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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)英語陳述句、疑問句、祈使句和感嘆句及練習(xí)一、陳述句1、概述用來敘述一個(gè)事實(shí)或觀點(diǎn)的句子叫陳述句(declarative sentence)。陳述句有肯定和否定兩種形式,一般用降調(diào),句末用句號。They lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temperature, even in very cold winter weather.他們生活很活躍,即使在嚴(yán)寒的冬天也能保持正常的體溫。If you do h

2、ave difficulties, it is better to try again another day.如果你的確有困難,最好改天再試一試。This is a most troublesome case. 這是一個(gè)非常麻煩的案子。2、語序陳述句的語序一般是“主語+謂語部分”,或“主語+系動(dòng)詞+表語”。Plants grow well all the year round.一年四季植物生長良好。His strong will doubled their efforts. 他的堅(jiān)強(qiáng)意志使得他們加倍努力。They read their own poems to each other.他們互相

3、朗誦自己的詩歌。I felt the floor move. 我感到地板在移動(dòng)。Radioactive matter is dangerous to work with.從事放射性物質(zhì)工作是危險(xiǎn)的。That sounds a great idea! 聽起來這是一個(gè)極好的主意!Her whole body went cold. 她全身發(fā)冷。3、否定結(jié)構(gòu)(1)用not和助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞否定not一般放在助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞之后。The villagers didnt allow them to do this. 村民們沒有允許他們這樣做。If they cannot do this, they hav

4、e not really learned the spirit of the foreign language and cannot use it freely. 如果做不到這一點(diǎn),他們就沒有真正掌握外語的本質(zhì),也就不能運(yùn)用自如。(2)用否定副詞或代詞否定not以外的否定詞no、none、nobody、nothing、never、seldom、hardly、little、neither、nor等也構(gòu)成陳述句的否定式。None of you watched carefully enough. 你們當(dāng)中誰都觀察得不夠仔細(xì)。Song writers are no longer writing abo

5、ut the modern values of the US 歌曲作者不再寫美國的現(xiàn)代價(jià)值。We have never had women working in this part of our company before. 我們以前從來沒有讓女人在我們的公司這個(gè)部門工作過。(3)部分否定不定代詞或副詞如all、both、every, everybody, every day everything, everyone, many, entirely, altogether, absolutely, wholly, completely, everywhere, always, often與n

6、ot連用時(shí),表示部分否定,意為“并非都是,不是每個(gè)都是”等。But Im determined to enjoy myself as much as possible even though I cant see everything. 但是我決定要盡可能玩?zhèn)€痛快,即使我看不到所有的地方。Not all the parts of the car will be made in the factory. 并不是所有的汽車部件都在這家工廠制造。How a telephone works is a question which not everyone can answer. 電話是怎樣工作的這個(gè)問

7、題并不是每一個(gè)都能回答上來的。He is not absolutely wrong.他并不全錯(cuò)。Every couple is not a pair.完美的婚姻少。(4)雙重否定雙重否定是指同一句子里出現(xiàn)兩個(gè)否定詞,即否定之否定。雙重否定表示的意義是肯定的,通常比肯定句語氣更重。這種結(jié)構(gòu)有:nonot, no(not)without, nobut, cant but+動(dòng)詞(不得不), cant help doing, none but等。 He doesnt lend his book to nobody.他的書沒有哪本不借。He cant make anything out of nothi

8、ng.巧婦難為無米之炊。Man cant live without water.沒有水人類無法生存。(5)幾乎否定幾乎否定又稱半否定,表示整個(gè)句子的意思接近否定。常用的詞有l(wèi)ittle, few, seldom, barely, hardly, rarely, scarcely等。I have too little time to finish this work. 我的時(shí)間太少了,不能完成這項(xiàng)工作。She is old and rarely goes out.她年紀(jì)大了,很少外出。They had barely time to catch the plane.他們差點(diǎn)沒來得及趕上飛機(jī)。(6)

9、否定轉(zhuǎn)移 賓語從句的否定轉(zhuǎn)移某些句子結(jié)構(gòu)中,本應(yīng)放在that從句中的否定詞not往往被移至主句的謂語動(dòng)詞前,這種現(xiàn)象叫轉(zhuǎn)移否定,這類動(dòng)詞believe, expect, suppose, think, imagine, fancy, reckon等候的賓語從句否定時(shí)否定主句謂語動(dòng)詞。主句主語是第一人稱的一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)態(tài)。We dont think there is anything of interest in your pictures.我們認(rèn)為你的畫沒有什么有趣的地方。I dont believe its necessary to buy the bigger one. 我認(rèn)為沒有必要買容量大

