



1、求職英文介紹信范文格式求職英文介紹信一A pril 13,20XXP . O . B ox 48P eking U ni versityP eking, C hina 100013D ear S ir/ M adam:I was referredto you by Mr. Z hang,a P artner withyour P eking office,who informed me thatthe S hanghaioffice of your company is actively seeking to hire aN etworkM aintenance E ngineer for y

2、our program.Y our position requires top university,B achelor orabove in C omputer S cience or equivalent field and proficie nt inW in dows 2000 and LINUX S ystem. I feelthat I am compete nt to meet the requireme nts.I will begraduating from G raduate S chool of P eking U niversitythis year with a M.

3、 S . degree. My studieshave includedcourses in computer control and management andI designeda control simulation system developed withM icrosoftVisual I nter D ev and SQL S erver.D uring my education, I have grasped the principals of1/ 4my major and skills of practice.N ot only haveI passed CET(6),

4、but more importa nt I can com muni catewith othersfreely in E nglish.M y ability to write and speakE nglishis out of question.T he enclosedresume outlines my credentials andaccomplishments ingreater detail. I wouldwelcomeanopportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.S incerely,Deng Y un求職英

5、文介紹信二XI M engD ec,10th 20XXon theD ear M iss LIN ,n searching for employment opportunitiesnter*, Ilearned ofa job vacancy in theS alesepresentativeof yourcompany. I believethatmyqualificationsmatch therequirements you havelistedforam very organized,enjoy working in GE ,the position.am a self-motivat

6、ed worker, andespecially trough the past threeintern experience in this pleasant workplace.W ith a sound educatio nal backgr ound dem on strated and aamsubmitting my resume and wishto apply forthe positionreferred above. I hold thebeliefthatwill makepositive contribution toGE .Y ou require I offerl

7、F resh graduate with degree preferredE aehelor in Eusiness with competitiveI n E usiness academic performaneel O utstandingleadership skillswithI nternshipkeen desire to be part of a professional firm,experience in differentgood reeord of extra-eurrieulumindustriesas well asassociationactivities lea

8、derl E xeellent analytieal skillsand teamS ueeeed inbringing order out of chaosS pirit and eooperate with team eolleaguesl E xeellent interpersonal skills, ableC oordinate widerangeto eommunieate with different peopleeross-departmentassoeiates with different baekground and opinionl Q uieklearner,ene

9、rgetie,willingto F amiliarizeanalytieal software inwork under pressure and tough two weeks and complete presentationenvironment within right agenda as a newcomerl F luent oral and writtenE nglish,CET ( passed, Micros W in dows 2000skilledPC operator P roficie ntU ser C ertificateT hank you for your


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