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1、3/8絕密啟用前2018年春人教版八年級下冊英語單元測試:unit3 Could you please clean your room試卷副標題考試圍:xxx;考試時間:100分鐘;命題人:xxx題號一二三四五總分得分注意事項:1答題前填寫好自己的、班級、考號等信息2請將答案正確填寫在答題卡上第I卷(選擇題)請點擊修改第I卷的文字說明評卷人得分一、單選題1This restaurant _ delicious food _ people.A. provides; for B. provide; at C. provides; with D. provide; to2Its difficult

2、for me _ the homework in such a short time.A. finished B. to finish C. will finish D. finishes3 - Which of the two T-shirts would you like?- _. I dont like their styles.A. Either B. BothC. None D. Neither4Could you please _ the window? Its very cold outside.A. not open B. not to open C. dont open D.

3、 to not open5Could I _ your bike? Sorry, I _ it to Mary.A. lent; borrow B. lend; borrowed C. borrow; lent D. lent; borrowed6Could I use your computer? Sorry. I am _ it.A. taking out B. turning on C. working on D. depending on7Mary will make a plan as soon as sheher homework.A. finishes B. finish C.

4、will finish D. finished8The teacher always tells us _ time _ computer games.A. dont waste; to play B. dont waste; playingC. not to waste; to play D. not to waste; playing9Could you please help me _ my baby? I am going to do some shopping.A. look for B. look at C. take care of D. take after10I hope t

5、o plant a lot of trees. _ trees, _ air pollution.A. The more; the fewer B. The less; the moreC. The less; the fewer D. The more; the less第II卷(非選擇題)請點擊修改第II卷的文字說明評卷人得分二、根據(jù)首字母、中文提示填空根據(jù)首字母或漢語提示完成下列句中所缺的單詞。11Was it really f_ to ask him to do all the work?12He h_ traveling by bus because its boring.13Wha

6、t a m_! We should clean up our classroom before class begins.14Mr. Smith is new here and he doesnt know his n_ living around his house.15Linda didnt meet the famous star and n_ did I.16He took off his shoes and put them on the _ (地板).17These days many middle school students still have lots of _ (精神壓

7、力) from school.18Could you please _ (遞) a cup to me?19Dont put your clothes on the chair and _ (折疊) them.20“How many _ (手指) do you have?” the teacher asked.評卷人得分三、用所給單詞的正確形式填空用括號所給詞的適當形式填空。21As a student, you should know how to develop your own _ (independent).22Its _ (fair) to let parents do all th

8、e housework. We should share it.23Susan is a lazy girl and she never does _ (chore) at home.24Could you please _ (look) at the watch? What time is it?25The boy _ (throw) some apples on the ground and his mother picked them up.評卷人得分四、句型轉換句型轉換。26Can you take good care of the baby pandas? (同義句轉換)Can yo

9、u _ the baby pandas _?27Susan worked hard at her lessons so that she can pass the exams. (同義句轉換)Susan worked hard at her lessons _ pass the exams.28Maria doesnt like tomatoes and neither do I. (同義句轉換)_ Maria and me _ tomatoes.29The dog ran to the dinning hall the minute the bell rang. (同義句轉換)The dog

10、 ran to the dinning hall _ the bell rang.30He has to clean the living room. (改為一般疑問句)_ he _ clean the living room?評卷人得分五、補全對話7選5補全對話(有兩項多余)。A: Hi, Mom. Could I invite some friends to a party?B: 1. 31 But you have to do some chores.A: What do I have to do?B: Well, first you should sweep the kitchen.A

11、: OK. 2. 32B: Then you should clean the living room.A: Yeah. 3. 33B: And you need to clean your room.A: Wow! 4. 34B: Ill help you. Im going to the store to buy some drinks and snacks.A: 5. 35A. Im going to be tired to go to my own party!B. Then what?C. Thanks. Mom.D. Sure, you can.E. I hate doing th

12、at.F. No problem. Ill do that.G. You think too much.參考答案1A解析句意:這家餐館給人們提供美味的食物??疾閯釉~短語辨析題。provide sth. for sb.為某人提供某物/provide sb. with sth.提供某物給某人,都是固定短語;根據(jù)句意結構和語境,可知選A。2B解析句意:在這么短的時間完成作業(yè)對我來說很難??疾閯釉~形式辨析題。Its+形容詞+for sb. to do sth.對某人來說做某事是很的,固定句式,it是形式主語,后面的不定式是真正主語。根據(jù)句意和語境,可知選B。3D解析試題分析:句意:兩件T恤你要哪一件?

13、我不喜歡它們的款式。A. Either,兩者之一;B. Both,兩者都; C. None,三者與三者以上都不;D. Neither,兩者都不。因為不喜歡其款式,所以兩者都不喜歡,選D??键c:考查不定代詞。4A解析句意:請你不要打開窗戶好嗎?外面很冷。考查一般疑問句。本句是含有情態(tài)動詞could的一般疑問句,Could you please?表示委婉的或客氣的請求,接原形動詞,表示否定意義時,在動詞前面加not。根據(jù)句意結構和語境,可知選A。5C解析句意:我可以借用一下你的自行車嗎?對不起,我把它借給瑪麗了??疾閯釉~辨析題。lend和borrow都表示“借”的意思,但用法有別,lend強調(diào)借出

