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1、液態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)與凝固技術Liquid Structure and Solidification Technology液態(tài)金屬及鑄造技術研究所田學雷Tel.: 88392412 (O);(M)Email: tian_ (交作業(yè))2田學雷簡介研究內(nèi)容:實驗研究液態(tài)金屬的微觀結(jié)構(gòu)及其在凝固過程中的演變規(guī)律,建立凝固過程的宏微觀模型。以各種宏微觀模型為基礎,進行凝固過程的模擬計算,確定完善的鑄造工藝;鑄造模具的CAD軟件研究與開發(fā);開發(fā)新型金屬材料及其加工工藝。研究方向:液態(tài)金屬微觀結(jié)構(gòu)及其凝固過程的研究和模擬計算3Introduction to the Contents Stru

2、ctures of Liquid Metals Geometry Structures of Liquid Metals Physical Properties of Liquid Metals Measurement of Structures of Liquid Metals Brief Introduction to Physics of Liquid Metals Solidification Technology Directional solidification & Single Crystal Growth Rapid solidification Continuous Cas

3、ting Solidification Problem in Preparation of Metal Matrix Composites Solidification under Special Conditions4ReferencesN. H. March Liquid Metals: Concepts and Theory Cambridge University Press, 2005.9 周堯和,胡壯麒,介萬奇. 凝固技術凝固技術 北京:機械工業(yè)出版社. 1998.9 第一版5Other References T. E. Faber An Introduction to the T

4、heory of Liquid Metals Cambridge University Press 2010Takamichi IidaThe physical properties of liquid metals Clarendon Press, 1988.6邊秀房, 王偉民, 李輝, 馬家驥. 金屬熔體結(jié)構(gòu)金屬熔體結(jié)構(gòu) 上海:上海交通大學出版社. 2003, 第一版張榮生,劉海洪. 快速凝固技術快速凝固技術. (超星) 北京:冶金工業(yè)出版社. 1994, 第一版 Research Articles in recent years6Chapter 1 Introduction Why do

5、 we study the Knowledge about the (Metals) Liquid Structure and Solidification Technology ?Almost all of metallic products have undergone Liquid State and Solidification during their producing process.燃燒室18002000葉片(燃燒室)7Chapter 1 Introduction增壓渦輪(精密鑄造)鑄鋼定鑄鋼定內(nèi)部組織鑄鋼的連續(xù)鑄造示意圖8Chapter 1 Introduction銅桿的連續(xù)

6、鑄造示意圖銅(鋁)桿的水平連續(xù)鑄造示意圖銅(鋁)桿的上引連續(xù)鑄造示意圖9Chapter 1 IntroductionCylinder headCylinderPistonConnecting RodCrankshaftValveCamshaft Internal Combustion Engine 10Chapter 1 IntroductionWhat is the Liquid Structure? Three States of Matter: Gaseous State Liquid State Solid State11Chapter 1 Introduction Gas Struc

7、ture氣體分子熱運動氣體分子熱運動:大距離、短程力,無規(guī)則熱運動永不停息。)理想氣體分子模型理想氣體分子模型:質(zhì)點、完全彈性碰撞、分子間作用力不計。經(jīng)典數(shù)據(jù)經(jīng)典數(shù)據(jù):平均速錄500 m/s;連續(xù)兩次碰撞的平均路程10-7m;平均時間間隔10-10 s。理想氣體狀態(tài)方程理想氣體狀態(tài)方程:PV=nRT12Chapter 1 Introduction Solid Structure: Crystal, Quasicrystal, Glass (Amorphous)13Chapter 1 Introduction Solid Structure Mechanical Properties: Dens

8、ity, Specific Heat, Thermal Conductivity Tensile Strength, Hardness, Toughness Other properties on atom scale (micro scale)? X-ray diffractionElectron diffraction (TEM)HRTEM14Chapter 1 Introduction Liquid Structure - The models of Liquid Structure Classification of Liquid Fluid Mechanics : Newtonian

