外研版八年級下冊英語 Module 5 測試_第1頁
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1、Module 5 測試(限時: 60分鐘, 100分)一、單項選擇(每小題1分, 共10分)1. What _ ugly animal! Nobody likes it. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. I want to _ a machine to help people cook. That sounds interesting. A. discover B. invent C. imagine D. move3. Mrs Lin told the children to clear up the _ after they finished the game. A. m

2、ess B. newsC. light D. information4. I look stupid with this haircut. All my classmates will _ me. A. laugh at B. agree withC. depend on D. worry about5. Jacks parents are too strict with him. He thinks its very difficult to _ them. A. find B. teach C. believe D. satisfy6. Bruce couldnt afford a new

3、 _ of the book, so he bought a secondhand one. A. pair B. copy C. set D. piece7. _ the bad man was leaving, the police came and caught him. A. If B. So C. As D. But8. He saved many peoples lives and became one of the citys _. A. pet B. pets C. hero D. heroes9. Cara, please _ the Browns to the meetin

4、g room. OK, Mr Wang. A. lead B. write C. look D. give10. Tony loves exciting things. He trekked _ the forests by himself last summer. A. cross B. across C. above D. through二、完形填空(每小題1. 5分, 共15分)The Monkey King plays tricksAlmost all Chinese have heard of the Monkey King. The character, the Monkey Ki

5、ng, _11 Journey to the West, a book written by Wu Chengen in the Ming Dynasty. The _12 tells what happens along the way when the Monkey King _13 Monk Tang to find Buddhist classics(佛經(jīng)). But it is the superhero, the Monkey King, _14 catches peoples attention. People love him because he is _15, and he

6、 is never afraid of anyone who is _16 powerful than him. He gets the golden cudgel(金箍棒) from the Dragon King. He brings _17 to the party held by the Queen of Heaven. He is never scared by monsters. People are also amused by his cleverness. He plays tricks(花招)on monsters by transforming(變形)into them.

7、 He even _18 jokes on the Buddha. The Monkey King has _19 thought of giving up. He meets all kinds of difficulties. He is even misunderstood by his master, _20 he always does his duty well. 11. A. gets out of B. are fromC. named D. comes from12. A. character B. letter C. book D. song13. A. asks B. d

8、escribesC. advises D. helps14. A. what B. where C. who D. which15. A. terrible B. friendly C. suitable D. brave16. A. a bit B. much C. more D. less17. A. happiness B. troubleC. jokes D. cheers18. A. plays B. sees C. takes D. has19. A. ever B. never C. still D. yet20. A. but B. or C. and D. so三、閱讀理解(

9、 每小題3分, 共15分)MOVIE GUIDE FRIDAYHarry Potter 14:0021:00Science FictionNow Harry Potter has been in the wizardry school for three years. He begins a new life. How is everything going? Mr. Bean 9:0018:00ComedyRowan Atkinson is a great actor. His movie Mr. Bean is coming. Its very funny. Dont miss it.Hi

10、 Mum 11:0016:00ComedyDo you like Jia Ling? She is both the actress and director of this movie. Its so interesting and moving. Come and have fun! The Monkey King17:0022:00CartoonIt is picked from Journey to the West. This movie describes a brave hero who is fearless to fight against all gods. . . . C

11、hildren, come and see it!21. What kind of movie is Mr. Bean?A. Comedy. B. Science fiction. C. A cartoon. D. An action movie. 22. _ is picked from Journey to the West. A. Harry Potter B. Mr. BeanC. Hi Mum D. The Monkey King23. After I finished my dinner at 7:30 on Friday evening, I could choose to en

12、joy _. A. The Monkey King or Mr. BeanB. Hi Mum or Harry Potter C. Harry Potter or The Monkey KingD. Hi Mum or Mr. Bean24. _ is the actress of Hi Mum. A. Rowan Atkinson B. Jia LingC. Harry Potter D. The Monkey King25. You can see Harry Potter at _A. 2:00 a. m. B. 4:00 a. m. C. 1:00 p. m. D. 9:00 p. m

13、. 四、詞匯運(yùn)用(每小題1. 5分, 共15分)A)根據(jù)首字母提示完成單詞26. Can I have a look at your p room?27. Dale found a s this morning. There were three books and a pencil box in it. 28. The sun rose higher and higher in the clear blue s . 29. Grandma believes that people will go to h after they die. 30. Is the car your o ? Yes

14、, I bought it last month. B)用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空31. Its time _ (get) on the plane. 32. Tom always expects _ (see) Jackie Chan. 33. He is a great scientist, and a brave _ (fight) as well. 34. She is always _ (clever) than her brother. 35. He wants to be an _ (art) because he likes drawing very much. 五、(榮德

15、原創(chuàng))短文填空( 每小題2分, 共20分)根據(jù)首字母提示完成短文。Im interested in watching c 36 movies a lot. My favourite cartoon character is Tintin who has lots of exciting e 37. Tintin has been popular for more than 90 years, ever since the artist Hergei 38 the character in 1929. Tintin is a reporter who has red hair and a sma

