。故選A。23 Mike was known before this award ,but in fact he was a campus star in ballgames and running even when he was in high school.A most B littleC best D well【答案】 B【解析】【詳解】 考查副詞辨析。句意:邁克在獲獎以前鮮為人知,但實際上高中的時候他就是學(xué)校各項球 類運動和跑步的明星了。根據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)折連詞 but 的前后語境可知,需用否定副詞 little 修

26、飾形容 詞 known( 知名的 )。故 B 選項正確。24 -I ' m afraid that you might have got burnt in the big fire last weekend.-Well, I.A mostly didB nearly hadC almost didD almost had【答案】 C【解析】試題分析:考查時態(tài),由句子 I ' m afraid that you might have got burnt in the big fire last weekend ; might have done 表示對過去事情的不坑定推測,可以知

27、道是一般過去式,所以 用助動詞 did 所以選 C 考點:考查時態(tài) 點評:做時態(tài)題時,首先看時間狀語,由時間狀語判斷時態(tài);如果沒有時間狀語,從句子 暗含的意思來判斷句子時態(tài)25 when your ticket has been checked will you be allowed to take the plane.A JustB OnlyC StillDYet【答案】 B【解析】 考查倒裝句。根據(jù)后面的主語用的是倒裝形式 will you be 可知,此句采用的是部分倒裝 句式。四個選項中 only+狀語放在句首時使用部分倒裝,其余三項沒有這種用法,所以選B。26 Tomorrow th

28、ere will be sunshine with cloudy intervals so he has made a plan for apicnic with his family.A mainlyB occasionallyC roughlyD Extremely【答案】 A【解析】 試題分析:考查副詞。句意:明天的天氣主要是晴天,但有時多云,他計劃和家人一起野 餐。 A Mainly 主要是; B Occasionally 時不時; C roughly 粗糙; DExtremely 極度;天 氣好才會想到去野餐,所以天氣主要是晴天,故選 A 項??键c:考查副詞 27 The aim o

29、f education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow othersA blindly 【答案】 AB unwillinglyC closelyD carefully【解析】【詳解】 考查副詞詞義辨析。句意:教育的目的是教年輕人要獨立思考而不是盲目地聽從他人。A.blindly 盲目的; B.unwillingly 不情愿地; C.closely 緊密地; D.carefully 仔細(xì)地。與前面的 think for themselves 相對,故選 A。28 Although she did no

30、t know Boston well, she made her way to the Home CircleBuilding.A easy enoughBenough easyC easily enoughD enough easily【答案】 C【解析】試題解析:考查 enough 用法。 enough 修飾形容詞,副詞需要后置,副詞 easily 修飾動詞 made. 此題需要注意的是,此處的 to 為介詞,結(jié)構(gòu)為 make one ' s way to someplac表e 示去 某地,而不是 make+賓語+形容詞 +不定式的結(jié)構(gòu)。句意:盡管她不是很了解波士頓,可她 卻能輕易

31、找到去家居建筑圈的路。故選C。考點:考查 enough 用法。29 They gave money to the old people's home either or through their compa安nies. (徽 2015)A legallyBsincerelyC personallyD deliberately【答案】 C【解析】【詳解】 考查副詞辨析。句意:他們給那位老人的家里送錢,有的是以個人的名義,有的則是通過 他們的公司。 A. legally 合法地; B. sincerely 真誠地; C. personally 親自,當(dāng)面地,個人而 言; D. delib

32、erately 故意地。與后面的 companies 相對,故選 C?!军c睛】 本題考查副詞辨析,需要考生認(rèn)識所給的四個副詞,之后才能結(jié)合句意選出正確答案。四 個詞的意思是 “合法地 ”;“真誠地 ”; “個人地 ”和 “故意地 ”。根據(jù) “or through their companies ” 可以判斷空白處指的是 “以個人的名義 ”。30 The actor was waving his sword in the street and it missed the crowds around himwho were mostly his fans.A narrowly B nearlyC

33、hardly D closely【答案】 A【解析】【詳解】考查副詞。 A. narrowly 勉強地,狹窄地; B. nearly 差不多,幾乎; C. hardly 幾乎不; D. closely 緊密地,接近地。句意:這位演員在大街上揮舞著他的劍,劍勉強躲過了他周圍的 人群,這些人大部分是他的粉絲。故選A。31 Michelle Obama tol d the audience not to“ let anyone ever tell you that this country isngreat, that we need to make it great again.”A someho

34、w B somewhatC somewhere D otherwise【答案】 A【解析】【詳解】考查副詞辨析。 A. somehow 不知何故,設(shè)法; B. somewhat 有點兒; C. somewhere 某地; D. otherwise 否則,要不然;句意:邁克爾奧巴馬告訴聽眾不要讓別人告訴你這個國家不再偉 大了,我們要設(shè)法讓這個國家再次偉大。根據(jù)句意可知本句中的“somehow”意為“設(shè)法 ”,故 A 項正確。32 he has not pleaded the guilty.ASo far B AsCTill far DBy far【答案】 A【解析】【詳解】考查 So far 的

35、固定用法。句意:到目前為止,他還沒有認(rèn)罪。 So far 到“目前為止 ”,與現(xiàn)在 完成時態(tài)連用,故選 A 。33 Linda's health is improving day by day, and the doctor has advised her to stayhome for a couple of weeks.A frequentlyBgraduallyC fluentlyD actually【答案】 B【解析】根據(jù) improving 和 day by day 可知,琳達(dá)的身體在一天天 “逐漸地 (gradually) 康”復(fù)。 frequently 頻繁地; flue

36、ntly 流利地; actually 實際上,均不符合語境。答案: B 34 - I was walking along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down- You can never be in the street A careful enoughB much carefulC very carefullyDtoo carefully【答案】 A【解析】 句意:我正沿著街道走,突然一輛汽車沖過來,把我撞到了。在街上你多小心都不過分。和 be 連用,后跟形容詞,排除 C,D;且根據(jù)句意,所以選 A

37、 。35 Intelligence doesn't mean success. You need to work hard as well.A honestlyB necessarilyC formallyD simply【答案】 B【解析】【詳解】考查固定用法及副詞辨析。句意:聰明不一定意味著成功。你還需要努力工作。 A. honestly 誠實地,正當(dāng)?shù)兀?B. necessarily必然地; C. formally 正式地,正規(guī)地; D. simply 簡單地。根 據(jù)后一句 “你還需要努力 ”可知, “聰明不一定意味著成功 ”。 “not necessarily為固”定搭配, 意

38、為 “不一定,未必 ”,故選 B。36 Believe it or not, the young man, disabled, managed to a distance of500 miles within 30 minutes.Aas if; walk B though; runC even; cover D though; cover【答案】 D 【解析】考查副詞和動詞辨析。句意:信不信由你,這個年輕人盡管身體殘疾,他設(shè)法在 30分鐘完成了 500英里的路程。 A. as if好像; walk散步、走; B. though 盡管; run跑; C. even 甚至; cover 覆蓋; D. though 盡管; cover 覆蓋,完成一定距離。第一個空是 “盡管殘 疾”的意思,第二個空是 “完成距離 ”,故選 D。37 Food aid is not enough to the problem now.A only; solve; d


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