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1、關(guān)于句子成分和結(jié)構(gòu) (3)第一張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月英語詞性的分類詞類又叫詞性,英語詞性共有十大類。 Parts of Speech第二張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1 名詞 noun n. student 學(xué)生 2 代詞 pronoun pron. you 你3 形容詞 adjective adj. happy 高興的 4 副詞 adverb adv. quickly 迅速地5 動(dòng)詞 verb v. cut 砍、割 6 數(shù)詞 numeral num. three 三7 冠詞 article art. a 一個(gè) 8 介詞 preposition prep. at

2、 在.9 連詞 conjunction conj. and 和 10 感嘆詞 interjection interj. oh 哦 實(shí)詞虛詞第三張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月英語句子成分取得英語語法成功的基石第四張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月句子是由詞按照一定的語法結(jié)構(gòu)組成的。組成句子的各個(gè)部分叫做句子成分。 句子成分:主謂賓表補(bǔ)定狀同位語第五張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 I met my best friend Tom at the station yesterday.主語謂語定語賓語同位語狀語第六張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月主語(subje

3、ct)句子說明的人或事物,主語一般位于_ 。Jane is good at playing the piano.She went out in a hurry.Four plus four is eight.To see is to believe.Smoking is bad for health.The young should respect the old.What he has said is true. (名詞) (代詞) (數(shù)詞)(不定式) (動(dòng)名詞) (名詞化的形容詞) (句子)句首第七張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月找出下列句中的主語并說出是有什么來充當(dāng)?shù)?.The

4、 sun rises in the east. 2.Seeing is believing. 3.To see is to believe. 4.What he needs is a book.5.It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree.(名詞) (動(dòng)名詞) (不定式) (句子) (It形式主語,主語從句是真正主語) 第八張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月當(dāng)不定式、動(dòng)名詞或從句在某個(gè)句子中作主語時(shí),為保持句子結(jié)構(gòu)前后平衡,避免頭重腳輕,因此常用it作形式主語置于句首,而將真正的主語放在句尾。此時(shí)i

5、t只起先行引導(dǎo)作用,本身無詞義。什么情況下用it作形式主語?第九張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 你能劃出下列句子的真正的主語嗎?你懂得翻譯下列句子嗎?1) It is wrong to tell a lie. ( ) 2) It is no use arguing about it. ( ) 3) It is uncertain who will come. ( ) 說謊是錯(cuò)誤的。爭(zhēng)吵是沒用的。誰要來還不確定。第十張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 謂語( predicate ) 說明主語的動(dòng)作、狀態(tài)和特征,用動(dòng)詞充當(dāng)(有時(shí)不止一個(gè)動(dòng)詞),主謂一般要靠在一起。簡(jiǎn)單謂語:由動(dòng)

6、詞或動(dòng)詞詞組組成I saw the flag on the top of the hill?He looked after two orphans.復(fù)合謂語 由情態(tài)動(dòng)詞或助動(dòng)詞+動(dòng)詞;He can speak English well.She doesnt seem to like dancing 第十一張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 選出下列句中的謂語 He looked up the word in the dictionary. A. looked B. looked up C. looked up the word D. in the dictionary He has c

7、aught a bad cold. A. has B. caught C.has caught D. a bad cold He practices running every morning. A. running B. practices running C. practices D. every morning第十二張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Show your passport, please. She didnt say anything. How many do you want? - I want two. They sent the injured to hosp

8、ital. They asked to see my passport. I enjoy working with you. Did you write down what he said? (名詞 )( 代詞)(數(shù)詞)(名詞化的形容詞)(三)賓語( object )動(dòng)作的對(duì)象或承受者,由n.或相當(dāng)于n.的詞擔(dān)任。置于_或_之后。(不定式)(動(dòng)名詞)(句子)及物動(dòng)詞介詞第十三張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 有些及物動(dòng)詞如give, tell, bring, buy等可以帶雙賓語,一個(gè)指人,一個(gè)指物。通常情況下,指物的叫直接賓語,指人的叫間接賓語。間接賓語多放在直接賓語之前。間接賓語

