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1、英語六級聽力模擬練習(xí)題SectionA注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。11.A)Take her to another hike.B)Go hiking again next week.C)Plananother rally for next week.D)Go to the rally when it takes place again.12.A) He is looking for a better employment in New York.B1 Heslooking forward to working in New York.C)Hehopes to work in the s

2、ame place.D1 Heexpects his company to move to New York.13.A)Seeing a doctor.B)Having the dinner.C)Givinga lecture.D)Studying in some place.14.A)The man will be punished for his lateness.B)ProfessorLee is always punctual.C)Thewoman thinks that the man is playing a joke on her.D)Thewoman suggests the

3、man give a watch to Professor Lee.15.A)Have a sound sleep right away.B)Try something less sweet.C)Visitthe College Board.D)See the campus.doctor.16.A)They are a bargain worth buying.B)They are of poor quality.C)Theyare available everywhere.D)They are over priced.17.A)He decided not to sell the piano

4、.B)He found a place to store the piano.C)No onehas bought the piano.D)Hell post notices at local stores.18.A)It is going to be sunny with breeze.B)It is going to be cloudy with heavy wind.C)It isgoing to be hot,humid and gloomy.D)It is going to be very cold.Conversation One19.A)The one with the lowe

5、st price.B)The one from a famous maker.C)Theone that is on sale.D)He doesnt care about the price.20.A)A digital watch with the date and time.B)A distal watch with yellow gold platin9.C)Amechanical watch with a leather strap.D)A mechanical watch with a metal strap.21.Al The saleswoman writes words on

6、 the back of the watch for free.B)Theman feels surprised that the shop can do him a special favor.C)Theshop charges a little sum of money for this extra service.D)Thesaleswoman promises to finish writing the words in no time.22.A)Difficult to satisfy and full of demands.B)Polite but reluctant to spe

7、nd money.C)Considerate,and loving his mother.D)Good at shopping but careless about money.ConversationTwo23.Al Her neighborsson comes home late and wakes up her kids at night.B)Herneighbors often hold a party at home and make big noise.C1 Herneighbors son keeps the radio in his car turned on all the

8、night.D)Herneighbors have far too much pride and show unfriendliness.24.A)She is too weak to show her dissatisfaction.B)She is afraid of upsetting the relationship.C)Herfamily will move to a new place soon.D)Her communication skills are too poor.25.A)Give her neighbors a call and make her requests.B

9、)Meet her neighbors and tell them her trouble.C)Reportthe incident to the police directly.D)Keep silent until she cant bear them any more.SectionB注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。Passage One26.A)They are very frightening and powerful.B)They are interested in tornadoes.C)Theyall work very hard.D)They dont know why

10、tornadoes occur.27.Al Where dry and humid air masses meet.B)Where the air becomes Warm and humid.C)Whenthunderstorms or tornadoes occur.D)When the air rises very rapidly.28.A)It will remain the same.B)Its air will be sucked up.C)Itwill explode outward.D)It will move a little.Passage Two29.A)33.B)44.

11、C)433.D)443.30.A)A place with a heavy rain.B)A town with a sunny day.C)Abeautiful summer resort.D) An interesting advertisement.31.A)She didnt like the job any more.B)She made a mistake in the report.C)Shewas cruticized for her clothes.D)Her boss often found faults with her.32.A)Every time they watc

12、h TV.B)When they make mistakes.C)Whentheyre going on holiday.D)When they meet forecasters.PassageThree33.A)It is the must popular music in America.B)It is associated with New York City theaters.C)Itbecame popular in the 20th century.D)It derived from African religious and folk music.34.A)Students in

13、 high sch001.B)The general public.C)Musiciansand older jazz lovers.D)Dancers and pop singers.35.A)The relationship between all the characters.B)The backgroundof the story and the feelings of characters.C)Themood and sufferings of the writer.D)Thefair ladies and the story of western life.SectionC注意:此

14、部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。The home is the central focus of most youngpeoples lives in Britain,particularlyfor those who aye still at- tending sch001.The majority (36)_ upon their home environment as a place ofsecurity and upon their parents as the main providers of food,money and other(37)_ of lifeas well as ge

15、neral advice.Young people spend a large(38)_ of their leisure time at homewith other members of their family or with friends.After the home,school is themain social environment where children not only receive their formal education butalso develop their identities within(39)_ groups.All school child

16、ren in Britain are encouraged to take up activitieswhich complement their academic and(40)_ education and help to identifytheir(41)_ talent,such as sports,drama,music andcreative(42)_ .Many of theseform part of the school curricula.TheYouth Service in Britain also(43)_ the personal development and informalsocial education of young people aged from 11 to 25.(44)_ .A recent surveyestimated that nearly 6 million young people in this age group are eithercurrent or past part


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