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1、貨物系固手冊CARGO SECURING MANUALXX輪MV. XXX本手冊是根據(jù)1974年國際海上人命安全公約(SOLAS)及其修正案要求,且按照MSC.1/Circ.1353 (貨物系固手冊編制指南)的具體要求和格式編制。This manual was made according to the requirement of SOLAS including its amendments, and format of MSC.1/Circ.1353.編制公司:Company:編制時(shí)間Date:批準(zhǔn)機(jī)構(gòu)Approved by:批準(zhǔn)時(shí)間Approval date: 船舶信息Informati

2、on of ship船名Name of Ship:船旗國Flag:船型Type of Ship:船東Owner:船級(jí)社Class:IMO No.:垂線間長LBP: 型寬Berth:型深Depth吃水Draught:總噸GT:初穩(wěn)性高度GM0:本手冊由ClassIBS驗(yàn)船師賀彤、劉穎釗依照經(jīng)修訂的貨物系固手冊編制指南(MSC.1/Circ.1353)編寫。各船舶在整理過程中,應(yīng)注意:1、文中紅色字體部分,需船東根據(jù)本輪實(shí)際情況填寫或完善,如該部分不適用于本輪,可跳過或注明“不適用于本輪”。2、文中蘭色字體部分,為手冊內(nèi)容舉例示范。3、根據(jù)各輪實(shí)際情況定稿后的手冊,應(yīng)將各章各條中類似“本條應(yīng)包括”

3、等指導(dǎo)性字樣刪除。目錄Catalog前言Preamble第一章 總則Chapter 1 General1.1定義Definitions1.2手冊的準(zhǔn)備Preparation of the manual1.3通用信息General information第二章系固設(shè)備及其布置Chapter 2 Securing devices and arrangements2.1固定式系固設(shè)備Specification for fixed cargo securing devices2.2便攜式系固設(shè)備Specification for portable cargo securing devices2.3檢查

4、和維修方案Inspection and maintenance schemes第三章非標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貨與半標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貨的堆裝與系固Chapter 3 Stowage and securing of non-standardized and semi-standardized cargo 3.1使用及安全須知Handling and safety instructions3.2對(duì)作用在貨物單元上力的估算Evaluation of forces acting on cargo units3.3在各種貨物單元、車輛和堆裝區(qū)的便攜式系固設(shè)備的應(yīng)用Application of portable securing dev

5、ices on various cargo units, vehicles and stowage blocks3.4滾裝船的附加要求(略)Supplementary requirements for ro-ro ships3.5散貨船Bulk carrier第四章集裝箱與其他標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貨的堆裝與系固Chapter 4 Stowage and securing of containers and other standardized cargo4.1使用及安全須知Handling and safety instructions4.2堆裝和系固方案Stowage and securing instru

6、ctions4.3 其他允許的堆裝方式other allowable stowage patterns4.4作用在貨物單元上的外力Forces acting on cargo units第五章貨物安全通道布置CHAPTER 5 Cargo safe access plan(CSAP)附件1:船上貨物系固設(shè)備的更新記錄Annex 1: renewal record of securing devices附件2:船上貨物系固設(shè)備的檢查、保養(yǎng)和維護(hù)記錄Annex 2: Inspect and maintain record of securing devices前言PREAMBLE 1. 根據(jù)197

7、4年SOLAS公約的第VI章第5條、第VII章第5條和“貨物堆裝及系固安全實(shí)施規(guī)則”(CSS Code),貨物單元包括集裝箱都要按照主管機(jī)關(guān)批準(zhǔn)的貨物系固手冊堆裝和系固并貫穿整個(gè)航次。In accordance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS) CVI/R5, CVII/R5 and the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code), cargo units, including cont

8、ainers shall be stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with a Cargo Securing Manual, approved by the Administration. 2. 裝載非固體及非液體貨物的所有類型船舶都需要配備貨物系固手冊。The Cargo Securing Manual is required on all types of ships engaged in the carriage of all cargoes other than solid and liquid bulk ca

9、rgoes. 3. 本手冊覆蓋貨物堆裝和系固的所有方面,并提供一種一致的方法來準(zhǔn)備貨物系固手冊,包括布局及內(nèi)容。主管機(jī)關(guān)可以繼續(xù)接受根據(jù)“集裝箱及貨物貨物系固手冊(MSC/Circ.385)”編制的貨物系固手冊,只要里面的內(nèi)容滿足現(xiàn)在的指南。Cargo Securing Manuals cover all relevant aspects of cargo stowage and securing and to provide a uniform approach to the preparation of Cargo Securing Manuals, their layout and co

