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1、初中講一般過去時課件什么是一般過去時?動詞的一般過去時態(tài)表示過去發(fā)生的動作、情況或存在的狀態(tài)。行為動詞(即實義動詞)的過去式?jīng)]有人稱和數(shù)的變化。I _ 12 years old this year. 我去年11歲.I _ 11 years old last year.He _ in Beijing now.他昨天在上海。He _ in Shanghai yesterday.他現(xiàn)在在北京。Please look at the sentences我今年12歲.amwasiswasThey _ in China today.他們今天在中國。They _ in Japan yesterday.他們昨天

2、在日本。areweream/ iswasarewere每天,早餐我吃雞蛋和牛奶。I _ eggs and milk for breakfast every morning.昨天,早餐我吃面條。I _ noodles for breakfast yesterday morning.他每天都吃水果。He _ fruit every day.昨天他吃了3個蘋果。He _ 3 apples yesterday.have/ hashadhavehashadhadI get up at 6:30 every morning.I _ up at 9:00 last Sunday.He plays footb

3、all every afternoon.He _ basketball yesterday afternoon.He does his homework every evening.He _ some reading last night.動詞原形、第三人稱單數(shù)動詞過去式gotplayeddidThey dont watch TV in the evening.They _ TV last night.She doesnt play basketball after school.She _ basketball after school yesterday.Do you go to scho

4、ol on foot every day?_ you _ to school on foot yesterday.Does he go to school by bus every day?_ he _to school by bus yesterday?dont/ doesntdo/ doesdidntdiddidnt watchdidnt playDidDidgogo謂語構(gòu)成1.動詞 be2.動詞 have, has3.助動詞do, does4.行為動詞用過去式was , werehaddid一般過去時以動詞的過去式來表示,沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化.(was,were除外)I went to s

5、chool yesterday.They went to school yesterday.一般過去時的謂語構(gòu)成:由動詞的過去式構(gòu)成規(guī)則變化1.一般加ed2.以e結(jié)尾加d3.末尾只有一個輔音字母的重讀閉音節(jié)詞,先雙寫這個輔音字母,再加ed .work workedchange changedprefer preferredstop stopped4.以輔音字母加y 結(jié)尾的詞,先改 y為 i,再加edstudy studied5.不規(guī)則變化.(見不規(guī)則動詞表P102)規(guī)則動詞過去式-ed的發(fā)音1.在以清輔音結(jié)尾的規(guī)則動詞后, -ed讀作/ t /work/w3:k/edt/2.在以濁輔音或原音結(jié)

6、尾的規(guī)則動詞后, -ed讀作/d /play/pleI / live/lIv /edd/edd/3.在以/t/或/d/結(jié)尾的規(guī)則動詞后, -ed讀作/Id / visit/vIzIt /edId/finished enjoyedshoutedmoved helped wantedcalled needed /t/d/Id/d/d/t/Id/Id/ 1 一般過去時的構(gòu)成 一般過去時是用動詞的過去式來表示。 His words fetched a laugh from all present. 他的話使在場的人都笑了。 I did not sleep well last night. 我昨晚沒睡好

7、。 Did you direct the tourist to the hotel? 你告訴這位游客去旅館的路了嗎?1.表示過去某個特定時間發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài) He suddenly fell ill yesterday. 昨天他突然生病了。 The engine stopped because the fuel was used up. 發(fā)動機因燃料用光而停機了。 注意: 在一般過去時的句子中,通常都要有表示過去的時間狀語。 用法【誤】I visited the Palace Museum.(在沒有上下文的情況下,應避免這樣說) 【正】I visited the Palace Museu

8、m last year. 去年我參觀過故宮博物院。 【正】I have visited the Palace Museum.2.表示過去經(jīng)?;蚍磸桶l(fā)生的動作和存在的狀態(tài),常與often,always等表示頻度的時間狀語連用:I often got up very early at that time. I wrote home once a week at college. 我上大學時每周給家里寫一封信。 He was already in the habit of reading widely in his boyhood. 他童年時就養(yǎng)成了廣泛閱讀的習慣。提示: 表示過去的習慣性動作,除了

