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1、 PAGE 頁碼 16 / NUMPAGES 總頁數(shù) 162022人教新起點三年級下學(xué)期英語期末學(xué)業(yè)質(zhì)量監(jiān)測復(fù)習(xí)針對練習(xí)班級:_ 姓名:_ 單詞拼寫1. 看圖,補全單詞。school_ t_cherb_11 f_r2. 根據(jù)圖片,用所給的字母組成單詞,寫在四線三格中。(1) (2)(3)3. 根據(jù)提示寫單詞。(1)t ,r,e ,h, e(三)(2)o, w, d ,w, n ,i(窗戶)(3)r, f ,u, o(四)4. 單詞拼寫。(1)我_(主格) (2)再見_(3)你的_ (4)怎樣_ 5. 讀一讀,寫一寫。6. 根據(jù)提示填寫單詞。1birthday c_2 birthday g_3

2、birthday p_4How n_!7. 看圖,補全單詞。f_d _ld.b_tiful fl_rveg_t_ble m_kti_e_ z_l_n s_p_rmarket8. 看圖,把下面的字母重新排序并組成單詞。1i, h, a, c, r2e, k, d, s3l, b, l, a4o, t, b, a5p, a, m填空題9. 讀單詞,然后根據(jù)單詞分類,填入標號。A. book B. body C. cat D. water E. crayon F. mouseG. tea H. pencil-case I. leg J. rabbit K. milk L.arm1_ 2_3_ 4_1

3、0. 選詞填空。1I have_(a/an) eraser.2Nice_(to/too) meet you.3Lets_(make/to make) a kite.4Im_(one/five) years old.5How many_(cat/cats)?11. 選詞填空。(可以重復(fù)使用)too Stand to Whats ShowSit1A:Nice_meetyou.B:Nice_meetyou,_.2_up.3_meyourpencil.4_down.5A:_yourname?B:MynameisChenJie12. 看圖,選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)倪x項完成句子。A.cap B.jacket C.mot

4、her D.T-shirt1Look at my_. 2Look at my_.3Look at my_. 4Look at my_.13. 選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空。was were is am are will1.Sam_play football tomorrow.2.They_short then. Now they are tall.3.Amy_a clever girl.4.Yesterday afternoon, I_dancing.5.Tomorrow, we_going to have a picnic.14. 根據(jù)圖意,寫出下列單詞,注意單復(fù)數(shù)。1What are_?Theyre

5、chicks.2What can you see?I can see a_.3Look at the_. Its brown.4How many_?There is one.5The ducks can_in the water.15. 根據(jù)圖片,選單詞完成句子。twelvesmallmaplongfamily1The monkey has a_tail.2This is my_.3I have_crayons.4Look!The bird is_.5The_is on the desk.16. 對號入座。(把序號寫在括號內(nèi))A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.1cap(_) 2girl(

6、_) 3dog(_)4ball(_) 5woman(_) 6boat(_)7grandfather(_) 8student(_) 9father(_)10watermelon(_)選擇題17. 選出與句子或?qū)υ捯馑枷喾膱D片。1This is my sister. ( )A. B.2Is he your father? ( )No, he isnt. Hes my grandfather.A. B.3Whos that boy? ( )Hes my brother.A. B.18. Look _ the monkey. Its so thin. ( )A.at B.to C.不填19. 看一看

7、,選一選。1( )A.eleven car B.eleven cars2( )A.two balls B.twelve balls3( )A.thirteen caps B.threeteen caps4( )A.four kites B.fourteen kites5( )A.fifteen boats B.fiveteen boats20. Look at the giraffe. ( )_.A.Its so fat B.Its so tall C.Its so thin21. The pen _ in your schoolbag. ( )A.is B.am C.are22. 選出相應(yīng)的

8、圖片。1cat( )A. B.2bag( )A. B.3hand ( )A. B.4USA ( )A. B.23. Were they worried?( )_A.Yes, they werent. B.Yes, they were. C.No, they wasnt.24. Is it under the book? ( )_A.Yes, it isnt. B.Yes, it is. C.No, it is.句型轉(zhuǎn)換25. 根據(jù)要求寫句子。1Its a fan.(變成否定句)2How are you?(回答“好”)3I amsix years old.(根據(jù)句子意思提問)4Happy bir

9、thday! (作出答語)5Theres Zip.(改為一般疑問句)26. 按要求寫句子。1. It is a cap. (改為否定句)2. Is this a panda? (作肯定回答)3. Is this your baby chick? (作否定回答)4. Itsgreen and blue. (對句子提問)27. 按要求改寫句子。1. These are your dolls. (改成單數(shù)句)_your doll.2. They like robots. (否定形式)They_robots.28. 按要求改寫下列句子,每線一詞。1.Itsa green frog.(根據(jù)句子意思提問)

10、_it? 2.This is an apple.(改為一般疑問句)_apple? 3.The insects are white.(改為否定句,但意思不變)The insects_. 4.My chair isyellow.(根據(jù)句子意思提問)_your chair?29. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1Imfine. (根據(jù)句子意思提問)you?2This is Mr Wang. (改為般疑問句)Mr Wang?3Listen to him.(改為否定句)4My T-shirt isgreen. (根據(jù)句子意思提問)is your T-shirt?5This ismy English book.(根據(jù)句子意思