10、一點(diǎn)的。 否定主語轉(zhuǎn)移否定謂語 No sound was heard.沒聽到聲音。 Neither of them had their tickets. 他們都沒有票。否定謂語轉(zhuǎn)為否定狀語 He doesnt study in the classroom.他不在教室里學(xué)習(xí)。 He was not playing all the time.他沒有一直玩。否定介詞轉(zhuǎn)移否定謂語 On no condition should the circuit be over loaded.電路在任何情況下都不得超負(fù)荷。 At no time will he give in.他任何時(shí)候都不會(huì)低頭。二、疑問句疑問句

11、(interrogative sentence)用來提出問題,句末須用問號。疑問句分為一般疑問句、特殊疑問句、反意疑問句和選擇疑問句。1、一般疑問句(1)概述一般疑問句(general question)用來詢問一件事情或一個(gè)情況是否屬實(shí),需要用肯定詞yes或否定詞no來回答。-Hasnt he passed the final examination?期末他沒有及格嗎?-Yes, he has. 不,他及格了。-Are you a teacher?你是老師嗎?-No, Im not.不,我不是。(2)基本結(jié)構(gòu)“be、have、助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+主語+謂語”-Are you good at s

12、ailing? 你賽艇很行吧?-Yes,in fact, Im on our city team.是的,事實(shí)上,我是市賽艇隊(duì)的。Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours? 10年前的一個(gè)下午,我到你家借過一條項(xiàng)鏈,你還記得嗎?(3)否定疑問句在一般疑問句的否定結(jié)構(gòu)中,not放在主語之后,也常用縮略式,即將-nt和句首的be、have、助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞連在一起。一般疑問句的否定結(jié)構(gòu)往往用來表示提問人的驚訝、懷疑、邀請、贊嘆等,回答時(shí),

13、yes后接肯定結(jié)構(gòu),no后接否定結(jié)構(gòu)。Isnt it easier to stay in the same place? 留在原地難道不更舒服一些嗎?Havent you heard of him? 難道你沒聽說過他嗎?Cant you just wear a flower instead? 難道不可以就戴朵花嗎?- Didnt he come to see you yesterday?他昨天沒有去看你嗎?-No, he didnt.是的,他沒來。(4)可以不用yes和no回答的一般疑問句一般疑問句通常情況下用yes、no來回答,但在很多情況下需根據(jù)具體情況用其它答語,如certainly、o

14、f course、all right、not at all、perhaps、never,no way等?;卮鸾橐馀c否 -Would you mind if I open the window?我開開窗戶你介意嗎? -Not at tall. (Certainly not!, Of course not)不介意。 - Im sorry but I would. Its could outside.對不起我介意,外面太冷了。 拒絕或不能給予滿意回答而表示道歉 -Could you come to the party this evening?你晚上能來參加完會(huì)嗎? -Id love to, but

15、 you see Im too busy.我愿意去,但我太忙了。 - Thats very kind of you, but Im afraid I cant.你真好,到我恐怕去不了。 -Can you return the book in two days?你兩天能還書嗎? -Sorry, but I can return it in four days.對不起,但我四天后能還。 -Is he a proper person for the job?他是干這項(xiàng)工作的合適人選嗎? - I dont think so.我不這樣想。接受邀請或要求 -will you send her a note

16、 for me ?你代我把這個(gè)紙條給她好嗎? - Id be glad to.樂意效勞。-May I look at the picture?我看看照片可以嗎?-Certainly. Here you are.當(dāng)然。給你?;卮饚в胸?zé)備意味的句子 -Do you remember what I told you before?我以前告訴你的話你還記得嗎? - Im sorry, sir.對不起先生。I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.我認(rèn)為你該打電話給珍妮并向他道歉。No way. It was her fault.決不,那不是