9、 fluids & Non-Newtonian fluids Based on the Micro scale:Ionic Liquid: is a Salt in the liquid state.Atomic Liquid: is a Metal or Inert Gas in the liquid state.In General the metal elements is existed as atom in the liquid state.Molecular Liquid: ?Fig. Melton salt and the structure of Ionic Liquid15C

10、hapter 1 Introduction Liquid Structure - The models of Liquid Structure Classification of Liquid 升華與凝聚 I 固 液 氣 II 溶 體 熔 體 III 金屬 熔體 半導體熔體 氧化物 熔體(渣) 熔鹽熔劑 離子熔體 電子熔體 IV V 冶金熔體 Fig.1.5 The classification of liquid原子熔體原子液體MeltLiquid16Chapter 1 Introduction Liquid Structure - The models of Liquid Structur

11、e Models of Liquid Metals-above and near the Liquidus (just above the melting point)Firstly, The physical Model of the liquid metal is given to describe the micro structure of liquid metals. 原子間仍保持較強的結(jié)合能,較小范圍內(nèi)規(guī)則排列There still is higher bond energy between atoms and the atoms is ordered in a small ran

12、ge 呈“近程有序,遠程無序”Short Range Order (SRO) 由于能量起伏作用,處于不停游動和瞬息萬變之中The atoms constantly move since energy fluctuation17Chapter 1 Introduction Liquid Structure - The models of Liquid Structure The Theory Models of Liquid Metals Model of Random Close Packed (RCP) SphereThe RCP state can be studied on the ma

13、croscopic scale by pouring a lot of rigid ball bearings, for example, into a container with irregular surfaces (smooth sides encourage crystallisation) and shaking them together until they can be compressed no further. J. D. Bernal, J. Mason. Nature.1960,v188,p910H. Susskind, W. Becker. Nature. 1966

14、,v212,p156518Chapter 1 Introduction Liquid Structure - The models of Liquid Structure The Theory Models of Liquid Metals Model of Quasi-CrystallineIn which the local coordination just above the melting point is trated as very similar to that which prevails in the solid phase just below. Bernal. A Ge

15、ometrical Approach to the Structure Of Liquids. nature,1959, v183, p141 The crystallographer prefers to approach the Position of a molecular and its neighbours in terms of a model which he can visualize or even build out of balls and spokes, and a whole variety of models have at one time or another

16、been proposed.19Chapter 1 Introduction Liquid Structure - The models of Liquid Structure Crystal Defect Model of Liquid Metals 微晶模型液態(tài)金屬由很多微小晶體和面缺陷組成,在微晶體中金屬原子(或離子)組成完整的晶體點陣,這些微晶體之間以界面相連接。微晶的存在能很好的解釋液態(tài)金屬的短程有序,因而該模型能較好的描述近液相線液態(tài)的微觀結(jié)構(gòu)。 空穴模型金屬晶體熔化時,在晶體網(wǎng)格中形成大量的空位,從而使液態(tài)金屬的微觀結(jié)構(gòu)失去了長程有序性。大量空位的存在使液態(tài)金屬容易發(fā)生切變,從而

17、具有流動性。隨著液態(tài)金屬溫度提高,空位的數(shù)量也不斷增加,表現(xiàn)為液態(tài)金屬粘度的減小。20Chapter 1 Introduction Liquid Structure - The models of Liquid Structure Crystal Defect Model of Liquid Metals 位錯模型液態(tài)金屬可以看成是一種被位錯芯嚴重破壞的點陣結(jié)構(gòu)。在特定的溫度以上,在低溫條件下不含位錯(或低密度位錯)的固體點陣結(jié)構(gòu),由于高密度位錯的突然出現(xiàn)而變成液體。 綜合模型 該模型認為,液態(tài)金屬是由大量不?!坝蝿印敝脑訄F簇組成,原子團簇內(nèi)為某種有序結(jié)構(gòu),團簇周圍是一些散亂無序的原子。這

