牛津英語9B Unit4重點(diǎn)短語(基礎(chǔ)教育)_第1頁
牛津英語9B Unit4重點(diǎn)短語(基礎(chǔ)教育)_第2頁
牛津英語9B Unit4重點(diǎn)短語(基礎(chǔ)教育)_第3頁
牛津英語9B Unit4重點(diǎn)短語(基礎(chǔ)教育)_第4頁
牛津英語9B Unit4重點(diǎn)短語(基礎(chǔ)教育)_第5頁
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1、牛津英語9B單元復(fù)習(xí)課件 Unit 4知識(shí)點(diǎn)1沐風(fēng)書苑i1. 在月球上行走的第一人the first man to walk on the moon2沐風(fēng)書苑i2.搖滾樂之王the king of rock and roll3. 使功夫在西方流行make kung fu popular in the west3沐風(fēng)書苑i4.花費(fèi)一生關(guān)愛窮人spend ones life caring for the poor5. 發(fā)現(xiàn)新大陸/美洲discover America4沐風(fēng)書苑i6. 世界杯the World Cup7. 有史以來最偉大的人the greatest person that has e

2、ver lived5沐風(fēng)書苑i8. 因.而出名be famous for= be well-known for9. 做、當(dāng).而出名be famous as= be well-known as6沐風(fēng)書苑i10. 聽說hear of收到某人的來信hear from sb7沐風(fēng)書苑i11.某人第一次坐飛機(jī)take ones first flight12. 在.歲時(shí) at the age of 8沐風(fēng)書苑i12. 上飛行課;接受飛行訓(xùn)練take flying lessons13.學(xué)生飛行員執(zhí)照student pilots licence9沐風(fēng)書苑i14. 汽車駕照driving licence15.

3、擔(dān)當(dāng), 充當(dāng)work as10沐風(fēng)書苑i16. 選中某人做某事select sb to do sth17. 某人被選中去做某事sb. be selected to do sth=choose sb to do sth=sb. be chosen d to do sth11沐風(fēng)書苑i18. 設(shè)法完成做某事manage to do sth19. 第一次for the first time12沐風(fēng)書苑i20.失去控制out of control21. 寧可事先謹(jǐn)慎有余,不要事后追悔莫及 better (to be ) safe than sorry13沐風(fēng)書苑i22. 縮短飛行cut the fli

4、ght short23.名言famous words14沐風(fēng)書苑i23. 這是個(gè)人的一小步,卻是人類的一大步One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind15沐風(fēng)書苑i24. 為了作進(jìn)一步的研究for further research25.警告某人不要靠近warn sb. to stay away16沐風(fēng)書苑i26. 他是一個(gè)讓全世界人意識(shí)到太空探險(xiǎn)是真正可能的人。 He is the person who made people around the world realize that space exploration was tru

5、ly possible.17沐風(fēng)書苑i27 .全世界all over the world= around the world= throughout the world18沐風(fēng)書苑i28. 是全世界的驕傲be the pride of the whole world19沐風(fēng)書苑i28. 捷足先登the early bird catches the worm29. 人多力量大many hands make light work20沐風(fēng)書苑i30. 傾盆大雨raining cats and dogs31. 山中無老虎,猴子稱大王when the cats away, the mice will p

6、lay21沐風(fēng)書苑i32. 人多手雜反誤事too many cooks spoil the broth33. 人人皆有得意事every dog has its day22沐風(fēng)書苑i34. 切勿孤注一擲dont put all eggs in one basket35. 鄰家芳草綠,隔岸風(fēng)景好the grass is always greener on the other side23沐風(fēng)書苑i36 . 正常工作work properly24沐風(fēng)書苑i34. X光機(jī)器X- ray machines35. 放棄(做某事)give up doing sth25沐風(fēng)書苑i36. 為別人舍棄一切g(shù)ive

7、 up everything for others37.把奉獻(xiàn)給.(做.)devote . to (doing). 26沐風(fēng)書苑i38.為做貢獻(xiàn)make a contribution to (doing)39.不為某人所知be unknown to sb.27沐風(fēng)書苑i40. 在20世紀(jì)40年代in the 1940s41. 在某人40多歲時(shí)in ones forties28沐風(fēng)書苑i42.在某人45歲左右時(shí)in ones mid-forties43. 在第20世紀(jì)in the twentieth century29沐風(fēng)書苑i44. 在一個(gè)有三個(gè)小孩的家庭之中in a family of th

8、ree children30沐風(fēng)書苑i45. A與B結(jié)婚=A and B get marriedA marry B=A get married to B= A be married to B for31沐風(fēng)書苑i46.被卷入.be involved in47.在另一邊on the other side32沐風(fēng)書苑i48.小量的(修不可數(shù)名詞)a small amount of .49.大量的(修不可數(shù)名詞)a large/big amount of .33沐風(fēng)書苑i50.據(jù)說It is said that.51.聽說.hear of = hear about34沐風(fēng)書苑i52.離開(某地)去印度leave for India53. 鐳的發(fā)現(xiàn)the discovery of radium35沐風(fēng)書苑i54. 她父親的突然去世the sudden death of her father55. 獻(xiàn)身于關(guān)愛窮


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