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1、 滿分15分; 閱卷標(biāo)準(zhǔn)共分五個(gè)等級(jí):14分,11分,8分,5分及2分; 14分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):文章切題;表達(dá)意思清楚;文字通順,連貫性好;基本上無語言錯(cuò)誤,僅有個(gè)別拼寫小錯(cuò)。 11分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):文章意思清楚;文字連貫,但有少量語言錯(cuò)誤。 8分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):基本切題;有些地方表達(dá)思想不夠清楚;文字勉強(qiáng)連貫;語言錯(cuò)誤多,其中有一些是嚴(yán)重錯(cuò)誤。 5分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):基本切題;表達(dá)思想不夠清楚;連貫性差;有較多的嚴(yán)重語言錯(cuò)誤。 2分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):條理不清;思路紊亂;語言支離破碎或大部分句子均有錯(cuò)誤,且多數(shù)為嚴(yán)重錯(cuò)誤。 白卷:作文與題目毫不相關(guān),或只有幾個(gè)孤立的詞而無法表達(dá)思想,則給0分。 只寫一段者:0-4分;只寫兩段者:0-9分 (指規(guī)定

2、三段的作文)。 實(shí)際寫作字?jǐn)?shù)不足要扣分,一般每少10字扣1分。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title My Ideal Job. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1人們對(duì)職業(yè)有不同的理想2我理想的職業(yè)是什么3我怎樣為我理想的職業(yè)做準(zhǔn)備 When being as

3、ked about what we want to be in the future, different people have different answers. Some people want to be lawyers, other people want to be doctors, and still others want to be scientists. My ideal job is to be an excellent teacher. This ideal came into being when I was very young. If I am a teache

4、r, not only can I teach all that I know to my students, but also can I learn from them, for young people are always active and creative. Therefore, life will be amazing and interesting and meaningful. However, I know it isnt easy to be a good teacher. Being a teacher needs knowledge, patience, and s

5、kills. In the first place, I must work hard in order to be able to answer most of my students questions. And then I must learn to be patient and tolerant. Finally I shall have good skills so as to make myself understood quickly and clearly. So, you see, being a teacher requires many talents. But I a

6、m sure I will live up to the name of a teacher. 內(nèi)容切題,緊緊圍繞文章的中心問題個(gè)人理想及所做準(zhǔn)備進(jìn)行分析和討論,論述較充分;文章的結(jié)構(gòu)很清晰,文字通順;語言流暢。 通過In the first place,And then,F(xiàn)inally等連接詞使文章層次分明,條理清晰,句式變化多樣,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊有力。 運(yùn)用excellent,active and creative,live up to等詞使文章形象生動(dòng),用詞準(zhǔn)確、豐富。 英語基本功好,表達(dá)能力強(qiáng)。 Each person has his or her own ideal job. For ins

7、tance, man might want to be sailors, sportsmen, scientists, businessmen, etc. Meanwhile, many young girls would like to be nurse, film stars, teachers, etc. To be frank, my ideal job is business, that is, I want to be a businesswoman. This job belongs to men for many centuries, although there are mo

8、re women in this field than ever before, men are still the majority. Therefore I want to be good example for women. Now my specialization is Industry and Foreign Trade. Im sure it can give me great help and good preparation for my future job. Whats more, I have joined the student center to get some

9、experiences about selling things, which may be useful. On the other hand I know my English still left much to be improved, and I must and will study harder. 內(nèi)容切題,能夠圍繞文章的中心問題進(jìn)行分析和討論,文章的結(jié)構(gòu)清晰。 文章通順,語言流暢。句式變化多,還有一些連接詞或引導(dǎo)詞如Whats more,On the other hand起到了使文章層次分明的作用,如Therefore就強(qiáng)調(diào)了to be good example for wom

10、en。 與14分作文相比較,有少量的語法錯(cuò)誤。且生動(dòng)性不足。 Every people when he grows up, will have a job. People have various aims. Some people want to earn a lot of money. Some people want to be famous. So people have various ideal jobs: manger, doctor, actor, teacher and so on. I dont want to earn a lot of and to be famous.