18、些原子團簇不斷地分化組合,以不安金屬原子(離子)從某個團簇中分化出去,同時又會有另一些原子組合到該團簇中,此起彼伏,不斷發(fā)生著這樣的漲落過程,似乎原子團簇本身在“游動”一樣,團簇的尺寸及其內(nèi)部原子數(shù)量都隨溫度變化而變化。 原子團簇存活時間在10-7s量級。21Chapter 1 Introduction1200 1700 1550 1400 22Chapter 1 Introduction Liquid Structure - The models of Liquid Structure All of the models above describe the structure of the

19、 liquid metals in geometry. For example, the RCP model give some structures to describe the atoms position and their relationship in space. e d c a b 圖 幾種常見的多面體,(a)四面體;(b)八面體;(c) 四方十二面體; (d) 三角棱柱;(e)阿基米德反棱柱; Fig. The Various Polyhedra, (a) Tetrahedron; (b) Octahedron; (c) Quarter Dodecahedron; (d) T

20、riangle Prism; (e) Archimedes Antiprism 23Chapter 1 Introduction Liquid Structure - The models of Liquid Structure Micro Multiphase Structure Modelcio ci ci* A B e T Teu. 二元共晶系合金狀態(tài)平衡圖示意圖 The scheme graph of binary eutectic alloy at equilibrium. QSQFQFccccQSQFQFccccQSmmoiiiinnoiioii22*22* 2221jiiifcf

21、cQF 2221joiioimfcfcQF 2*2*21jiiinfcfcQF fi 和 fj為兩組分的原子散射因子 24Chapter 1 Introduction Liquid Structure - The models of Liquid Structure Micro Multiphase Structure Model 圖 1.9 In-Ga 共晶合金液態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)因子的計算結(jié)果與實驗數(shù)據(jù)的比較* Fig. 1.9 Comparing of structure factors of calculating and results on In-Ga eutectic alloy melt

22、圖 1.8 Bi-Ga 共晶合金液態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)因子的計算結(jié)果與實驗的比較* Fig. 1.8 Comparing of structure factors of calculating and experiments on Bi-Ga eutectic alloy melt 25Chapter 1 IntroductionLiquid StructureAtoms Distribution of Liquid Binary AlloysThe Binary Alloy consist of two elements, A and B. Then the Liquid Binary Alloys ca

23、n be divided into several classes according to the bond energy.(A-AA-BB-B), 形成固態(tài)無固溶度的共晶系;(A-AA-BB-B), 形成固態(tài)無限互溶的固溶體系;介于前二者之間的是有限固溶共晶體系和包晶系;(A-AA-BB-B),形成在液態(tài)有分層區(qū)的偏晶系;(A-A A-B B-B) ?26Chapter 1 IntroductionFeatures of Liquid Metals“能量起伏能量起伏” 表現(xiàn)為各個原子間能量的不同和各個原子團簇 間尺寸不同。“結(jié)構(gòu)起伏結(jié)構(gòu)起伏”液體中大量不?!坝蝿印敝木钟蛴行蛟訄F簇時聚時

24、散、此起彼伏,表現(xiàn)為原子團簇的尺寸不斷的變化。“濃度起伏濃度起伏” 同種元素及不同元素之間的原子間結(jié)合力存在差別,結(jié)合力較強的原子容易聚集在一起,把別的原于排擠到別處,表現(xiàn)為游動原子團簇之間存在著成分差異 。27Chapter 1 Introduction Liquid Properties物理性質(zhì):粘度(運動粘度、動力粘度)、密度、導熱系數(shù)、擴散系數(shù)、電導率; 物理化學性質(zhì):等壓熱容、等容熱容、熔化和氣化潛熱、表面張力;熱力學性質(zhì):蒸汽壓、膨脹和壓縮系數(shù) 粘度、表面張力影響充型過程; 導熱系數(shù)、熱熔、液態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)影響凝固過程28Chapter 1 Introduction Study Metho

