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1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? (SectionA2a2d) 陳國慧(拖布卡中學) QomolangmaQomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. It is 8,844.43 meters high.theYangtze Riverthe Yellow RivermeterpopulationAsia feel freetourn. 米;公尺n. 人口;人口數量n. 亞洲(可以)隨便(做某事)n.&v. 旅行;旅游Words reviewtouristwallamazinga

2、ncientprotectwideas far as I known. 旅行者;觀光者n. 墻adj. 令人大為驚奇的;令人驚喜的adj. 古代的;古老的v. 保護;防護adj. 寬的;寬闊的就我所知 New Words New Words Qomolangma珠穆朗瑪峰the Yangtze River長江the Yellow River黃河 the Ming Dynasty明朝 the Ming Great Wall明長城Listen and fill in the blanks and number the facts ._The Yangtze River is about _ kil

3、ometers long and the Yellow River is _ kilometers long._ China has the biggest population in the world. Its a lot bigger than the population of the US. _ China is over _ years old. It has a much longer history than the US. The US is not even _ years old._ China is almost as big as the US, and it is

4、the biggest country in Asia.2a&2bA: Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world?B: Yes, I did. Its much older than my country.2cPairworkMake conversations using the information in 2a.A: Did you know that China has the biggest population in the world?B: Yes, I did. Its a lot b

5、igger than the population of the US.Example 1:A: Did you know that China is the biggest country in Asia?B: Yes, I did. Its almost as big as the US.Example 2:A: Did you know that Yangtze River is (much )longer than the Yellow River?B: No, I didnt. How long is it?A: Its 6,300 kilometers long.B: Wow! T

6、hats very long!Example 3:A: Does China have the biggest population in the world?B: Yes, it does.Example 4:A: Is China the biggest country in Asia?B: Yes, it is. Example 5:A: Is the Yangtze River the Longest river in China?B: Yes, it is. How long is theYangze River ?A: Its 6,300 kilometers long.B: Wo

7、w! Thats very long!Example 6:親,還有更簡單的哦!1How high is Qomolangma?.2 How long is the Yellow River?.3Which country has the biggest population in the world?.4Whats the longest river in China/Asia?.5.How old is China ?.6.How old is the US?.the Great Wall 8,850(kilometers long)the Ming Great Wall讀2d回答下列問題1

8、What are they talking about?2How long is the wall? 3Why did the ancient emperors build the wall?4Which part is the most famous?Language points 1. Feel free to ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour. 在今天的長城游中,大家盡管問我任何問題,不要拘束。 feel free是英語口語中一個常用表達。若有人讓你feel free to do something,就是讓你無需拘束,只管按照自己的意愿去

9、做某事。e.g. A: Can I use your bathroom? 我可以用一下你的衛(wèi)生間嗎? B: Yes, feel free.可以,請隨意。Language points2. As far as I know, there are no man-made objects as big as far as I know意為“就我所知”,其他常用口語表達有as / so far as I can remember / I can tell / I can see等。 Practise根據我記得的,她過去住在芝加哥。 She lived in Chicago, as fa

10、r as I can far as也可表示“遠至” (在否定句中也可用 so far as)。 Practise我們坐火車到北京,然后轉乘公共汽車。 We will go by train as far as Beijing, and than take a bus. 我們不如其他人走得遠。 We didnt go as/so far as the others. 3. the Ming Great Wall 明長城“明長城”是指明朝時期為了防御北方游牧民族的騷擾,歷時一百多年在北部地區(qū) 修筑的軍事防御工程。這段長城東起遼寧虎山,西至甘肅嘉峪關,從東向西橫貫多個省、 直

11、轄市、自治區(qū),全長約8850千米,是現存歷代長城遺跡中最完整、最堅固的。Summary?(1)has the biggest population .(2)is the first/second/third longest river(3)much, even, a little,a lot, +形容詞比較級(4)Feel free to do sth.(5)as far as I know . . . .1. The p_ in our hometown is very large.2. We t_ by car every summer.3. We have to make plans t

12、o p _ the endangered animals.4. They came to a _ (寬闊的) river.5. Some _ (古老的) towns have walls around them.opulationourrotectwide根據提示完成句子。ancient1. good 2. comfortable 3. big 4. happy 5. cheap 6. many 7. difficult 8. littlebetter bestmore most bigger biggesthappier happiestcheaper cheapestmore mostmo

13、re most less least 1. Lily gets up _ (early) than Lucy. 2. Which goes _ (slowly), Tom or Jim? 3.This book is _ (interesting) than that one.earliermore slowly more interesting二 根據所給詞的適當形式填空 4. She works _ (careful) in her school. 5. Who goes to bed _ (late) Jim, Tom or Jack? 6. I think turkey is _ (d

14、elicious) of all. the most carefully latestthe most deliciousHomework Review the new words and expressions. 2. 發(fā)揮想象,連詞成文(50-100字)。square, meter, population, Asia, tour, tourist, wall, ancient, protect, wide, as far as I knowNothing gold can stay(美景易逝)Natures first green is gold,大自然的第一抹新綠是金,Her hardest hue to hold. 也是她最無力保留的顏色。Her early leafs a flower, 她初


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