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1、第 3 課時(shí)Unit1-Unit4(七下)PART ONE第一篇 教材梳理篇基礎(chǔ)自主梳理詞 類拓 展storiesbrushesteethbuseslivesvillagerdishescentralluckyunluckyluckilyunluckilysangsungsingerswamswumswimmerdancerdrewdrawnspokespokenspeakerspeechwrotewrittenwritertaughtteacherranrunrunningrunnertaught詞類拓展cleanerroderiddendrovedrivendriverleftleftfo

2、ughtfoughtworewornbrought;broughtrelaxingrelaxedfeltfeltfeelingkeptkeptkeeperlearnerfunnierfunniestquicklytruthquietlymoremostfarther/furthefarthest/furthest基礎(chǔ)自主梳理基礎(chǔ)自主梳理swimming clubart clubbus stopbus/train/subway stationplay chessspeak English/Chineseplay the guitar/pianotell a story/tell storiesp

3、lay the violinplay the drumsmake friendsget upgo to schoolget dressedbrush teethhave/eat breakfasttake a showerdo ones homeworkgo to bedtake a walkplay sportsride a bikee truelisten to musicdo the dishescook/make breakfastthink offollow the rulesmake ones bedtake the subwaygo outgo homego to workthi

4、nk aboutread a bookmake rulescross the riverbe good atbe good withlots of/a lot ofbe strict (with sb.)be good foron the weekend/on weekendsbetweenandafter schoolon school nights/daysby bike基礎(chǔ)自主梳理join the art clubAfter schoolplay basketballhalf an hourfrom toride a bikearrive late for class be on tim

5、elisten to musiclisten to it outsideplay basketball after schooldo my homeworkare sometimes strictmake rules to help useither watch TVputer games核心考點(diǎn)突破 shown.演出;節(jié)目 v.給看;展示【題1】 (1)My brother Tom an interest in outer space and dreamed of being an astronaut. A.showed B.played C.learned D.taught(2)He is

6、 just because the girl he likes is here. A.showing up B.showing off C.shown up D.shown off【題2】 根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子He promised to attend my graduation ceremony, but he didnt (出現(xiàn)). 【題3】 根據(jù)句意,用適當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空My uncle who lived in America showed me lots of beautiful places. 【題4】 同義句轉(zhuǎn)換Can you show me another pair of shoes

7、?ABshow uparound/roundCan you show another pair of shoes to me?核心考點(diǎn)突破【歸納拓展】1.show sb. sth. 與show sth. to sb. 同義,意為“把某物給某人看”。send, give, pass, offer也可用于這兩種結(jié)構(gòu)。注意:當(dāng)sth.是代詞時(shí),則只能用“show/send/give/pass sth. to sb.”結(jié)構(gòu)。Please show me your new pen.= Please show your new pen to me. 請讓我看一看你的新鋼筆吧。在本句中,如果用代詞it代替y

8、our new pen,只能使用如下句式:Please show it to me. 請讓我看看它。2.show用法小結(jié):核心考點(diǎn)突破 rememberv.記住;記起【題5】 (1)Jack remembered the door when leaving home. But when he came back, he found it open.A.locking B.to lock C.to locking D.lock(2)Im sorry, Miss Green.I left my math book at home.It doesnt matter. Please remember

9、it here tomorrow. A.taking B.to take C.bringing D.to bring(3)The TV in your room is still on.Oh, I forgot . A.turning it on B.turning it off C.to turn it off D.to turn it on【題6】 用括號中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空The child is crying. Please do something to make him stop . (cry)ADCcrying核心考點(diǎn)突破【歸納拓展】1.remember為動詞,意為“記住;記

10、起”,后常跟名詞或代詞等作賓語。其常用結(jié)構(gòu)為:2.與remember用法相似的動詞:用法小結(jié):這類動詞后跟to do 表示不定式所表示的行為還沒有發(fā)生,強(qiáng)調(diào)的是要發(fā)生;后跟doing表示v.-ing形式所表示的行為已經(jīng)發(fā)生過了。核心考點(diǎn)突破 join/join in/take part in/attend【題7】 用join, join in, take part in或attend的適當(dāng)形式填空(1)Why not an English club to practice your English?(2)I didnt want to their argument. (3)How many c

11、ountries the last Olympic Games?(4)The teacher will leave for Guangzhou to an important meeting tomorrow.joinjoin intook part inattend核心考點(diǎn)突破注意:表示“加入某人的活動”時(shí),可用join sb. in (doing) sth.。Im sure youll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage.我相信大家會與我一起共祝特德和勞拉喜結(jié)良緣?!驹~義辨析】詞條意義及用法join意為“參加

12、;加入”,指加入某個(gè)組織或團(tuán)體,并成為其中的一員join in 意為“參加”,指參加某項(xiàng)活動take part in意為“參加”,指參加某項(xiàng)活動并在其中起一定作用attend意為“參加;出席”,側(cè)重出席重要的場合,如會議、婚禮等核心考點(diǎn)突破 be good for/be good at/be good to/be good with【題8】 根據(jù)句意,用適當(dāng)?shù)慕樵~填空(1)The teacher is very good these naughty kids. (2)He was very good me when I was ill in hospital. (3)Eating as man