10、ntent. Administrations may continue accepting Cargo Securing Manuals drafted in accordance with Containers and cargoes (BC) Cargo Securing Manual (MSC/Circ.385) provided that they satisfy the requirements of these guidelines. 4. 如果必要,當(dāng)船舶計(jì)劃裝載標(biāo)準(zhǔn)集裝箱,這些手冊應(yīng)該明確的更新。If necessary, those manuals should be rev

11、ised explicitly when the ship is intended to carry containers in a standardized system. 5. 重要的是系固設(shè)備要滿足可接受的功能及強(qiáng)度標(biāo)準(zhǔn),以適用船舶及其裝載的貨物。同樣重要的是船上的駕駛員要清楚地知道涉及到受力的大小及方向,貨物系固設(shè)備的正確使用及其局限性。應(yīng)該指導(dǎo)船員及受雇進(jìn)行貨物系固人員使用正確的方法,以及如何使用船上的貨物系固設(shè)備。It is important that securing devices meet acceptable functional and strength criteri

12、a applicable to the ship and its cargo. It is also important that the officers on board are aware of the magnitude and direction of the forces involved and the correct application and limitations of the cargo securing devices. The crew and other persons employed for the securing of cargoes should be

13、 instructed in the correct application and use of the cargo securing devices on board the ship. 6. 本手冊第5章只適用于2015年1月1日及以后鋪放龍骨或處于類似階段建造的集裝箱船。Chapter 5 of manual apply for containerships, the keels of which were laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 January 2015; 第一章 總則CHA

14、PTER 1 GENERAL1.1定義Definitions 1.1.1貨物系固設(shè)備,是指所有用于系固和支持貨物單元的固定式和便攜式裝置。Cargo securing devices are all fixed and portable devices used to secure and support cargo units. 1.1.2 最大系固載荷(MSL),是指船上系固設(shè)備的許用負(fù)荷,就象起重設(shè)備和安全工作負(fù)荷一樣。當(dāng)能提供等同或較高的強(qiáng)度時(shí),安全工作負(fù)荷SWL可以代替MSL。Maximum securing load (MSL) is a term used to define t

15、he allowable load capacity for a device used to secure cargo to a ship. Safe working load (SWL) may be substituted for MSL for securing purposes, provided this is equal to or exceeds the strength defined by 1.1.3標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貨,是指已根據(jù)貨物單元的特定形式,在船上設(shè)置了經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)的系固系統(tǒng)的貨物,如集裝箱。Standardized cargo means cargo for which the s

16、hip is provided with an approved securing system based upon cargo units of specific types. e.g. container.1.1.4半標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貨,是指在船上設(shè)置的系固系統(tǒng),僅適應(yīng)有限變化的貨物單元,如車輛。Semi-standardized cargo means cargo for which the ship is provided with a securing system capable of accommodating a limited variety of cargo units, such

17、as vehicles, trailers, etc. e.g. car.1.1.5非標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貨,是指需要專門的堆裝和系固安排的貨物,如卷鋼、木材等。Non-standardized cargo means cargo which requires individual stowage and securing arrangements. e.g. rolled steel, timber, etc.1.1.6固定式系固設(shè)備,是指系固點(diǎn)及其支撐結(jié)構(gòu)。這些設(shè)備即可以是內(nèi)部的,如焊接在船體結(jié)構(gòu)內(nèi),也可以是暴露在外的,如直接焊接在船體結(jié)構(gòu)外部。1.1.7便攜式系固設(shè)備,是指用于貨物單元綁扎、系固和支撐的

18、移動(dòng)式設(shè)備。1.2手冊的準(zhǔn)備Preparation of the manual本手冊使用漢語及英語編寫。The Cargo Securing Manual be written in Chinese and English. 1.3通用信息General information 本章應(yīng)包括下列通用聲明:This chapter should contain the following general statements: .1 本手冊不排除良好的航海技術(shù),也不能取代在堆裝和系固方面的經(jīng)驗(yàn)The manual given herein should by no means rule out t

