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1、Unit 4 When is the art show?主題素養(yǎng)練習(xí)題課件(二)人教版小學(xué)英語五年級下冊目錄趣聽練01趣讀寫02趣說練0301趣聽練一、闖出密室。密室的地上機(jī)關(guān)重重,只有踩在正確的地磚上才能安全走出密室。聽錄音,圈出應(yīng)踩的正確地磚。二、張明正在記下朋友們的生日。聽錄音,給下列人物選擇正確的圖片。() 1. Susan () 2. John () 3. Lily () 4. Tom () 5. AmyBEACD三、琳達(dá)正在向她的英國朋友介紹自己和妹妹貝蒂的生日。聽錄音,判斷下列句子正(T)誤(F)。() 1. Linda is a funny girl. () 2. Today

2、is Chinas National Day. () 3. Lindas birthday is on October 1st. () 4. Linda has a brother. () 5. Bettys birthday is in November.FTTFF02趣讀寫四、老師在課堂上提出了問題,Zoom回答不上來。請你幫他選擇正確的答案。() 1. What will you do for your father?() 2. Is your birthday on October 12th?() 3. When is your birthday?() 4. When is the a

3、rt show?CDABA. My birthday is on February 21st. B. Its on May 1st. C. Ill sing a song for him. D. Yes, it is.五、以下是Julia及家人的生日信息,請你根據(jù)表格信息回答問題。JuliaFatherMotherSisterGrandpa/1. When is Grandpas birthday?_2. Is Mothers birthday on April 17th?_3. When is Dads birthday?_Its on May 21st.No, it isnt. Its o

4、n December 12th. 4. How old is Julias sister?_5. When is Julias birthday?_She is five years old. Its on February 7th. 六、Mike最喜歡的季節(jié)是秋季,因為有許多特別的日子。閱讀短文,完成任務(wù)。There are some special days in autumn. On September 10th, we have Teachers Day. My birthday is on September 15th. Mid-Autumn Day is in September,

5、 too. Its on September 21st this year. Chinas National Day is on October 1st. American Thanksgiving Day ison the fourth Thursday in November. The dancing contest is on November 11th. Each month has some special days.(一)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題。1. How many special days are there in autumn?_There are six (special d

6、ays). 2. Is American Thanksgiving Day on Friday?_3. What special days are in September?_No, it isnt. Teachers Day, Mikes birthday and MidAutumn Day. (二)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成表格?!咀リP(guān)鍵信息法】方法點(diǎn)撥:此題用抓關(guān)鍵信息法解答。通過觀察表格,可知表格統(tǒng)計的是特殊的日子和日期,因此我們在讀短文時,可以將所有特殊的日子和相應(yīng)的日期圈出來,然后一一對應(yīng)填入表格。Teachers DaySeptember 15th Special DaysDates1.

7、_September 10thMikes birthday2. _Chinas National Day3. _MidAutumn Day4. _The dancing contest5. _October 1stSeptember 21st November 11th七、書面表達(dá)。每一個平凡的日子因為情感而變得與眾不同。你知道你們?nèi)胰说纳諉??用學(xué)過的日期表達(dá)法來寫一寫你家庭成員的生日情況吧。_There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. My fathers_bir

8、thday is on July 5th. My mothers birthday is in February. My sisters birthday is in February, too. My birthday is on September 11th. On our birthdays, we eat a big cake. We sing and dance. My mum usually cooks a big dinner. What about you?03趣說練八、John和Chen Jie在課堂上學(xué)習(xí)了怎樣詢問和回答生日。根據(jù)表格內(nèi)容說一說。1. 2. W: When

9、is your birthday?M: My birthday is on September 28th. M: When is your birthday?W: My birthday is on August 21st. 一、1. My fathers birthday is on October the twenty-first. 2. The school art show is in May. 3. This shop is open. We can buy food. 4. They make noise when they are hungry. 5. The kittens c

10、an walk now.聽力原文二、1. Susans birthday is on June 1st. 2. Johns birthday is on September 8th. 3. Lilys birthday is on December 20th. 4. Toms birthday is on November 15th. 5. Amys birthday is on December 25th.聽力原文三、Hello,Im Linda. Im a quiet girl. Today is October 1st. Its my birthday. Its Chinas Nation


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