17、我的錯(cuò)。對提問作出主觀判斷-Are the shoes too big?這雙鞋太大吧?-I think they are all right.我看正合適。-Is anything the matter? 出了什么事嗎?-Of course. 當(dāng)然了。-Will he lend me some money? 他會(huì)把錢借給我嗎?- Certainly not!當(dāng)然不會(huì)!對提出問題的不能確定-Whos taken my pen?誰把握的鋼筆拿走了?-Let me see. Ah, its Tom.我想想。奧,是湯姆。2、特殊疑問句(1)概述特殊疑問句(special question)是用來對句子某

18、一部分提問的疑問句,以疑問詞開頭。How shall I do it? 我怎樣做呢?What time will you come?你什么時(shí)候來?When will we leave?我們什么時(shí)候離開?Where are you from? 你從什么地方來?Who elses raincoat can this be?這還可能是其他什么人的雨衣呢?Which do you want? 你要哪個(gè)?(2)種類疑問詞分為兩種:疑問代詞和疑問副詞。疑問代詞構(gòu)成的特殊疑問句疑問代詞who 誰(主格),whom誰(賓格),whose誰的,what什么,which哪個(gè),用來對主語、賓語、表語、定語、補(bǔ)語等提

19、問。What will the money be used for? 資金用在什么上面呢?Which speech are you going to listen to this afternoon? 今天下午你打算聽哪個(gè)報(bào)告?Whose is this? 這是誰的?Whose garden do you think looks the nicest? 你覺得誰家的花園最好看?What happened before printing was invented? 在印刷術(shù)發(fā)明以前是怎樣的情況呢? 疑問副詞疑問副詞when什么時(shí)候,where什么地方,why為什么,how怎樣,用來對狀語、表語、

20、補(bǔ)語、定語等提問。-Where are you travelling to, Gary? 加里,你打算去哪兒旅行?-To London.去倫敦。How long will it take you to complete the trip? 走完全程需要多長時(shí)間?How are you getting along with your English lesson? 你學(xué)習(xí)英語的情況怎么樣?When did you last go to the seaside? 你最后一次什么時(shí)候去的海邊?How many of you are making the trip?你們有多少人參加這次旅行?which

21、和what用法區(qū)別which、what均可與名詞連用,來就人或物提出疑問。當(dāng)選擇余地不大時(shí),一般用which;當(dāng)選擇余地比較大而到底有多少種可能性還不清楚時(shí)常用what。What harm does it do after all? 這到底有什么樣的危害?Which parent is more important in the first year of life? 在出生后的第一年,父親與母親哪一位更重要?how與whatlike用法區(qū)別對人和事物的性質(zhì)(或持久的特性)提問用“what.like?”;詢問變化的事物,如暫時(shí)的情況、情緒等用how。詢問天氣,用“whatlike?”;問候別人

22、的健康,用how。-What is your mother like? 你母親是怎樣一個(gè)人?-She is a very nice person.她這個(gè)人非常好。 How does the boss look this morning?老板早上臉色如何?Whats the weather going to be like at the weekend? 周末天氣怎么樣?-How is he? 他身體怎么樣?-He is very well.他很好。how often與how soon的區(qū)別how often詢問做某事的頻率;how soon詢問多長時(shí)間以后做某事。How often do yo

23、u go there? 你去那的次數(shù)如何?How soon can you be ready? 你多久才能準(zhǔn)備好?(3)特殊疑問句的語序陳述句語序疑問詞作主語,或者作定語修飾主語,語序與陳述句的語序相同,指對主語進(jìn)行提問。What has made this lake so salty? 是什么東西使得湖水這樣咸呢?Who gave you that book?誰給你的那本書?疑問句語序另一種是“疑問詞+一般疑問句”的語序,其中疑問詞作賓語、表語、定語或狀語。What did you give her to eat? 你給她吃什么東西?-Why do you want the book so

24、badly? 為什么你這么想要這本書呢?-To study.為了學(xué)習(xí)。(4)使用特殊疑問句應(yīng)注意的幾點(diǎn)Why開頭的否定疑問句常表建議或請求Since you have to stay at home, why dont you do some reading? 既然你得待在家里,為什么不讀點(diǎn)書呢?Why dont you try this one on?你何不試試這一套呢?用特殊疑問句表驚奇、憤怒等感情,可用它的強(qiáng)調(diào)形式,在疑問詞后加ever、on earth、in the world等。How ever shall we get there? 我們到底如何到那里去?Why on earth