25、ds of Liquid MetalsDirect MethodsExperimentSimulationX-ray diffractionNeutron diffractionElectron diffractionEXAFS (extended X-ray absorption fine structure )Monte Carlo (MC) 蒙特卡洛Molecular Dynamics (MD) 分子動力學AB Initio 從頭算First Principle 第一性原理Direct Methods & Indirect Methods29Chapter 1 IntroductionX

26、-ray diffractionX射線光子與原子核束縛得很緊的電子(core electrons)相碰撞而彈射,光子的方向改變了,但能量幾乎沒有損失,于是產(chǎn)生了波長不變的散射線。是一種彈性散射。X射線衍射可被用來分析固體、液體和非晶態(tài)的微觀結(jié)構(gòu)。在分析液態(tài)和非晶態(tài)金屬時,每個原子的相干散射振幅都可用原子散射因子來表示。將液態(tài)金屬或非晶態(tài)合金的X-射線衍射強度經(jīng)過極化(Polarization)、吸收修正(Absorption Correction)和歸一化等處理后,由衍射強度可計算出結(jié)構(gòu)因子(Structure Factor)。傅立葉變換后,可計算出徑向分布函數(shù)(Radial Distribu

27、tion Function:RDF)和雙體分布函數(shù)(Pair Distribution Function)。由此可以進一步計算得出原子團的相關尺寸、原子團中的原子數(shù)目和配位數(shù)等微觀結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)。30Chapter 1 Introduction0. 14000C13500C13000C12500C12000Cr / nm4 r2og(r)圖 3.27 Cu70Ni30合金在不同溫度下的徑向分布函數(shù)Fig. 3.27 RDFs of Cu70Ni30 alloy at different temperature24681012140.00.51.

28、 14000C13500C13000C12500C12000Cg(r)r/10-1nm圖 3.25 液態(tài) Cu70Ni30合金在不同溫度下的雙體分布函數(shù)Fig. 3.25 The pair distribution functions of liquid Cu70Ni30 alloy at different temperature.31Chapter 1 Introduction Neutron Diffraction原理與X射線衍射相類似,但是:大角度衍射的強度幾乎為常數(shù);極化和吸收修正簡單;對同位素和不同元素的散射差別大。 因此,常常與X射線結(jié)

29、合使用,二者相輔相成。 圖 1.15 不同射線的衍射曲線示意圖 Fig.1.15 Schematic diagram of diffraction curves by different radiation 圖 1.16 元素的中子散射幅度Fig. 1.16 Neutron scattering amplitude ofelements.32Chapter 1 Introduction 用中子衍射(A)和 X-射線衍射(B)Ni-42at.%V 非晶合金的整體結(jié)構(gòu)因子 S(Q) ,中子衍射的整體結(jié)構(gòu)因子直接給出了 Ni-Ni 偏結(jié)構(gòu)因子。 Total structure factors S(Q

30、) of Ni-42at.%V amorphous alloy by (A) neutron and (B) x-ray diffraction. S(Q) obtained by neutron diffraction gives directly the partial SNiNi(Q) 33Chapter 1 Introduction Electron Diffraction圖 1.19 非晶合金電子衍射強度Fig. 1.19 Electron-diffraction intensities of theamorphous alloy圖 1.20 非晶合金徑向分布函數(shù)Fig. 1.20

31、RDF profiles of the amorphousalloy 34Chapter 1 Introduction Monte Carlo (MC)-Simulation Methods MC方法是以概率統(tǒng)計為理論指導的數(shù)值模擬方法。 在微觀結(jié)構(gòu)模擬時,是用隨機數(shù)來控制粒子的運動(位置變化),并使其符合Boltzmann分布的,則在MC方法中粒子瞬時分布很接近實際情況,但其粒子運動的方式卻與實際情況有差異。因此,用MC方法研究物系平衡性質(zhì)是可靠的,用它研究動力學性質(zhì)就必須謹慎。 MC方法最初是為原子能研究算中子擴散過程而發(fā)展起來的,所以MC方法用來計算動力學問題時要受到一定的限制,不是所有

