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1、四年級英語期中試卷帶答案解析考試范圍:xxx;考試時間:xxx 分鐘;出題人:xxx姓名:班級:考號: 題號得分一二三四五六總分注意事項:答題前填寫好自己的姓名、班級、考號等信息請將答案正確填寫在答題卡上評卷人得 分一、選擇題How many people are there in your family ?Three .I have three .選擇正確的選項補全單詞。( ) (1)h_ _eworkA. omB. mo( ) (2)r_ _dA. aeB. ea( )(3) w_tchA. aB. o( ) (4)b_dA. eB. o( ) (5)cl_ _nA. aeB. ea3.(

2、 ) Whatit?A.am B. is C. are4.Today is Saturday and tomorrow is AThursdayBSunday CTuesday5.-I haveapple. -Me too.A、anB、aC、some6.is the monkey? ( )Its over there.A.WhenB.Why C.Where7.A business man works in a (an) A. office buildingB.restaurantC. market Here is your present.( )A、Merry Christmas!B、Than

3、k you.The cup is not mine(我的)Its,I think ALucysBLucysCteachersDteachersI can walk to the post office. I walk to the library. A、also canB、can alsoC、also評卷人得 分二、判斷題閱讀短文,判斷句子正誤,用T 和 F 作答。This is my school .I usually go to school at seven thirty .I go to school from Monday to Friday .I have Chinese and

4、maths everyday .I like English and P.E .I haveP.E. on Tuesdays .You can see the playground at my school .I play football here after school.You can see a lot of flowers and trees at my school .Its very nice .I like my school.()1.I go to school at 6:30.()2.I have music on Tuesdays. ()3.I like Chinese

5、and maths.()4.I dont have a playground at my school. ()5.I like my school.圖片與文字寫正確,不符寫錯誤。The pencil box is under the desk.The cake is on the car.The sweater is on the floor.The plane is behind the chair.判斷下列單詞是否是可數(shù)名詞。(是的打“”,不是的打“”。)(20 分) ()(1)milk()(2)train()(3)peach()(4)water判斷下列各組單詞中畫線部分讀音是(T)否(F

6、)相同。( )1. traffic dress( )2. duckchicken ( )3. queenquiet( )4. drivetrain( )5. walking nose ( )6. dressdrink判斷對話與圖是否相符,對的寫正確,錯的寫錯誤。(1) Where is the park?Its next to the train station. (2) Where is the movie theatre?Its near the school. Where is the toilet?Its in front of the zoo. Where is the swimmi

7、ng pool?Its behind the supermarket. (5) Where is the zoo?Its near the movie theatre.評卷人得 分三、填空題按要求完成下列詞語。fall off(英譯漢)fall(過去式)bought(原形)摔倒,跌倒(漢譯英)讀下面短文,選擇正確單詞填空。Hi, Lily. Its 1to pack the clothes. This is my dress. These are your2. And 3are my shoes. Wait! Heres your4. Its sunny and 5outside. Put i

8、t on, please.Where are the socks? 看圖片,填出正確的單詞。Look at this p(圖畫),this is a Amys lroom(起居室). Her English book isn(附近) the lamp . The keys are on the t(桌子).The big s(沙發(fā)) is in front of the TV. Her room is very nice, isnt it? picture, living , near, table ,sofa根據(jù)圖表補全對話,每空詞數(shù)不限。A: Where is your classroom

9、, Wu Dong?B: Its on the second floor. Its next to the (1). A: Is the music room on the second floor, too?B: (2).A: (3)have a gym?B: Yes, we do. Its on the (4)floor. A: Where is the (5)?B: Its under the art room.評卷人得 分四、單詞拼寫My ms brother is my uncle.按要求填寫出下列單詞的復數(shù)形式。1. cat2. lion3.sheep 4. dog5. rabbi

10、t6. fox 23.根據(jù)句意及首字母填寫單詞。1.Can you cyour room?2.Wyour socks.3.Icream is ready!My ahurts!Im s, Mom.24.寫出下列單詞所缺失的字母:ir 或 er。1.glftsktbthday2. teach slipp wint silv 看圖寫單詞。1. 2. 3. 4.5. 評卷人得 分五、閱讀理解考考你的閱讀能力。Hi, my name is Jim. Im short, but I am strong. I like music. My eyes are small.I have a good frien

11、d. He is a boy. His name is Mike. He is tall, too. He has big eyes and ears, short brown hair. He has small nose and a big mouth. He likes sports. He also likes painting.Do you have a good friend?()1. Whats Jims friend name?A. JohnB. MikeC. Jim ()2. Jim is.A. tall and strongB. short and thinC. short

12、 and strong ()3. Mike hashair.A. long blackB. short brown hair C. short black hair ()4. Jim likes.A. paintingB. sportsC. music ()5. Mikes eyes are.A. bigB. smallC. black根據(jù)短文內容選擇正確答案,將序號填入括號內。I have a schoolbag. It is big and nice. It is new. There is a dog and two cats on the face of the schoolbag.