9、直接賓語please pass me the book.He bought his girlfriend some flowers.He gave me some books.第十四張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月賓語有三種動(dòng)賓 I bought a book.直接/間接賓語 She gave John a book介賓 They talk about a book.注意第十五張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 挑出下列句中的賓語 My brother hasnt done his homework. People all over the world speak Engli

10、sh.The teacher turned off the lights. Hell give us a talk. They didnt know who Father Christmas really is.第十六張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月(四)表語( predicative )在系動(dòng)詞后的部分就是表語The war was over.They seem to know the truth.Time is precious.Im not quite myself today.That remains a puzzle.I dont feel at ease. 第十七張,PP

11、T共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月系動(dòng)詞1.表狀態(tài)的 be (am, is, are)2.表感官的 sound, taste, feel,look, seem, appear3.表持續(xù)的 keep, remain, stay, stand You keep quite!5.表變化的 become, grow, come, go6.表終止的 prove, turn out 證實(shí)第十八張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月I found the book interesting.Do you smell something burning?He made himself known to th

12、em.She asked me to lend her a hand. (五)賓語補(bǔ)足語 (object complement) 補(bǔ)充說明賓語的情況 。由n. /adj. /介賓 /分詞 /不定式等擔(dān)任。與賓語一起構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語。常用的動(dòng)詞有:make, consider, cause, see, find, call, get, have, let等 第十九張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 (六)同位語 ( appositive) 位于名詞或代詞后面,解釋說明它們的性質(zhì)和情況,兩者的語法功能相同,后面是前面的同位語。We young people should respect the

13、 old.He himself will do the experiment.He is the oldest among them four.He told me the news that our team won the game.名詞代詞數(shù)詞從句第二十張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月(七)定語( attributive )He is a clever boy.His father works in a steel work.There are 54 students in our class.Do you known bettys sister?There is a slee

14、ping baby in bed.His spoken language is good.(形容詞)(名詞)(數(shù)詞)(名詞的所有格)(現(xiàn)在分詞)(過去分詞)對(duì)n. /pron.進(jìn)行修飾限定的成分,漢語中用的表示。( )( )( )( )( )( )第二十一張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月定語后置:如果定語是一個(gè)單詞時(shí),通常要前置。而由一個(gè)詞組或一個(gè)句子表示時(shí),通常后置。The girl in red is his sister.We have a lot of work to do.The girl standing under the tree is his daughter.Do

15、 you know the man who spoke just now?第二十二張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月用以修飾adj. /v. /adv.及全句的成分,狀語的位置靈活。I am very sorry.We often help him. When I grow up , I am going to be a teacher . (從句作時(shí)間狀語) (八)狀語( adverbial)第二十三張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月狀語的分類:狀語按照內(nèi)容可分為時(shí)間, 地點(diǎn), 原因, 目的, 結(jié)果, 條件, 讓步, 方式, 程度, 伴隨狀況等.表示時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、目的的狀語一般

16、位于句子兩頭,強(qiáng)調(diào)時(shí)放句首。第二十四張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月畫出下列句子的狀語 I will be back in a while.They are playing on the playground.He was late because he got up late.He got up so late that I missed the train.I waited to see you.He often went to school by bus.His parents died, leaving him an orphan.Please call me if it i

17、s necessary.This book is very interesting.He went to school in spite of his illness.第二十五張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 句子成分鞏固練習(xí) 第二十六張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月(一)指出下列句子劃線部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. What a beautiful Chi

18、nese painting!5. They went hunting together early in the morning.6. His job is to train swimmers.7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing.8. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.9. His wish is to become a scientist.10. Do you have anything else to say?第二十七張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 (二)分析下列各句中所包含的