32、的動力學問題它都能計算。 Alder等計算了4至500個硬球系的狀態(tài)方程,特別是相變點附近的情況。同時他還計算了密度分別為0.333,0.50, 0.588等的硬球系的g(r) 。 Ree等的MC方法計算表明:硬球系固體和硬球系流體為(8.27 0.13) 0 KT時, 相變發(fā)生在密度為(0.6670.003)0和(0.7360.003) 0之間, 同時計算了熵的變化。35Constant TemperatureF),2, 1()(NirUrHdtdPNiii a初始化配制周期性邊界The nearest neighbor changePredictor-CorrectionVrNKineti

33、c EnergyPotential EnergyThermodynamics parameterMicrostructure初始化速度Constant PressuretaVV0Transport parameterF=maChapter 1 Introduction-MD36Chapter 1 Introduction First Principle & ab Initio 第一性原理(First Principle),是一個計算物理或計算化學專業(yè)名詞,廣義的第一性原理計算指的是一切基于量子力學原理的計算。量子力學計算就是根據(jù)原子核和電子的相互作用原理去計算分子結(jié)構(gòu)和分子(或離子)能量,然后

34、就能計算物質(zhì)的各種性質(zhì)。 從頭算(ab initio),是狹義的第一性原理計算,它是指不使用經(jīng)驗參數(shù),只用電子質(zhì)量,光速,質(zhì)子中子質(zhì)量等少數(shù)實驗數(shù)據(jù)去做量子計算。但是這個計算很慢,所以就加入一些經(jīng)驗參數(shù),可以很大程度上提高計算速度,當然這樣會犧牲計算結(jié)果精度。 37Chapter 1 Introduction Indirect Methods To study the structure of liquid metals by their physical properties, for example, viscosity, tension, density, conductivity, e

35、tc. Viscosity 0.000750.000800.000850.000900.000951. Data: Data2_lnviscosityModel: Line Equation: y = A + B*x Weighting:yNo weighting Chi2/DoF= 0.00003R2= 0.99092 A0.09803? .06584B1510.06803? 3.45171ln (ln(mPa.s)1/T(K -1)液態(tài)Cu75Sn25的粘度對數(shù)與溫度倒數(shù)的關系曲線38Chapter 1 Introduction Indirect Methods

36、Conductivity (or Resistivity )400500600700800900600650700750 Resistivity/(a.u.)Temperature/Temperature/ Resistivity/(a.u.) 純Sb降溫過程電阻率隨溫度的變化曲線Equilibrium phase diagrame of Zn-Sb binary alloys 39Chapter 1 Introduction Research Articles C. P. Wang,X. J. Liu & et al. Formation of Immiscible Alloy Powder

37、s with Egg-Type Microstructure. Science, 2002: 990-993 圖5.15 Cu80Co20深過冷凝固組織Fig 5.15 Microstructure of undercooled Cu80Co20 alloys.40Chapter 1 Introduction Research Articles Adam F. Wallace, Lester O. Hedges & et al. Microscopic Evidence for Liquid-Liquid Separation in Supersaturated CaCO3 Solutions

38、. Science 23 August 2013: 885-889. Dongsheng Li, Michael H. Nielsen & et al. Direction-Specific Interactions Control Crystal Growth by Oriented Attachment. Science 25 May 2012: 1014-1018. C. Pfleiderer, P. Bni & et al. Non-Fermi Liquid Metal Without Quantum Criticality. Science, 2007: 1871-1874 Oleg

39、 G. Shpyrko, Reinhard Streitel & et al. Surface Crystallization in a Liquid AuSi Alloy. Science 2006: 77-80 Yves Petroff. The Electronic Structure of Liquid Lead. Science, 2004: 2200-220141Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure2.1 X-ray diffractometer X-ray Production42Chapter 2 Measurement of Li

