A Visit to the Great Wall_第1頁
A Visit to the Great Wall_第2頁
A Visit to the Great Wall_第3頁
A Visit to the Great Wall_第4頁
A Visit to the Great Wall_第5頁
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1、石家莊市北新街小學(xué)楊義航制 作 月 歷冀教版小學(xué)信息技術(shù)四年級上冊Lesson12 A Visit to the Great Wall冀教版小學(xué)英語五年級下冊北新街小學(xué)段曉靜BeijingThe Great Wall( )( )( )Listen and order.(聽,排序)123Read quietly(默讀)Underline the answers. (用橫線畫出答案)And then discuss in groups.(小組討論) 1. In China, what do we call the Great Wall? 2.How old is the Great Wall? 3

2、. Underline an old saying(諺語) about the Great Wall. 4.How can we keep the Great Wall clean and beautiful? 5.Does Jenny like the Great Wall? How do you know it?In China, what do we call the Great Wall?Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall 萬 里 長城13000 里 Wow, it is so long!2.How old is the Great Wall?Underline an

3、 old saying(諺語) about theGreat Wall.“He who does not go to the Great Wall is not a true man.”不到長城非好漢“He who does not go to the Great Wall is not a true man.”How can we keep the Great Wall cleanand beautiful?Dont _.destroy (破壞)throw the things(扔?xùn)|西)move the bricks (挪動墻磚) hit (撞擊)In addition to what al

4、so dont take photos, dont leave nothing but footprints .除了照片什么也別帶走,除了腳印什么也別留下Does Jenny like the Great Wall?How do you know it?Mrs. Li, _, _ and _ are going to the _ by_.Wow, _!In China, we call the _“_.”The _is very _ and very _.The _.In China, people say “_.”No,_! Dont _!Lets _.Okay, Li Ming,_.Wha

5、t a _ to visit!We are _.Fill in the blanks.1.Mrs. Li, Jenny, Danny and Li Ming are going to the Great Wall _.2.The Great Wall is very _ and very _.3.Danny wants to _his name on the Great Wall. Li Ming stops him.4.The Great Wall is a very special place. Lets keep it _ and _.Word listclean long old beautiful write by busby buscleanwriteoldlongbeautifulYou can be the guide to introduce the Great Wall.你可以做導(dǎo)游來介紹長城。Look! Here is the Great Wall.Its very long and old.In china, _.People say “_.”Dont _._.Have a nice trip! (祝你旅途愉快!)


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