19、he principles of good seamanship, neither can it replace experience in stowage and securing practice.2 本手冊的資料和要求與下述文件中的要求一致:船舶穩(wěn)性計(jì)算書、國際載重線證書、船舶裝載手冊和國際海上危險(xiǎn)品規(guī)則(適用時(shí))。The information and requirements set forth in this Manual are consistent with the requirements of the vessel's trim and stability book

20、let, International Load Line Certificate (1966), the hull strength loading manual (if provided) and with the requirements of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code (if applicable).3 本手冊規(guī)定了船上的貨物系固設(shè)備的最大系固載荷及其布置方式,以便對(duì)貨物單元進(jìn)行正確的系固,這些規(guī)定基于惡劣氣候和海況下貨物單元所受到的縱向力、橫向力和垂向力。This Cargo Securing Manu

21、al specifies arrangements and cargo securing devices provided on board the ship for the correct application to and the securing of cargo units, containers, vehicles and other entities, based on transverse, longitudinal and vertical forces which may arise during adverse weather and sea conditions.4 應(yīng)

22、該認(rèn)識(shí)到對(duì)貨物的合理系固,以及在船上選擇適當(dāng)?shù)南倒厅c(diǎn),對(duì)船、貨、人的安全都是至關(guān)重要的。It is imperative to the safety of the ship and the protection of the cargo and personnel that the securing of the cargo is carried out properly and that only appropriate securing points or fittings should be used for cargo securing.5 本手冊中提到的貨物系固設(shè)備應(yīng)被正確使用,并應(yīng)

23、適合貨物的數(shù)量、包裝方式和物理特性。當(dāng)采用新型或替代的系固設(shè)備時(shí),手冊應(yīng)相應(yīng)修改。替代設(shè)備的強(qiáng)度不應(yīng)低于原設(shè)備。The cargo securing devices mentioned in this manual should be applied so as to be suitable and adapted to the quantity, type of packaging, and physical properties of the cargo to be carried. When new or alternative types of cargo securing devic

24、es are introduced, the Cargo Securing Manual should be revised accordingly. Alternative cargo securing devices introduced should not have less strength than the devices being replaced.6 船上應(yīng)配有足夠的設(shè)備用系固設(shè)備There should be a sufficient quantity of reserve cargo securing devices on board the ship.7 如適用,本手冊

25、中應(yīng)提供每種貨物系固設(shè)備的強(qiáng)度、使用和維護(hù)的資料。貨物系固設(shè)備應(yīng)被良好地維護(hù),當(dāng)存在影響系固效果的磨損或損壞時(shí),應(yīng)予更新。Information on the strength and instructions for the use and maintenance of each specific type of cargo securing device, where applicable, is provided in this manual. The cargo securing devices should be maintained in a satisfactory condit

26、ion. Items worn or damaged to such an extent that their quality is impaired should be replaced.8 貨物安全通道布置CSAP為進(jìn)行與貨物堆裝和系固相關(guān)工作人員,提供了詳細(xì)的信息,應(yīng)根據(jù)此布置提供并保持安全通道。The Cargo Safe Access Plan (CSAP) is intended to provide detailed information for persons engaged in work connected with cargo stowage and securing.

27、 Safe access should be provided and maintained in accordance with this plan. 第二章 系固設(shè)備及其布置CHAPTER 2 SECURING DEVICES AND ARRANGEMENTS2.1固定式系固設(shè)備Specification for fixed cargo securing devices 本條應(yīng)有必要圖示,說明固定貨物系固裝置的數(shù)量,位置,類型及最大系固載荷,至少包含下列信息:This sub-chapter should indicate and where necessary illustrate th

28、e number, locations, type and MSL of the fixed devices used to secure cargo and should as a minimum contain the following information: 2.1.1 一份固定貨物系固裝置的清單和/或圖紙,盡可能附帶各種類型的裝置的相關(guān)文件:a list and/or plan of the fixed cargo securing devices, which should be supplemented with appropriate documentation for ea

29、ch type of device as far as practicable. The appropriate documentation should include information as applicable regarding: .1生產(chǎn)廠家名字;name of manufacturer;.2型號(hào),并附帶簡圖;type designation of item with simple sketch for ease of identification;.3材料; material(s); .4識(shí)別標(biāo)識(shí);identification marking; .5強(qiáng)度試驗(yàn)結(jié)果及極限拉伸強(qiáng)度