19、句子成分第二十八張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1.Last week I went to the supermarket.Last week I went to the supermarket. 狀 主 謂 狀2.The play was very interesting.The play was very interesting. 主 系 狀 表3.I cant hear a word.I cant hear a word. 主 謂 賓4.They were talking loudly.They were talking loudly. 主 謂 狀第二十九張,PPT共五十九頁,

20、創(chuàng)作于2022年6月4.It was Sunday.It was Sunday. 主 系表5.I never get up early on Sundays.I never get up early on Sundays. 主狀 謂 狀狀6.I looked at the young man and the young woman angrily.I looked at the young man and the 主謂 賓 young woman angrily. 賓 狀第三十張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月7.I read a few lines,but I didnt under

21、stand a word.I read a few lines, but I didnt 主 謂定 賓 連 主 謂 understand a word. 謂 賓8.My holidays passed quickly,but I didnt send cards to my friends.My holidays passed quickly, but I 主 謂 狀 連 主 didnt send cards to my friends.謂 賓 賓第三十一張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月9.I got up early and bought thirty cards. I got u

22、p early and bought thirty cards.主 謂 狀連 謂 定賓10.He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.He is working for a big firm and he has 主 謂狀 連 主謂already visited a great number of different 狀 謂 定 定places in Australia.賓定第三十二張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月11.

23、He has just bought a car and has gone to Alice Springs,a small town in the centre of Australia.He has just bought a car and 主 謂 狀 謂 賓 連has gone to Alice Springs, a small town 謂狀同位語in the centre of Australia.定第三十三張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月12.He calls at every house in the street once a month and always as

24、ks for a meal and a glass of beer.He calls at every house in the street主 謂 賓定 once a month and always asks for狀連 狀謂a meal and a glass of beer. 賓第三十四張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月13.You will tell your friend that youve got to school. You will tell your friend 主 謂 定 間賓 that youve got to school. 直賓第三十五張,PPT共五十九

25、頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月nounadj. / adv.infinitiveV-ing V-edetc.主語謂語賓語賓語賓補(bǔ)表語賓語(間)賓語(直)Vt系動(dòng)詞ViNoun / PronounThe + adjV-ing / ClauseInfinitiveNoun / Pronoun / The + adjV-ing / Clause / Infinitive英語句子基本成分示意圖be / feel / seem / lookappear / stand / lie become /get / grow / turn go / come / remain/ keeptaste / smell e

26、tc. nounpronounadj. / adv.infinitiveV-ing / V-edclauseetc.第三十六張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月1. Things changed.2. Trees are green.3. We dont beat children.4. He gave his sister the piano.5. I found the book easy. 6. There lies a book on the desk.主 + 謂 主 + 系 + 表主 + 謂 + 賓主 + 謂 + 間接賓語 + 直接賓語 主+謂 + 賓 + 賓補(bǔ)There be

27、 句型簡(jiǎn)單句基本句型實(shí)例第三十七張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Nobody went.She became a doctor.The car caught fire.I will write you a long letter.I will let him go. Practice 主 + 謂主 + 系 + 表主 + 謂 + 賓主 + 謂 +間接賓語 +直接賓語主 + 謂 +賓 + 賓補(bǔ)第三十八張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月附屬成分基本成分的修飾語??梢允牵?定語:即用來修飾名詞的單詞、短語或從句 狀語:即用來修飾名詞或代詞以外的詞的單詞、短語或從句。定 語Poor J

28、ohn tottered toward a hospital nearbyShe likes oranges imported from the USA.John gave Mary many books,which are full of illustrationsHave you seen the book on the desk?The boy playing over there is my brother.People there like sports.第三十九張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月John often came to chat with meJohn like

29、s oranges very muchWhenever he gets drunk,John makes Mary very angryHearing the news, he jumped with joy.As he was ill, he didnt come to class yesterday.She is sitting at the desk, doing her homework.My father worked in this school ten years ago.Youd better stay here.狀 語第四十張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月按句子的結(jié)

