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1、精銳教育學科教師輔導講義學員:1234567890 年級:初中 4 年級數(shù):3學員:輔導科目:英語學科教師:授課類型T (第一單元同步)C (使役動詞)T (完形填空)授課日期及時段15 年 11 月 11 日10:1012:10教學內(nèi)容一、知識結構二、典例精講relatedadj相關的athleten運動員centeryn世紀participatev參加,參與chionshipn錦標賽femaleadj女性的provincen省份disadvantagen不利條件,劣勢ev克服,戰(zhàn)勝attituden態(tài)度sucsfuladj成功的crossedadj交叉的你認識這名運動員嗎?你知道事跡嗎?d

2、espiteprep盡管,任憑trainv訓練nationaladj國家的goldadj金質的medaln獎牌producev生產(chǎn)southernadj南方的treasuren財富,寶物noten筆記,便條wheeln輪子I will keep my fingers crossed!我將為你祈禱!keep ones fingers crossed手指交叉crossed 意思時“交叉的,十字形的”,為形容詞。就是中指和食指交叉,呈“X”形,就像十字架的形狀,代表好運,上帝保佑你。According to a newspaper in England, more than 4 million pe

3、ople around the world play table tennis.根據(jù)一份英國報紙的報道,在全世界有超過四百萬人在大乒乓球。according to根據(jù)Despite this facts, the best table tennis athletes are not from England.盡管事實如此,現(xiàn)今最好的乒乓球運動員卻不是英國人。despite盡管despite 后面接名詞或者名詞詞組。People call her one of the best table tennis athletes ever. 人們認為她是至今最棒的乒乓球運動員之一。ever 可與比較級、

4、最高級連用,譯為 至今。However, this did not make her give up. 然而,這并沒有讓她放棄。make sb do sth讓某人做某事give up放棄后可接doing 形式,表示放棄某事物或放棄做某事。One year later, the national team changed their mind.一年后,國家隊改變了他們的想法。change ones mind改變某人的想法She was named one of the top ten athelets in China for six years straight.她連續(xù)六年被提名為中國十佳運動

5、員。top ten十佳,最杰出的十位Deng Yaping is only 1 meter 50 centimeters tall, but she never believed she was too short for anything.鄧亞萍身高只有 1.5 米,但他從不信有什么事是因為個子矮而做不到的。描述人的身高要用tall,而不用 high。三、鞏固訓練1:讓我們祈禱好運吧。Lets keep our fingers crossed2: 你可以按食譜做煎餅。You can make pancakes according to the recipe.3: 盡管困難重重,他還是按時完成

6、了工作。Despite the difficulties, he finished his work on time.4: 我認為她是至今最優(yōu)秀的女演員。I think she is the best actress ever.5: 永遠不要放棄夢想Never give up your dream.6: 他總是改變主意。He always changes his mind.7: 她的名字在 2011 年十佳女歌手名單里。Her name is in the list of top ten female singers of 2011.8: 他已經(jīng)連續(xù)三天沒睡覺了。Hes been withou

7、t sleep fpr three days straight.9: 那個男孩身高 150 厘米。The boy is 150centimeters tall.10: 他不得不讓我離開He had to make me leave.四、小結回顧批注 A1: 這一部分緊扣第二部分,可以用來聽寫學生單詞短語。這一單元我們學習了很多新的單詞,有哪些是需要我們重點記憶的呢?一、專題知識梳理就是用來表示動作或狀態(tài)的詞匯?;旧厦總€完整的句子都有一個動詞。通常在一個句子里會包批注 A2:生動形象,能夠與本節(jié)所講聯(lián)系起來,引含“主語”、謂語、賓語。動詞一般作為謂語。出下面的知識點。二、專題精講使役動詞使役動

8、詞是表示使、令、讓、幫、叫等意義的不完全及物動詞,主要有 leave.get.keep.make(使,令), let(讓), help(幫助), have(有;讓; 從事;允許;拿)等。使役動詞后接受詞,再接不定詞作受詞補語。接賓語時,人稱代詞用賓格。He made me(賓格) laugh.他使我發(fā)笑。I let the dog go.我讓小狗走開。I helped him repair the car.我?guī)退蘩砥嚒lease have her come here.請叫她到這里來。由上所述可以看出 me, the dog,him, her 分別是使役動詞的賓語,而不帶 to 的不定式

9、laugh, go,repair等是對賓語的補充說明,稱為補語,此種“ 賓語+補語”所以表達的寓意在邏輯上動詞 help 后的賓語補足語帶 to 或不帶 to 都可以諸位關系。三、專題過關1. The cry of the baby makes her(cry/crying).The cry of the baby makes her cry2. My teacher wanted me to clean the classroom. (用have 改寫)My teacher had me clean the classroom.3.Her mother asked her to clean

10、the room. (把asked 改為made,重寫本句)Her mother made her clean the room.4.(1) I practiced speaking English. (2) My mother had met. (合并成一句) My mother had me practipeaking English5.(1) Tom did the exercise after school. (2) Toms brother helped himt. (合并成一句)Toms brother helped him do the exercise after school

11、6.My brother asked me to study English. (將ask 改成make)My brother made me study English.7.My father wants me to go to the movies with Judy. (用let 改寫)My father lets me go to the movies with Judy.8.Mrs. Huang didnt want him to go to the movies. (用let 改寫)Mrs. Huang didnt let him go to the movies.9.(1) Mo

12、m clean the house and cooked dinner. (2) I helped Mom do these things. (用I helped 改寫)I helped Mom clean the house and cooked dinner10. (1) The boys are playinghe water. (2) Let the boys nott. (用 Let合并)Let the boys not playhe water.四、小結回顧使役動詞都有哪些?批注 A3: 首先介紹一下完形填空的特點以及做題方法,解題步驟。一、能力引入paper in the vil

13、lage, because no one could write.The doctor5 up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of the medicine onthe 6 of the house. “ Get this medicine for him.” he said, “and he will soon get 7 .”Marks family and friends did not know8 to do. They could not read the strange words. Then ayou

14、ng man9 an idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his carriage(馬車) and drove tothe nearest 10 . He bought the medicine there, and Mark was soon well again.()1.A. wake B.cry C moved D.die)2.A. lateB.later C.ago D.before)3A. The sick man B.Mark C.The doctor D.The farmer)4.A.andB.orC.then D

15、.also)5.A.picked B held C.made D.looked)6.A.wall)7.A.well)8.A.whenB.window C.ground D.doorB.worse C.bad D.goodB.whatC.where D.whick C.caught D.hadC hospital D.village)9A.thought B.hit)!0. A.shop B.farmDBCBADABDC生詞整理:批注 A4: 將完型中不認識的單詞整理出來,并清楚其詞義,并背誦。三、能力檢測根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷下列句子的正誤,正確的用“T”,錯誤的用“F”。(每小題 1 分,共 5

16、 分)A man has a cat. He likes her very much. At mealtime the cat sits at the table with him. The man eats with a knife and a fork, but the cat eats from her plate. Sometimes, when she finishes her dish, her master will give her a bit of his food. He shares his meal with her. One day the cat is not at the table at mealtime.“Ah! Where is my cat?” asks the man.His wife says, “Cant you eat without her?”So the meal begins without the cat. Before lunch is ov


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