9、用過去式外,還可以用used to或would來表示。 She used to study late into the night when she was in Senior Three. 她上高三時經(jīng)常學習到深夜。 He would sit for hours doing nothing. 過去他常常一坐幾個鐘頭什么事也不做。3.表示已故人所做的事情。Comrade Lei Feng did good deeds in his life. 雷鋒同志做了一生的好事。4. 表示過去連續(xù)所發(fā)生的一系列的動作,而這一系列的動作是從現(xiàn)在的角度來考慮的,不是從動作相互之間的關(guān)系這一角度來考慮的。Mis

10、s Liu got up at seven oclock this morning, dressed, had breakfast, and went to work.She entered the room, picked up a magazine and looked through it carefully. 她走進房間,拿起一本雜志,認真地翻閱了起來。 The students got up early in the morning, did morning exercises and then read English aloud in the open air. 學生們很早起床,

11、做早操,然后在室外朗讀英語。一般過去時的特殊用法: a. 在虛擬語氣中表示現(xiàn)在或?qū)頃r間的動作或狀態(tài) Its time we went. 是我們該走的時候了。 I wish I were twenty years younger. 但愿我年輕20歲。 I would rather you didnt do anything for the time being. 我寧愿你暫時先不要采取什么措施。 b. 在口語中,一般過去時往往顯示委婉客氣。 I wondered if you could give me a hand. 我想請你幫個忙。 Might I come and see you ton

12、ight? 我想今晚來看你,好嗎?1.與ago 連用:a momenttwo minutesthree hoursfive daysone weeksix monthsfour yearsago用于一般過去時的時間狀語lasttimenightweekmonthtermMondayyesterdaymorningafternooneveningthe day before yesterday 2.與last 連用3.與yesterday 連用:4.與one 連用:onemorningevening dayMonday afternoon5.與that 連用:thatmorningwinterd

13、ayyearjust nowin the old daysin those daysin 1980the other dayonce upon a time6.其他時間狀語:行為動詞一般過去時的否定式一般過去時的否定式是在動詞原形前加助動詞did not (didnt).主語+didnt+動詞原形I _ them the news.I _ (tell) them the news yesterday.didnt telltold行為動詞一般過去時的疑問式一般過去時的一般疑問式在句首加助動詞didDid+主語+動詞原形?They _(finish) their work at four.一般疑問

14、句:_ they _ their work at four?Yes, they _. No, they _.finishedDidfinishdiddidntT注意1.外加助動詞did后,動詞須返回原形。Did he went to school yesterday?Did he go to school yesterday?F2.簡略回答用助動詞did/didnt代替行為動詞。Did he find the boy yesterday?Yes, he did.No, he did not (didnt).行為動詞一般過去時的疑問式一般過去時的特殊疑問式疑問詞+did+主語+動詞原形?They

15、 finished their work at four.AB 對劃線部分提問A:B:What did they do at four?When did they finish their work?一般現(xiàn)在時和一般過去時的比較: 一般現(xiàn)在時要和現(xiàn)在時間相聯(lián)系,而一般過去時和說話的“現(xiàn)在”不相聯(lián)系。 His father is a film director. 他父親是電影導演。(他現(xiàn)在還是) His father was a film director. 他父親曾是電影導演。(他現(xiàn)在不是) How do you like the novel? 你覺得這部小說怎么樣?(還在看小說) How d

16、id you like the novel? 你覺得這部小說怎么樣?(已看完小說)1. look2. live3. stop 4. hope5. trip 6. call 7. eat 8. want 9. Say10.See11.put 12.read13.take14.buy 15. Sing16. Hear17. Make18. Find19.break20.Think21.fall 22.write寫出下列動詞的過去式1. look2. live3. stop 4. hope5. trip 6. call 7. eat 8. want 9. Say10.see 11. put12.re

17、ad13.take14.buy 15. Sing16. Hear17. Make18. Find19.break20.thinklookedlivedstoppedhopedtrippedatewantedsaidsawputreadtookcalledboughtsangheardmadefoundbrokethoughtThe answers:21.fall 22.writefellwroteExercises 1.I _ the number down on a piece of paper a moment ago. A. write B. writed C. wrote D. writing2. Everything _ ready before Father came. A. were B. was C. is D. are3.He always _me last term. A. helped B. helps C. helping D. help _ you _ (remember) to buy the oranges?2.Who _ (invent) the computer.3.We _ (go) to the cinema last night. The film _ (be) very good.4.What tim


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