30、構(gòu)分:1) 簡(jiǎn)單句2) 并列句3) 復(fù)合句句子類型第四十一張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月簡(jiǎn)單句只有一個(gè)主語(或并列主語)和一個(gè)謂語(或并列謂語)。(即只有一個(gè)主謂結(jié)構(gòu)),它是最小的句子單位。 e.g. He often reads English in the morning.Tom and Mike are American boys.She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers.第四十二張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月我們可以給名詞加上形容詞、介詞短語修飾,給句子的動(dòng)詞加上副詞修飾

31、或給句子加上狀語修飾等,以使整個(gè)句子的意思變得更豐富和充實(shí)。但不管如何變,都只有一個(gè)主謂結(jié)構(gòu)。He worked hard all his life. (劃線部分在句中作狀語,修飾動(dòng)詞worked)He is a school student in No. 1 Middle School. (劃線部分在句中作定語,修飾名詞student)第四十三張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月e.g. You help him and he helps you.The future is bright; the road is tortuous. 并列句句型:簡(jiǎn)單句+并列連詞+簡(jiǎn)單句 并列句是由兩個(gè)

32、或兩個(gè)以上的簡(jiǎn)單句連接而成。并列句中的各簡(jiǎn)單句意義同等重要,相互之間沒有從屬關(guān)系,是平行并列的關(guān)系。它們之間用連詞連結(jié)。第四十四張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月practiceThis is me and these are my friends. They must stay in water, or they will die. Its not cheap, but it is very good. It was late, so I went to bed. andorbut soHe knocked at the door; there was no answer.Youre

33、 alive! And shes dead.第四十五張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月就是含有兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上主謂結(jié)構(gòu)的句子。這種結(jié)構(gòu)中,必定有一個(gè)主謂結(jié)構(gòu)是句子的主句部分,而另一個(gè)主謂結(jié)構(gòu)則是句子的次要部分,即從句部分。句型主句+引導(dǎo)詞+從句;或引導(dǎo)詞+從句+主句復(fù)合句第四十六張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月句型主句+引導(dǎo)詞+從句;或引導(dǎo)詞+從句+主句The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall. 、 (when引導(dǎo)一個(gè)時(shí)間狀語從句)As is known to all

34、, China is getting more and more powerful. (as 引導(dǎo)一個(gè)定語從句)Where there is a will, there is a way. (Where引導(dǎo)一個(gè)地點(diǎn)狀語從句)第四十七張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月名詞性從句狀語從句定語從句主語從句表語從句賓語從句同位語從句復(fù)合句中的從句包括A plane is a machine that can fly.He said that he didnt like her.第四十八張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 My roommate was sleeping, we didn

35、t want to wake her up.請(qǐng)用所學(xué)知識(shí)改正下列病句My roommate was sleeping . We didnt want to wake her up.My roommate was sleeping, so we didnt want to wake her up.I went to bed because I was tired. I went to bed. Because I was tired.第四十九張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 China has hundreds of islands, and the largest of which

36、is Taiwan Island. China has hundreds of islands, the largest of them is Taiwan Island.China has hundreds of islands, and the largest of them is Taiwan Island China has hundreds of islands, the largest of which is Taiwan Island第五十張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Exercises 判斷句型1.Having finished his homework, the

37、boy went on to help his mother.2. What he says doesnt suit what he does. (簡(jiǎn)單句劃線部分在句中作狀語,修飾整個(gè)句子) (復(fù)合句包含兩個(gè)名詞性從句:What he says 是一個(gè)主語從句;what he does 是一個(gè)賓語從句)第五十一張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月3. We often study Chinese history on Friday afternoon.4. The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom.5. There is a chair

38、in this room, isnt there?簡(jiǎn)單句復(fù)合句簡(jiǎn)單句第五十二張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月6. He is in Class One and I am in Class Two.7. He was fond of drawing when he was yet a child.8. My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and come back home at seven in the evening.并列句 復(fù)合句 簡(jiǎn)單句第五十三張,PPT共五十九頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月9.


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
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