40、quid Structure2.1 X-ray diffractometer X-ray Production43Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.1 X-ray diffractometer Matched filters44Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.1 X-ray diffractometer Matched filters45Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.1 X-ray diffractometer X-ray pr

41、operties 波粒二象性 直線傳播折射很小 具有殺傷力損害生物的組織和細胞 具有光電效應感光、熒光 散射現(xiàn)象通過物質(zhì)后會改變前進方向 吸收現(xiàn)象通過物質(zhì)后部分會被吸收The Schematic Diagram of x-ray technology46Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.1 X-ray diffractometer Diffraction47Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.1 X-ray diffractometer Brugg Equationndsin2where

42、n is an integer, is the wavelength of incident wave, d is the spacing between the planes of the lattice, and is the angle between the incident ray and the scattering planes. The n is usually set as 1.The Schematic Diagram for Brugg Equation48Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.1 X-ray diffra

43、ctometer PDF cardsPDF-Powder Diffraction Files單一物質(zhì)49Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.1 X-ray diffractometer -250Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.1 X-ray diffractometer X-ray diffractometer for melt ( ) 樣品支架 分子泵 機械泵 樣品室 坩堝 樣品 樣品液面 X-射線發(fā)生器 計數(shù)器 單色 X-射線 氦氣 鈹窗 X-射線 水平儀 水平儀觀察位置,亦是激光發(fā)

44、射位置 單色器 熱電偶 攝像頭 監(jiān)視器 分光鏡 改進部分 計算機 狹縫 均熱罩 X-ray tube激發(fā)X射線靶燈絲51Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.2 X-ray diffraction Interaction of the X-ray and Materials2.2.1 X-ray Scattera) 相干散射(Coherent Scatter)(彈性散射或湯姆森散射) X射線與原子中束縛較緊的內(nèi)層電子相撞, 光子把全部能量傳給電子, 電子受迫振動, 不斷被加速或被減速且振動頻率與入射X射線的相同。此時的電子向四周輻射電磁波X射線

45、散射波。此波符合干涉條件,則稱之為相干散射。在X射線和物質(zhì)作用過程中,都是光子與電子的作用。 特點: 散射波波長與入射波 波長相等。散射波滿足干涉條件:振動方向相同、頻率形同、相位差恒定干涉(interference)條件:振動方向相同、頻率形同、相位差恒定衍射(diffraction)現(xiàn)象:光線通過物質(zhì)產(chǎn)生明暗花樣。52Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.2 X-ray diffraction Interaction of the X-ray and Materials干涉(interference)條件:振動方向相同、頻率形同、相位差恒定

46、衍射(diffraction)現(xiàn)象:光線通過物質(zhì)產(chǎn)生明暗圖樣。圖53Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.2 X-ray diffraction Interaction of the X-ray and Materialsb) 非相干散射(Incoherent Scatter)(康普頓-吳有訓效應或康普頓散射) X射線與原子中束縛力不大的外層電子或價電子或金屬晶體中的自由電子相撞時,X光子改變了波長和方向,這種X射線為非相干散射。有時稱量子散射。圖 非相干散射不能參與晶體對X射線的衍射,只會在衍射圖上形成強度隨sin/增加而增加的背底。入射波越

47、短,被照射元素越輕,這種現(xiàn)象越顯著。納米微晶Fe的X射線衍射曲線與理論計算結(jié)果的比較 54Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.2 X-ray diffraction Interaction of the X-ray and Materials2.2.2 X射線吸收 (X-ray absorb)為吸收系數(shù):在X射線傳播方向上,單位長度上的強度衰減值;dx:傳播方向上的距離;I:X射線入射強度;-dI:X射線經(jīng)過dx距離的衰減值。a) X射線吸收 (X-ray absorb) 與吸收系數(shù)b) 二次特征輻射(熒光X射線) 當入射光量子的能量足夠大時