30、試驗(yàn)結(jié)果;strength test result or ultimate tensile strength test result; .6無損探傷試驗(yàn)結(jié)果;result of non destructive testing; and .7最大系固載荷;Maximum Securing Load (MSL); 2.1.2艙壁、強(qiáng)肋骨、立柱等處的固定式系固設(shè)備及其類型(如:眼環(huán),帶眼螺栓等),包括他們的最大系固載荷;fixed securing devices on bulkheads, web frames, stanchions, etc. and their types (e.g., pa

31、d eyes, eyebolts, etc.), where provided, including their MSL; 2.1.3甲板上的固定系固設(shè)備及其類型(如:象腳裝置,集裝箱角件孔等),包括他們的最大系固載荷;fixed securing devices on decks and their types (e.g., elephant feet fittings, container fittings, apertures, etc.) where provided, including their MSL; 2.1.4甲板上部的固定式系固設(shè)備,及其類型和他們的最大系固載荷(如有時(shí))

32、;fixed securing devices on deckheads, where provided, listing their types and MSL; and 2.1.5對(duì)帶有非標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化固定式系固裝置的現(xiàn)有船,最大系固載荷及系固點(diǎn)位置的信息是必須有的。for existing ships with non-standardized fixed securing devices, the information on MSL and location of securing points is deemed sufficient. 2.2 便攜式系固設(shè)備Specification f

33、or portable cargo securing devices 本條應(yīng)當(dāng)列出船上所存便攜式系固設(shè)備的數(shù)量,功能及設(shè)計(jì)特點(diǎn),如必要并應(yīng)輔以適當(dāng)?shù)膱D紙或草圖。應(yīng)盡可能包含以下信息:This sub-chapter should describe the number of and the functional and design characteristics of the portable cargo securing devices carried on board the ship, and should be supplemented by suitable drawings or

34、 sketches if deemed necessary. It should contain the following information as applicable: 2.2.1一份便攜式系固設(shè)備的清單,并盡可能輔以每一類型的裝置的相關(guān)文件。每一相關(guān)文件應(yīng)包含下列信息:a list for the portable securing devices, which should be supplemented with appropriate documentation for each type of device, as far as practicable. The appro

35、priate documentation should include information as applicable regarding: .1生產(chǎn)廠家名字;name of manufacturer; .2項(xiàng)目的設(shè)計(jì)型號(hào)及為方便識(shí)別而附帶的簡圖;type designation of item with simple sketch for ease of identification; .3材料,包括最小安全操作溫度;material(s), including minimum safe operational temperature; .4識(shí)別標(biāo)識(shí);identification mar

36、king; .5強(qiáng)度試驗(yàn)結(jié)果及極限拉伸強(qiáng)度試驗(yàn)結(jié)果;strength test result or ultimate tensile strength test result; .6無損探傷試驗(yàn)結(jié)果;result of non destructive testing; and.7最大系固載荷;Maximum Securing Load (MSL); (舉例:船首物料間內(nèi),D形19mm卸扣20只,X廠生產(chǎn),安全工作負(fù)荷為2T,黑色等) 2.2.2集裝箱堆裝裝置、集裝箱甲板系固裝置、集裝箱互鎖裝置、橋式聯(lián)鎖器等,及其最大系固載荷和使用方法。container stacking fittings,

37、container deck securing fittings, fittings for interlocking of containers, bridge-fittings, etc., their MSL and use; 2.2.3鏈條、鋼絲繩、連桿等,及其最大系固載荷和使用方法。chains, wire lashings, rods, etc., their MSL and use; 2.2.4張緊器(如花籃螺栓、緊鏈器等),及其最大系固載荷和使用方法。tensioners (e.g., turnbuckles, chain tensioners, etc.), their MS

38、L and use; 2.2.5小汽車或其車輛的固定裝置,及其最大系固載荷和使用方法。securing gear for cars,and other vehicles, their MSL and use;2.2.6用于車輛(拖車等)的支架與千斤頂,及其最大系固載荷和使用方法。trestles and jacks, etc., for vehicles (trailers) where provided, including their MSL and use; and 2.2.7用于易滑貨物的防滑材料(如:軟木板)。anti-skid material (e.g., soft boards

39、) for use with cargo units having low frictional characteristics. 2.3檢查和維修方案Inspection and maintenance schemes 本條應(yīng)當(dāng)描述船上貨物系固設(shè)備的檢查和維修保養(yǎng)方案。This sub-chapter should describe inspection and maintenance schemes of the cargo securing devices on board the ship. 2.3.1船長負(fù)責(zé)定期檢查和維修保養(yǎng)。貨物系固裝置的檢查最低應(yīng)包括:Regular inspe