11、 I hope I can enjoy my job. My ideal job is teacher. If I were a teacher, I would always young. Because I will be able to often stay with youth. Now I must study hard, and I ought to learn a lot from my teachers besides knowledge. I should learn their virtue. Thus, I will be a good teacher. 內(nèi)容基本切題,但

12、論述不夠充分,文字語言基本通順,能表達(dá)自己的意思。 句式用得較為合理。引導(dǎo)詞如some people, some people, so起到了使文章層次分明的作用,不過還是顯得有些單薄。 有較多用法和拼寫錯(cuò)誤,顯得不夠熟練。 There are a lot of jobs, such as teacher, work, doctor, nurse, driver, and so on. Peoples ideal job are diffictly. Some want to be a teacher, teach a lot of students, some want to be a bus

13、-driver, help other people go to the place where they intend to go,. What is my ideal job? Sometimes I ask myself the question. I like my teachers very much. So I think, my ideal job is teacher. I teach my knowlage to my students, they can be a useful people. I think, I will teach my students the bo

14、oks and many other knowlage. So, I am studying hard and studying other knowlage. 內(nèi)容對(duì)于文章的中心問題論述顯然不夠充分。 句式部分不完整。如文章第一段的最后一句話。 在用詞方面有較多使用得不妥的詞,還有很多拼寫錯(cuò)誤:如diffictly,knowlage等 There are all kinds of job on world. So people have different ideal to job. The teacher told me that should have a ideal job when

15、Im a child. So I choice my ideal job an all kinds of job. My ideal job is become a economicer. Because everyone have itself think, so their ideal job is different. I choice the job because it fit to me. This job have more money. This is real. But, it useless to our country important. Our country is

16、a developing country, need economicer very much. So, I choice this job. My ideal job is become a economicer, so I must learn economic knowledge work hard. Learn knowledge from myself after class. Look at book about economic. Ready for my ideal job. Use my knowledge about economic in practis. Because

17、 a real useless man. 內(nèi)容沒有明確的論述,且整篇結(jié)構(gòu)混亂。 語言欠連貫,句式單調(diào)。 用詞方面,有較多用法和拼寫錯(cuò)誤。 三段式結(jié)構(gòu) 關(guān)鍵在于變化:相同意義的詞要爭取不斷的用近義詞替換。要避免相鄰句子句式太多的一致。比如可以采用被動(dòng)句、轉(zhuǎn)折句、并列句、插入語等簡單易行的辦法加以替換。 不得過多出現(xiàn)簡單但嚴(yán)重的語言錯(cuò)誤。如:單復(fù)數(shù)、主謂一致、時(shí)態(tài)、搭配和簡單詞的拼寫。 如果有經(jīng)典句,再怎么繞也要用上僅有的這幾句經(jīng)典句。 主題型作文95-06Advantage of a Job Interview97-01Practice Makes Perfect97-06Getting to

18、Know the World Outside the Campus98-01Harmfulness of Fake Commodities00-01How I Finance My College Education00-12How to Succeed in a Job Interview?03-01It Pays to Be Honest06-06On Students Selecting Lecturers 指出當(dāng)今社會(huì)的某種現(xiàn)象或某種事物,并用簡潔的話語進(jìn)行描述:主題句+擴(kuò)展句 詳細(xì)描述該現(xiàn)象或事物的特點(diǎn),大量運(yùn)用舉例方法:主題句+例1+例2+例3 表明自己的觀點(diǎn)并結(jié)束全文:結(jié)尾句 N

19、owadays ,there are more and more _ in some big cities . It is estimated that _. Why have there been so many _ ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is that _ .Besides,_. The third reason is _.To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to _ .It is high time that something were done

20、upon it. For one thing ,_.On the other hand ,_. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of _ . 正反觀點(diǎn)型95-01Can Money Buy Happiness?96-01The Two-day Weekend96-06Global Shortage of Fresh Water98-06Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?99-01Dont Hesitate to Say “No”99-06Reading Selectivel

21、y Or Extensively?00-06Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?05-12Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? 闡述提綱中列舉的第一種看法,給出理由或舉例說明:主題句+理由/事例1+理由/事例2+理由/事例3 闡述提綱中列舉的第二種看法,給出理由或舉例說明:主題句+理由/事例1+理由/事例2+理由/事例3 說明自己的觀點(diǎn)并總結(jié)全文:主題句+理由/事例1+理由/事例2+理由/事例3 There is a heated debate over_. Many people consi