48、,可以從被照射物質(zhì)的原子內(nèi)部(如K殼層)擊出一個電子,同時原子外層高能態(tài)電子要向內(nèi)層的K空位躍遷,輻射出波長一定的特征X射線。此特征X射線為二次特征X射線或熒光X射線。55Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.2 X-ray diffraction Intensity of X-ray diffraction2.2.3 影響X射線衍射強度的因素結(jié)構(gòu)因子角因子(包括極化因子和洛倫茲因子)多重因子吸收因子溫度因子56Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.2 X-ray diffraction Int

49、ensity of X-ray diffraction結(jié)構(gòu)因子(Structure Factor):定量表征原子排布以及原子種類對衍射強度影響規(guī)律的參數(shù)成為結(jié)構(gòu)因子。即晶體結(jié)構(gòu)對衍射強度的影響因子。結(jié)構(gòu)因子的理解層次: X射線在一個電子上的散射,在一個原子上的散射,在一個晶胞上的散射一個電子上的散射(相干散射和非相干散射) 被電子散射的X射線向四面八方輻射,其強度Ie的大小與入射前度I0和散射角度有關。在距離散射X射線的電子為R處的強度可表示為2)2(cos1)(220RrIIee57Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.2 X-ray dif

50、fraction Intensity of X-ray diffraction結(jié)構(gòu)因子(Structure Factor):一個電子上的散射(相干散射和非相干散射)2)2(cos1)(220RrIIeeOPe2IeI0R58Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.2 X-ray diffraction Intensity of X-ray diffraction其中2)2(cos12為 極化因子 又叫 偏振因子OPe2IeI0R2)2(cos1)(220RrIIee一個電子上的散射(相干散射和非相干散射)X射線與電子碰撞后,X射線光子的能量全部傳

51、遞給電子,電子受迫振動,激發(fā)出與入射X射線波長相同的X射線,滿足干涉條件相干散射;發(fā)生彈性碰撞,被散射的X射線與入射X射線的波長發(fā)生改變(如圖所示)非相干散射(Incoherent Scattering),也稱作康普頓散射。59Chapter 2 Measurement of Liquid Structure 2.2 X-ray diffraction Intensity of X-ray diffraction一個原子對X射線的散射原子散射因子不同電子散射后的X射線具有相位差,合成后的X射線強度為原子散射強度Ia, Ia 2rcInitializeForcesMotionAnalysisSu

52、mmarize每次循環(huán)為一次時間的演進:t132Chapter 3 Molecular Dynamic Simulation 3.4 Calculating Forces of the MD Simulation 牛頓方程-力-勢It is the most important and difficult to calculate the forces in MD simulation. 分子動力學的目的就是要計算得到系統(tǒng)中每個粒子的位置、速度和勢能。粒子的受力情況是影響速度的因素,而勢的變化與力相關保守力等于勢函數(shù)的梯度。iiimFr .UiriF 一個原子(i原子)牛頓運動方程 一個原子所

53、受到的保守力,這個力是所有因素施加給i原子的。133Chapter 3 Molecular Dynamic Simulation 3.4 Calculating Forces of the MD Simulation 勢 1212,Niijiij iijkij i kjUUUUr rrrr rr r rU1外力場或邊界條件(如容器壁);U2兩體作用勢,一對原子之間的作用力,不包含其他原子的影響;U3三體作用勢,描述由于第三個原子的存在對原子對之間作用力的影響。勢函數(shù)的一般形式UiriF粒子所受力等于其勢的梯度134Chapter 3 Molecular Dynamic Simulation 3

54、.4 Calculating Forces of the MD Simulation 勢描述勢函數(shù)的種類很多,如LJ勢、鑲嵌原子勢(EAM) 、Stillinger-Weber(SW)作用勢、 Tersoff勢、Morse勢、硬球勢、軟球勢et al。這里以LJ勢為例講解。Lennard-Jones (LJ)勢函數(shù)如下:1264L JijijijUrrr勢阱深度能量參數(shù)平衡常數(shù)長度參數(shù)斥力項引力項rLJU62ijr對于液態(tài)氬分子 :120KkB; :0.34 nmkB=1.3810-23J/K135Chapter 3 Molecular Dynamic Simulation 3.4 Calcu

