



1、 高考備考英語復(fù)習(xí)專題(套題訓(xùn)練四)第二部分:完形填空+語法填空+改錯第一節(jié):完形填空I taught third grade that year. On the third day Of school, a fire alarm1 duri ng IUn Chtime. We had OnlyPraCtiCed 2 the CIaSSroom for a fire drill but hadn t yet known What to do When VheIWeeiSeOImeWthe Cafeteria (餐廳),so the kids Were 3.One of my StUdents

2、had epilepsy (癲癇癥);She Couldn t look at the flashing fire alarm for fear of a Sei發(fā)Ufe ), so She just 4 her eyes, PUt down her head and Cried loudly. I WaS Waiting to USe the restroom then. HaVing no time to 5 if there WaS a real fire, I left the restroom and made a dash for the Cafeteria. UPon arriv

3、i ng there, I 6 the Crying girl and PiCked her up. While 7 the kids, I asked them to leave in Order and followed them out of the Cafeteria. OnCe outside, I PUt the girl dow n and realized that SOmetime duri ng the 8 the girl had already StOPPed crying, and She expressed her 9 of my kind help. 10, no

4、 one got hurt in the PrOCeSs.Most kids 11 got to eat their food. They Were Pretty 12 about miss ing out On their good IUn Chtime after they knew this WaS JUSt a(n) 13 . That after noon, We had a“ SeC Ond IUnCh ” durintwhatoWaB a mathClass.Some teaChers and StUdents thought it WaS a CraZy day, and We

5、 needed to have a better 15 in PlaCe for man agi ng Un PrediCtabIe SitUati ons! BUt the OtherS thought it WaS 16 to have SUCh a PraCtiCe and We Could keep Calm 17 real Un expeCted SitUati OnS OCCur. My favorite Part WaS that SeVeraI of my StUde nts wrote about it in their 18_ . The title is“ The BeS

6、t Day At SChool Ever!” _LWfeSgIadnthhy end, but I hoped that SUCh _20would n ever happe n aga in!1. A. took outB. ShOWed UPC. We nt offD. Came back2. A. arrangingB. returni ngC. en teri ngD. Ieavi ng3. A. SCaredB. disappo in tedC. ashamedD. SUrPriSed4. A. Wide nedB.openedC. COVeredD. CaSt5. A. Won d

7、erB. admitC. PerSUadeD. Confirm6. A. blamedB. foundC. CUredD. quit7. A. Calmi ngB. drivi ngC. Con troll ingD. CIaSSify ing8. A. bus in essB. arran geme ntC. tripD. task9. A. fearB. appreCiati OnC. doubtD. i nterest10. A. Stra ngelyB. SadlyC. LUCkiIyD. HOPefUIly11. A. barelyB. fairlyC. exaCtlyD. quiC

8、kly12. A. tiredB. CaUtiOUSC. CareIeSSD. UPSet13. A. adve ntureB. imagi nati OnC. PraCtiCeD. Joke14. A. PrOVedB.SUPPOSedC. Con SideredD.Changed15. A. planB. exCuseC. ruleD. expla nati On16. A. illegalB. neCessaryC. ridiCuIousD. Com mon17. A. or elseB. now thatC. as ifD. in CaSe18. A. essayB. diaryC.b

9、ookD. note19. A. enjoyedB. rememberedC.knewD. SUrViVed20. A. disasterB. mis Un dersta ndingC. announ Ceme ntD. Chaos第二節(jié) : 語法填空When I was young, I liked swimming very much. Sometimes I challenged myself. One day, I wanted to challenge myself through(21)(swim) across a seato the coast of an island. Fo

10、r the sake of my( 22) (safe), myparents asked to accompany me on a boat and I agreed.When I was swimming in the sea, it became very( 23) (fog) and I couldn t see far. The water wcaosld and the wind was strong. I (24) (struggle) hard and decidednot to give up. ( 25) , at last I became exhausted and s

11、topped swimming. I asked my parents ( 26) (pull) me on to their boat. Having been pulled onto the boat, I was told that ( 27) I stopped was only aboutforty miles away from the coast. I would have made it if I( 28) (know) in advance. I gave up mainly becauseI couldn stee the coast. Many people gave u

12、p because they failed to see their goals on their way ( 29) reaching their goals. Always have your goals( 30) (clear) pictured in your mind. In this way, you are muchmore likely to reach your goals.21. 22. 23. 24. 25.26. 27. 28. 29. 30.完型答案: 1- 5:11-1 5:6-10:;16-20:第三節(jié):短文改錯One morning, when I was ha

13、ving breakfast with my four-year-old granddaughter Charlie, an old lady approaches us. She commented on how adorably my granddaughter looked, says that she had been watching our interaction as weate our breakfast. She was just teaching my granddaughter commontable manner before eating. The lady said

14、 my granddaughter would grow up to be very beautiful lady. I thanked her but she walked away. Later I told to my granddaughter that we should say“ thank you” for the nice things others say about us.That day still makes a last impression on me as well as my granddaughteruntil now. Sometimes a little

15、thingmake a great difference to people lives. s書面表達(dá)句型強(qiáng)化(十二)感謝信假設(shè)你是李華,現(xiàn)在你正在高考考場上,場下你的父母正殷切期待著你。中學(xué)生活即將結(jié)束,在這個 特殊時刻,請你按以下內(nèi)容要點(diǎn)給自己的父母寫一封感謝信。內(nèi)容要點(diǎn):1感謝父母多年來,特別是高三這一年來無微不至的關(guān)懷。2、自己近期學(xué)習(xí)一直十分刻苦,進(jìn)步不小。這次高考考試也都很順利,發(fā)揮出了自己的水平,希望父 母放心。3、高考之后一定多幫父母做些家務(wù),還要讓父母品嘗一下自己親手做的菜。 范文改編:句型練習(xí)Dear Pare nts,NOW I know clearly that you

16、 both are expect ing me an XiOuSIy.(在這個特殊的場合,我無法用言語表達(dá)我的心情,除了對你們的感謝。except), becausewords have failed me Whe n I Want to express my tha nks to you both for the IOVing Care you have show n for me, especially SinCe I Went to SeniOr Three.(這些天,我一直努力學(xué)習(xí)并且已經(jīng)取得離一些進(jìn)步。句型: have bee n doin g/make progress.And everythi ng has got along well With my college entrance exam in ati on. I have PerfOrmed my ability i


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