22、der it necessary to _. For one thing, _. For another, _. All these point to the indispensability of _. Some people, however, take a different attitude. They regard _ as being unnecessary. They argue that _. Also _. Furthermore, _. As far as I am concerned, I am really in favor of _ because _. So I b

23、elieve/ decide to _, and surely it will do me much good. 提出對(duì)某事有兩種不同的看法:主題句+看法1+看法2 具體說明兩種看法的理由:主題句1+理由1+理由2+主題句2+理由1+理由2 提出并解釋自己的看法:主題句+理由1+理由2+理由3寫作摸板(二)寫作摸板(二) There is a heated debate over_. It is commonly accepted_. In contrast, others think that _. Those who hold the first opinion suggest that

24、_. In their view, _. However, others think that _. They argue that _. Considering on after another, I stand on the side of _. First of all, _. Furthermore, _. Thirdly,_. Therefore, _. 信函型作文01-06A Letter (接待來訪)02-01A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus04-01A Letter

25、(回復(fù)即將報(bào)考你所在大學(xué)的朋友) Dear_, Pleased to receive your letter of _, and thank you for your seasons greetings. As for the inquiry you made about _, Id like to suggest _. For one thing, _. For another, _. however, it is not an easy job to _, because _. Besides _. Also _. As for _, youd better_. Im going to _

26、. Im sure youll benefit a lot. Please let me know _. Yours, _ 綜合敘事型03-06車禍見證書03-09The Day My Classmate Fell Ill (or Got Injured)04-06A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction05-06Teachers Day 交代故事涉及的人物、時(shí)間、地點(diǎn) 具體描述事件的起因、經(jīng)過、結(jié)果 對(duì)事件的評(píng)價(jià)或分析 About nine o clock one evening in May, my roommate Li About nin

27、e o clock one evening in May, my roommate Li Ming was lying in bed,Ming was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough. His head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning. His forehead felt very hot. We look his temperature. It was 38.5C. Without hesitation, I dialed “120”. It was not

28、long before an ambulance arrived. One roommate brought a blanket for him. Another supported him in the ambulance. Our teacher insisted on giving him some money. Is he a suspected SARS patient? Who can tell? But we didnt retreat. When the savage SARS was spreading, people showed fearless spirit regar

29、dless of dangers to their own health. This kind of careThis kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice. And it is just because ofAnd it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world. 圖標(biāo)型作文02-06

30、 Average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week 說明圖表內(nèi)容:主題句+說明1+說明2+說明3 說明引起變化的原因:主題句+原因1+原因2+原因3 說明影響或提出解決辦法:主題句+建議+前景預(yù)測 As can be seen from the chart, marked changes As can be seen from the chart, marked changes took place intook place in the amount of students using computers in

31、 a certain university in the period 1990-2000. As early as 1990, a student only spent one hour on an average on the computer per week. Then five years later, the number became four times larger. And arriving in the year 2000, an average student was sitting in front of the computer screen for as many

32、 as twenty hours every week. This clearly indicates that computer technology has developed rapidly and computer use has greatly popularized. A variety of reasons contribute to the sharp increase in the amount of time employed in computer use. First, the computer has various applications in whatever

33、walk of life. Second, with the development of society, computer skills have become a must for employment. Finally, the gradually lowered price of computers makes it possible for the computer to find its way to the common families. All this results in the boom of computer usse. But there are some pro

34、blems in using computers for college students today. A lot of students spend too much time with the computer playing games or chatting on the Internet, which affects their study and health. Besides, some students do not have enough knowledge to make full use of computers. They need to learn a lot ab

35、out how to use computers in a proper way. From the graph ( table, chart ), we can clearly see the From the graph ( table, chart ), we can clearly see the increase ( decrease ) of _. It added up to ( decreased ) increase ( decrease ) of _. It added up to ( decreased ) _ in 19_, while it increased _ in 19_, while it increased ( decreased ,were ,was ) to _in 19_. Therefore, it can ( decreased ,were ,wa


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