



1、牛津深圳版英語(yǔ)七年級(jí)下冊(cè)Unit 8 From hobby to careerPeriod 1 Reading I 教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課題Unit 8 Period 1單元 Unit 8學(xué)科English年級(jí)7學(xué)習(xí) 目標(biāo)Language knowledgeplanet; satellite; velvet; diamond; shoot; host; knowledge; lively; last; actually; anybody; achieveused to; go outside; look like; more and moreLanguage skillsbe able to guess

2、the meaning of words according to pictures or context, and exercise specific image thinking.usage of key words.analysis of simple sentence structure.Learning strategiesTraining method. Emotional attitudeThink of your own hobby or interest.重點(diǎn)usage of key words.難點(diǎn)usage of key words; analysis of simple

3、 sentence structure.教學(xué)過(guò)程教學(xué)環(huán)節(jié)教師活動(dòng)學(xué)生活動(dòng)設(shè)計(jì)意圖導(dǎo)入新課Step 1. Lead-inWatch the video and talk about it.From the video, we can know what we are going to learn today?What is a hobby?Listen to the recording.觀看視頻并 提出相關(guān)問(wèn) 題,開(kāi)展討 論。用看視頻的方式 吸引住學(xué)生的注 意力,激發(fā)他們 的興趣并過(guò)渡到 新課。講授新課Step 1. Pre-readingAl Do you enjoy studying the

4、 stars and planets? Use the words from the box to complete the sentences below.A2 Here are some hobbies. Are they indoor activities or outdoor activities? Tick () I for完成閱讀課 文前的相關(guān) 練習(xí)。通過(guò)練習(xí)讓學(xué)生 初步了解課文相 關(guān)內(nèi)容,做好閱 讀準(zhǔn)備。indoor ones and 0 for outdoor ones. You may tick both.3. B Look at the pictures and the t

5、itle of the interview on page 105. Then answer the questions below.What is Patrick Moore s hobby?What is probably his job now?Step 2. While-readingListen, read and understand.My lifetime hobby studying starsLanguage points.I used to go outside with my mum on clear nights and look at the sky.It looke

6、d like black velvet with a million diamonds on it.Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly across the sky.I soon wanted to find out more and more.I host a TV programme called The Sky at Night. I use my knowledge to tell people about the stars in a lively way.Actually, you can turn your hobby into yo

7、ur career too. Anybody can achieve their dreams. You just have to enjoy what you do!Step 3. Acitivity根據(jù)提示或句意補(bǔ)全句子。Step 4. Vocabulary.The words in italics are from the poems on page 105. Match the two halves of these sentences to learn their meanings.Completer the passage with the words in box.閱讀文章,完

8、成簡(jiǎn)單練習(xí)。學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)語(yǔ) 法隨堂練習(xí)。有任務(wù)的閱讀練 習(xí),提高閱讀水 平。對(duì)文章中出現(xiàn)的 知識(shí)點(diǎn),及時(shí)指 出并講解,為以 后做題奠定基 礎(chǔ)。鞏固新學(xué)的單詞 和語(yǔ)法,熟悉課 文。Step 5. ActivityWhat is your hobby?Think and say:The students are going to discuss in group about their hobbies. And they can find out how many same hobbies are there in their groups.小組討論。激發(fā)思考,提高合作能力。練習(xí)鞏固Stepl. Pr

9、acticeChoose the correct answers.Shanzhou is a city of south, and also is one of in China.A. the most beautiful oneB. the most beautifulonesC. beautiful one D. the beautiful one- How long does the film? - Two hours.A. cover B. play C. reach D. lastIfs interesting fbr usthe moon.A. to study B. studyi

10、ng C. study D. studiedJim _ dislike the weather in spring but now heA. is used to; used toB. used to; is used toC. was used to; used toD. used to; usestoTheyplay football on Sunday.A. some timeB.sometimeC. sometimesD.some timesStep2. Homework.模仿錄音的語(yǔ)音、語(yǔ)調(diào),朗讀課文。.抄寫(xiě)單詞和短語(yǔ):planet; satellite; velvet; diamo

11、nd; shoot; host; knowledge; lively; last; actually; anybody; achieve; used to; go outside; look like; more and more.整理自己的詞匯筆記。完成習(xí)題。完成作業(yè)。日積月累掌握做題技巧。課后鞏固。課堂小結(jié)Key words:planet; satellite; velvet; diamond; shoot; host;總結(jié)本課重點(diǎn)。通過(guò)對(duì)重點(diǎn)的小結(jié),讓學(xué)生更系used to; go outside; look like; more and moreknowledge; lively; l

12、ast; actually; anybody; achieve統(tǒng)地掌握本課內(nèi)Key phrases:容。版權(quán)聲明21世紀(jì)教育網(wǎng) (以下簡(jiǎn)稱“本網(wǎng)站”)系屬深圳市二一教育 股份(以下簡(jiǎn)稱“本公司”)旗下網(wǎng)站,為維護(hù)本公司合法權(quán)益,現(xiàn)依 據(jù)相關(guān)法律法規(guī)作出如下鄭重聲明:一、本網(wǎng)站上所有原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,由本公司依據(jù)相關(guān)法律法規(guī),安排專項(xiàng)經(jīng)費(fèi), 運(yùn)營(yíng)規(guī)劃,組織名校名師創(chuàng)作完成,著作權(quán)歸屬本公司所有。二、經(jīng)由網(wǎng)站用戶上傳至本網(wǎng)站的試卷、教案、課件、學(xué)案等內(nèi)容,由本公 司獨(dú)家享有信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播權(quán),其作品僅代表作者本人觀點(diǎn),本網(wǎng)站不保證其內(nèi)容 的有效性,凡因本作品引發(fā)的任何法律糾紛,均由上傳用戶承當(dāng)法律責(zé)任,本網(wǎng) 站僅有義務(wù)協(xié)助司法機(jī)關(guān)了解事實(shí)情況。三、任何個(gè)人、企事業(yè)單位(含教育網(wǎng)站)或者其他組織,未經(jīng)本公司許可, 不得使用本網(wǎng)站任何作品及作品的組成局部(包括但不限于復(fù)制、發(fā)行、表演、 廣播、信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播、改編 匯編、翻譯


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