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1、Finding a Jobin Tough TimesPresented by Prof. Tim JohnsonWentworth Institute of Technology1Who are you? A recent college graduate. A member of a minority group. A laid off technology worker.RegardlessYoure looking for a job-a good job.One where you can show off your talents & bring home a little bac

2、on.2What have you been through?A seemingly endless round of interviews.An diminishing list of possibilities.While your background isnt outstanding, neither is it without merit.Youre proud of where you been and hopeful for the future.3What does the future look like?IN A WORDBLEAK4What Happened?For th

3、e recent college graduate:Coming out of an academic situation into the business world requires you to adjust. Problems cant be solved within an hour.Your first “real job” is to nail down that first job.5Why ME?For the minority or the technology worker:Its not your fault.Economic conditions force man

4、agers to make decisions.Theyd rather keep everyone and be thinking about hiring more personnel.They spent time and money training you, an investment that you now get to spend somewhere else.6What do you have to do to crack this nut?Six steps to a paycheck:Re-define yourselfRe-define your goalsRe-exa

5、mine limitationsCreate opportunitiesNever say noFocus71. Re-define yourselfGetting into college was a big deal.But the day you walked off the stage with the college diploma was a triumph.You persevered over many obstacles. Lets take a look at that person.8Inventory TimeWhat have you been doing since

6、 school?What have you learned, new?What learning have you applied?Have you been working out at the gym?How have you been pushing yourself?9Self KnowledgeOn an interview, the employer is first concerned that you can do the job (or are capable of learning the job).Your degree and your experience (the

7、labs and COOP) answer that question.Next, the employer wants to know about you.Only you can tell him about yourself.To do that, you have to know yourself.10Who are you, Part 2What are your values?How many times have you been to the movies?How many times have you been to church?If you are living at h

8、ome, are you helping out?What books have you read?You know yourself better than anybody.112. Redefine your GoalsWhat are your goals, now?Getting into college was the 1st goal.Graduating from college was the 2nd.Whats next?Have you set a new goal yet?Start Dreaming. Real goals start out as wishes. 12

9、The Next GoalAthletes, when they achieve a goal often dont know what to do next in their life.They are unprepared, they are in a let-down.They havent started training for their next goal.You have this unique opportunity to decide what your next move will be. 13You think life just happensThe differen

10、ce between a wish and a goal are plans.You took notes in class, have you made notes on your life? You need to write this stuff down.Post em where you can see em.Are you comfortable with your goal and these steps?By the way, is everything on your TO-DO list pointed at that goal or are errands and fav

11、ors getting in the way? 143. Re-examine LimitationsIn setting your goal, you bump up against limitations.To set a real goal, one that will get you up every morning brimming with energy and filled with excitement, you ignore limitations. Your plan deals with the limitations.All you have to do is exec

12、ute the plan. 15No Limits LivingSuppose you want to be a nuclear physicist but you dont have a Ph.d in Physics.What do you have to do to get one?Put those steps into the plan.They are just hoops you have to jump through.16And the Bible saysJesus himself use the hoop allegory to compare how difficult

13、 it would be for a rich man to get into heaven. He said it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.Keep this in mind when you set your goal.A successful and happy man has riches beyond money.174.Creating OpportunitiesFour PointsKeep your friendsMake new friendsGo where the ac

14、tion isGo with the flow18A short story about keeping friendsWhen the professor was a young man in high school and wanted to learn to swim, he had to go to the pool for the lessons. A year later, even though he could barely swim, he went out for the water polo team. He eventually was a goalie on a ch

15、ampionship team because he could tread water. He didnt need to swim that well, just tread water. He was part of a team and he still corresponds regularly with some of the team members. We still keep cheering each other on.19A longer story about making new friendsWhen the professor was a bit older, h

16、e wanted to be a Radio Technician but he needed an FCC license. When he started to study for the exam, he realized that no one he knew talked about radio frequencies or could answer his questions. So he visited the radio department at his company and met some of the radio technicians on the job. He

17、visited them often at lunch while he studied and they answered most his questions. They even liked his being around because he gave them the opportunity to explain what they were doing. He eventually wound up working with them. They were all ham radio operators. The professor joined a ham radio club

18、 and made lifetime friends there. One of these friends is a professional engineer who is recommending the professor for his PE license.20Where are the jobs?In order to take advantage of an opportunity, you have to be involved.Join the IEEE, a Professional Eng. Society, or a ham radio club. Visit job

19、 fairs and trade shows. Read the trade magazines as they have serious employment ads in them.Talk to everyone. Find out how they got their job.21Where did the jobs go?Nobodys hiring.If you dont change theyll be passing you by wrapped in NAFTA or waving H-1B visas.Ever think of offering your services

20、 for a fee? Starting your own business? You can go back to the same companies and do business. Keep this option in mind. 22Whats this about going with the flow?Ever notice when water is flowing downhill it gets backed up until it finds a way around an obstruction? Times and needs change. Jobs change

21、. People change. Right now, employers are trying to hold onto employees to ride the recession out.If you cant get a job in your field, take the job thats there.23If the parts brokeA technician would replace it.An engineer has two choices:Fix the reason the part broke. Find a different way to do the

22、same job better.In your case, you can:Make no changes. Go back to school and improve yourself.Youve been there, done that; now youre going to try something different.245. Never say NoPart of creating opportunities is being able to take advantage of them. Serendipity (coincidence) happens if you are available.People cant come in if the door is closed. You cant “afford” to say no.25Life isnt PlannedAffirmation of life is the gift and the freedom to say yes.We can set our goal


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