25、was he so nervous? 他到底為什么如此緊張?特殊疑問句有一些縮略結(jié)構(gòu)How/What about表建議、請求、邀請、異議或征求對方意見, Why not do ?用于提出建議;why do?表示志文、指責(zé)等。What about when we leave? 我們離開時(shí)該做些什么呢?What about the three of us going to Beijing for a week? 我們?nèi)齻€(gè)人去北京一周怎么樣?How about chocolate?巧克力怎么樣?Why not do something? 為什么不干點(diǎn)事呢?Why not try to train y

26、our character? 為什么不培養(yǎng)你的性格?Why give him so much money?你怎么給他那么多錢?復(fù)合特殊疑問句用來詢問對方或第三者的想法或意見,由一般疑問句和特殊疑問句兩種結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)合而成。在這種復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)中,特殊疑問句變成了一般疑問句結(jié)構(gòu)中的賓語。Why do you think we cant change your note? 為什么你認(rèn)為我們找不開你的票子呢?Which food do you think is healthy? 你認(rèn)為哪種食物是健康食物?3、反意疑問句(1)概述反意疑問句又叫附加疑問句(tag question),附在陳述句后,對陳述句所說的事

27、實(shí)或觀點(diǎn)提出疑問,由“be、have、助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+主語(與陳述句的主語相同)”構(gòu)成,答語用yes或no。如果陳述句是肯定結(jié)構(gòu),其后的附加疑問句用否定結(jié)構(gòu),反之,陳述句是否定結(jié)構(gòu),其后的附加疑問句即是肯定結(jié)構(gòu)。She looks quiet enough, doesnt she? 她看上去足夠平靜,不是嗎?-You havent been to Beijing, have you?你去過北京嗎?- No,I havent. How I wish to go there! 沒,還沒有。我多么想去啊!If I knew the answer, I wouldnt be working, wou

28、ld I? 如果我知道答案了,我就不用費(fèi)事了,是嗎?Susans found her pass, hasnt she? 蘇珊找到她的護(hù)照了,是嗎?He is expected to make a speech this afternoon, isnt he? 預(yù)料他今天下午要講話,他會(huì)嗎?The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, didnt it?他沒通過駕照考試的消息使他很失望,是嗎?注意:前否定后肯定反意疑問句的答語在回答否定主句的反意疑問句時(shí),否定回答要用“No否定短句”;肯定回答要用“Yes肯定短句”,二

29、者不可混用。這種省略回答的yes要譯成“不”,no要譯成“是”。-She hasnt got up, has she? 她還沒有起床,是嗎?-Yes, she has.不,她已經(jīng)起來了。No, she hasnt. 是的,她還沒起來。 反意疑問句用法歌訣反意疑問句三要點(diǎn),前后謂語正相反。短句not如出現(xiàn),必須縮寫是習(xí)慣。最后一點(diǎn)須注意,短句代詞作主語。反意疑問句回答方法歌訣回答反意疑問句,答案含義是依據(jù),肯定事實(shí)用yes,否定事實(shí)no替。(2) 當(dāng)陳述部分的主語是指示代詞時(shí)當(dāng)陳述部分的主語是指示代詞this, that, these, those時(shí),附加疑問句中的主語不再用指示代詞,而要用it

30、或they代替。That isnt your desk, is it?那不是你的桌子,是嗎?These are interesting stories, arent they?這些故事很有趣,是嗎?(3)當(dāng)陳述部分的主語是“Im.”結(jié)構(gòu)時(shí),疑問部分一般用arent I。Im late for class, arent I?我遲到了,是嗎?Im doing well, arent I?我干得很好,不是嗎?(4)當(dāng)陳述部分的主語是everybody, everyone, somebody, nobody, none等合成代詞時(shí),附加疑問部分的主語多用they,但也可用he。Everyone cam

31、e here, didnt they?都來了,是嗎?Nobody phoned while I was out, did they?我不在時(shí),沒人給我打電話,是嗎?(5)當(dāng)陳述部分的主語是everything, anything, nothing等不定代詞時(shí),疑問部分的主語用it。Everything is ready, isnt it?都準(zhǔn)備好了,是嗎?Nothing was said, was it ? 什么也沒說,對嗎?Nothing can stop us ,can it? 沒有什么能阻止我們,是嗎?(6)當(dāng)陳述部分以不定代詞one作主語,疑問部分的主語在正式的場合用one,在非正式場