40、ctions and maintenance should be carried out under the responsibility of the master. Cargo securing devices inspections as a minimum should include: .1對(duì)構(gòu)件的日常外觀檢查;routine visual examinations of components being utilized; and .2主管機(jī)關(guān)要求的定期檢查/再測試。當(dāng)主管機(jī)關(guān)需要時(shí),應(yīng)對(duì)貨物系固設(shè)備進(jìn)行檢查。periodic examinations/re-testing as

41、required by the Administration. When required, the cargo securing devices concerned should be subjected to inspections by the Administration. (例如:常規(guī)的外觀檢查和保養(yǎng),應(yīng)由船長負(fù)責(zé)組織船上人員進(jìn)行。應(yīng)對(duì)每一種設(shè)備進(jìn)行檢查,以發(fā)現(xiàn)有損于精確、安全發(fā)揮其設(shè)計(jì)效用的損壞和磨損,以及其他可能導(dǎo)致人身傷害的缺陷。如發(fā)現(xiàn)有永久變形和破損,原則上該設(shè)備應(yīng)報(bào)廢。)2.3.2本條應(yīng)包括用文件證明船舶對(duì)貨物系固設(shè)備的檢查和維護(hù)。每條記錄應(yīng)附在貨物系固手冊里。該記錄應(yīng)包括

42、下列信息:This sub-chapter should document actions to inspect and maintain the ship's cargo securing devices. Entries should be made in a record book, which should be kept with the Cargo Securing Manual. This record book should contain the following information: .1貨物系固設(shè)備的驗(yàn)收、維修、修理或報(bào)廢程序;procedures for

43、accepting, maintaining and repairing or rejecting cargo securing devices; and .2檢查記錄record of inspections. 2.3.3本條應(yīng)向船長提供在航行途中檢查與調(diào)整系固安排的資料。This sub-chapter should contain information for the master regarding inspections and adjustment of securing arrangements during the voyage. 2.3.4本條可以使用電子版的維修保養(yǎng)程序。

44、Computerized maintenance procedures may be referred to in this sub-chapter. 第三章 非標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貨和半標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貨的堆裝與系固CHAPTER 3 STOWAGE AND SECURING OF NON-STANDARDIZED AND SEMI-STANDARDIZED CARGO3.1使用及安全須知Handling and safety instructions 本條包含:This sub-chapter contain: .1系固設(shè)備的操作說明;instructions on the proper handling of th

45、e securing devices; and .2涉及系固裝置操作及由船員或岸上人員對(duì)貨物單元系固或解除系固的安全說明。safety instructions related to handling of securing devices and to securing and unsecuring of units by ship or shore personnel. (例如:1、船員應(yīng)在貨物綁扎現(xiàn)場進(jìn)行監(jiān)督,以防產(chǎn)生不正確的堆碼和系固;2、工作現(xiàn)場應(yīng)保持有序,在黑暗處應(yīng)配以足夠的照明;3、工作現(xiàn)場的甲板和踏步應(yīng)沒有油污;4、如果需要,應(yīng)配以足夠數(shù)量的梯子;5、開始操作前,應(yīng)由船員對(duì)工作

46、現(xiàn)場進(jìn)行檢查,以確認(rèn)無障礙物存在,并適合進(jìn)行裝卸作業(yè);6、船員和碼頭工人在進(jìn)行作業(yè)時(shí),應(yīng)思想集中,并佩帶必須的勞保用具,如安全帶、安全帽等。)3.2對(duì)作用在貨物單元上力的估算Evaluation of forces acting on cargo units 本章節(jié)應(yīng)包含下列信息:This sub-chapter should contain the following information: .1表或圖表,顯示在惡劣的海況條件下船上各個(gè)位置上預(yù)期的加速度的大概輪廓范圍,及適合的穩(wěn)心高度值(GM)的范圍。tables or diagrams giving a broad outline of

47、 the accelerations which can be expected in various positions on board the ship in adverse sea conditions and with a range of applicable metacentric height (GM) values; .2在上述段落3.2.1中,當(dāng)預(yù)期的加速度產(chǎn)生時(shí),作用在典型貨物單元上的受力計(jì)算范例。 examples of the forces acting on typical cargo units when subjected to the acceleration

