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1、話題4 計(jì)劃與安排命題探索教材鏈接三階攻關(guān)目錄寫(xiě)作練兵寫(xiě)作技巧4巧用短語(yǔ)分析宿遷、鹽城、淮安及江蘇其他地市近6年中考真題的書(shū)面表達(dá)可知,與“計(jì)劃與安排”這一話題相關(guān)的書(shū)面表達(dá)有以下命題角度:如何合理安排某事,如2014宿遷;假期計(jì)劃。結(jié)合全國(guó)中考真題可知,此話題還有以下命題角度:人生規(guī)劃。命題探索教材鏈接 (2019黃石改編)假如你是國(guó)際學(xué)校的學(xué)生李華,你的同學(xué)Tom寫(xiě)了一封郵件詢(xún)問(wèn)你暑期的安排,請(qǐng)你給Tom回封郵件,告知你的計(jì)劃。 審主題:暑期的計(jì)劃與安排典例剖析審文體:應(yīng)用文審時(shí)態(tài):一般將來(lái)時(shí)審時(shí)態(tài):第一人稱(chēng)一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句審要點(diǎn):除以上3點(diǎn)外,根據(jù)第4點(diǎn)省略號(hào)可知

2、另外需要自由發(fā)揮至少2點(diǎn)內(nèi)容。如:計(jì)劃和朋友一起做鍛煉;學(xué)習(xí)彈吉他,發(fā)展自己的愛(ài)好;邀請(qǐng)對(duì)方暑假來(lái)玩要點(diǎn):1. 讀幾本好書(shū);2. 參加社會(huì)實(shí)踐活動(dòng); 3. 幫父母做家務(wù); 4. (自主發(fā)揮,至少兩點(diǎn))參考詞匯:經(jīng)典文學(xué)作品classic literature works 社會(huì)實(shí)踐活動(dòng)social practice activities一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句注意事項(xiàng):1. 詞數(shù)90左右,開(kāi)頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù);2. 文中不得出現(xiàn)真實(shí)的地名、校名、人名等信息。Dear Tom,Im very happy to hear from you. _Yours,Li hua一階 審好題

3、三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句1. I will spend my time on meaningful things. (擴(kuò)寫(xiě)原因) I will spend my time on meaningful things because time is so valuable for me now.2. You can make a plan before you start to do it. (擴(kuò)寫(xiě)結(jié)果)You can make a plan before you start to do it. Only in this way can you get close to your dream

4、step by step.合理安排某事角度1擴(kuò)寫(xiě)范例一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句3. They will make a survey first. (擴(kuò)寫(xiě)目的)They will make a survey first to learn about the publics thoughts.角度一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句1. I will give away my money to the charity.(擴(kuò)寫(xiě)原因) _ _2. You can look up some materials before you start to write the report.(

5、擴(kuò)寫(xiě)結(jié)果) _ _ _I will give away my money to the charity because in this way, I can help others.You can look up some materials before you start to write the report. Only in this way can you get enough materials to write for your report.句 子 擴(kuò) 寫(xiě)一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句3. He will ask his teacher about the compe

6、tition.(擴(kuò)寫(xiě)目的) _ _He will ask his teacher about the competition to make full preparations for it.一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句4. Next year, I am going to take up a new hobby.(擴(kuò)寫(xiě)想法和做法)Next year, I am going to take up a new hobby. I think singing is a great activity, so I am going to learn to sing.5. Reading bo

7、oks is a good way to get knowledge.(擴(kuò)寫(xiě)計(jì)劃)Reading books is a good way to get knowledge, so I want to read more books to improve myself.人生規(guī)劃角度2擴(kuò)寫(xiě)范例一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句4. I will work hard in the new year.(擴(kuò)寫(xiě)想法和做法) _ _5. I decide to spend more time with my family. (擴(kuò)寫(xiě)計(jì)劃) _ _6. I want to be healthier tha

8、n before.(擴(kuò)寫(xiě)計(jì)劃) _ _I will work hard in the new year. I think making a plan is good for my study, so I will make a plan first.I decide to spend more time with my family. I will share my happiness and sadness with them.I want to be healthier than before, so I am going to eat healthy food and do sports

