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1、-. z.Questions:1If a driver drives too fast hell get a ticketWhat will happen to a Poet if he writes too fast?司機如果車開得太快就會被罰款,則詩人如果詩寫得太快,會怎么樣呢?2Why is an empty purse always the same?空錢包為什么總是老樣子?3Why do little birds in the nest agree with each other?巢里的小鳥為什么意見總是一致?Keys:1His poetic licence will be take

2、n away他的寫詩執(zhí)照就會被沒收。2Theres no change in it因為里面沒有零錢。3Because they would fall out if they didnt因為如果意見不合,它們就會摔出鳥巢。Notes:1poetic licence 詩的破格如不遵從語法規(guī)則等2change n零錢;變化3fall out 摔出去;爭吵Questions:1Why is an argument like a pen?為什么說論據(jù)就像一支鋼筆?2When will the wind improve its image?風什么時候能改良自己的形象?3Why is learning En

3、glish like a light gentle wind to a smart student?為什么對聰明的學(xué)生來說,學(xué)英語就像一陣微風?Keys:1No good Without a point沒有筆尖就沒有用處。2When it turns over a new leaf當它把一片剛落的葉子吹翻過來時。3Its a breeze to them因為對他們來說學(xué)英語輕而易舉。Questions:1What has four Wheels and flies?什么東西有四個輪子還會飛?2Whats even harder to catch if you run faster?什么東西你跑

4、得越快越難追上,3What time is it when a man is chased by ten dogs?什么時候十條狗追一個人?4How can you tell a clock is shy?你怎么知道時鐘害羞呢?Keys:1A garbage truck垃圾車。2Your breath你的呼吸。3Its ten after one是一點過十分。4It has its hands over its face.因為它用手遮著臉蛋。Notes:1what has four wheels and flies?另一種理解是:什么東西既有四個輪子又有許多蒼蠅?2catch ones bre

5、ath 恢復(fù)正常呼吸尤指劇烈運動后Questions:1Why does time fly?時間為何飛逝。2Why does an invisible man tend to go crazy?隱形人為何容易發(fā)瘋?3Where can a dog get another tail?狗去哪里可以再弄到一條尾巴?4What bow can never be tied?什么結(jié)不能打?Keys:1To get away from all those who are trying to kill it為的是甩掉所有要謀殺它的人。2Out of sight,out of mind看不見就變瘋了。3At a

6、 retail store在零售商店。4A rainbow彩虹。Questions:1Why do carpenters think theres no such thing as gold in this world?木匠為什么不相信世上有金子這種東西?2Why do you think doctors are mean?你為什么認為醫(yī)生很吝嗇?3What do you think of the Grand Canyon?你覺得大峽谷如何?Keys:1They never saw it因為他們從未鋸過金子。2Evenytime they treat me they make me pay f

7、or it.因為他們每次請我吃飯都讓我來付帳。3Just gorges.不過是峽谷罷了。Notes:1saw n鋸,也是see看見的過去式。英文中講seeing is believing眼見為實2treat v請客;治療,處理mean adj小氣,吝嗇3gorges 是 gorge峽谷的復(fù)數(shù)形式,音似 gorgeous adj宜人的,好的,美麗的Just gorgeous!太棒了!太美了!Questions:1How do you punctuate the following sentence?I saw a $ 100 bill on the ground你看到下面這個句子怎么給它加上標點

8、?我看見地上有一*巨元美鈔2How do you know a photographer is always progressive?你怎么知道攝影師總是在進步?3What roof never keeps out the wet?什么屋頂不擋雨?Keys:1Make a dash after it.后面加個破折號。2They are always developing他們總是在沖膠卷。3The roof of the mouth上顎。Notes:1make a dash after it 另一種理解是:沖上去拿呀punctuate v加標點2develop v開展;沖膠卷3roof n屋頂;

9、上顎Questions:1Does any child like going to school?有沒有小孩子喜歡上學(xué)?2Why is a peacock the best story-teller?為什么說孔雀最擅長講故事?3Why is a crazy person equal to two ordinary people?為什么說一個瘋子抵得上兩個正常人?Keys:1Every child likes going to school Most of them just hate staying there before going home每個孩子都喜歡去學(xué)校,大局部的孩子只不過不喜歡在