14、,是借給別人(lend to);而borrow強調(diào)借入,是向別人借(borrow from)。根據(jù)句意和語境,可知選C。6C解析句意:我可以用你的電腦嗎?對不起。我正在上面工作。take out拿出;turn on打開; work on從事;depend on依靠。根據(jù)sorry 可知我不能讓你使用我的電腦,因此我正在使用它,從事它,故選C。7A解析試題分析:句意:瑪麗已完成作業(yè)他就將制定計劃。as soon as引導的時間狀語從句主語用一般將來時從句用一般現(xiàn)在時,she是第三人稱單數(shù)finish要變單三式,故選A。考點:考查動詞時態(tài)。8D解析句意:老師總是告訴我們不要浪費時間玩電腦游戲??疾?/p>

15、動詞形式辨析題。tell sb. to do sth.告訴某人做某事,其否定式在不定式符號to前加not;waste time doing浪費時間做某事,都是固定短語。根據(jù)句意和語境,可知選D。9C解析句意:你能幫我照顧我的孩子嗎?我打算去買點東西。考查動詞短語辨析題。A. look for尋找;B. look at看到;C. take care of照顧;D. take after效仿。根據(jù)下文I am going to do some shopping.,結合句意和語境,可知“我”要去買東西,需要有人照料孩子,故選C。10D解析句意:我希望種很多樹,樹越多,空氣污染越少??疾樾稳菰~比較級。

16、more和less分別是many和much的比較級,表示“更多的”;“the+比較級 ,the+比較級”結構的意思是“越越”,前后的意義相反。根據(jù)句意和語境,可知選D。11fair 12hates13mess 14neighbours15neither16floor 17stress18pass 19fold 20fingers解析11本句是主系表結構,缺表語形容詞;really真地,副詞修飾形容詞;根據(jù)句意和首字母提示,可知填fair。12本句主語he是單數(shù)第三人稱,動詞需用三單形式;根據(jù)句意和首字母提示,可知填hates。13不定冠詞a后接單數(shù)名詞;根據(jù)下文We should clean

17、up our classroom,結合句意和首字母提示,可知填mess。14his他的,物主代詞后接名詞;根據(jù)下文living around his house,結合句意和首字母提示,可知填neighbours。15根據(jù)句意可知本句是否定意義的倒裝句,結合首字母提示,可知填neither。16on the floor在地板上;根據(jù)句意和漢語提示,可知填floor。17lots of許多,大量,后接復數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞;根據(jù)句意和漢語提示,可知填stress。18pass to傳給/遞給;根據(jù)句意和漢語提示,可知填pass。19and連接并列結構,本句是否定祈使句,動詞需用原形;根據(jù)句意和漢語提

18、示,可知填fold。20how many多少,問數(shù)量,后接復數(shù)名詞;根據(jù)句意和漢語提示,可知填fingers。點睛:本題是單詞拼寫題。漢語意思括號里已經(jīng)給出,可以先根據(jù)漢語短語確定單詞,再根據(jù)前后面單詞的詞性或者結合句意結構確定用什么形式。21independence 22unfair23chores24look 25threw解析21your own你自己的,后接名詞;根據(jù)句意和英文提示,可知填independence。22本句缺表語形容詞,根據(jù)下文We should share it,結合句意和英文提示,可知填unfair。23do chores處理家務/做家務,固定短語;根據(jù)句意和英文提

19、示,可知填chores。24look at the watch看下表;疑問句中,動詞需用原形;根據(jù)句意和英文提示,可知填look。25and連接并列結構,前后時態(tài)需一致;根據(jù)下文的picked them up,結合句意和英文提示,可知填threw。點睛:用所給單詞的正確形式填空,首先看給出的詞的詞性,它在句子中做什么成分,然后需要填什么詞性。需要填名詞的,注意單復數(shù);需要填形容詞或副詞,注意用原級、比較級還是最高級;需要填動詞的,注意句子的時態(tài),判斷填動詞的什么形式。26lookafterwell27in orderto28Neither oflikes29as soon as30Doesha

20、ve to解析請在此填寫整體分析!26原句句意:你能照顧好熊貓寶寶嗎?take good care of照顧,其同義短語為look after。動詞或動詞短語需要副詞修飾,根據(jù)句意結構,可知填(1). look (2). after (3). well。27原句句意:珊努力學習功課,以便能通過考試。so that以便,引導結果狀語從句,其同義短語為in order to,后接動詞短語。根據(jù)句意結構,可知填(1). in (2). order (3). to。28原句句意:瑪麗亞不喜歡西紅柿,我也不喜歡。neither do I我也是(不喜歡),倒裝句。其同義句為:瑪麗亞和我兩個人都不喜歡西紅柿

21、。neither of表示“兩者都不”,是單數(shù)人稱,動詞需用三單形式;根據(jù)句意結構,可知填(1). Neither (2). of (3). likes。29原句句意:鈴一響,狗就跑到餐廳去了。the minute the bell rang鈴響的那一刻,其同義句為as soon as the bell rang.。as soon as一就;根據(jù)句意結構,可知填(1). as (2). soon (3). as。30原句中的has是動詞have的單數(shù)第三人稱形式,可知是一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧溆袃煞N方式,一是前置has至句首,二是借助助動詞does。根據(jù)句意結構,可知填(1). Does (2). have (3). to。點睛:同義句的相互轉換這是句子改寫的一種重要形式,它涉與面廣,語言點多,方式靈活,是中考命題的熱點。同義句的相互轉換除了考查主動句與被動句,復合句與簡單句之間的轉換


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