32、合用you。One cant be too careful, can one(you)?怎么細(xì)心都不為過,你說呢?One should learn from others, shouldnt one(you)?人要想別人學(xué)習(xí),是嗎?(7)當(dāng)陳述部分是“there be+主語+其它”結(jié)構(gòu)時(shí),疑問部分要用“be(not)+there”結(jié)構(gòu)。There is a book on the desk, isnt there?桌子上有本書,是嗎?There used to be a lot of coal mines in the south, didnt there?過去在南部有大量煤礦,不是嗎?(8)

33、當(dāng)陳述部分的主語是“I dont think (suppose, believe)+that從句”結(jié)構(gòu)時(shí),疑問部分的主語和謂語須和從句中的主語和謂語在人稱和數(shù)上相一致,并且還要用肯定形式。 I dont suppose anyone will volunteer, will they?我認(rèn)為沒人會(huì)自愿去做,是嗎?I dont think youve heard of him before, have you?我想你從前沒聽說過他,是嗎?I think it is your duty to stick to the fighting post at any time, isnt it? 我認(rèn)為無

34、論何時(shí)堅(jiān)持你的戰(zhàn)斗崗位都是你的責(zé)任,對不?I dont suppose you are serious, are you? 我想你不是認(rèn)真的,是嗎?注意:主句的主語不是第一人稱時(shí)I是不存在這種情況。You dont think he can finish the work, do you?(9)當(dāng)陳述部分的謂語動(dòng)詞是have時(shí),有兩種情況:have作“有”解時(shí),可有兩種形式。He has a new book, hasnt/doesnt he?他有一本新書,是嗎?He has a lot of money, hasnt /doesnt he? 他有很多錢,是嗎?have表示其它意思時(shí),只用do

35、的相應(yīng)形式。He seldom has lunch at school, does he ? 他在學(xué)校很少吃午飯,是嗎?His wife had the front door painted green yesterday, didnt she? 他妻子昨天請人把房子刷成了綠色的,是吧?(10)當(dāng)陳述部分有情態(tài)動(dòng)詞ought to時(shí),疑問部分的謂語動(dòng)詞用ought(oughtnt)代替。Such things ought not to be allowed, ought they?這種事是不允許的,是不是?He ought to be punished, oughtnt he?他應(yīng)當(dāng)受到懲罰,

36、是嗎?但在非正式文體中,用ought we not形式。We ought to go, ought we not?或We ought to go, should we not/shouldnt we?(11)當(dāng)陳述部分有情態(tài)動(dòng)詞used to時(shí),疑問部分的謂語動(dòng)詞有兩種形式。He used to live in Beijing, use(d)nt he/didnt he?他在北京住過,是嗎?There used to be a cinema here before the war, use(d)nt there/didnt there?戰(zhàn)前這里曾有座電影院,是嗎?(12)當(dāng)陳述部分有情態(tài)動(dòng)詞m

37、ust時(shí),常用的有三種情況:must表示“必須”、“禁止”等時(shí),疑問部分用must(mustnt)。I must answer the letter, mustnt I?我必須回信,是嗎?You mustnt on grass, must you?你不能呆在草地上,知道嗎?must表示“有必要”時(shí),附加疑問部分則用neednt。You must go home right now, neednt you?當(dāng)must用來對現(xiàn)在的情況進(jìn)行“推測”時(shí),疑問部分的謂語要根據(jù)must之后的動(dòng)詞不定式采用相應(yīng)的形式。You must be tired, arent you?你一定是累了,是嗎?She mu

38、st be bad at physics, isnt she? 她物理一定不好,不是嗎?You must know it, do you? 你肯定知道,是嗎?當(dāng)must用來對過去的情況進(jìn)行“推測”(must+have+過去分詞)時(shí),若強(qiáng)調(diào)對過去情況的推測(一般有過去時(shí)間狀語),疑問部分的謂語動(dòng)詞用“didnt+主語”;若強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作的完成(一般沒有過去時(shí)間狀語),疑問部分的謂語動(dòng)詞用“havent(hasnt)+主語”。He must have been working here for 20 years, hasnt he? 他一定在這工作了20年,是嗎?You must have seen h