9、.句 子 擴(kuò) 寫(xiě)一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句6. A good beginning is half done. 良好的開(kāi)端是成功的一半。7. No pain, no gain. 一份耕耘,一份收獲。8. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind./Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。9. Great hopes make great man. 偉大的抱負(fù)造就偉大的人物。速記俗語(yǔ)諺語(yǔ)一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句練語(yǔ)段How should

10、we _(點(diǎn)出主題)? As students, _(建議1). Besides,_(建議2). At last, _(建議3). If so, Im sure we will do a very good job. make use of our time properly/use our pocket money wisely/.語(yǔ) 段 練 習(xí) 1合理安排某事 we should make a plan every day/we should save money/.we should listen carefully in class/use our pocket money to do

11、 some meaningful things like buying books/.we can spend some time in developing our interest/we can give away our money to the people in need/.一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句Id like to make some resolutions for my high school. First, Im going to _(計(jì)劃1), because _(原因). Second, Im going to _(計(jì)劃2). Third, Im goin

12、g to _(計(jì)劃3), so _(目的)get up early in the morning/get up early to do exercise/.語(yǔ) 段 練 習(xí) 2人生規(guī)劃 I used to stay up late and be late for school/I want to be energetic/.have a healthier diet and exercise more/live a healthier life/. work harder in the new school/study hard at school/.I can do better at sch

13、ool/I will go into a good university/.一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句成篇章Dear Tom,Im very happy to hear from you. Now Im going to tell you my plan for the summer vacation.First of all, I want to read some meaningful and good books. Such as classic literature works or grammar books. Maybe these books will be hel

14、pful for my future study. Also, Im going to take part in some social practice activities at the weekend. I think they are useful 一階 審好題三階練語(yǔ)段&成篇章二階寫(xiě)好句for my future work. Then, I want to spend more time helping my parents do some housework. Finally, I plan to go to the park with my friends every morni

15、ng or afternoon for exercise.I hope you can come to Huangshi this summer vacation. At that time, I will be your tour guide.Best wishes to you!Yours,Li Hua(2020原創(chuàng))初中生活即將結(jié)束,你將步入人生下一階段。在今后的生活中,為了成為一個(gè)更好的自己,你對(duì)自己有哪些承諾呢?請(qǐng)根據(jù)以下要點(diǎn)提示,寫(xiě)一篇英語(yǔ)短文。寫(xiě)作練兵寫(xiě)作練兵我對(duì)自己的承諾1. 高中更加努力學(xué)習(xí),爭(zhēng)取進(jìn)入理想的大學(xué);2. 每天打掃房間;3. 遠(yuǎn)離垃圾食品;4. (自主發(fā)揮,至少兩

16、點(diǎn))注意事項(xiàng):1. 詞數(shù)90左右,開(kāi)頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù);2. 文中不得出現(xiàn)真實(shí)的地名、校名、人名等信息。寫(xiě)作練兵寫(xiě)作練兵My junior high school days will be over._寫(xiě)作練兵寫(xiě)作練兵 Before setting out on new journey, I want to make promises to myself.I promise I will study harder in senior high school. Ill try my best to get into my dream university. I promise Ill cle

17、an my room every day. Ill stay away from junk food. I promise Ill never talk back loudly to my parents. Ill try to help out at home. _寫(xiě)作練兵寫(xiě)作練兵 I promise Ill get on well with my friends. Ill keep calm when we have disagreements. Maybe these promises are hard to keep. But to improve myself, Ill try my

18、 best.巧用短語(yǔ)利用不定式短語(yǔ)、介詞短語(yǔ)或形容詞短語(yǔ)等來(lái)增加句子的句式,從而使句子表達(dá)更加多樣化。巧用短語(yǔ)1. 利用不定式短語(yǔ):My parents encouraged me. They told me to believe in myself. My parents encouraged me to believe in myself.2. 利用介詞短語(yǔ):You can write well by reading more. You should read more in order to write well.3. 利用形容詞短語(yǔ):We got to school after a threehour trip. We were tired but happy. We got to school after a threehour trip, tired but happy.句式連接范例 巧用短語(yǔ)1.在老師的幫助下,我的英語(yǔ)取得了很大的進(jìn)步。 _ _2.現(xiàn)在很多衣服在促銷(xiāo),它們很漂亮但不貴。 _3.眾所周知,志愿者在這些活動(dòng)中起了很重要的作用。 _ _小試牛刀 With the help of my teacher, I have made great progress in my English.


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