外研版四年級下冊英語 期末專項突破卷之情景交際(二)_第1頁
外研版四年級下冊英語 期末專項突破卷之情景交際(二)_第2頁
外研版四年級下冊英語 期末專項突破卷之情景交際(二)_第3頁
外研版四年級下冊英語 期末專項突破卷之情景交際(二)_第4頁
外研版四年級下冊英語 期末專項突破卷之情景交際(二)_第5頁




1、情景交際(二)一、根據(jù)情景,給下列句子排序。(70 分)情景1:Hanhan 正在和來自英國的新朋友Tin 一起看一本關(guān)于北京的書。(20 分)Beijing is a big and beautiful city. Look! This is the Tiananmen Square. 1 Whats that, Hanhan?Wow, its very big. Its a book about Beijing. Yes, and its very famous. 情景 2:Lili 和Taotao 正在參觀一個科技館,里面有一個機器人展廳。(15 分)A. One day, robots

2、 can help us a lot. B. They will do the housework. C. Of course they will. D. What will they do?E. Oh, theyre tall. F. Will they play with our pets ( 寵物) ?G. Look at the robots!( G )( )( )( )( )( )( C )情景3:明天就是星期六了,Jim 和Lucy 在上學(xué)的路上正在談?wù)摷磳⒌絹淼囊安汀?15 分) A. Tomorrow we are going to have a picnic. B. No,I

3、 will take my football. C. Its a nice day today. D. Lets play together. E. Thats great! I like football. F. Will you take your kite tomorrow?G. Yes, its sunny and warm. H. OK!C F H情景4:Amy 正在和奶奶打電話,告訴奶奶她和家人昨天所做的事情。(20 分) Were you at home yesterday, Amy?Oh, you are a good girl. What did he do?Hello, G

4、randma!Hello, Amy!Yes, I was. I cooked dumplings yesterday. And I helped Mum. But Sam didnt help Mum. He played computer games. 二、選擇合適的選項補全對話,將序號寫在橫線上。(10 分)Ann: Look,Kate! I have got a nice photo. Kate: 1. _Ann: Its me. I was two then. Kate: You were so cute. Ann: 2. _Kate: Whos that beautiful woma

5、n?Ann: 3. _She was young. Kate: Yes, and her hair was long. Ann: 4. _Kate: There is a big house in the photo. 5. _Ann: No, its my aunts house. A. Is that your house?B. Her hair is short now. C. Whos that little girl?D. Shes my mother. E. But I was naughty too. 三、補全對話。(10 分)Jerry: We had a picnic yes

6、terday. Tan: Thats great. 1. _A. No,I took my football. B. You had a nice day. C. What did you do there?D. Where did you go?E. Did you go there by bus?Jerry: We went to a beautiful park. Tan: 2. _Jerry: Yes,we did. Tan: 3. _Jerry: We sang and danced. Tan: Did you take your kite?Jerry: 4. _Tan: Did y

7、ou take lots of food and drinks?Jerry: Of course. Tan: 5. _四、補全對話。(10 分)Candy: Good morning, Tommy!Tommy: Good morning, Candy!Candy: 1. _Tommy: No,I wont. Candy: 2. _Tommy: Because Ill visit my grandma withmy parents. 3. _Candy: Yes, she does. Tommy: 4. _Candy: No, she didnt. She lived with us last year. Tommy: Does she live with your uncle now?Candy: 5. _A. Why not?B. No,she lives with my grandpa. C. Did she live there last year?D. Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?E. Does she live in the village?情景交際(二)一、情景1: 3 5 6 2


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