48、s referred to in paragraph 3.2.1 and angles of roll and metacentric height (GM) values above which the forces acting on the cargo units exceed the permissible limit for the specified securing arrangements as far as practicable; .3如何計(jì)算為抵抗上述段落3.2.2中算出的作用力,需要的可移動(dòng)系固裝置的強(qiáng)度及數(shù)量。計(jì)算可以根據(jù)“貨物堆裝及系固安全實(shí)施規(guī)則”(CSS Cod

49、e,英文全名Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing ) 中的附錄13進(jìn)行或按主管機(jī)關(guān)接收的方法。examples of how to calculate number and strength of portable securing devices required to counteract the forces referred to in 3.2.2 as well as safety factors to be used for different types of portable cargo securing de

50、vices. Calculations may be carried out according to Annex 13 to the CSS Code or methods accepted by the Administration; .4建議貨物系固手冊的設(shè)計(jì)者對(duì)特定的船舶、及其系固裝置和所載的貨物的計(jì)算簡化為一種固定計(jì)算方式。該方式包括適當(dāng)?shù)膱D表、表冊、或計(jì)算范例。it is recommended that the designer of a Cargo Securing Manual converts the calculation method used into a form

51、suiting the particular ship, its securing devices and the cargo carried. This form may consist of applicable diagrams, tables or calculated examples; and .5作為替代方案,只要滿足上述段落3.2.1到3.2.4的要求,其他的操作安排,如電子數(shù)據(jù)處理(EDP)或裝載計(jì)算機(jī)的使用可以接受,只要這些系統(tǒng)中包含相同的信息。 other operational arrangements such as electronic data processin

52、g (EDP) or use of a loading computer may be accepted as alternatives to the requirements of the above paragraphs 3.2.1 to 3.2.4, providing that this system contains the same information. 3.3在各種貨物單元、車輛和堆裝區(qū)的便攜式系固設(shè)備的應(yīng)用Application of portable securing devices on various cargo units, vehicles and stowage

53、 blocks 3.3.1本條應(yīng)使船長注意正確使用便攜式系固設(shè)備時(shí),考慮到的下列因素:This sub-chapter should draw the master's attention to the correct application of portable securing devices, taking into account the following factors: .1 航次的長短;duration of the voyage; .2 航行區(qū)域是否涉及便攜式系固設(shè)備的最低安全工作溫度;geographical area of the voyage with par

54、ticular regard to the minimum safe operational temperature of the portable securing devices; .3 可能遇到的海況;sea conditions which may be expected; .4 船舶主尺度和特性;dimensions, design and characteristics of the ship; .5 可能遇到的靜力和動(dòng)力;expected static and dynamic forces during the voyage; .6 貨物單元包括車輛的類型和包裝;type and

55、 packaging of cargo units including vehicles; .7 可能采用的堆裝形式;intended stowage pattern of the cargo units including vehicles; and .8貨物單元包括車輛的重量和體積。mass and dimensions of the cargo units and vehicles. 3.3.2本條應(yīng)描述便攜式系固設(shè)備的使用,涉及系固的數(shù)量及允許的角度。如必要,文字說明并輔以適當(dāng)?shù)膱D紙或草圖以便正確理解,在各種貨物及貨物單元上正確使用系固裝置。應(yīng)該指出的是,一定的貨物單元與其他的整體間應(yīng)

56、保持低摩擦狀態(tài),在貨物和甲板間放置軟木板或其他防滑材料以增加摩擦力是明智的。This sub-chapter should describe the application of portable cargo securing devices as to number of lashings and allowable lashing angles. Where necessary, the text should be supplemented by suitable drawings or sketches to facilitate the correct understanding a

57、nd proper application of the securing devices to various types of cargo and cargo units. It should be pointed out that for certain cargo units and other entities with low friction resistance, it is advisable to place soft boards or other anti-skid material under the cargo to increase friction betwee

58、n the deck and the cargo. 3.3.3本條應(yīng)包括對(duì)下述貨物的裝載及系固的位置和方法提供指導(dǎo):集裝箱、拖車及其掛車、托盤貨物、單元載荷及獨(dú)立貨物(如紙漿、紙卷等)、重貨、汽車和其他車輛。 This sub-chapter should contain guidance as to the recommended location and method of stowing and securing of containers, trailers and other cargo carrying vehicles, palletized cargoes, unit loads and singl


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