39、im yesterday, didnt you? 昨天你一定看見他了,不是嗎?(13)當(dāng)陳述部分有have to或has to, had to時(shí),疑問部分一般用do的相應(yīng)形式。We have to get up at four tomorrow, dont we?我們明天得四點(diǎn)起床,是嗎?They had to leave early, didnt they?他們早走是不得已,是不是?(14)當(dāng)陳述部分有had better時(shí),疑問部分用hadnt或shouldnt。Youd better go with me, hadnt you/shouldnt you?你最好和我一起走,好嗎?Hed b

40、etter leave, hadnt he?他最好離開,是嗎?(15)當(dāng)陳述部分有seldom, hardly, few, little, no, never, nothing, nobody, nowhere等否定詞或半否定詞時(shí),疑問部分要用肯定形式。She never tells a lie, does she? 她從不撒謊是吧?She hardly ever speaks to you in English, does she? 她幾乎沒和你用英語說話,是嗎?Few people know her, do they? 幾乎沒有人認(rèn)識(shí)她,是嗎?She seldom goes to work

41、 late, does she? 她很少上班遲到,是嗎? (16)當(dāng)陳述部分的謂語是帶有否定詞綴(前綴或后綴)的動(dòng)詞時(shí),疑問部分仍用否定結(jié)構(gòu)。They disliked playing football, didnt they?他不喜歡踢球,是嗎?He is unsuccessful, isnt he? 他沒成功,是嗎?(17)當(dāng)陳述部分的謂語動(dòng)詞是表示愿望wish等時(shí),疑問部分的謂語動(dòng)詞用may而且前后兩個(gè)部分均用肯定式。I wish to go home now, may I?我想回家,行嗎?I wish to go with you, may I? 我想和你一起去,行嗎?(18)感嘆句的

42、反意疑問句一律用否定式,并用be的一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)What a lovely day, isnt it?多好的天氣啊!How cool the weather is, isnt it?天怎么這么冷!What a stupid fellow, isnt he?多傻的小子?。。?9)祈使句的反意疑問句一般只用肯定式Lets引導(dǎo)的祈使句,其反意疑問句一般用“shall we?”。Lets discuss it now, shall we? 讓我們現(xiàn)在討論它,好嗎?Its a fine day. Lets go fishing, shall we? 多好的天。我們?nèi)メ烎~吧? 由let us/him/ the

43、m(不是lets)引導(dǎo)的反意疑問句表示“請求”(不包括聽話人)時(shí),一般用“will you”。 Let us go home, will you?讓我們回家好嗎? Let him go with you, will you?讓他跟你去,好嗎?let me 開頭的反意疑問句可用will you,也可用may I。 Let me do it for you, may I?我替你做,行嗎?Let me have a rest, will you?我歇一會(huì)好嗎?祈使句的反意疑問句一般只用肯定式;如果祈使句為肯定式,疑問部分有時(shí)可用否定式??隙ㄐ问皆谡Z氣上更委婉客氣。Pass me the book,

44、will you/wont you?遞給我那本書,好嗎?Be sure to write to us, will you? 一定給我寫信,好嗎?如果祈使句為否定式,疑問部分只能用肯定式。 Dont smoke in the meeting room, will you?請不要在會(huì)議室抽煙,好嗎?Dont speak aloud any more, will you?別在大聲喧嘩了好嗎?(20)陳述部分用neithernor, not onlybut also等連接主語時(shí),疑問部分主語應(yīng)用復(fù)數(shù)。Neither you nor I can do it, can we?你和我都不會(huì),是嗎? Neit

45、her she nor you can answer,can you?你倆都不會(huì)回答,是嗎?(21)當(dāng)陳述部分的主語是I,當(dāng)疑問部分用來征求對方的意見時(shí),其主語常用you,這時(shí)附加疑問部分實(shí)際上等于另外一個(gè)句子,相當(dāng)于what/how about you?/what do you think?。I find English very interesting, dont you?(=What about you?)我認(rèn)為英語很有趣,你怎么想?I dont think John will come today, do you?(=What do you think?)我認(rèn)為約翰今天不來了,你說呢?