13、y vegetables as possible is good your health. (4)The young man is very good telling stories. So all the children like him so much. 【詞義辨析】詞條意義及用法be good for意為“對有好處”,其反義短語為be bad forbe good at意為“擅長”,其同義短語為do well in,at后接名詞、代詞或v.-ing形式be good to意為“對友好”,其同義短語為be kind/friendly tobe good with意為“善于應(yīng)付的;對有辦法

14、”,后常接表示人的名詞或代詞with/totoforat核心考點(diǎn)突破 wear/put on/dress/in【題9】 用 wear, put on, dress或in的適當(dāng)形式填空(1)The little boy likes to hats.(2)Hes too young to himself in the morning. (3)The sunlight is too strong; youd better your sunglasses when you go out. (4)Do you know the girl a red dress?【詞義辨析】詞條意義及用法wear表示“穿

15、、戴”的狀態(tài),也可指“留著胡須、頭發(fā)”put on表示“穿、戴”的動作dress表示“穿衣服”,常見搭配:dress oneself; be dressed in; get dressed; dress up (as)in “in+顏色/衣服”表示“穿、戴”的狀態(tài)input ondresswear核心考點(diǎn)突破 arrive/get/reach【題10】 用arrive (in), get (to)或reach的適當(dāng)形式填空(1)It was raining heavily when the Germans at the airport. (2)The Smiths will Changsha

16、tomorrow. (3)I usually to school in my fathers car. 注意:(1)三者在一定情況下可相互轉(zhuǎn)換。(2)當(dāng)它們后接地點(diǎn)副詞there, here或home等時(shí),副詞前不加任何介詞。When did you arrive/get/reach home?你何時(shí)到家的?【詞義辨析】詞條意義及用法arrive意為“到達(dá)”,arrive in+大地方;arrive at+小地方get意為“到達(dá)”,get to+地點(diǎn)reach意為“到達(dá)”,reach+地點(diǎn)arrivedreach/arrive in/get toget核心考點(diǎn)突破 How does Mary

17、get to school?瑪麗如何到校?She takes the subway.她坐地鐵?!绢}11】(1)Does your father go to work car or foot?A.by; on B.by; by C.on; by D.on; on(2)My son lives a little far from his office, so he always goes to work bus. A.on B.by C.with D.in【歸納拓展】AB核心考點(diǎn)突破 How long does it take you to get to school?你到學(xué)校要用多長時(shí)間?【題1

18、2】It takes me half an hour playing the piano every day. How about you?I usually spend 20 minutes it. A.practicing; on B.to practice; in C.to practice; on D.practicing; in【題13】同義句轉(zhuǎn)換My father spent about two hours fixing my bike in the yard. 【歸納拓展】“It takes (+ sb.)+ 時(shí)間段+to do sth.”意為“花費(fèi)(某人)多長時(shí)間做某事”,還可

19、用“sb. spend(s)+ 時(shí)間段 +on/(in) doing sth.”表示。It took Jim two hours to read the book. = Jim spent two hours (in) reading the book. 吉姆花了兩個(gè)小時(shí)讀那本書。CIt took my father about two hours to fix my bike in the yard.核心考點(diǎn)突破 For many students, it is easy to get to school.對許多學(xué)生來說,到校很容易?!绢}14】 Mario, your mobile phon

20、e is ringing. Wait a minute. Its dangerous for me it while crossing the street. A.answering B.to answerC.answer D.answeredB核心考點(diǎn)突破1.“Its+adj.(+for/of sb.)+to do sth.” 意為“做某事(對某人而言)是的”,it是形式主語,后面的動詞不定式短語為真正的主語。2.在該句型中,若形容詞是對動作進(jìn)行評價(jià)(如easy, important, necessary等),則其后用介詞for;若形容詞是用來描述人的性格或品質(zhì)的(如kind, friend

21、ly, clever等),則其后用介詞of。Its difficult for us to climb up the tree.對我們來說,爬上那棵樹是困難的。It was generous of you to give away so much money to the school. 你真大方,捐出這么多錢給這所學(xué)校。當(dāng)堂效果檢測.單項(xiàng)填空1.Lisa a white uniform. Lily is white, too.A.wears; inB.wears; wear C.in; in D.dresses; wearing2.The little girl is sitting her

22、 parents.A.between B.from C.among D.of3.Tom and Terry walked the forest, and got to another town at last.A.through B.across C.cross D.past4.I usually go to work bike, but today Im going to work a bus. A.by; by B.in; in C.by; on D.in; by 5.It takes ten minutes his homework.A.him; do B.his; to do C.his; do D.him; to doAAACD當(dāng)堂效果檢測.根據(jù)句意,用括號中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空6.Can you tell me the of the news? (true)7.Can you help me with ?(swim)8.Remember off the light when you leave the room. (turn)9.Be patient and keep working.As the saying goes: he laughs who laughs last.(well)10


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