55、lating Forces of the MD Simulation 勢 勢的截斷當兩個粒子間距達到一定距離 ( rc ) 時,其間的相互作用非常微弱,可以忽略不計,超過此距離勢和作用力均視為零。2.6cr對于LJ作用勢,通常取ijcrr0ijF 時當0U2.6rLJU136Chapter 3 Molecular Dynamic Simulation 3.4 Calculating Forces of the MD Simulation 力1264L JijijijUrrr對勢函數(shù)求導)(ijiiirijrUzyxUijkjifi原子相對j原子的勢函數(shù)i原子受j原子的作用力i原子受所有原子的作

56、用力jiiifF對于多體(粒子數(shù)為N)體系,解析數(shù)學不能計算,需要離散數(shù)學進行計算,常用有限差分方法計算(Finite Difference Method-FDM)。137Chapter 3 Molecular Dynamic Simulation 3.5 Calculation Process of the MD Simulation 有限差分方法(FDM)圖3-1 空間離散化的情況-節(jié)點物質(zhì)集中在節(jié)點上 差商代替微商所得的方程稱為差分方程,用來求解微分(或偏微分)方程的確定問題。對時間的一階差商代替偏微分: xytTcQyTxT)(2222如求解二維熱傳導的偏微分方程,偏微分方程為:ttT

57、ttTyxyx)()(),(),(ttTttTyxtyx)(lim)(),(0),(在 tt+t 之間,(x,y)處的溫度沒有變化。138Chapter 3 Molecular Dynamic Simulation 3.5 Calculation Process of the MD Simulation 有限差分方法(FDM)差商:T xxT xx()( )T xT xxx( )()T xxT xxx()()2向前差商(一階):向后差商(一階):中心差商(一階): 微商 T(x) x+x x x-x o 向后 中心 向前 T x 二階差商(向前):xxxTxxTxxxTxxT)()(-)()2

58、(139Chapter 3 Molecular Dynamic Simulation 3.5 Calculation Process of the MD Simulation 有限差分方法(FDM) 以一維熱傳導情況為例,空間上用二階中心差商代替二階微商,時間上用向后一階差商代替一階微商:tTcxT22 t=Pt; (P=0,1,2,m)T(t)=T(Pt ); T(t+ t )=T(P+1) t )x=ix;222)()()(2)()()()()()(xxxTxTxxTxxxxTxTxxTxxTxxTttttttttTtCxTCxtTTiPiPiPiP121212()()一維熱傳導的差分格式

59、(方程)ttTttTttTxxx)()()( Q x 1 i-1 i i+1 n Tp1 Tpi-1 Tpi Tpi+1 Tpn 圖 一維物體離散化后的情況 一維熱傳導偏微分方程140Chapter 3 Molecular Dynamic Simulation 3.5 Calculation Process of the MD Simulation 有限差分法Verlet算法泰勒展開式:同理有:3-33-13-2444333224)(! 3)( 2!)()( )(dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdttttiii2iiirrrrrr!3-4 nnndxfdnxdxfdxdxdfxxfxxf!)(!

60、2)()()(222則粒子空間位置(矢量)與時間的函數(shù) ri(t) 泰勒展開式為:)(24)()(6)()( 2)()()( )(432tcttbttatttvtttiiiiiirr)(24)()(6)()( 2)()()( )(432tcttbttatttvtttiiiiiirr141Chapter 3 Molecular Dynamic Simulation 3.5 Calculation Process of the MD Simulation 有限差分法Verlet算法式(3-3)+(3-4)得:3-5)(12)()()()()(2 )(42tcttattttttiiiiirrr令:)


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