16、ll white dog. He looks very lovely and h 39. A 40 a reporter, he has fun in travelling all over the world and taking photos. He has t 41 to the jungles, the backstreets of Shanghai and many places of interest. To my surprise, he has even been to the surface of the moon. Tintin is not only c 42 but a

17、lso helpful. He is always ready to help those who are in trouble. Tintin has w 43 the heart e 44. In a word, Tintin is the most excellent cartoon character that Ive ever seen. In my opinion, we should learn from Tintin and we should understand that n 45 is difficult if we put the heart into it. 六、書面

18、表達(dá)(25分)功夫熊貓是一部很受歡迎的卡通電影。請你就里面的主人公熊貓阿寶(Po)進(jìn)行介紹, 需要包括以下幾個方面:1. 可愛而且勇敢; 2. 盡管被人認(rèn)為不適合學(xué)功夫, 仍然不放棄并取得了成功。_答案一、1. B2. B點(diǎn)撥:考查動詞辨析。discover“發(fā)現(xiàn)”; invent“發(fā)明”; imagine“想象”; move“移動”。結(jié)合第一句句意“我想發(fā)明一臺機(jī)器幫助人們做飯?!笨芍xB。3. A4. A點(diǎn)撥:句意為“我這個發(fā)型看上去很愚蠢。所有的同學(xué)都會嘲笑我的”。laugh at“嘲笑”; agree with“同意”; depend on“依靠”; worry about “擔(dān)心”。

19、根據(jù)句意可知選A。5. D點(diǎn)撥:用詞義辨析法。find“找到; 發(fā)現(xiàn)”; teach“教”; believe“相信”; satisfy“使?jié)M意”,結(jié)合語境可知選D。6. B點(diǎn)撥:a new copy of the book意為“一本新書”。7. C點(diǎn)撥:考查連詞。as意為“當(dāng)時”。8. D點(diǎn)撥:one of the 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),意為“中之一”。根據(jù)題意可知他成了這個城市的英雄之一。故選D。9. A10. D點(diǎn)撥:句意為“托尼喜歡刺激的事情。去年夏天他自己徒步穿過森林”。cross動詞,橫過; across介詞,穿過、橫穿,指從表面通過; above 介詞,超過,在上面; through 介詞

20、,指從中間穿過,trekked through the forests意為“叢林跋涉”,由此可知選D。二、11. D點(diǎn)撥:get out of“擺脫; 逃避”; be from“來自”; name“命名”; come from“來自”。句意為“猴王這個角色來自西游記,明朝吳承恩寫的一本書”。主語是第三人稱單數(shù),故選D。12. C點(diǎn)撥:character“人物,角色”; letter“信”; book“書”; song“歌曲”。聯(lián)系上文可知此處指的是西游記這本書。故選C。13. D點(diǎn)撥:ask“問”; describe“描寫”; advise“建議”; help“幫助”。句意為“書中講述了猴王幫

21、助唐僧取經(jīng)時一路上發(fā)生的事情”。故選D。14. C點(diǎn)撥:本句為強(qiáng)調(diào)句,強(qiáng)調(diào)的是人,故用who,因此選C。15. D點(diǎn)撥:terrible“糟糕的”; friendly“友好的”; suitable“合適的”; brave“勇敢的”。句意為“人們喜歡他,因?yàn)樗赂遥瑥牟缓ε氯魏稳恕?。故選D。16. C點(diǎn)撥:由句中than可知,此處應(yīng)填比較級,可排除A、B兩項。句意為“不害怕權(quán)力比他大的任何人”。故選C。17. B點(diǎn)撥:happiness“快樂”; trouble“麻煩”; joke“玩笑”; cheer“歡呼聲”。句意為“他給王母娘娘舉辦的宴會帶來麻煩”。故選B。18. A點(diǎn)撥:play jok

22、es on sb. 表示“開某人的玩笑”,故選A。19. B點(diǎn)撥:ever“曾經(jīng)”; never“從不”; still“仍然”; yet“還”。句意為“猴王從未想過放棄”。故選B。20. A點(diǎn)撥:but“但是”; or“或者; 否則”; and“并且,和”; so“因此”。句意為“他甚至被他的師父誤解,但他總是盡職盡責(zé)”。故選A。三、【篇章解讀】本文敘述了四部不同電影的相關(guān)信息。21. A點(diǎn)撥:由表格2中第2行Comedy可知,Mr. Bean是部喜劇片。故選A。22. D點(diǎn)撥:由表格4中第1句It is picked from Journey to the West. 可知,The Monk

23、ey King選自西游記。故選D。23. C點(diǎn)撥:由表格1中的21:00和表格4中的22:00可知,“I”7:30 p. m. 吃完晚飯后可以欣賞的電影只能是“Harry Potter ”和“The Monkey King”。故選C。24. B點(diǎn)撥:由表格3中第2句“She is both the actress and director of this movie. ”可知,賈玲是女演員。故選B。25. D點(diǎn)撥:由表格1中的14:0021:00可知,欣賞這部電影只能在這兩個時間。故選D。四、A)26. private27. schoolbag28. sky29. heaven30. ownB)31. to get32. to see33. fighter34. cleverer35. artist 五、36. cartoon37. experiences38. invented39. handsome40. As41. travelled42. clever43. won44. everywhere


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