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1、Unit one 點(diǎn), 尖端 ,分?jǐn)?shù)原因感覺(jué), 感情德國(guó)人, 自然目的雷,雷聲能力, 力量, 權(quán)利point reason feeling German nature purposethunder power1陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋忠告測(cè)驗(yàn)情形,編輯習(xí)慣青少年advice/ advisequizsituation editorhabitteenager /adolescent 2陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋使不安不理睬,忽視涉及,關(guān)系到欺騙羅列敢信任遭受,忍受交際,溝通upset( upsetting) ignore concerncheatlist dare trust suffer communicate 3陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋cal

2、mloose indoors /outdoorscrazy entirely 使.平靜, 平靜的松散的 室內(nèi)/ 室外瘋狂的完全地, 整個(gè)地4陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide awayget sth. done 合計(jì)平靜下來(lái)不得不關(guān)心,掛念遛狗經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)受躲藏讓某事被做phrases5陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋放下,記下,登記一連串,一套故意為了根據(jù)與相處,進(jìn)展相愛(ài),愛(ài)上參加面對(duì)面與某人共享努力做某事set down a series of on purpose in order to a

3、ccording toget along with fall in love join in face to face share sth with sbmake an effort to do sth 6陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Key sentences Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to , like your deepest feelings and thoughts ?I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that I ve g

4、rown so crazy about everything to do with nature .7陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋I will remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky could never have kept me spellbound .As the moon gave far too much light , I didnt dare open a window. it was the first time in a year and half that I d seen the night face to face .I wo

5、uld be grateful if you could give me some advice .8陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋“I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne. Ann said that she didnt want to set down a series of facts in a diary.“Do you think a diary can become your friend ?” the writer asks us. The writer asks us if we think a diary c

6、an become our friend .“what do you call your diary ?” Anns sister asked her. Anns sister asked her what she called her diary .“when did you go to bed last night ?” Father asked Anne. Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before .9陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Unit two include contain rule /role retell recognize ac

7、tually / in fact /as a matter of fact rapidly polite present modern 包括包含統(tǒng)治角色,任務(wù)復(fù)速辨認(rèn)出實(shí)際上迅速地有禮貌的現(xiàn)在的,出席現(xiàn)代的10陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋native elevator /lift flat /apartment petrol / gas rubber culture / cultural vocabulary/phrase usage identity government 本地的本地人電梯公寓住宅汽油氣體,煤氣橡皮,橡膠文化詞匯短語(yǔ),詞組使用,用法身份,本身政府11陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋command / er bossst

8、andard /level accent lighting direction subway block east / eastern south /southern 命令,指揮,支配老板,標(biāo)準(zhǔn),標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的水平口音,重音,腔調(diào)閃電方向,指導(dǎo)說(shuō)明書(shū)地鐵街區(qū),塊東方東方的12陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Paly a role inPlay a part in Come up Such as / for example More than one Because of Either .or Believe it or not The same as From time to time在起作用在擔(dān)任角色走近,上來(lái)例如不止一個(gè)

9、因?yàn)榛蛘呋蛘咝挪恍庞心闩c一樣不時(shí)地Phrases 13陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋even if / though be based on make use of be different from a number of / the number of give commands make a request work into the evening on the air盡管以為基礎(chǔ)利用與不同大量的數(shù)量下命令提出要求工作到深夜現(xiàn)場(chǎng)直播14陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Key sentences Teenagers arent the only people who change the way English is spoken

10、.Then others went to work with Murray , including his two daughters .It happened , giving American English its own identityHe taught himself while working in a bank .It was more of a problem in the days before a dictionary He spent all of his lives trying to collect words 15陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Would you please come

11、 up to my flat for a visit All languages changes when cultures communicate with one another.The number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly India has a very large number of English speakers.This is because in the early days of radio , those who reported the news were expected to

12、 speak excellent English ,16陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋“ Look at these examples” the teacher said to us.The teacher told us to look at those examples He said , “ Dont make so much noise ,boys .”He told the boys not to make so much noise 17陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Unit 3雜志,日記費(fèi)用運(yùn)輸自行車(chē)最后說(shuō)服, 勸說(shuō)頑固的堅(jiān)持適當(dāng)?shù)募?xì)節(jié) journal fare transport bicycle finally pers