11、提問)?30. 按要求完成下列各題。1I am Liu Tao.(改為一般疑問句)_Liu Tao?2The jacket isblack.(對句子提問)_is the jacket?31. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1.This egg is for you. (改為疑問句)2.I like this green schoolbag. (改為否定句)3.The birds arein the tree. (根據(jù)句子意思提問)4.The boy is tall. (改為感嘆句)5.Shesmy sister. (根據(jù)句子意思提問)32. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1He is tall. (改為般疑問句)tall?2You

12、are thin. (改為否定句,但意思不變)You.3She is young. (改為般疑問句)young?4Im tall. (改為否定句,但意思不變)I.5Imnine. (根據(jù)句子意思提問)you?連詞成句33. bag, Open, your (.)34. is boat my Where (?)35. many How do animals know you (?)36. yellow got she dress a has ( . )37. fatherisdoctorMya (只寫序號)_.38. This myteacherEnglishis (只填序號)_.39. you

13、 Can sing(?)40. can cant you I see dog a no閱讀理解41. 閱讀理解。Hello,everyone!Thisismybedroom.Thatismygreenbed.Itsverylovely.Isntit?Canyouseethepinkpillow?Itsmypillow.Ilikeitverymuch.Thedresserisbeside(在旁邊)thebed.Itsbrown.Andaclockisonthedresser.Itspinkandpurple.Oh,thisismydesk.Itsblue.Thereisacomputeronth

14、edesk.Iliketousethecomputerverymuch.Ioftenuseittodomyhomework.Mybooksareunderthedesk.Thedeskisbesidethechair.Mychairisblue,too.Ah,mybaseball!Itsonmychair.Ilikemybedroomverymuch!( )1.Whereisthedresser?A. Next to (靠近) the bed. B. Behind the bed C.Nearthedesk.( )2.Istheclockonthedresser?A. No, it isnt.

15、 B. Yes, it is. C.Idontknow.( )3.Whatcoloristhedesk?A.Green. B.Red. C.Blue.( )4.Wherearethebooks?A. Under the desk. B. Behind the desk. C.Nearthedesk.( )5.Isthereabaseballintheroom?A. No, there isnt. B. Yes, there is. C. We dont know.42. 閱讀短文,選擇填空。I am Mike, I am 10 years old. I am from the USA. Thi

16、s is my new friend. She is a girl. She is 10 years old. She is from Canada. Her name is Amy. She is a good pupil.1Mikes new friend is a. ( )A.boy B.girl2Mike is from. ( )A.Canada B.the USA3Amy is from. ( )A.China B.Canada4Amy isyears old. ( )A.ten B.nine5Amy is a. ( )A.student B.teacher43. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷句

17、子正誤。Hi, Im Zhang Peng .Im eight years old .Im from Shandong .This is my father .He is at teacher .That is my brother. He is six years old .He is a pupil. That woman is my mother .She is tall and thin .I love my family.(1)Im from Sichuan.( )(2)My father is a teacher.( )(3)My mother is tall and fat.(

18、)(4)My brother is a student.( )(5)Im six.( )44. 閱讀短文, 選擇正確的項。My favourite clothes is a dress. Its a birthday gift from my mother. Its red. There are some blue flowers on it. It is really beautiful. I often(經(jīng)常)wear(穿著)it. But now the dress is too small. I grow(長大)so much! I give this dress to my litt

19、le sister. She can wear this red dress. I think(認為)it will be her favourite.(1)Whats the girls favourite clothes? Its a.( )A.jacket B.skirt C.dress(2)Who gives the dress to the girl?( )A.Her sister. B.Her friend. C.Her mother.(3)What colour is her dress? Its.( )A.pink B.black C.red(4)Who has the dre

20、ss now?( )A.A boy. B.Her little sister. C.Her friend.(5)Whats the passage(短文)about? Its about.( )A.a girls favourite dress B.a boy C.a Teddy Bear45. 閱讀理解。My name is Susan. Im nine years old. Im tall. My father is tall, too. But my mother is short. I go to school on foot. Li Shan is my classmate (同班同

21、學(xué)). We are in Class 2, Grade 3. Colin is my schoolmate. We are good friends.(1)My name is _.A. Susan B. Colin C. Li Shan(2)I go to school _.A. by bus B. by taxi C. on foot(3)Im _ years old.A. 8 B. 9 C. 10(4)_ is my classmate and _ is my schoolmate.A. Li Shan; Colin B. Colin; Susan C. Susan; Li San(5

22、)Im _. My father is _.A. tall; short B. tall; tall C. short; tall46. 閱讀理解。ImDaming.Wearegoingtohaveasportsmeetnextweek.Samisgoingtodolongjump.Linglingisgoingtoplayfootball.Amyisgoingtodohighjump.Imgoingtorunarace.Imgoingtowin.Imgoingtotraineveryday.Imgoingtoruninthepark.(1)Damingisgoingto.( )A.dohig

23、hjump B.runarace(2)Linglingisgoingto.( )A.playfootball B.runarace(3)Samisgoingto.( )A.dohighjump B.dolongjump(4)Amyisgoingto.( )A.dohighjump B.dolongjump47. 閱讀對話,判斷正(T)誤(F)。We are seeds. We are small. We are brown. We like water. We are thirsty. Its a rainy day. We have some water. We are happy. Now its warm. We feel warm. Look, we have roots. They are shor


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