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1、2022-6-271In the 17th century Europe advanced from the Middle Ages to the modern times.Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attributable to science, which General Introduction- Bertrand Russell, English philosopher2022-6-273The 17th century saw the intense

2、political struggle, shown in revolution in England and absolute monarchy in France, which marked the growth of modern state power.General IntroductionThe triumphs of science revived human pride. This new outlook shattered the deeply established Scholasticism經(jīng)院哲學經(jīng)院哲學and brought about modern philosoph

3、y, which was materialism in nature. General Introduction2022-6-275“The modern world, so far as mental outlook 思想見解思想見解is concerned, begins in the seventeenth century.” - Bertrand RussellGeneral IntroductionBack2022-6-276Scientific RevolutionA period of major scientific changeBegan with the discoveri

4、es of , , and others at the dawn of the 17th centuryEnded with the publication of the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) 自然哲學的數(shù)自然哲學的數(shù)學原理學原理 in 1687 by . Scientific RevolutionAt the beginning of the century, science was highly AristotelianAt i

5、ts end, science was mathematical, mechanical, and empirical 經(jīng)驗主義的經(jīng)驗主義的.Scientific Revolution2022-6-279Forerunners of Modern Science Nicolaus Copernicus(1473-1543)He did not belong to the 17th century, but he was the immediate forerunner of modern science.His heliocentric theory 日心說日心說 was put forwar

6、d only as a hypothesis假設假設.Contradicted not only the religious doctrines, but also common sense. No conclusive evidence.Forerunners of Modern ScienceCopernicuss hypothesisJohannes Keplera new philosophy,the fundamental structure of the universeSupported byKeplers modelForerunners of Modern Science G

7、erman astronomer, mathematician and astrologer占星家占星家Key figure in the scientific revolution Best known for his three laws of planetary motion (Keplers Laws) 行星運行三定律行星運行三定律He is sometimes referred to as “the first theoretical astrophysicist”理論天體物理論天體物理學家理學家Johannes Kepler (15711630) Forerunners of Mo

8、dern ScienceSupported, clarified and amended the Copernican systemTurned the system from a general description into a precise mathematical formulaThe three laws formed the basis of all modern planetary astronomyLed to Newtons discovery of the laws of gravitationJohannes KeplersummaryForerunners of M

9、odern Science2022-6-2714Galileo Galilei伽利略伽利略“Father of Modern Astronomy “Father of Modern Physics “Father of Science Forerunners of Modern ScienceItalian astronomer, philosopher, and physicistConvinced CopernicanFirst to apply telescope to the study of the sky Galileo Galilei (15641642)Forerunners

10、of Modern Science improved the telescope, a variety of astronomical observationsexperimental work helped establishing the modern scientific method. His work, a significant break from that of Aristotle . AchievementsForerunners of Modern Science Law of inertia 慣性定律慣性定律 ( every body, if left alone, wi

11、ll continue to move in a straight line with uniform velocity )Law of falling bodies 自由落體定律自由落體定律 ( when a body is falling freely, its acceleration is constant and the acceleration is the same for all bodies,)AchievementsForerunners of Modern ScienceExperimentForerunners of Modern Scienceforerunner o

12、f the Classical mechanics Galileos theoretical and experimental work on the motions of bodiespioneerin performing rigorous 嚴格的嚴格的experiments and insisting on a mathematical description of the laws of nature. AchievementsForerunners of Modern Science1610, Sidereus Nuncius (The Starry Messenger) was p

13、ublished星空信使星空信使.His discoveries provided evidences for Copernicuss hypothesis. Bibles authority and Christianity were threatened by the theory.AchievementsForerunners of Modern Science2022-6-2721Isaac NewtonForerunners of Modern ScienceEnglish physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, and

14、alchemist 煉金術士煉金術士the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (published 1687) 自然哲學的數(shù)學原理自然哲學的數(shù)學原理universal gravitationIsaac Newton (16431727)Forerunners of Modern ScienceIsaac Newton (16431727) Keplers laws of planetary motion Galileos mechanics culminated in the work of Isaac Newton Forerunner

15、s of Modern Science His laws of motion - the solid foundation of mechanics; His law of universal gravitation-combined terrestrial地球上的地球上的 and celestial天上的天上的 mechanics into one great system (seemed to be able to describe the whole world in mathematical formulae)Isaac Newton (16431727)Forerunners of

16、Modern Science shared by the Great Scientists of the 17th CenturyBoldness in framing hypotheses courage to challenge the deep-rooted beliefsImmense patience in observationForerunners of Modern Science2022-6-2726John LockeJohn Milton2022-6-2727John Locke (1632-1704)A great English empiricist 經(jīng)驗主義者經(jīng)驗主

