



1、北海中學(xué)七年級英語備課組學(xué)案Unit 2 What time do you go to school ?( Section B 1a1e)教學(xué)目標(biāo):1知識目標(biāo):1.掌握單詞和短語:half, past, quarter, homework, do (ones) homework, run, clean, walk, take a walk.2.掌握句型:-When does Tom usually get up?-He usually gets up at half past five.2技能目標(biāo): 談?wù)撟约杭八说娜粘I罴叭粘W飨⒘?xí)慣,并能合理安排。3情感目標(biāo):通過互相詢問或談?wù)撟约夯驅(qū)Ψ?/p>

2、的作息時(shí)間安排和活動計(jì)劃,可以培養(yǎng)良好的作息習(xí)慣和守時(shí)習(xí)慣。4重難點(diǎn):1. 學(xué)習(xí)時(shí)間的表達(dá)法:數(shù)詞表達(dá)法(基數(shù)詞)和介詞表達(dá)法(past/to)中% 2. 強(qiáng)化when引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句。知識歸納:詞匯:half,past, quarter, homework, run, clean, walk,do (ones) homework, take a walk, go to bed.句型:When do students usually eat dinner?They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.歸納時(shí)刻表達(dá): 1

3、) 第一種讀法:直接讀數(shù)字,如:1:21 讀作 one twenty-one 第二種讀法具體方式是 2) 分鐘未過半點(diǎn) 7:20, 可以讀作: seven twenty, 或twenty past seven 12:08, 可以讀作:twelve oh eight, 或eight past twelve 3)分鐘剛好半點(diǎn) 9:30, 可讀作:nine thirty, 或half past nine11:30, 可讀作:eleven thirty, 或half past eleven4)分鐘超過半點(diǎn): 8:46, 可讀作:eight forty-six, 或fourteen to nine 3:

4、50, 可讀作:three fifty, 或ten to four課堂檢測:一 英漢互譯 洗淋浴_在下午_6:15_8:25_ 做作業(yè)_吃早餐_10:45_5:10_來源#%:中&*教網(wǎng) 去上學(xué)_睡覺_12:30_3:02_ 回家_起床_打掃房間_9:00_二翻譯下列句子1. Tom一般幾點(diǎn)起床?他一般4點(diǎn)15起床。. What time _ Tom _ _ up? He usually _ _ _ 4:15 . 2. 人們一般都什么時(shí)候吃晚飯?一般在晚上吃。 What time _ people usually _ _ ? People usually _ _ in _ _. 3. 你經(jīng)常幾

5、點(diǎn)吃早飯? What time _ _ _ _ _? 4. 你的哥哥幾點(diǎn)淋??? 他經(jīng)常在七點(diǎn)淋浴。 _ 5. 我姑姑喜歡在中午一點(diǎn)吃午餐。 My _ likes _ dinner _ 1:00.來源:中國%教*育出版網(wǎng)中考鏈接:( )1.-_ are you going to buy for your father for Fathers day ?-A T-shirt.A. What B. When C. Where D. How( )2. I sometimes help my mom with her housework _ Saturday.A. at B. in C. on D. t

6、o( )3. When and where were you born ? -I was born _ October 1st, 1998_ Nanjing.A. on; on B. in; in C. on; in D. in; on鞏固提高:一 根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示寫單詞1. What t _ do you usually get up? 2. T _ for your help.3. School s _ at nine oclock. 4. My mother is busy. She w _ all day.5. He watches the m_ news on TV. 6.

7、 He _ (通常) sleeps every late. 7. Bob is the _ (最好的) student in our class. 8. We have some _ (家庭作業(yè)) to do every day. 9. My father gets up at _ (大約) 7 oclock.10. My brother usually takes a _ (洗澡).二單選( )1 They watch TV _ 3:00 _ the afternoon.A. at, in B. at, on C. in, on D. in, of ( )2.What time does J

8、ohnson get _ home every day ? A. in B. on C. / D. to ( )3 This game is not for the old, _ for the young. A. but B. with C. or D. and ( )4 He likes _ the book on history very much. A. reads B. read C. reading D. to read( )5 1:58 is _ . A. one five eight B. two past two C. two to one D. two to two( )6

9、 Does she _ breakfast at seven every morning ? A. eats B. eating C. eatting D. eat( )7 Let him _ a look at the picture. A. have B. to have C. has D. to has( )8 She goes to the school _ Monday morning. A. in B. on C. at D. from( )9 Bob _ homework in the evening. A. do his B. do ones C. does his D. do

10、es my( )10What do you usually do _ the morning of May 1st? A. at B. in C. on D. from( )11. Thanks _ your letter. Do you want to know _ my morning ?A. for, like B. to, for C. for, with D. for, about ( )12 Can you _ me about your life in England ? A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell三補(bǔ)全對話A: Tom, I want ti know about your day.B: OK.A: _?B: When do I get up? Usually about half past five. Then _.A: You run at six in the morning?B: Uhhuh.A: _ ?B: Breakfast? About seven. And I usually go to the school a


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