10、回家之前呆在那兒罷了。2Because it always has a beautiful tale因為它總是有一個美麗的故事。3Because he is a man beside himself因為他在自己的旁邊還有一個人。Notes:1go to School 有兩種理解:在學(xué)校讀書,上學(xué);去學(xué)校,上學(xué)校2tale n故事,音似tail尾巴。3beside oneself 真正的意思是:發(fā)狂,忘形。Questions:1What coat is always Wet When its put on?什么衣服穿上的時候總是濕乎乎的?2Why did the band have a smas

11、h hit in the performance?這支樂隊何以演出取得巨大成功?3Why is Sunday the strongest day in a week?為什么說星期日是一周里最強壯的一天?Keys:1A coat of paint一層油漆。2They had the audience glued to their seats他們請人把聽眾粘在椅子上了。3The rest of the days are weak days因為其余的日子都很弱小。Notes:1coat n衣服;涂層,一層漆2smash hit 很成功的新劇、電影等have someone glued to ones

12、 seat 真正的意思是:使*人喜歡得不忍離座,直到看完表演為止。3weak adj弱的,音似weekweekdays 指不包括星期日的那些天但是,目前流行的看法是:weekdays 指周一至周五,而weeQuestions:1Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?為什么養(yǎng)長頸鹿最不花錢?2Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?狗為什么害怕日光?。?Why are mules helpless in dancing?騾子為什么在跳舞方面一塌糊涂?4Why is the pig always eating?豬為什么沒完沒了地吃?Ke

13、ys:1They make a little food go a long wag因為它們脖子長,一點點食物都要走很長的路才能咽下去。2They dont want to be hot-dogs.因為它們不想成為熱狗。3They have two left legs因為它們有兩條左腿。4Hes making a hog of himself它想成為一只肉豬。Notes:1go a long way 維持很長一段時間3have two left legs跳舞等笨手笨腳4make a pig of oneself 像豬一樣吃得很多貶義hog n肉用肥豬Questions:1What kind of

14、 shoes are made of banana skins?什么鞋是用香蕉皮做的?2How do you like your school?你覺得你們學(xué)校怎么樣?3Why are politicians no longer concerned with snowball fights?政客們?yōu)槭裁床辉訇P(guān)注打雪仗了?Keys:1Slippers拖鞋。2Closed關(guān)閉。3The cold war is over冷戰(zhàn)完畢了。Notes:1slipper n拖鞋slip v滑,跌交2How do you like your school?有兩種理解:你覺得你們學(xué)校怎么樣?你希望你們學(xué)校是什么樣子

15、,3cold war 冷戰(zhàn)Questions:1Whats the most difficult train to catch?趕什么火車最不容易?2What trees do fortune tellers like to look at?算命先生喜歡看什么樹?3How do people feel after taking a ferryboat?乘渡船之后人們有什么感覺?Keys:1The 12:50 train, because its ten to one if you catch it是12點50分的火車,因為趕上它只有10比1的概率。2Palms棕櫚樹。3They feel ve

16、*ed, for the ferryboat made them cross他們覺得煩惱,是因為渡船使然。Notes:1ten to one 1點差10分;10比12palm n棕櫚樹;手掌fortune teller 算命先生,預(yù)言將來的人palmist n看手相者3cross v過去,渡過,穿過adj.暴躁的,易怒的Questions:1What can pierce ones ears without a hole?什么東西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔?2If you had 5 dollars and gave away one quarter,and another quarter,a

17、nd then still mother quarter, how much Would you have left?假設(shè)你有5 美元,拿走四分之一,再拿走四分之一,接著又拿走四分之一,你還剩多少錢?3What bird lifts heavy things?什么鳥可以舉起重物?Keys:1Noise.噪音。2$4.25還有4美元25美分。3A crane.鶴。Questions:1Whats the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?北極和南極的區(qū)別是什么?2What makes naughty boys long to

18、 work in a clock factory?淘氣的男孩子為什么盼望到鐘表廠工作?3What can I do to avoid falling hair?怎樣防止頭發(fā)脫落?Keys:1The whole world整個世界。2People make faces there.因為那兒人們做鬼臉。3Get out of the way where the hairs falling別站在頭發(fā)掉下來的地方就行了。Notes:1A world of difference 天壤之別2make faces 做鬼臉;做鐘面3avoid falling hair 有兩種理解:防止頭發(fā)脫落;避開從上面掉下來的頭發(fā)Questions:1What do girls find the easiest


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