17、義者, political philosopherHe disliked Scholasticism 經(jīng)院哲學經(jīng)院哲學He inherited and developed the materialist views 唯物主義觀點唯物主義觀點2022-6-2728His materialist views ( all our ideas are ultimately derived from sensation or from reflection,which two make up experience; our knowledge springs from experience)His po

18、litical philosophy Treatises of Civil Government (he flatly rejected the theory of divine right of kings君權神授君權神授)Social contract (society is out of necessity, convenience and mans own interest, therefore, society is natural to man)John Locke (1632-1704)In English Literature John Milton ranks with Sh

19、akespeare and ChaucerA great part of his life was connected with the English Revolution.Most famous for his epic poems: Paradise Lost失樂園, Paradise Regained 復樂園 and Samson Agonistes 力士參孫John Milton (1608-1674) Philosophy, Politics and Literature in EnglandThe English RevolutionTwo leaders Oliver Crom

20、well: the man of actionJohn Milton: the man of thoughtPhilosophy, Politics and Literature in England2022-6-2731French Classicism古典主義古典主義Rene Descartes 笛卡爾French philosopher, physicist and mathematicianThe Method of Cartesian Doubt 笛卡爾懷疑方法笛卡爾懷疑方法It is generally believed that modern philosophy begins

21、with Bacon in England and with Descartes in France Rene Descartes (1596-1650) French ClassicismDoubting is thinking, thinking is the essence of the mind.Knowledge of things must be by the mind.As to the senses, he believed that they are not dependableRene Descartes (1596-1650) French ClassicismRene

22、Descartes (1596-1650) As a mathematician the founder of analytical geometryFrench Classicism2022-6-2735In literature, man was viewed as a social being consciously and willingly subject to discipline 服從統(tǒng)治服從統(tǒng)治Rationalism was believed to be able to discover the best principles of human conduct and the

23、universal principles of natural laws 理性至上理性至上Was fond of using classical forms, classical themes and values 模仿古代模仿古代French Classicism- Three Characteristics2022-6-2736Corneille 高乃依高乃依 ( both tragedies and comedies; his masterpiece was a tragi-comedy, Le Cid熙得熙得Racine 拉辛拉辛 ( a tragic dramatist; his r

24、epresentatives are Andromaque安德洛瑪刻安德洛瑪刻 and Phaedra菲德爾菲德爾)Moliere 莫里哀莫里哀 ( the best representative dramatist of comedies; his best-known works are Tartuffe達爾杜夫達爾杜夫, Le Misanthrone憤世嫉俗憤世嫉俗, and LAvare吝嗇鬼吝嗇鬼)Three major dramatists 2022-6-2737Art Baroque ArtDutch ArtArchitecture in FranceMusic2022-6-27

25、38Baroque ArtBack2022-6-2739Baroque Period 巴洛克巴洛克between 1600 1750Originated in ItalySpread to Spain, Portugal, France and the Netherlands;derived from a Portuguese term “an irregularly shaped pearl” 形狀不規(guī)則的珍珠形狀不規(guī)則的珍珠Baroque2022-6-2740Baroque ArtThe term “Baroque” was applied to with too much ornamen

26、tlElaborate lEarly (prior to 1650) and late baroque Characterized by dramatic intensity and 戲劇化的強度戲劇化的強度和感情和感情with a lot of emphasis on light and color.Baroque2022-6-27412022-6-2742Peter Paul Rubens 魯本斯魯本斯(1577-1640)The greatest of painters of Flemish school.佛蘭芒派佛蘭芒派Was the man more than anyone else

27、 who helped to spread the Baroque style to North Europe.Baroque2022-6-2743Landing in Marseillies 亨利四世接受瑪麗的畫像亨利四世接受瑪麗的畫像 瑪賽拉登陸瑪賽拉登陸2022-6-2744Dutch ArtVan Rijn Rembrandt (1606-69) 倫勃朗倫勃朗Principal Dutch painter and etcher 蝕刻師蝕刻師The Night Watch夜巡夜巡2022-6-2745The Night Watch 1642 夜巡夜巡Rembrandts most inv

28、entive work, brilliant with color, movement and light. 2022-6-2746Architecture in FranceLouis XIV King of FranceLouis XIV (16381715)The greatest patron of art that history has known. He put a lot of money in building new palace and improving and expanding old ones. France surged ahead in architecture. 2022-6-2747Palace of Versailles凡爾賽凡爾賽Garden Front (1669-1685)2022-6-2748Palace of Versailles2022-6-2749East Front of the Louvre 羅浮宮羅浮宮(1667-1685)2022-6-2750Music1600, one of the most important landmarks in music h


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