46、(22)陳述部分是并列句時(shí),疑問部分常對后一個(gè)句子進(jìn)行反問。He is a teacher and he has taught English for 20 years, hasnt he?他是一位老師,教英語20年了,是嗎? Tom has been doing the experiment all afternoon, but he should have finished it by now, shouldnt he? 湯姆一下午在做實(shí)驗(yàn),但他現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該完成了,不是嗎?(23)陳述部分含有賓語從句的主從復(fù)合句時(shí),疑問部分的謂語動(dòng)詞和主語一般同主句的謂語動(dòng)詞和主語保持一致。I (dont)

47、think, believe, suppose, figure, imagine, reckon, expect, seem等+賓語從句結(jié)構(gòu)出外(參考本章第(8)條)He says that I did it, didnt he? 他說我做的這件事,不是嗎? Mary thinks you will come to the meeting, doesnt she?瑪麗認(rèn)為你不來參加會(huì)議,是嗎?(主語不是第一人稱I)(24)陳述部分含有主語從句,反意疑問句的主語用it。What he lacks is confidence, isnt it?他所缺乏的是信心,是嗎? Where you are

48、seated is not important, is it?坐在哪里并不重要,是嗎?4、選擇疑問句選擇疑問句(alternative question)提供兩種(或兩種以上)情況,問對方選擇哪一種,其結(jié)構(gòu)可用一般疑問句,也可用特殊疑問句,在提供的情況之間用連詞or,前者用升調(diào),后者用降調(diào),回答要求用比較完整的句子。-Which do you prefer, horse-riding or shooting? -你喜歡什么,騎馬還是射擊?-I prefer horse-riding.-我喜歡騎馬。-Is Susan still at school, or has she left(school

49、)? -蘇珊仍在讀書呢,還是己經(jīng)畢業(yè)了?-She is still at school.-她仍在讀書。-Was the peach ripe or green? -桃子是熟的還是生的?-It was a bit green. -有點(diǎn)生。 三、祈使句1、概述祈使句(imperative sentence)表命令、警告、提醒、建議、請求、叮囑、號召等,謂語動(dòng)詞用原形。主語you通常省略,句末用嘆號或句號。Knock at the door before entering, please.進(jìn)來時(shí)請敲門!(建議)Try some of this juice-perhaps youll take it.

50、嘗點(diǎn)這種果汁,也許你會(huì)要。(建議)Look out! There is a train coming.注意!火車來了!(提醒)Wear strong shoes as we shall do a lot of walking. 請穿結(jié)實(shí)的鞋子,因?yàn)槲覀円咴S多的路。(叮囑)At the beginning, collect as many stamps as you can. 開始時(shí),盡可能多多地收集郵票。(建議)Leave her where she is ! 讓她留在原地?。睿㏄ut your coat at once. We must hurry.立刻穿上衣服。我們必須快點(diǎn)。(命令)

51、Give blood if you can and many lives will be saved.如果你能,來獻(xiàn)血吧,這會(huì)挽救很多人的生命。(號召)2、祈使句的另外表達(dá)方式(1)“No名詞或動(dòng)名詞” 表示祈使句“No名詞或動(dòng)名詞”結(jié)構(gòu)表示禁止的祈使,一般用于指示、標(biāo)牌、布告等。No smoking! 禁止吸煙! No spitting!不準(zhǔn)隨地吐痰!No litter! 不準(zhǔn)亂扔果皮紙屑! No entry!不許入內(nèi)!No thoroughfare!禁止通行! No scribbling on the wall!墻上不準(zhǔn)涂寫!No admittance except on business

52、!非公莫入?。?)“have done”結(jié)構(gòu)表示祈使句這種結(jié)構(gòu)相當(dāng)于stop doing, 意為“禁止”。有時(shí)表示“結(jié)束、停止”。 Have done scolding him. 不要再責(zé)備他了。Have done!住手!Have done running!跑完了?。▌e跑了!)(3)“be V-ed”結(jié)構(gòu)表示祈使句 Be guided by reason!理智些! Be seated! 請坐! Be persuaded by your father! 聽你父親的話! Be gone! 滾?。?)“be+ V-ing” 結(jié)構(gòu)表示祈使句Dont be looking out of the wind