13、uade stubborn insist proper detail 18陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋決定海拔,高度態(tài)度,看法山谷營(yíng)地,扎營(yíng)記錄話(huà)題熟悉勇敢的determine altitude attitude valley camp record topic familiar brave 19陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Phrase 到達(dá)夢(mèng)想得到機(jī)會(huì)做謀事說(shuō)服某人干謀事使某人對(duì)某時(shí)感興趣堅(jiān)持做謀事關(guān)心,在乎改變主義在高度下定決心arrive at/ in , get to dream of doing get a chance to do persuade sb to do get sb interested in insist

14、 on doing care about change ones mind at an altitude of be determined to 20陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋屈服一方面另一方面熟悉某人某物因而累實(shí)現(xiàn)兩倍的人口give in for one thing for anotherBe familiar to / with be tired from come true twice the population 21陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Key sentences I cant decide where to go .It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle

15、along the Mekong River from it begins to where it ends .To climb the mountain road was hard work but to go down the hills was great fun .It was so quiet in the mountains that night that there was almost no wind .We can hardly wait to see them .22陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Vietnam has almost seven times the population of C

16、ambodia.Vietnam has six times more population than that of Cambodia .When are we leaving and when are we coming back?23陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Unit 4 shake (shook , shaken) well rise (rose , risen ) smell/ smelly pond pipe burst (burst , burst ) canal steam dirt 搖動(dòng)井上升聞發(fā)臭的池塘管爆發(fā),突然破裂運(yùn)河,水道蒸汽污垢24陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋 ruin injure destroy br

17、ick dam useless steel shock rescue disaster army 廢墟,毀滅損害,傷害破壞,毀壞磚水壩無(wú)用的,鋼鐵震驚,打擊援救災(zāi)難軍隊(duì)25陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋 bury coal mine shelter percent speech judge honour prepareEurope 埋葬煤礦掩蔽,掩蔽處百分?jǐn)?shù)演說(shuō)判斷,判定法官榮譽(yù)給以榮譽(yù)準(zhǔn)備歐洲26陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋phrases 馬上, 立即想平常一樣沒(méi)多想結(jié)束, 終極處于廢墟中沒(méi)了廢鐵成千上萬(wàn)震驚受傷被困 right away as usual think little of at an end lay in ruins

18、 be gone / be lost / be missing useless pieces of steel tens of thousands of be shocked be injured be trapped 27陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋挖出高興做某事五個(gè)評(píng)委組成的小組以.而自豪讓某人做某事作為.而出名因.感謝某人籌集資金dig out be pleased to do a group of five judges be proud of have sb do sth be known as thank sb for doing sth raise money 28陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Key sentences

19、 Mice ran out of the fields looking for place to hide All hope was not lost None of hope was lost .Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed It seemed that the world was at an end 29陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.A huge crack that

20、was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses , roads and canals Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed .Several days later most of the buildings which/that had been damaged were repaired 30陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋Unit 5 hero quality willing active fight (fought )Peacef

21、ul prison period law advise continue fee英雄,男主角質(zhì)量,性質(zhì)自愿的積極的打仗,打架和平的監(jiān)獄時(shí)期法律建議繼續(xù)費(fèi)31陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋 gold youth stage vote position accept equal blanket degree guard educated fear 黃金,金的青年舞臺(tái),階段, 時(shí)期投票,選舉位置,職位接受,承認(rèn)相等的,平等的毯子度數(shù),學(xué)位守衛(wèi),看守有教養(yǎng)的,恐懼,害怕32陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋 cruelty reward right leader president sentence sincerely 殘忍報(bào)酬,獎(jiǎng)金,獎(jiǎng)賞權(quán)利領(lǐng)導(dǎo)總統(tǒng),會(huì)長(zhǎng)判決,宣判真誠(chéng)地33陽(yáng)山書(shū)屋 be willing to be active in lose heart be in trouble fight for / against / with in a peaceful way be in prison / put. in prison set up be good at break .into be sentenced to come to power樂(lè)意做某事在某方面很積極喪失信心處


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