



1、選修7 Module 1 BasketballGrammar(1)說課稿課題及教材簡介本課題是外研版高中英語順序選修7 Module 1 Basketball 中的 Grammar(1)部分,英語構(gòu)詞法中的轉(zhuǎn)化。本模塊主要內(nèi)容為籃球。其學習目的是:幫助學生熟悉籃球運動的起源、發(fā)展和現(xiàn)狀,了解優(yōu)秀籃球運動員的風采,認識籃球運動的規(guī)則,探索籃球運動的安全性,討論籃球運動在國內(nèi)的普及度,以及體會不同國家的籃球文化,從而激發(fā)學生更加熱愛籃球運動。語言知識目標1能識別所學詞語和結(jié)構(gòu)并聽懂他們所在句子和段落并獲取信息,能聽懂和辨別詞性轉(zhuǎn)換和加后綴的詞并獲取信息,能聽懂和辨別感情和情感的表達并獲取信息。2能


3、力。2交際策略:以籃球為主題進行對話,掌握準確的籃球術(shù)語,學習利用表達感情和情感的句子評論籃球運動員的風格,進行中外籃球文化的對比。文化意識掌握談?wù)摶@球運動和其他運動項目的一般技巧,對中外籃球運動員的風格進行對比,進而比較中外籃球文化。教學重點與難點1練習說的技能,提高分析、綜合和歸納能力。2掌握和利用詞性轉(zhuǎn)換。3復習以-ful,-less, -ic等后綴結(jié)尾的形容詞。4預測、查讀、評論、分析等各類閱讀策略教學方法理論依據(jù):高中新課程標準,整體語言教學理論具體方法:1任務(wù)行教學,以意義為中心,盡力調(diào)動各種語言和非語言資源,完成任務(wù)。2開展自主性學習的小組活動、合作探究與獨立思考相結(jié)合。Book

4、 7Module 1 Grammar 1 -Conversion 教案教學目標:英語構(gòu)詞法轉(zhuǎn)化及其應(yīng)用能熟練寫出包含所學詞語和結(jié)構(gòu)的句子、段落,能熟練寫出含有詞性轉(zhuǎn)換和后綴用法以及表示感情和情感功能的句子、段落教學難點轉(zhuǎn)化的意義及應(yīng)用教學方法探究式學習,自主學習,合作式學習理論依據(jù)高中新課程標準,整體語言教學理論CONVERSIONStep1 Read the sentences and answer the questions1Ask the students to read through the four sentences and think about the two questio

5、ns(1)Whats the difference in the way average and score are used in these sentences?(2) Does the meaning of the words change when they are used differently?2. Ask them to answer individually , then check with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the whole class.Answers:(1) In the first sentences “

6、averaged” is a verb describing what Chamberlain did, in the second sentence “average” is a noun telling us what we are talking about. In the third sentence “score” is a verb while in the fourth sentence “score” is a noun.(2) No, it doesnt.Step 2 Find some conversion forms in the test(Reading and voc

7、abulary)1. Ask the students to find the similar conversion forms in the test individually.2. Ask some students to read them out.Step 3. Rewrite the sentencesAsk the students to do the exercises individually, then get some students to read the sentences out with their partners cooperation. Get them t

8、o say the differences between them. And if they make some mistakes, the teacher correct them.Answers:1. win 2. a surprise 3. a changeStep 4. Decide which type of word is missing from the sentences (noun or verb) and complete the sentences with the words in the box.1. Read through the words in the bo

9、x with the whole class an d make sure that they understand them.2. Ask them to complete the activity individually, then check them with the class. And get them to tell the words noun or verb.Answers: 1. verb: dream 2. noun: result 3. noun: star 4. verb: worked 5. noun: questionsStep 5. Complete the

10、sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Use each word twice.1. Read through the words in the box with the whole class and make sure that they understand them.2. Ask them to complete the activity individually, then check them with the class. And get them to tell the words noun or ver

11、b.Answers: 1. broke 2. head 3. record 4. played 5. headed 6. recorded 7. play 8. breakStep 6. ExercisesDo the exercises in the workbook on page 91.Then give the students the correct answers.Step 7. Homework Read the passage in the papers, and find the conversion words.板書設(shè)計Module 1 Basketball Conversionnoun verb verbnoun 教后札記:課堂各個環(huán)節(jié)嚴格按新課程標準的指導思想而設(shè)計,使


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