53、ow! 勿將頭伸出窗外!Do be doing your homework when I come in.我進(jìn)來時(shí),你一定在做作業(yè)吧?。?)無動(dòng)詞祈使句 一般來講,祈使句都要有動(dòng)詞,但是有些用于口號、告示等的祈使句卻是沒有動(dòng)詞。主要有:名詞短語;介詞短語;名詞代詞副詞形容詞;形容詞名詞代詞;副詞with等。Dont all speak at once! One at a time, please.不要一起說,一次一個(gè)!One more week, and well accomplish the task.再給我一星期,我就會(huì)完成任務(wù)。Patience! 耐心點(diǎn)! Your turn. 輪到您了

54、。 After you! 您先請!Now for it! 干起來吧!On with your cap. 帶上帽子。Danger!危險(xiǎn)!Poison!有毒! Over! 完畢! Bottom up!干杯!None of that again! 不要在那樣! None of your nonsense!不要胡說八道!Hand up!舉起手來! Hands off!無動(dòng)手!Off with it!把它拿下來! Up with the box!把箱子放下! Eyes left!向右看齊! None of your impudence!休要無理!None of your little trick! 不要

55、再玩鬼把戲?。?)let祈使句Lets祈使句 lets引導(dǎo)的祈使句,包括聽話者本人在內(nèi),表示建議,反意問句用shall we。相當(dāng)于I (We) suggest that you and I(we)。Lets begin, shall we?我們開始好嗎? Lets go home.我們回家吧!Let me(us, him, her, it, them) 祈使句該結(jié)構(gòu)引導(dǎo)的祈使句表示請求對方允許自己干某事,不包括對方(you)在內(nèi),let相當(dāng)于allow,意為please allow us或you allow us ,反意問句要用will you。Let all the children be

56、 well educated!讓所有的孩子都得到良好的教育。Let him go where he might, I dont care.他想上那就讓他去,我不管!Let us know your name, will you?讓我們知道你的名字好嗎?let祈使句否定 let 祈使句的否定可以為lets not/let me(us) not或Dont lets/ let me(us)但let him等第三人稱否定式為Dont let him。其他人稱亦可用Dont let。Dont let her disturb you!別讓她妨礙我!Lets not be in such a hurry!讓

57、我們別這樣急!let祈使句強(qiáng)調(diào) let祈使句強(qiáng)調(diào)的強(qiáng)調(diào)式為Do lets或Do let us。Do let her go!一定讓她走!Do lets go climbing.我們一定去爬山!Let there be 結(jié)構(gòu)No + v-ing其時(shí)句常用let there be 代替。No parking here.= Let there be no parking here. 不準(zhǔn)在此停車! (7)“why not動(dòng)詞原形”等結(jié)構(gòu)表示祈使概念 “why not動(dòng)詞原形”;“why 動(dòng)詞原形” “youd better/best+do sth.”等結(jié)構(gòu)可以表示祈使概念,用來表達(dá)方式,提出委婉建議,

58、指責(zé),反問等。-I usually go there by train.我通常坐火車去?-Why not try going by boat for a change?怎么不坐船換換口味。Youd better go to school early tomorrow. 明天你最好早點(diǎn)去上學(xué)。-Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard. Susan,去和你姐姐掃院子。-Why me? John is sitting there doing nothing. 為什么叫我去?John坐在那閑著。3、祈使句可以用被動(dòng)形式Dont be cheat

59、ed by what he said.不要被他說的話所欺騙。 Dont be forced to do that again.不要再被脅迫做那種事了。4、祈使句的主語祈使句的主語多為不言而喻的you,一般不出現(xiàn)。但若是要強(qiáng)調(diào)主語;或表示急躁、厭煩、不高興、憤怒等感情色彩;表示向誰請求或發(fā)出命令,祈使句可有主語,除you外可以用不代詞one, someone, somebody, everybody, everyone或名詞。當(dāng)說話人強(qiáng)調(diào)主語或上級對下級,長者對年青人或小孩講話時(shí)。-Alice, you feed the bird today, will you?愛麗絲,你去喂鳥好嗎?-Yes.

60、 But I fed it yesterday.好,但我昨天喂了。You take care when you cross the road.你過馬路時(shí)要小心。You speak first.你先講。Tom, listen to me.湯姆,聽我說。You be careful.你要仔細(xì)點(diǎn)。John, open the door!約翰,去開門!當(dāng)說話人有急躁、厭煩、不高興、憤怒等感情色彩Come here, you! 你,過來!(放句尾,表示輕視、傲視)You do it right away.你立刻做這件事You mind your own business, and leave this


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