13、There is a pencil case, ten books in the schoolbag. They are all my good friends. I love my schoolbag.( ) 1. My schoolbag is.A. small and nice B. new ( ) 2. There isin the schoolbag.A. a dog and two catsB. a pencil case and ten books評卷人得 分六、書面表達看圖,寫出問題并回答。(20 分)參考答案1 .A【解析】略2 .(1)A (2)B (3)A (4)A (5

14、)B【解析】homework 家庭作業(yè)read讀watch 看bed床clean 打掃.B【解析】what is it?為固定問句。.B【解析】今天是星期六,所以明天是星期天。.A【解析】-我有一個蘋果。-我也是。a / an 放在單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前,an 后名詞的第一個發(fā)音應當是元音,注意不一定是元音字母,如an hour。some放在可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù)形式或不可數(shù)名詞前,如some apples, some water。apple 為單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞形式且首音為元音,故本題選A。.C【解析】AWhen 什么時候。BWhy 為什么。 CWhere 在哪里。根據(jù)題中答句句意“它在那邊”得出其問句是詢問“猴

15、子在哪兒”。故選C?!军c評】考察疑問代詞的用法。準確掌握疑問代詞的意思及用法,根據(jù)句意很容易得出答案。7 .【解析】略.B【解析】別人遞禮物給你,你應該說謝謝。所以答案選B?!军c評】注意 thank you 謝謝的使用場合。.A【解析】略.B【解析】句意:我能走路去郵局,我也能走路去圖書館。also:也。副詞。表示“也,而且,同樣”,通常放在肯定句中,放在情態(tài)動詞或者助動詞之后。故選B?!军c評】考查 also 的用法。11 .1.F 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T【解析】題干意思為“我在六點半去上學?!痹闹姓f:I usually go to school at seven thirty. 所

16、以為F題干意思為“我在周二有音樂課?!痹闹姓f:I have P.E. on Tuesdays.所以為 F。題干意思為“我喜歡語文和數(shù)學?!痹闹姓f:I like English and P.E.所以為 F。題干意思為“我們學校沒有操場?!痹闹姓f:You can see the playground at my school.所以為 F。題干意思為“我喜歡我的學校?!痹闹姓f: I like my school.所以為 T。12 .(1)1(2)0(3)1(4)0【解析】觀察圖片,結合已學過的方位介詞判斷正誤。觀察圖片。句意:鉛筆盒在椅子下面。根據(jù)圖片得知答案為正確。觀察圖片。句意:蛋糕在小

17、車上面。根據(jù)圖片得知答案為錯誤。觀察圖片。句意:毛巾在地板上。根據(jù)圖片得知答案為正確。觀察圖片。句意:飛機在椅子后面。根據(jù)圖片得知答案為錯誤?!军c評】考查介詞。13 .(1)(2)(3)(4)【解析】略14 .1. FTTFFT【解析】略15 .(1)0(2)1(3)1(4)0(5)0【解析】(1)park:公園。train station :火車站。next to:緊靠旁邊。句意:公園在火車站的旁邊。由圖可知此題錯誤。movie theatre:電影院。句意:電影院在學校的旁邊。由圖可知此題正確。in front of:在前面。zoo:動物園。句意:廁所在動物園的前面。由圖可知此題正確。sw

18、imming pool:游泳池,behind:后面。Supermarket:超級市場。句意:游泳池在超級市場的后面。由圖可知此題錯誤。near:在附近。句意:動物園在電影院的附近。由圖可知此題錯誤?!军c評】考查方位介詞。.(1)跌落 (2)fell (3)buy (4)C (5)fall down【解析】.1, time 2, pants, 3those, 4, hat, 5, hot【解析】略.They are on the table.【解析】特殊疑問句。句意:襪子在哪里?結合圖片可知襪子在餐桌上,故答案為They are on the table.(他們在餐桌上面。)【點評】考查一般生活對話.picture, living , near, table ,sofa【解析】略.1. teachers office 2. Yes, it is 3.Do you4. first 5. computer room【解析】首先要看懂表格,了解各功能室之間的位置關系,然后結合對話,分析所要補全的句子是問句還是答語,所填寫的內容是一個單詞還是多個單詞。.other【解析】理解并根據(jù)句子的意思補充單詞。根據(jù)首字母的提示,可猜出句意大概為:我媽媽的兄弟是我的舅舅。故可填答案為mot


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